My best friend, My worst enemy, An inescapable future

Story by RenoSkunk on SoFurry

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I think I've gone off the deep end with this one, but I no longer know if this is all real, or if it's a big lie my mind is playing with, regardless it makes a good story in my opinion.

I dunno where this came from, but my delusional mind keeps pushing these thoughts into me, like it's reality. thought that letting them out might help, Dunno where this will lead, but enjoy the ride.


To say my life has been tough would be an understatement. I'm almost 22 and I'm as insane as...

well that's the problem, calling me insane would be an understatement. Defective, maybe too soft as well.

I think monster sums it all pretty nicely tho. Not human, not animal, not plant, not dead, not alive.

What am I?

The simplest way to explain would be to tell my life's story, but that's also the long way. Al tho under the circumstances I'm in,

I don't think I have much choice. I'll try to keep things as short as I can make it, but somethings have to be said.

I'm insane, Dead, Living, I have no soul, and no matter the amount of good I do my final resting place will be the same.

This whole mess started with an argument, a misunderstanding, and a disagreement.

Things that would cause countless dangers to come forth, countless evils to arise, and a very tortured soul to decide.

The misunderstanding?

my parents thinking that they were gonna have A child.

The disagreement?

Death not wanting his replacement.

The argument?

morals and duty.

Bet you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about, well it's rather simple.

My parents had an accident, If you can call it that, and had me, but along with me were 3 others.

Someone disagreed with our existence and sent Death to claim us 4, I dunno how, or why, but I made it out alive.

It took 7 years for Death to return to claim me, this time he succeeded.

It felt like an eternity, an eternity of pain and suffering, not for me tho, my nonexistent soul spared me from the horrors that I saw, like being a ghost.

I could see, and hear, all the suffering of those around me. I wandered, that being the only thing I could do, until I found HIM, the disagreement, and the

one who killed me, Death itself.

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but Death took care of explaining things rather quickly.

I was dead, but someone was trying to revive me, he said that it was all pointless, that I would die and spend the rest of my existence with him.

I was scared, but not having a soul can do things to people, like opening the way for a new soul to take refuge. For seven long years I was hiding

something without knowing. That something became my salvation, my damnation, and my best friend, the demon Samael, injured after a battle found a perfect host

in my soulless body, and now, in my hour of need he rose against death, forcing him into a deal he couldn't refuse.

Death needed a replacement, but the one appointed he didn't like, so the deal was simple, I would be trained to become death, and kill the replacement, if I failed

I'd be put in eternal damnation hearing the pain and suffering of others, being powerless to help. Death agreed, and so did Samael, once free from death's domain,

I was shown the truths of the riddle that is existence. I probably know more than I should and for that I should be dead, but then again I sorta am, anyway.

After a VERY long explanation from Samael, I was returned to life, but to the mind of a 7 year old... my 'purpose' all I had been taught about 'morals' and 'religion',

It was all shattered the moment I returned to life.

I had seen the truth, I had been given a goal, I was given a set of rules, and at 7 years of age, I was too terrified to comprehend. So I did what every child my age would do

I told my parents. 'BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE' would be an understatement. They thought me insane, thought I was possessed be the devil (close but no cigar), so they

took me to get exorcised. The exorcist tried all sorts of babble, trying to get the 'evil' to 'release my soul'. I don't remember if it was my words or Samael's but they came out of

my mouth towards the exorcist before all hell broke lose in that room.

"I have no soul." The guy tried harder. "Just stop, your efforts are useless." He went into a frenzy, taking me by the neck and chanting some gibberish I couldn't understand.

Suddenly two bony hands took him by the neck, the voice that followed I recognized all too well. "The righteous of this world are few. You who falsely accuse and who falsely preach, you'll

be the first of many, the new era of Death begins now" with that death crushed the man, to anyone that was looking the guy just dropped dead, but to others...

A scene of pure horror and despair, the smile on my face didn't help I think.

That little stunt cost me tho, 1 year to be exact, 1 year I spent in a 'coma' while Samael ran wild in my body. I dunno what he did during that year, but when I came to

I was 8 and a half, my fist were bloodied the room was thrashed, and a nun lay dead. It was terrifying, to not know, the explanation I received didn't make things better.

Apparently another exorcism was attempted, only this time Samael took matters into his own hands (or is that my hands?) and beat everyone around, thrashing the room in the

process and killing the one responsible. I was taken to court, but the Vatican (being the cowards they are) dropped everything, making it as if it never happened.

Why? Because being shown you're powerless against the forces you're trying to fight is not 'good for publicity' and also because if word got out that they failed twice to

'cleanse the soul of a tainted one' their visage of perfection would fall into despair.

And just like that I created 2 new enemies, the Vatican, and the secret organization known as SCP foundation.

with all the commotion that went down, I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that SOMEONE noticed. But it all happened so fast I didn't register it all until a few days after capture.

I was kidnapped from school, taken to a secret location where I was kept prisoner for months. I won't bore you with the details, but the experimenting and questioning got boring pretty fast.

During one of my escapades where I would run around the place trying to entertain myself and not be bored, I met IT. The being who quickly became my target, the first being I consciously decided

I would kill, SCP 682. The feeling I got from being near it, the imposing presence, even in it's injured state, left me speechless, paralyzed and scared. I was captured and returned to my cell.

That night I spoke with Samael, to confirm or deny my fears and suspicions, I HAD to talk to it, what better way to do so than by doing so telepathically?

That proved to be a mistake, one that haunts me to this day. By linking us telepathically I tried to talk to it, to try and reason with it, but I failed miserably.

Having failed to communicate with 682 I decided to leave, it took me a while to find my way back but I managed to make it back home without missing much of school, apparently everyone thought I went to

some far away school (pretty convenient if you ask me), seems those bastards that took me made it so everyone thought I was never coming back.

A few days later the error of my ways became VERY clear to me when 682 began to communicate with me, it seems like I had given it what it wanted, a way to know what the world was like on the outside, that way he'd

know the perfect time to strike. At that moment I vowed to fix my mistake, and forced Samael to begin my training at once.

It wasn't gonna be easy, that I knew, but to fix my mistakes, I was going to do everything and then some.