Teardrops in a Storm

Story by Kiarean on SoFurry


Lightning crash and thunder clapped as the rain soaked through his trench, beads of water sliding off off his whiskers as he stared at the ground, a white and a red rose held loosely in one hand. He was numb right now, but he could tell that would be gone in a minute. Yelling echoed in his mind wordlessly as it had been for what seemed like eternity at this point. But it wasn't eternity, it couldn't be, eternity was what he was going to share with his Darill. Eternity wasn't this... this mockery that the world was throwing in his face. He wouldn't accept it.

"Why did you have to leave, huh? Why did you have to walk out that door, damn it! I asked you not to go, I almost begged you and I would have if you had lingered just a few more seconds. Why couldn't you wait those few more seconds so we could have worked it out. I know we could have worked it out!" The storm lit up the sky with a burst of light, but he was oblivious to it. "We swore we'd never let anything come between us, but aren't we letting something come between us now? It's all that other bastards fault, he caused all this. One night... one night and all of a sudden it's five years down the drain. I know you don't like me feeling like this, but I wish he was dead so much right."

He closed his eyes, missing the way his mate's body would just melt into him as he wrapped his arms around that slim waist, the smile that would curve those lips and the softly whispered 'Hey handsome.' that would leave his body singing as he returned that gentle smile. He missed the random things his mate would say, the way his eyes would light up as he examined some new little trinket he probably wouldn't even end up buying, or any one of a million small things that would touch his heart without his Darill even knowing it.

They joked, they played, they laugh, cried, made love, fought. He wasn't sure what to do without his mate anymore, who had become a permanent part of him. It felt like he would shatter into a million tiny peice no one would ever be able to put back together, and he but that was impossible because he had already broken they moment they had told him, he felt like nothing now that his mate had left him all alone in such a cruel world. "I'll do anything if you just come back, I'll admit you were right, I'll buy you every trinket you've ever looked at, take you anywhere you want to go or do anything you want to do just please don't leave me."

His mate was completely silent, as he knew he would be and who he also knew would never speak to him again, with that tender loving voice that made his heart feel like it was about burst. "Why? Why did this have to happen? Why did it have to end like this? It was never suppose to end."

He fell to his knees as the storm washed away the tears that had been falling for days, only stopping when he slept. He reached one drenched paw into the pocket and withdrew the velvet box that was in there. With shaking hand he opened it, the ring inside bearing none of the sparkle it had held when he had bought it the day before the fight, as if it could tell what had happened. He closed the box once more with a muted ‾snap‾ and set it on the ground, he didn't need it anymore it seemed.

He wanted to get upset, wanted to start destroying things and go kill the bastard who had made this happen, wanted to scream at how unfair this was, to beg any gods that would listen that Darill would come back to him and they'd make love more passionately than every. But he knew he'd lost Darill forever, and there was nothing he could do about it. He laid his head on the cold stone and closed his eyes, remaing there for long minutes.

"Come on, let's get you home and out of this storm." The abnormally quiet sound of his sister's voice came at last, her umbrella sheilding him from the rain. He sat back and laided the roses on the ground before brushing his paw longing against the headstone that marked where his love now lay. He stood up and closed his eyes, sure he'd break down if he had to look at it much longer.

He felt his sister's arm around his shoulder and put up no resistance as she led him to the car, heart aching for what had been taken from him a rush of drunken stupidity.