D.E1 Chapter 67: The Last Cry of the Evocanis

Story by GTHusky on SoFurry

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#43 of D.E1 (story part II)

Merciless fate... That ship had denied Husky and Anubis their right to survive. But as long as the memories of their brothers and sisters were alive in their hearts, their bodies wouldn't quit...

D.E1 an its characters are all a proud original creation and © of AJ Davies / Husky D / GTHusky

CHAPTER 67 The Last Cry of the Evocanis

Lost in a void... All the efforts seemed in vain once he had reached the edge between life and the transition that would take him to his new place in The Universe. His body might've stopped living, but his energy, his essence; those were eternal. He hoped just before his mortal mind would disconnect from his eternal energy that somehow he would be reborn as an Evocanis once more.


There was something wrong. His mind drifted in confusion. Where was he? How did he get there? What was going on?

Please don't die, brother!

His senses soon started to come together. The void dissipated as his memories of the events of that day had came back.

Husky! You're alive?

Slowly opening his eyes, he felt the numbness fade away. His legs, torso, arms; he could feel them once again. It didn't take long before his hearing came back to him. The silence was replaced by that horrid echo that instantly reminded him where he was at.

"Husky! You have to get up and find cover!" A familiar voice was what he heard in the distance. He wasn't sure of what was going on, even if his memories constantly reminded him of danger.

Finally moving around, he felt a disabling pain run across his entire body.

"Husky, there is no time!" He could here that voice again.

"Anubis..." He muttered instinctively.

It all made sense now. He remembered why he was there, although still unclear why Anubis was heard so far away.

"The machines, Husky! You have to hide!!" Again Anubis yelled at him desperately.

Husky was surrounded by a nest of twisted metal. Husky finally remembered the last thing that happened. But he was confused. Wasn't he supposed to be next to Anubis? Why did he lie at the bottom of that shaft, trapped between all that scrap metal?

"Keep going, Anubis..." Was the only thing that Husky instinctively said. He finally remembered. The fragile staircase that was their only means of reaching the hangar level had denied him the chance of escaping.

"Husky!" Anubis was crying of fury and desperation, knowing that there was no way he could reach his friend. He ignored how seriously injured Husky was, and how much time he had left. Not wanting to leave Husky behind, but also knowing there was no way he could reach him had taken a huge toll in Anubis' reasoning. Looking next to him, he remembered that Fx was in a really serious condition, yet now Husky could be worse than him.

"I am sorry, Husky..." Anubis cried defeated. So close, yet so far... Anubis extended his arm at Husky, even though they were at least fifteen meters away from each other. He only wanted to reach him and take both of his friends to safety. But Anubis knew that was no longer possible.

"It's okay, my friend..." Husky replied softly. He extended his arm at Anubis, showing a tender smile behind his bleeding muzzle. "You have to save Fx. I beg you. Take my brother to safety..."

These words broke Anubis. No matter how much he wanted to confront Husky by telling him that they would get out of that place, he knew it was no longer a possibility.

"Please, Anubis. You have to go..."

Anubis was broken. Certainly this experience would change him forever. The image of his agonizing friend saying the last goodbye would torment him for the rest of his life. Anubis knew there was still hope for Fx, and so, the most torturing decision was made. Standing up, Anubis felt an enormous weight on his back. It was the grief that his soul suffered at that moment. He knew that the moment he stood up, there would be no way back. That could be the last time he would ever see that tender husky Evocanis of loving eyes; his friend...

"Thank you, Anubis..." were the last words that Husky said to his friend.

"I promise I will come back for you, Husky. I will give my life and beyond so we can return to Canis Major. A few months from now, this will all been a terrible nightmare, and together we will comfort ourselves in the warmth of our home." Anubis said as he gently picked up Fx. Deep inside he knew that not only the chances of getting to Husky were slim, but what tormented him the most was the idea that when he returned, his friend would have passed away already.

The ship was in a very bad condition. Whatever had hit it had taken this old ship into terminal damage. The air was filled with smoke, tremors shook the ground and the heat from fires came from everywhere. If the atmosphere wasn't being lost already, the fires would do an efficient job on consuming the precious oxygen.

