Fulfillment of an Unknown Kind

Story by Kuney on SoFurry

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Note from the Author - This is in no way related to the "Corrupting our X!" series and instead an idea that spawned from a scene I removed plot and story entirely.

Due to weird formatting issues, some text might be inconsistent.

Warning - This story involves a 17 year old Asian girl swallowing goo, feeding, minor/decent belly expansion, full body invasion, unbirthing, threading, corruption, emphasis on stomach sounds, and other general belly-based fetishes. Basically, it's about to get weird.

It was unknown who found the diary or how it found its way out into the public. No one is certain if it is true or false, however the names and addresses inside the diary are real. The locations written inside the diary are accurate and real as well. All investigations have came up with nothing. Many pages within the diary are gone, ripped out, or the ink on the pages faded into nothing.

All attempts at finding information or whereabouts have ended in failure.

The case is closed.


My parents thought it was a good idea for me to keep a diary, diary. So here I am, writing inside you now.

My name is Ayima Takamori. I am 17 years old and I live in not far outside Yokohama in the country of Japan. I'm currently attending private school and I consider myself to be a great student.

I have never been to a public school and I am a little jealous watching people my age being social and friendly with one another. My parents are quite wealthy and explained to me being in a private school will allow me to focus more on work and bettering myself than having friends. Little did they know I actually made a pretty decent friend while I've spent the last few days in college. We talk a little over lunch before going our separate ways. It's so fun to finally relate to someone! Me and Anya will be great friends diary. I just know it!

< several pages are gone between this point and the next >


I've never been a believer of a higher power, aliens, the "Great Beyond", or many things of a religious nature. I suppose I simply grew out of those things but now after seeing it for myself, I suppose I do believe in aliens at least.

For the last couple of days I've been feeding this odd gooey substance bits of water and food to see it slowly expand.

After almost completely submerging it in water it just exploded in size and cracked the glass cup I was keeping it in. I'm a little sad since it was one of my favorite cups as well.

I'm unsure where it came from and all research I've dedicated means the weird transparent blob of....something is either an alien, or an undocumented creature. As I write in you diary I'm watching it just bubble and wiggle inside the small goldfish bowl I found on the curb outside. It has shown to be docile and seems friendly in fact, wrapping a small tentacle around my finger if I ever draw it close enough. I even dared a taste my finger and found it to have no flavor, if any.

I'm taking a big risk keeping an alien in my own small home.


Weird news, diary. Apparently the alien goo thing can eat just about anything I give it. I've given it small items like an eraser, a 1¥ (1 yen) coin, and a rotten apple I found outside. I even tried an aluminum can which it just ate almost instantly!

I was very startled by this and found myself looking at my finger where it had touched me before. With no visible damage, I was honestly quite relieved, but I was still wary of it touching me.

The goldfish bowl that currently houses it is looking might cramped and a part of me feels somewhat guilty.

Does it need to eat? Does it need to drink? Does it talk?

Speaking of talking it has made no attempt to communicate with me, despite my best efforts to communicate. It can understand me from what I've seen, but I'm starting to doubt the thing in my own home is of this world at all.


The last two days have been very weird for me. The alien, whom I've dubbed Mango for its similar color, seems to more active than I thought it originally was. After feeding it the apple core from my lunch it seemed to just come to life. It engulfed my hand and sent me into a panic. I shook my whole arm with it still attached and threw it against the wall, shattering the goldfish bowl and removing my hand in the process.

I'm grateful neither myself or the alien was hurt in the process! I'm sure truth seekers everywhere would roll in their graves to know I killed the only known alien life form by smashing it against a wall!

While calming myself down I watched the orange mass consume all the glass chips on the floor without any form of hesitation.

I don't remember much after that, diary, but I do remember just falling to my hands and knees. How was I going to handle this alien if a simple touch just makes me crazy?

I asked if the alien would sit there while I went out shopping. A better part of me said I was a complete idiot and frankly in this situation I agreed. I found a cheap, larger aquarium for sale and the man was kind enough to deliver it to my front door and allow me to tag along in his truck. I turned down his offer to deliver it inside and said I was using it to plant flowers and see the roots grow and spread (which reminds me I need to finish my Botany paper after this).

