Story by MurphySlaugh on SoFurry

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Doctor Who philosophy on all of us.


By Carl Blessing/Murphy Slaugh

Like that blue Police Box from the show, Doctor Who.

Bigger on the inside than the outside are me and you.

Outside we are just bones and hair and skin,

But there's so much to each of us when we look within.

There's are all our dreams and imaginings, all our hopes and fears,

All our thoughts and experiences, our laughter and our tears.

We've all traveled in our way through Time and Space,

We should judge another by the other person's face.

We should not say, "Oh look how young he is, whatever would he know,

Of happiness, of desperation, of sadness, of woe?"

Our chameleon circuit which changes our appearance may be broken,

But, what's inside may be more than can ever be spoken.

We may sometimes disappear or seem to dematerialize,

And then without warning, re-appear before our eyes.

We've carried our passengers through places yet unseen,

With nothing to show that anywhere special we have been.

So, remember we've all traveled through Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.

Our journey logs are something that no one can erase.

Do not judge the Police Box, of this I implore...

However the outside may look, inside we're so much more.