Anubis felt as if massive chains held him from continuing; he knew that he turned back to see Husky, these chains would grow stronger. But at that point he understood that he had the life of an Evo brother in his hand-paws. He knew that if he stayed there, Fx would die as well. But something happened before he could take that painful step away from Husky. Something told him to look back.

A loud bang that overpowered the constant rumble of the ship grabbed his attention. He knew what it was, and knowing this, he felt the torment of leaving Husky torturing him even further. Looking down, he saw it.

"Husky!" He yelled. It was useless. What could he do?

The door that still held a hoard of machines behind it was now bent almost halfway. The machines wouldn't give up. The idea of those machines finishing the job, and shredding his friend when he was most vulnerable was something that he wouldn't stand.

"I know that you are hurt, buddy. But you have to stand up and hide!" He ordered his friend, ignoring the injuries that probably crippled Husky at that moment.

"Not this way..." Anubis again cried. He knew the machines felt no remorse and that they would certainly be vicious enough to attack their opponent, even if he was completely in disadvantage. These were soulless monsters.

Husky had already noticed the door, and he looked at it with an immense fear in his eyes. But something happened that gave Anubis some hope. Husky started moving between that mass of bent metal that was now his cage. A glare from beneath Husky could be seen. It was his Lanthracit blade cutting thought the metal.

"That's it, Husky!" It was incredible how Husky had still strength to try and free himself. Anubis could do nothing more but to cheer him.

Against all odds, Husky managed to get half of his body free. Pieces and bits of his armor crumbled like shattered glass as he moved. But even if he managed to free himself, where would he go? Anubis soon realized this.

Husky wasn't free yet, and now he saw how the door was in its last moments before the machines brought it down. He could see the monsters behind it through a gap. They looked directly to his eyes. This gave Husky an extra edge; the pain went away and in one last struggle, he managed to free himself completely.

It was incredible. Husky was standing after that. His armor shattered, his body bleeding from everywhere. But the battle drive was still strong in him.

One last impact and the door finally fell...

"Husky!! No!!" Anubis yelled instinctively. Husky might've survived that fall, but he was in no condition to fight. He was almost killed by just one of those monsters, and now at least twenty of them rampaged inside the room from the only entrance.

"You have to get out of here, Anubis! Now!!" Husky yelled. He knew that every second Anubis spent in that place there was a chance that the machines would get to him.

Anubis didn't answer. What could he say? What could he do?

Husky was in the verge of collapse, but he never took his sight from the enemy. He readied his Lanthracit blade, even though he knew he had no chance. The machines might break his body that day, but they would never break his spirit.

"If this is how it ends, I have no fear anymore..." Husky said to his enemy. He closed his eyes, before taking a defensive stance. With a deep breath, he prepared for what could be his last battle.

But something happened. The machines spread around the room, but never went after Husky. After a few seconds, they stopped and they only stared at him. What was going on? What was their plan?

It didn't take long before a dark figure walked inside the room...

The other machines made space for it to walk in until it was face to face with Husky. That same monster that they had defeated was now standing a few meters away from him.

"What do you want from us?" Husky asked. He never let his defensive stance.

What happened next was something that no Evocanis would have expected from those irrational machines.

"Project Genesis..." With a ghastly and distorted voice, the human-like machine spoke in Nine-Zero-Five-one.

"You can speak?" Husky said. His voice was broken in fear and anger. "Why do you insist on hurting us? What have we done to you?!"

"Genesis is the target. Apocalypse has been given the task to terminate the ungodly abominations." The words of the machine were clear, but none made sense to Husky.

"Leave us alone!" Husky yelled. He backed up, studying the situation while avoiding tripping over the debris.

"Thy father has spoken... Thy father is inferior... Thy father is no more..." The machine said again, failing to make sense to Husky. "But Genesis is the key..." The machine whispered. "I need you!!!" Immediately, the machine screamed in a nerve shattering squeal that almost sounded like a ghastly lament; the cables in its head again wiggling, announcing that it would attack.