After dragging it slowly inside and setting it up on a table I had cleared, I asked if the alien would get inside. I was honestly surprised to see it follow the simple request so now I have an alien inside a 20 gallon aquarium that set me back a few hundred yen. The alien looked almost like jello as it moved around with zero effort.

I also noticed it could consume things, and choose to not consume things.

I just realized as I write this that it could've eaten the aquarium it was currently inside.

Understandably, diary, I am wary of the alien and his intentions, even if he has shown no hostility towards me or harmed me in any way, but I feel safer sleeping with it in the living room and behind a closed door. Even if I know it could eat through it and get me.


I ate some of the alien! OMG!

I swear this is so strange! So I went outside for a brief moment after setting my cup down next to the aquarium on the table and came back inside. After taking a small drink did I notice the texture in my mouth felt very weird. What was left in my cup was orange. I never wanted to vomit so badly in my life.

Rushing into the bathroom I placed myself in front of the toilet ready to go if need be. This was the end I thought. It was going to eat me from the inside out and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I wept and waited for the end,. . . . which never came.

I waited almost half an hour until I decided I felt sane and safe enough to confront the alien. I yelled at it, calling it a horrible thing. I didn't care about the consequences or if it did try to kill me!

You don't just do that!

Normally diary, I am a calm person. But this whole....I don't even know how to describe it, upset me greatly! The alien itself didn't seem to react or care either!

What a bitch!

I left the house and rode on my bike, completely aware of the fact my own stomach was attempting to digest the alien. After riding around the neighborhood I came back and just did nothing. I laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling, falling asleep in the process.

And here I am diary, writing in you now.

As odd as it was, eating an alien, there was no taste at all! And so far I haven't died or showed any symptoms of sickness. Right now I can feel the portion of the alien I ate moving around inside my stomach making all kinds of weird noises.

I hope I live to see tomorrow.


I'm writing in you early diary because I can hardly sleep, hearing the sounds my stomach and the bit of alien in my battling it out it seems. It felt so weird watching my stomach making weird lumps and weird sounds throughout the night. I decided to write into you again, detailing this whole experience as it happens. If I am to die, I just want others to know how it happened and how I feel during the whole experience.

So far I show no symptoms still and I'm fully aware of my surroundings. Outside of feeling full from eating a meal, there's nothing really to report.

2am - Nothing has changed. Stomach seems to have calmed down.

3am - Nothing. Drank a glass of water. Still nothing.

4am - Nothing. Going back to bed.

<the entry continues on the next page>

I'm so glad it's a weekend.

After the whole alien bit I apologized to it. There was no reaction or anything, unsurprisingly and I even fed it a cardboard box full of newspapers I found on the curb outside. It was fascinating to see all the paper just eaten away into nothing and I'm almost considering keeping a separate notebook to report my findings.

Its mass is almost to the top of the 20 gallon aquarium and frankly I'm afraid of feeding it anymore. I have noticed it doesn't seem to get thirsty, or need to eat and instead consumes mass just to grow.

I sat in my living room for the longest time watching TV when I noticed that I hadn't eaten breakfast that day, or lunch either. In fact I felt full still. I recall putting my hand to my stomach, still feeling it churn under my stomach.

I've closed all blinds and locked all the windows in my house and made double sure to keep my door locked at all times. The last thing I need is guys wearing all black to come take me away.

I went for a bike ride again and found Anya eating at a Noodle stand. We both talked for a bit and I came back some time later to find myself still feeling full and surprisingly, not tired one bit. In fact all day I've felt like I could run a marathon and still have enough energy for another.

Also diary I've decided to dub Mango a 'he', rather than 'it'. I'm unsure if it's simply out of respect for another species, or if I'd simply prefer identify it easier.


I've not eaten since last week and today I finally felt hungry for the first time. The feeling of hunger now just feels so foreign to me.

I also haven't gone number two for a while either.

Today I'm deciding whether or not I should eat some more of the alien. During the whole process I never felt sick, tired, or hungry. In fact I felt fairly well and I've even considered exercising which to me is a bit surprising!

The pros are outweighing the cons, diary, and a part of me is scared that this will only come to bite me back when I least expect it. School is also picking up now and the holidays are three months off. Busy busy busy.


