The Lone Soldier

Story by Sonic Fox on SoFurry

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#4 of Chronicles of Sonic Fox

This story is rated "Y" for Yiffy. Reader discretion is advised. The tingling sensation in my markings persisted as I donned my father's combat suit. Not an hour after I returned to Earth I felt like I was being pulled to another dimension. Physically, I was ready for the mission, but I had my doubts; this would be my first mission on my own. I couldn't help but feel that I had left the last dimension too soon, but I knew that if I had stayed The Remnant would come after me with a much more diabolical scheme in mind; not to mention my "other" problem. I shook my head and checked my equipment; suit, sword, and gun. I felt that I didn't need a vast array of weapons for this mission, although the grenades were tempting. After activating the stealth and security systems on my ship, I went into what I figured was the lounge and focused on the tiny pulling sensation that coursed through my markings. It was a strange feeling, like I was letting myself float down a river. Before I knew it, a blue vortex swallowed me up and I was in the bright blue tunnel once more. The tunnel opened up and I landed on my feet with a skid. The sight before my eyes was staggering; I was standing in the middle of a destroyed city. The sky was dark, buildings that looked like they were blown in half lay strewn across the streets, abandoned vehicles and small modern homes were stained black with ash. There was no sign of life, save for the random bouts of gunfire of in the distance. Judging by the vegetation that slowly grew from the cracks in the street, it was my best guess that this was a warzone that had seen combat for a long time. I had no idea whether the disturbance was caused by The Remnant or from someone else in this desolate place, but I gathered myself and headed in the direction of the gunfire. I lost track of time as I climbed over broken walls and ducked under flipped vehicles; I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sadness whenever I stumbled across a broken picture frame or a melted doll. Suddenly, I heard something fall to the ground with a metallic clang. I turned in the direction of the noise, blaster at the ready. I moved around a corner and saw an old tin can rolling on the floor; somebody had accidently knocked it down. Without warning, I felt a hand grasp onto my shoulder and force me to the ground, causing me to drop my gun in shock. As I lay on my back, a human loomed over me with a knife pressing against my neck. The human had dirty blonde hair and one blue eye; his right eye was white and he had a single scar running down from his eyebrow to his cheek. He was roughly six foot three, about my height and dressed in an armored uniform. "Who are you?" questioned the human, "Are you one of them?" I stared into the human's face, unable to read his emotions. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Are you with The Remnant?" the human barked, the knife pressing more firmly against my neck. "No, I'm not!" I exclaimed; so The Remnant is here. The human pulled back the knife and took a few steps back, eying me over. "Alright," he said calmly, "Make your case. If you're not with The Remnant, who are you and why do you have blue fur?" I sat upright, careful not to make any sudden moves that may seem hostile. "The names...Sonic Fox," I said hesitantly, thinking it unwise to give out my name to a stranger; that's what the codenames were for, right? "I'm not a member of The Remnant, but I am from the same race as them. Are they really here?" The human relaxed against the wall. "Yeah; some cloaked guy came into the middle of this warzone declaring that he was the leader of a group called The Remnant." I felt a chill run down my spine; that blue dragon that attacked my family was here! "What do you know about The Remnant," continued the human, "What's your affiliation to them?" "I've got a bone to pick with them," I said mildly. As the human continued to look me over, all I could think about was the leader of The Remnant. He was here, and hopefully all alone; it's the perfect chance to deal a critical blow to those bastards. The human walked over to where my blaster lay, picked it up, and came back over to me. "Alright," he said, "I believe you; if you were with them then that dragon would've taken me out by now. I'm going to let you go." I reached out to take my blaster, but he pulled his hand away. "But on two conditions. One; I'm coming with you. I've got business of my own to attend to. And two; you have to give me your real name. I doubt "Sonic Fox" is what your parents call you." That last remark hit something sensitive; how would I know if that's the kind of codename they would've picked out for me? I knew he meant nothing by it so I forgot the remark and stood up. "The name's Nik," I said confidently. The human handed me