Before the machine could jump at Husky, a blinding ball of light hit the humanoid monster, forcing it to drop to the ground. "Husky, behind you!" far above, Anubis stood with his smoking E.M.P Pistol. For a second, Husky didn't understand, until he looked back. A small vent, half broken that lied hidden in the darkness. "Now, Husky! It's your only chance!"

Husky didn't think it twice. He sheathed his blade and ran to the vent. A quick yank and the grill detached. The vent was no more than half a meter wide and half of that of height. Husky jumped and slid into it. If his body was badly hurt, the adrenaline high caused by knowing that he could have another chance numbed the pain completely.

Anubis watched tormented with the idea of that vent not going anywhere, Husky getting stuck, or the machines going after him. Anubis was in the verge of a nervous collapse, when he suddenly noticed how the other machines started climbing through the walls of the shaft to reach him. He knew he couldn't stay.

Kneeling down to get hold of Fx who was still unconscious, Anubis took the hardest decision in his life. For the sake of Fx, he had to continue and hope that Husky was going to be okay.

"No matter what happens, I will find you, Husky. I promise!" Were the last words of Anubis as he ran with Fx in his arms. Every step he took, he felt that he might not see Husky again. Only time would tell if fate would have mercy upon the gentle furred creatures.

Anubis lost track of how far he ran. Going through more corridors and some open areas as the ship crumbled beneath his paws, he didn't know where to go. He could only trust that what Husky told him was correct and that he was on the right deck.

The further he got, he noticed how the ship changed. The ship already looked eroded, old and abandoned, but he was getting into a rougher looking area. For some reason, this area was familiar.

At the end of a dark corridor, he saw a large area. There were pillars and beams visible whenever a strong explosion occurred. As he got close to the area, a large tremor made him lose balance and he fell on his knees. Something inside him told him to move, and obeying that feeling, he did. If he had failed to follow his instinct, a huge metal beam would've fell on top of him, crushing him and Fx. He was saved by mere inches.

Anubis' arms started feeling numb. His back was starting to ache to the point of not letting him walk. But he knew he had to keep going. Going above the huge beam that had crushed part of that narrow corridor, Anubis finally made it out. At first, the sight was confusing, and all around him there was an incredibly strong wind. Debris, dust and other filth was dragged by the powerful gust of wind that engulfed the place with a powerful and deafening howl.

Looking at both sides, trying to protect Fx with his own head, he noticed that area being very similar to where they started. A quick examination and he confirmed that he was in an area close to the hangar; just where they got ambushed the first time.

"You're amazing Husky!" Anubis said when he realized that Husky's calculations were correct. He had appeared in an adjacent corridor, not far from where they started.

Looking around as he fought with the wind, he knew that he was getting close. That wind was probably a breach in the ship's main entrance. If he didn't do something quick, the oxygen in the area would be completely depleted and he could lose consciousness so quick that he wouldn't notice. Anubis took an oxygen nozzle and placed it in Fx's muzzle. As Anubis now painstakingly searched for another 02 nozzle, at the same time he held to Fx and fought with the wind that got progressively stronger, he finally saw them.

Their ships were just a couple of meters from him. He had made it...

Running directly to Husky's ship, Anubis now knew that Fx would make it; his biggest concern now finally placed to rest.

Tears of relief almost escaped Anubis' eyes when he finally leaned on the ship, placing Fx on the ground as he opened it.

Anubis started feeling drowsy. He finally reached his oxygen nozzle and quickly started breathing the precious gas. He couldn't stay there for too long. The vacuum was getting relentless. It wouldn't take much longer before the place lost its entire atmosphere. And if that happened, that would be his demise.

You're going home, Fx. Hang in there buddy. Anubis thought as he tried to activate the ship. The wind was increasing its strength. Soon, he realized that he had to make a huge effort to keep standing.

Come on! The ship wouldn't activate. It was completely dead. Anubis' ears started to feel strange. It was like if a force pulled on his eardrums. Pressure was decreasing.