I couldn't sleep and got out of bed. The time is now 2:16am. The alien inside the aquarium didn't really seem to react to me. My heart was pounding in my chest as I put my hand out and onto the top of the aquarium where it was. A few tentacles wrapped gently around my fingers and I pushed my hand into the mass. It felt almost like jello, only a bit more thick and pulsating.

I wiggled my fingers inside his mass and he honestly seemed to like it when I did that. I almost had the urge, even despite my heart still pounding, to pet it like a dog.

Heh heh.

What came next was reckless science on my part. I put both hands into the aquarium and just scooped some of the alien into my mouth and swallowed it all. After a few mouthfuls I couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement course through me, diary. What was odd was the alien didn't even seem to react or care that I had eaten it! I found this very strange. As I stated before, there was no taste, but I did feel somewhat full even though I had far more than the small cup I had a few days ago.

I ate two more handfuls and now I am recording all my findings into you now diary. Right now my stomach is just poking out, full and gurgling.

2am - Ate a few handfuls of Mango. No changes outside of digestion.

3am - Sounds of digestion have stopped. Stomach is still poked out. No longer feel tired.

4am - Nothing. Cupped stomach and sloshed it around a little to agitate it. Churning and sounds resumed.

6am - Nothing. Drank a glass of water and still nothing.

9am - Got ready for school and left.

Before I leave for school I just realized my school uniform won't fit me as easily. My belly pokes out above my skirt and I have to leave two buttons undone. I hope no one notices.

<green ink changes to blue>

I did have a few comments during school and my gym teacher even commented on my stomach. My theory on the goo giving me near infinite stamina seems to be true. After running track and field I had zero sweat on me while everyone around me was panting and exhausted.

Home has been quiet, if interesting, with the alien around.


My stomach has considerably shrank in size yet I still feel somewhat full, not hungry, just full. I took to being lazy today and even went so far as to pet Mango again.

I've realized a couple of things involving Mango

1) After I ate some of him yesterday I can tell that he has gotten a little smaller. The top of him no longer almost reaches the aquarium.

2) I could, in theory, feed him trash and consume him to save on food, as disgusting and revolting as it sounds.

3) I haven't used the bathroom in almost two weeks.

4) <scribbled out>

All these things open up windows of opportunity for me and frankly I kind of like it.

<odd scribbles seem to decorate the rest of the page>

I no longer feel the urge to sleep so I have taken it upon myself to learn more about Mango. I've managed to get some steel and various other metals and hard things to feed to Mango when he gets smaller and I hope to see what he can digest with ease soon.

Another thing I've noticed is I appear to have a fetish for Mango, or rather, the doors he has opened for me. I find it excitable he can fill me up and be with me as I go about my daily life.

Diary, I think I'm turned on by an alien and I'm not even disgusted by it. Mango, he . . <ink has been scribbled all over the last bit of the page>


My stomach is back to normal and I can wear my uniform again without any issue. I felt a little exhausted today after gym yesterday which means the goo inside me has been digested probably.

Me and Mango had a bit of bonding time. I took a barstool and got cozy, looking over the aquarium. The oddest thing is, Mango seemed to know what my intention was. He stuck out a small tentacle for me which I slurped up into my mouth. What came next surprised me. The tentacle seemed to just grow in my mouth as Mango just allowed himself to be pooled into my mouth. The room was deathly quiet outside of me gulping audibly and hearing my stomach churning again. Those moments were a blur to me and all I can remember after that was just getting up and laying down onto the bed on my side watching my stomach gurgle and churn very loudly.

For some reason I felt an urge to slap my stomach. I swear slapping my own stomach produced the sound of someone kicking a dodgeball. The slap sent a tingle of excitement through me and I did nothing but coo and moan as I spent the next hour just petting and rubbing my stomach as it just gurgled and churned away.

Apparently diary I fell asleep and woke up a few hours later. Mango looked smaller and I've already taken the liberty to get a ruler and record to see how much of him was left inside the tank.

My stomach is still gurgling and churning.

Mango seems enticed by my stomach. As I was measuring him inside the aquarium he couldn't stop rubbing a tentacle over my stomach and I wasn't really wanting to stop him. I sat back on the barstool and let him have at it. A part of me felt like I owed him for all he was doing for me, even if I still didn't even understand what was going on.

