choose your own Pokemon erotic adventure 1

Story by Questa on SoFurry

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#2 of choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure

Charmander wins! also this is my first story so please, tell me what you think i will appreciate it :)

you pick charmander, you just had to pick charmander. seriously whats not cool about a fire breathing lizard that turns into a dragon, who doesn't want a charmander. you pick up it's pokeball, feeling the cool shiny metal in your hands before you release your soon to be companion.

calling him out the pokeball hits the ground before a red light is sent out revealing your chosen Pokemon. you take a second to admire your charmander but you are interupted by oak "well.... aren't you going to give him a nice name?"

you think about this for a moment, "what should i name him?" you wonder for a moment, considering all the possibilities:

bubbles- no, just no

blaze- ehh, maybe but it's just to cliche

firestarter- how about... no

got it! you will call him Brasa, Swedish for fire.

almost as soon as you name him your childhood rival Gary (or blue as you like to call him) slams open the door to the lab, storming up to both you and his grandfather. " i demand my own Pokemon, NOW!" he, well, demands.

"are you sure having your own Pokemon is a big..." prof. oak starts to say but blue cuts him off.

"i know gramps, and i am sure, oh hey red* what did you come here for?" gary starts to ask you

you explain why your here as well as what poekmon you have chosen

"you chose a charmander, pffff, don't make me laugh, gramps i'm chosing squirtle!" Gary scoffs

"uh, er, um if that's what you wish, gary" prof. oak stammers

"don't worry gramps, it is!" blue says with confidence as he picks up squirtles pokeball "hey red! how about a battle, you know to start off our adventure, however loses is a rotten egg?" blue asks with a grin of excitement which you cant help but copy

"alright then, if that's how you want to play!" you reply, Brasa readying for his first fight on your adventure

the fight is intense to say the least, or at least as intense as it gets watching two lvl 5 pokemon scratching and tackling each other but eventually Brasa got the upper hand and with one last scratch defeated squirtle. with a triumphant cry it stands over the defeated squirtle, with a chuckle you recall Brasa to his pokeball and hold out your hand for blue to shake, which he begrudgingly does "good fight there red, it was close, but watch out next time because you wont be so lucky!" blue says with a forced smile

"good to see you two getting along now then follow me and i'll show you where to rest your pokemon and the i'll send you two off." prof. oak says with a happy smile

10 minutes later you start heading off, blue already ahead of you but then prof. oak stops you "hey uhh, i know that you want to set off as fast as you can but can you please do me a favor, could you please go to viridian city and pick up a 'package for me?" he asks

you begrudgingly accept, in good will of course

."oh and before i forget here are some pokeballs, gary already took his" oak suddenly remembers handing you 5 empty pokeballs to help on your adventure

you thank him and head off to viridian city, going through the thick grass when suddenly you spot a wild caterpie, not wasting a second you take Brasa's pokeball out and throw onto the ground, in a bright flash of red Brasa emerges ready to fight the wild caterpie. seeing the red light the caterpie turns to face you and Brasa getting ready to defend itself.

you capture the caterpie after a fierce battle (or at least as fierce as telling Brasa to scratch over adn over again untill the caterpie was weak enough to capture). it turns out the caterpie is a female lvl 2 and knows tackle and string shot. you decide to name him Ali after the famous machamp and for it's trainers saying "float like a butterfree, sting like a beedrill"

but you notice that Brasa seemed a little off in the fight and in this tall grass (that easily hides both you and Brasa) you wonder what exactly to do

A. ask what's wrong (oral)

B. find out whats wrong (mast.)

or C. leave him alone, it's probably just nerves on starting the new adventure

* blue calls you red just like you call him blue :D