Anubis quickly connected his ComPod to the ship and ran a diagnostic. The power source was completely dead. He had to replace it.

Warning. Atmospheric pressure near danger zone. Oxygen: 6% Anubis read in his ComPod. He quickly kneeled down on the ground and checked on Fx. He was semi-unconscious, but he was breathing through the nozzle. Judging by the conditions, he probably had just two or three minutes the most to get Fx to safety and for him to get out of that area. Judging by the situation, there was a slim chance to none that he would make it. Anubis didn't think of the awful danger he was in and continued.

Quickly opening a compartment next to the seat, he took out a power node with a fresh Blue Crystal.

The suction was now brutal. He could barely hold on to the ship and with horror, he saw how Fx suddenly got dragged on the ground. Anubis had no choice but to let go of the Node and get Fx.

As soon as Anubis got his body out of the ship, he felt an immense force that threw him to the ground.

No... Please! I am so close... Anubis thought when he finally realized how bad the situation was. Worst was the fact that Fx was being dragged at a faster rate than Anubis could hold on. In one last attempt to save his friend from being sucked by the vacuum into space, Anubis let himself go and used the same force of the suction to reach Fx.

Fx got caught in a metal beam, but before he got loose, Anubis managed to grab him by his leg. Fate was being cruel once more. Anubis had fought so hard to get there and now the ship's failure would make his efforts completely meaningless.

Finally getting a firm hold on Fx, Anubis turned to were the ship was. Fx and him got dragged further than he thought. Now he had to fight his way back to the ship, while he held on to Fx.

With one arm wrapped against Fx, he used the other to pull himself across the ground to reach the ship.

Anubis' eardrums felt like if they were going to pop. His eyes were also in pain, being sucked from their orbits by the vacuum. Seeing was difficult because of the distortion caused by it. Anubis wouldn't give up. He felt how his claws broke inside his gauntlets due to the immense pressure placed on them as he dragged Fx's weight plus his own against the powerful vacuum. But after what seemed like an eternity, he was finally next to the ship.

You will live today, Fx...

Something burned inside Anubis. It was the fight for survival, or some other strange force. It was that fury that Husky had experienced as well, and thanks to it, Anubis found strength in him like he had never felt before.

With one powerful heave, he managed to pull Fx into the ship with only one hand. He immediately crawled to reach the inside of the ship, and got hold of the spare Node. With the push of a mechanical button, another compartment opened, releasing a charred smoking Power Node. He quickly replaced it with the new one and closed the compartment.

Come on. Please...

Half of Anubis' body hung outside the single occupant fighter ship as he secured Fx. He then got his ComPod and tried to activate the ship.

Atmospheric pressure critical. Life support systems mandatory. His ComPod read. He didn't need to be reminded. His right eardrum was now burning in pain and he couldn't hear anything from it. A wet sensation had flooded his ear canal. He didn't care. His mind was focused on saving Fx. But he was close. Just one command and the ship would come to life, saving that of his brother Evocanis.

Merciless fate once again...

"No, No!" Anubis yelled in desperation.

S Series Status: System critical failure. His ComPod read, translating from the Retcan tongue in which the S Series systems were in.

"Please, it's my friend's only chance!" He yelled frustrated as he forced the ship's activation.

After almost ten tries, something happened. The ship emitted a vibration and its control panel finally lit up.

"Yes!" Anubis felt relieved. It would probably be late for him, but his brother Evo would live to see another day.

Mysterious force... What have Evocanis done to you?

As Anubis activated the pressurization process, something happened; something really bad. The panel lights flickered, shortly followed by a sharp detonation in the Power Nod receptacle.

Power supply failure. Please check S Series electrical systems. This was the last thing Anubis would want to hear. His heart burned by the feeling of despair. When would this end?

Quickly ejecting the Power Nod, he noticed the Blue Crystal was broken, and the Nod itself emitted a dense blue smoke. That ship was done for. There was nothing that could be done anymore. If the cruel fate wanted them dead that day, it was setting its authority very clear.