Mango seems to have taken a great interest in my belly button and continued to probe it. I'm not willing to admit but him playing with me stomach and bellybutton turned me on a little bit. Mango can apparently control what's inside me by simply willing it or at least I theorize. My stomach felt odd as the goo "kicked" and moved around like a live animal struggling to get free.

I watched with morbid curiosity and amazement as the skin over my stomach pushed out from time to time as my stomach made noises.

I ended up so turned on I resorted to masturbating on the couch later. Then went out for a bike ride. An interesting thing I found was the further away I am from Mango, the less my stomach gurgled and churned. My theory is as long as I am within close proximity of Mango, the goo inside me can communicate and react with him.

Tonight I will invite Mango to sleep with me in my bed. I feel we've connected in such an odd way.


Mango decided for some reason to envelop a portion of me within his body as I slept. I didn't even feel it!

While I sat there in my bed I allowed Mango to explore my body comfortably. For some reason he still considers my belly button with odd curiosity, attempting to probe it and see if there's anything of interest.

Mango also seems to be able to displace some of his mass, making him smaller. I found this very curious and wondered how. I'll ask him to do it for me later.

Nothing really else to report.


Sorry diary for not writing in you these last few days. I've been fairly busy with school and fairly busy with Mango.

I fed from Mango while he was in my bed with me this morning. He has shrank considerably and I haven't fed him. I find great pleasure in slapping my stomach, cupping it, and sloshing it around as it tries to digest.

I skipped school today, even it is a Friday. I know I will regret it but today I just didn't care.

The steel and things I collected from last month I finally could put to use. Steel and concrete were no match for Mango, neither was a thick rubber tire that I managed to find along the side of the road.

A wood bowl also fell victim to the wrath of Mango.

I've considered using the aquarium as a means of measuring Mango and now he officially reaches the top of the 20 gallon tank. The other thing thing I've noticed is Mango is almost weightless, even inside the aquarium. I was able to pick it up and carry it around a few feet without breaking a sweat.

It seems the more I find out about Mango the more I want <the rest of the page is torn completely out>


The rest of the weekend was fairly calm. Mango continues to tease me from afar as he rouses the goo inside me to do things. I've masturbated over a dozen times over the course of 36 hours and it seems to please Mango greatly. I find the sensations so erotic and so foreign but I can't help but feel so aroused by all the bumps and sounds.

I think I've figured out the bellybutton fascination. He sees it as a port directly to my stomach. I had to explain him the birds and the bees, which surprise surprise, didn't make Mango react in any way.

I think I'll teach him a few things about my world.


Today was a very odd day.

My stomach started to churn and slosh around in the middle of class for no reason before my stomach literally shrank down to nothing in front of my eyes. A deep gurgle finished off the event. My friend Anya looked over at me and asked if I was okay. I was scared she noticed something but she made no comment about it. I'm almost positive she heard or at least saw it.

Mango seemed curious why my belly was smaller.

I felt no urge to feed from him either.



It seems I have to feed from Mango every four days.

Today I woke up with Mango engulfing my stomach with the oddest sensation. He had actually penetrated my belly button with a tentacle and was directly pushing himself into my stomach! My stomach had never felt so full or big in my life, even after a Thanksgiving dinner (my Dad is half-American and loved the idea of bringing Thanksgiving over to Japan for us to try). My fingers felt no hole or anything else. Even after triple-checking with a mirror I see nothing but skin.

Regardless I found it erotic he was able to inject himself into my own stomach. I barely got outside the door before Mango ignited the goo inside me forcing it to gurgle, churn, and kick.

I was 10 minutes late for school.

Between breaks I went into the girls bathroom and slapped and sloshed my stomach around to irritate the goo inside me. The familiar tingle almost made me moan. After leaving the bathroom I realized how foreign they had felt to me, especially since I haven't used the bathroom in almost a month.


I've considered writing in my diary every time I feed instead and it just feels such a beautiful moment to me, to share with Mango.

I'm no longer a virgin thanks to him.

I had nestled atop Mango lying belly down and let his cool exterior just excite me. It didn't take much effort for me to open my mouth and just inhale him in. The feeling of my stomach stretching inside him excited me to no end. I practically begged him to do things to me.

