Dividend We Stand

Story by MrGamer on SoFurry

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I know this isn't very long but its midnight anyway I watched a Civil War reenactment and this idea popped into my head about the America Civil War. What if the war was about furs instead of colored people? Anyway if you like that idea leave a comment below if it gets five comments I make more of these. Also I do not mean to be offensive to anyone.

Midnight November the fifth 1866.

Ten miles from the Mississippi River.

As the Confederates slept in their trenches and as the soldiers on duty patroled around the camp, something moved in the shadows cast by the torches next to the commanders tent. Captain Jack Fellows was filling in a report on yesterday's battle and thought for the hundredth time how he wished he could be anywhere but here. Just as he dipped his pen in the ink well he heard a noise outside his tent. After listening for a few seconds he dismissed it as some nocturnal animal and turned back to his paperwork. Suddenly the sound came back stronger this time, just as he stood up the torches outside went dark. Reaching to his left he picked up a Colt revolver and checked the cylinder, seeing that the gun was loaded he walked over to the tent flap. As he took a deep breath he smacked the flap out of his way and ran outside, he stood still for a moment before carefully walking around the parameter of his tent. After waiting a few seconds he took one more look around and sighed, walking back to the front of his tent he happened to look down and he stopped. He stared at the ground for a minute before coming to the chilling realization that he and none of his men would live though the night.


To be considered for a new story line.
