Halloween Special 1: The Latex Nightmare Begins

Story by Lastdirewolf on SoFurry

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(Cross-posted from http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thelastdirewolf/ If you like this, or other stories I've posted, that is the MAIN website I post to)

So http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nightwolfferris/ and I were talking, one thing lead to another, and he stirred a fun idea into my head. Chapter 1 is a little brief, and I'm hoping to dole out more chapters quickly, but I've hardly scratched the surface.

I may write multiple versions, if time allows, but please enjoy Juliet's new shoes~

The rest of the chapters will likely be adult.

"Yeah yeah, I know. It's a week before Halloween and I haven't gotten my costume yet. I'm going out today to get it, it'll be ready in time - Don't worry." The five-foot, raven-black haired girl sighed into the phone. "It'll be unique, I promise. We're still doing the-" she was cut off, "-Yeah, I know. I -know-, it's not going to look store-bought or lame." She started to walk up and down the aisles of the Halloween store she was in, almost pacing because of the tone her friend was giving her. The store was nearly closing, and it was dark out, so she wanted to get home quickly "Okay, alright. I'll show you on Monday." Halloween had fallen on a Wednesday this year, so even Monday would leave her a bit short on time, but as her eyes gazed over all the costumes and accessories, she knew what she was going to go as. "Alright bye, see you Monday." It was Wednesday, the 24th, and her friends already had their costumes. There was no theme really, it just had to be sexy and not store bought. Pulling out a Catwoman-like costume from its bag, she could tell the material was cheap and her friends would be able to tell - Though she liked the idea, and put the bag back onto the peg. Walking out of the store, she hurriedly walked home so that she could look up some other stores, the one that she had walked to was another usual Halloween store that sold over-priced costumes mass-produced. It wasn't going to do.

Pulling out her phone and dialing up her close friend, "Hey, it's Juliet, what's up?" She had to get the formalities out of the way, but the conversation moved along as she neared her home. "So I had a costume idea in mind, but...I need to find a place that sells rubber sheets or something." Hearing the smirking tone of her friend, Juliet gave another soft sigh, "I know it's weird, but I want it to be perfect, so I gotta use real rubber or-" She gave an 'urk' as she stepped in something sticky, stalling her for a second, but it let up after she took a few steps. "-Ugh, sorry. I stepped in something-" Juliet looked down, and seemed perplexed. Her shoes were clean, and walking wasn't hindered anymore. "-Anyways." She continued on, sliding her key in the door to her first-floor apartment. Juliet tossed her keys onto her bed, along with her purse, and moved to her computer to jiggle the mouse awake. "-Yeah so, what was the place called?" Typing into her favoured search engine and repeating the name out loud, "Katie's Fabrics...Alright, found it. Thanks! Talk to you later Brittney." She hung up her phone and put it on the desk.

Browsing the store's website, Juliet found a list of materials they carried with pricing next to each spool. "Guh, it's the most expensive material they carry." Juliet groaned to nobody in particular, leaning back in her chair and stretching out. Her feet scraped along the ground in a strange way, and she rolled her chair back in confusion. Looking down, she was glad that she was sitting, because from just under her knee, and all the way down to her toes, was completely covered in 'fuck me' latex heels. They multiple belt-straps that were evenly spaced and went from nearly the top of the heels all the way down to her ankle. 'What the fuck?!' she screamed in her head, and immediately reached down to try unstrapping them, but it seemed the straps were merely for show, and upon further investigation of the delightfully shiny latex, she realized there were no laces either. Quickly rising up onto the heels, quite lucky that they were only three-inch high, she shuffled over to the kitchen and grabbed her scissors. Plopping onto her bed and putting her first leg up onto it, she leaned forward and held the twin blades out to her lower leg...but there was a problem. They were skin tight. She couldn't dig a finger-nail under the lip that rested just under her knee, let alone sharp scissors, and panic started to set in for Juliet. Not knowing who to call, how this happened, or even what to do next. It was past Midnight, thanks to having to walk home and a lengthy amount of time scouring the Fabric website, but she wasn't quite tired or out of options yet. Juliet took the scissors to the straps, seeing if she could cut them off, but the blades merely sank in and the material bounced right back without giving in - She hadn't dealt with latex before, as much as she had fantasized about it, but she was fairly certain if it was a fabric, that it had to have SOME way of being cut. So getting up again, she grabbed a lighter and her sharpest knife from the kitchen to repeat the same process. The lighter was hard to angle, but the thick rubber didn't seem bothered by the intense heat, and the knife was as easily deflected as the scissors - Not even allowing a single puncture. Juliet yanked, kicked, screamed, and ultimately surrendered to the impossibly durable heels - It was going on 1:30am and the building frustration had finally tired her out. The knee-high heels weren't uncomfortable, the one benefit of the soft and supple rubber, but she wouldn't be able to take her pants off or put new ones on, so sleeping was going to be a tad odd.

Finally, she gave up - Her kitchen counter top was covered in every available tool that could possibly cut, pierce, burn, or otherwise maim the material, and she had decided to put them away tomorrow, or maybe try again in the morning. Plugging her phone in, putting her computer to sleep, and shutting off all the lights, she put on her pajama top and dived under her covers. The pointed tips of the heels, along with the added weight and inability to bend her feet too well made getting comfortable a bit hard, but she rolled face-down and dealt with it. It was getting early in the morning, but luckily there was no class tomorrow, so she could sleep in and maybe dream of a way of getting the heels off...