As embarrassing as it was for me, I had to show him what I meant. The tentacle that sprouted from his body excited me to no end. I gasped as it found purchase inside me and he made no effort to be gentle. I felt the tentacle thicken up and j <the page ends here>

While Mango was probing inside me he found my cervix. I urged him to go deep inside me. I felt the oddest pressure as I felt the tentacle inside me shift and mold before opening my cervix and pooling inside. I felt his mass shrink under me as he filled up my womb. My already full stomach grew taunt and tight like a drum.

<the ink changes color from red to green>

I've been lying in bed with Mango for two hours as my stomach moves about. I feel so heavy I can hardly move for some reason.

Mango has once again shrank in size and I find it difficult to even move with my large stomach in the way. I think I'll just lay here until Monday.


My belly has shrank down considerably and I believe Mango is using me for an experiment of his own. This morning as I was taking a shower Mango drained my womb of its contents before oozing off back to his aquarium. After he left a part of me felt so empty inside.

I've not really done any experiments with Mango after feeding him steel, rubber, and concrete. I feel there is little I can do with my current resources without my classmates getting suspicious. My gym teacher had me do extra push ups today to combat the "gut I've been getting". I did not hesitate.


Today marks the one month anniversary of me finding Mango!

I celebrated by completely exposing myself to him last night and allowing him to fill me. One tentacle pushed all the way into my womb and filled me up. I'm somewhat convinced he felt inside my ovaries as well. He also filled my ass up as well, not that it's getting any use anyway.

It felt very strange as the tentacle pushed all the way up my intestines before an odd pressure meant he made it into my stomach and drained it of its contents. I gasped and put a hand to my stomach as it shrank down. I saw bulges travel alongside my digestive tract before it appeared inside Mango once more. For the oddest reason he drained my womb as well leaving me empty and unfulfilled in more ways than one.

For the first time in almost a month I ate normal food, but I had to go out to eat since my cabinets and fridge were empty. Before I went to bed Mango allowed me to partake and I felt the fulfillment a full gurgling stomach could possibly give.

Life is good.


I take that back. Life is starting to get a little creepy. My belly is full and taunt and I found Mango in his aquarium and he was a lot smaller. I stayed home from

school today, having to feed Mango all the garbage I could just to get him back up to his "normal" size of filling up the 20 gallon aquarium.

Not much else to say.

<pages are ripped and torn for days, others scribbled out to the point of it being impossible to read>


I've missed almost a week of school. Mango oozed his way into my body and is doing strange things. A part of me is greatly turned on, housing him within me, but a part of is scared. He's inside my ass, my womb, and my stomach. He's displaced most of his mass inside me! I started all fat and bloated but I've shrank considerably around the middle.

I can see him pumping in my blood veins, replacing my blood with him I theorize. I should be scared but I am not. The veins across my body bloat from time to time as

Mango pumps throughout my body. We have, dare I say it, become one. I find no urge to rest, no urge to eat, or an urge to drink.

I have invited my only friend Anya over and I intend to convert her. God help me.


It took no effort to overpower Anya and allow Mango to enter her mouth. I watched my own mouth just part on its own before a thick tentacle pushed down into Anya's throat and into her stomach. I felt my belly shrink in size as I watched hers grow. Mango pushed down past her stomach and was filling up her digestive tract as well. Anya pushed away from me crying. I watched her grab her stomach and attempt to leave. An unfamiliar tingle inside me suddenly caused Anya to grab her stomach with a heavy groan and fall flat on her ass.

I felt so bad for her but I knew she would enjoy this gift. One way, or the other.


Neither me or Anya have left my house in almost two days. It's dark out and Anya continues to lay on the couch as her stomach makes all kinds of arousing noises. Mango continues to flow through and within me and I feel blessed to know I am his avatar of this world.

I've sat by Anya's side a majority of the time as both our bodies continue to change, if we are changing that is. Occasionally I would whisper dirty things into her ear while rubbing her stomach. I would also slap it, causing the goo inside to gurgle loudly. She would pant and moan, even with a gentle brush of my hand across her taunt stomach.

Whatever Mango is doing I am making no effort to stop it.

I don't even think I could.

<several pages beyond this point are ripped and torn to pieces>


H a py.

An ya h apy to. M ake ha py more.

Make mo re happyy.

Fn d al. ma akke hap pppy.



. . . m O M.

The End...?

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