Anubis was blocked for a second. Should he continue trying? Or was it better just to wait for the inevitable? How painful would it be to die in the vacuum? Was it worth it more just to let himself fall into the cruel fate rather than suffering the slow and painful spitefulness of uncertainty?

Anubis held tight to the dead ship. He didn't know what to do anymore. He just looked at his friend Fx. He looked so peaceful, as if sleeping comfy in his bed. Anubis smiled at him; a tear rolling out of his eye.

"I guess this is it, buddy. I tried my best. I'm sorry, Fx."

Anubis leaned inside the ship, so his head rubbed against Fx's. If he would die that day, the warm contact between him and one of his Evocanis brother was everything he would want to remember before crossing to the other side.

The thunderous noise of the ship soon went to a complete silence. His senses didn't perceive death around him as that feeling was overpowered by the warm and soft fur of his Evocanis brother. The soothing scent of Fx made him feel the warmness of his race even around that cold chaos. His life might've been short, but every second he lived next to his race had proven to be worth more than a life time. Anubis was proud of being an Evocanis and proud to die defending his beautiful and uncorrupted society.

With eyes closed, waiting for his death, he suddenly felt a tender touch in his face. It was Fx's warm hand-paw caressing his muzzle. That was enough to make Anubis open his eyes and look at his brother Evocanis. Fx seamed unconscious, but tears rolled out of his eyes.

Something happened to Anubis at that moment. The anger and fury burned hotter than a thousand suns. Remembering the precious moments he had lived a long with his Evocanis brothers and sisters, he felt that the fight shouldn't end like that. He didn't deserved it, Fx didn't deserve it; his brothers and sisters didn't deserve it.

Standing up once again, he saw his ship just a few meters away from where he was. One of the exhaust ports was completely destroyed; but just maybe...

"We have too much to live for, Fx..." Anubis told his brother Evocanis, holding the hand-paw that caressed his face and placing it gently on his chest.

The powerful Great Dane-Doberman Evocanis showed strength in a way that any species not knowledgeable of the Evocanis' gentle nature would doubt of their peacefulness.

Against the powerful suction that was now more than what any would've handled, he crawled to his ship. Debris hit Anubis hard, shattering his armor after every impact. But the gentle Evocanis was now an unstoppable force of nature. It didn't matter to him if his body was shattered. As long as he breathed, he would reach his goal.

Beyond any expectation, Anubis had made it to his ship. It didn't take him a second to open the cockpit and to get in it. He wouldn't lose time trying to activate the ship. He went straight to the Power Node and ejected it. Immediately he replaced it with the spare one and activated the ship.

This was it. His life and Fx's depended on that ship starting.

Two tries... Nothing.

"Please... we don't deserve to die like this. Just one more chance... I beg of you ship."

Two more tries... Dead.

Anubis closed his eyes and thought again in what he was fighting for. It should not end that way.

Fifth try...

There was light...

Systems online.

Assessing damage to exhaust port #2


Damage: Terminal.

Diverting thrust from Exhaust Port #1 to central emergency ports


Diversion complete.

Emergency ports functional.

Stabilizers engaged.

Optimal thrust balance achieved.

A warmness engulfed Anubis' heart and soul as he read the status on his computer. His ship was alive... This gave Anubis the extra edge he needed. There was no more loosing time.

He activated the ship and flew close to Husky's ship. Engaging the gravity anchors, he reached to Fx from his cockpit and pulled him into his ship, quickly buckling him up.

"You will be saved, Fx. I am sorry if I may not make it. And I'm sorry if I might not be able to save your brother... I love you Fx. Please live, be happy and enjoy Canis Major and our Evocanis brothers for us." Anubis whispered to Fx. He tenderly licked Fx's muzzle and sealed the cockpit.

Outside the ship he could barely hold on into the ground, but he never desisted on his fight. He took his ComPod out and linked to his ship, giving it the coordinates he thought were optimal. The S Series was briefly engulfed by a blue glare, telling him that the shields were now engaged. The ship flew away to safety. Fx would hopefully live.

