Gasping for air(part 1)

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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One day I had met someone I wish I had never met he was always there but I guess I have avoided him for all this time. Who can blame me I never really had a fancy for a man who never cared enough. The thing was I was looking in a mirror the man I met was myself and I never wished for such freedom from a sight. Black fur white face a pale blue eye hue in contrast to the shame I can never whip of. It was the summer of 96 and it was a cold December day my name doesn't and won't matter because when you hear my voice it is an echo of a ghost. I was never alive to begin with I was born dead so I never saw a point in breathing in inhaling the polluted air. I swore in those days I was living inside a box till I met a man I did want to meet and I wished for such thing as a new start.

Stranger: Hello

Me: Hello

Stranger: My name is Richard, what is yours?

Me: My name is__________________, pleasure to meet you.

Richard: What a fine name indeed.

Me: Why thank you.

Richard: How are you on this fine day?

Me: I'm feeling nothing in particular I have never really felt anything at all really. Sometimes I wonder if I can even feel any true emotions.

Richard: You're an odd fellow you know that?

Me: Yeah I know.

He then just disappeared in a puff of smoke nowhere to be found but I thought at that moment I may have made a friend. I soon walked back to my black and white house of loneliness and sat in the corner of despair. I slithered and slumped my body onto the lump cardboard bed where I wrote my dreams down on it. My whole room was an endless supply of my meaningless dreams and nightmares. The world I lived in had no color no voice. All the world was all the world is constant voices telecommunication through paper cups. I went to sleep and dreamed of a face so familiar I could almost scream I have seen him before but his face was covered in a black fog. It was a male or at least I thought it was.

???:Can you breathe the air you claim to be so toxic or drink the water that has been plagued and polluted?

Me: I guess not.

???:Will you even care?

I woke up in a cold sweat wondering what the yet another meaningless dream meant if maybe it wasn't so meaningless. I noticed in the corner of my room color was slowly starting to show. I got out of bed stretching out, I went into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. Maybe I was gasping for air the whole time screaming about something I couldn't control. The world may not be so black and white like my husky face after all. I never did say what Richard was did I? Well to be honest I couldn't even tell if he was real. I think my mind has created an imaginary friend for me since I know everyone in this damned state hates me. I couldn't even tell if Richard was a species that could be definable by words. Maybe he was me or maybe he wasn't could the toxic air be affecting my mind?

I didn't even remember exiting my house when I met him maybe I was going crazy or maybe my mind didn't want to admit I had made a true friend. I got out of my house after finishing my breakfast. I found Richard this time he was sitting on a bench that was facing my house. I made it so I could always look at my house remember my sins.

Richard: Hello

Me: Hello

Richard: What's up?

Me: You.

Richard: I see.

Me: What are you doing here?

Richard: I was to ask you the same question, you don't belong here.

Me: Where do I belong?

Richard:Anywhere but here.

He disappears on me once more as if he was never there. No he didn't disappear he got up and left I was starting to see this world more clearly and Richard was real I was not imagining things. The world shifted back to a colorful paradis my house was beautiful again. My sins had been cleansed I had a true friend. I noticed he was still there and I sat down by him. He didn't leave he was always there I was leaving him.

Richard: I see you can now see the world for it's true colors.

Me: Yeah.

Richard: Good now I can finally ask the real you. Would you like to hang out at a bar I know, get some drinks some food?

Me: I would love to lead the way.

Richard and I walked towards a nearby bar in town it took us a while to get there but I was enjoying his presence so it doesn't matter. He was a cat with black fur and yellow eyes he seemed to be more friendly and less mysterious when I first met him maybe he was always like this I just couldn't see the light. So when we reached to the bar we went inside and started to order drinks.

Me:Well I will order a bud light

Bartender:Alright and what will you have for a drink sir?

Richard:The same

Bartender: alright 2 bud lights coming up

He brought us the drinks quickly along with the food we ordered as well. I sipped some of my alcoholic drink and ate some of my food so did he. We kept silent and fished our drinks and food and me and him looked at each other and smiled warmly. We paid for the drinks and food and got out of the bar holding hands. Once we were back at my house I invited him inside. what turned into hanging out felt like a date almost.