But Anubis' fight was still not over. He wouldn't let himself die in that place without first fighting. But what could he possibly do? The area was so large that it would be impossible to escape from the suction. And even if he did, he was only minutes away from the atmospheric pressure being depleted. Even if he had oxygen, Air Embolism caused by the vacuum distending his blood vessels would be a quick, certain and painful death.

There was nothing more than Anubis could do, but to crawl deeper into the ship. He could not let himself die just yet.

The euphoric feeling that seeing Fx fly to safety caused on him, made his body explode with strength. He crawled against the suction with such determination that for a second it seemed the young Evocanis would make it. But where to go? Anubis followed the same path he and Husky had taken the very first moment they entered that ship; that large corridor with just light coming out of the floor from what seemed like drainages.

Anubis never desisted, even if his body was starting to feel the effects of decompression. He would never stop.

Behind him he suddenly heard the loudest sound he had ever heard in his life. Even with one of his ears now deafened, he could hear the monstrous explosion. Walls and part of the hangar area were ripped apart and flew to the hangar gate, creating a mass of bent and torn metal, bigger than the exit itself.

Fate had been cruel to them so far, but it now had seemed that it was finally giving Anubis a chance.

The section of the ship had collapsed within itself, somehow sealing the hangar gate that just moments ago threatened to suck Anubis into space. It was not a full seal, but the suction ceased to a point were Anubis could finally stand up.

Anubis was not safe yet. Stumbling, the weakened Evocanis was still in danger. He moved as quick as he could towards the inner areas of the ship. Almost ten meters from him, he saw a blast curtain being lowered. At the other side, he could see the door he had entered with Husky when they escaped the ravaging darkens that pursued them. It was Anubis' last chance. He ran as fast as his weakened legs would permit him, finally reaching the blast curtain.

The heavy double door was locked from the other side...

He had no time left. The thick metallic curtain slid down tight against the wall, so either he stayed in the area that would be his certain death, or he got to the other side. He took his Lanthracit Two Handed blade and sliced were the two doors met. After feeling how the lock gave away he kicked it open just when the blast curtain was no more than thirty inches from the floor. Anubis slid down the gap into what could be his only opportunity of surviving.

The blast curtain hit the floor, instantly muting the thunderous noise at the other side.

Was Anubis finally safe?

Atmospheric pressure parameters: Acceptable.

Oxygen at 4%.

Pressurized Life support essential. He read in his ComPod.

Oxygen levels were extremely low and definitely not suitable for living, but Nitrogen was being pumped into the area, pressurizing it. Anubis could feel his body was starting to feel much better. His left ear clicked, clearing his hearing. Unfortunately, his other ear probably suffered from an eardrum rupture; but at least he was alive.

It took some time for Anubis to catch his breath. He held it for a few seconds and checked his oxygen nozzle.

'Fifty two percent' could be read in a very tiny display. He had to do something quick. His only option was to get deeper into the ship, were oxygen was probably more concentrated. His nozzle wouldn't last for more then twenty minutes.

He couldn't believe this dark and silent area felt so comfortable now. He remembered just an hour ago the terrifying feeling it gave Husky and him.

He just sat on the floor, still recovering his strength, as he stared down the long and very dark corridor. He would have to find his way across all the debris again, and that was an assiduous task he wasn't looking forward on going through again.

That area was so tight and gave a sense that it might've been cozy in the past. It reminded him of a working quarter. Somewhat similar to the working areas in Canis Major, were his brothers in charge of the ship's functions and resource management worked at. It reminded him how much he desired being in Canis Major at that moment. That thought gave him the little strength he needed. He shook his head, activated the light in his armor and got ready to continue.

But something happened before he got up. A strange noise next to him caught his attention. He couldn't see much in the dark, and he knew the ship was falling apart, but this noise made him look carefully at the pitch black darkness next to him.

Two red dots shined within the darkness... A buzzing sound came to life, making Anubis' fur at the back of his neck stand erect.

He lit with his gauntlet next to him were the noise came from and he saw himself face to face with the white mask of death...