my gun with a smile. "Nik, huh? My name's Gene, but enough chit-chat; let's get to work." Gene sheathed his knife and headed off into the streets. Although I was wary of him, I had no real reason to distrust him. So without a moment's hesitation, I followed after Gene through the ruined city. "So Nik," Gene said from ahead, "Something tells me you're not from around here; where are you from?" I started to dwell on how to answer the question; how do you tell someone you're from another dimension? "I'm from a faraway place; you wouldn't have heard of it." "Fair enough," Gene replied, "You a merc or what?" "I guess I can be thought of as a mercenary; you?" I inquired. "Yeah," he said with a sigh. "Let me ask you something; why are you after The Remnant?" "They destroyed my life," I said grimly. "They want me and I want them." "Sorry," Gene murmured. "Don't be; they're the ones that'll be sorry. Why are you looking for them?" Gene took a deep breath. "There's someone I'm after; someone who needs to be dealt with. I've seen him talking with The Remnant's leader and I believe he's working for them." This perplexed me; why would The Remnant allow someone into their ranks who wasn't one of our people? "Who?" I asked. "Kairn," Gene said coldly. "He's a monster; nothing but pure evil. He's a blood red fox with black chest fur and wings; to top it all off, he can surround his body in flames. All he desires is death and destruction and doesn't care who gets in his way. In all the years I've known him, he's never allied himself to anyone; The Remnant must be a force to be reckoned with." "Sounds like this Kairn is someone you really hate," I stated. Gene looked over at me with a stern look on his scared face. "You have no idea." We walked through the streets in silence for half an hour before Gene suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "He's here," Gene muttered. Without warning, Gene tackled me to the ground; a red and black blur whizzed over our heads, slicing a light post in half. Gene and I picked ourselves off the ground and scanned the city for our attacker. "Up there," Gene exclaimed pointing at the top of a six-story building. Standing on the roof of the building was a red and black fox with two enormous wings, grinning down at us. Beside him appeared a figure in a black cloak, who proceeded to remove his hood. It was him; the blue dragon, leader of The Remnant. "Nikolas," the dragon called out in a happy voice, "It's so good to see you once again. My, don't you look fierce with all that armor and weaponry; you remind me of your father." I glared at the dragon, my insides burning with hate at his taunting. "At any rate, allow me to introduce my new colleague, Kairn." The winged fox smirked. "So, this is the runt who killed two of your men? I have to say I have my doubts about his capabilities." The fox turned his gaze to Gene. "So Gene, you've decided to work with someone for once? Don't you realize you can't beat me no matter how hard you try?" Gene didn't say anything as he unsheathed his knife. The leader of The Remnant stepped forward, arms spread wide. "You know, we've never been properly introduced. I am Omni Dragon, leader of The Remnant. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I've enlisted the help of Kairn, here. You see, after the tragic deaths of Cougar and Jackal, I decided to find someone else to do the job; someone who was unlike anything we've ever seen. I do hope that you prove to be a challenge; I would hate to have lied about your skills. But I'm in a generous mood today; if you swear allegiance to me, I will spare your life." I drew my blaster and aimed it at the dragon. "How bout I blow your head off instead?" I growled. The dragon laughed. "Have it your way, Nikolas. Kairn; have as much fun with him as you wish, but bring me back his sword as proof of his demise." Then, with a great leap, the dragon flew off into the sky, opening a portal high above us. I fired at the dragon, but it was too late; Omni Dragon flew through the portal before it closed. Kairn spread his wings and grinned. "Well now that he's gone," Kairn said with a hiss, "The three of us can have some fun!" Kairn dived off the building and swooped down to the ground, landing a few feet from us. "Be careful, Nik," Gene whispered, "Kairn is as crafty as they come. Don't let your guard down." I nodded and aimed my blaster at the winged vulpine. Kairn spread his wings once more and flew straight at us, claws outstretched. Gene dove to the right while I dived to the left, narrowly dodging Kairn's claws. As Kairn turned around, I took a shot at him and missed; the winged fox was too fast for me to aim at. Holstering the blaster, I brandished my sword, waiting for Kairn to attack. Kairn flew towards Gene, ready to strike him with his claws. Gene ran towards the approaching fox, knife in hand. Just as the two were about to collide, Gene slid underneath Kairn and thrust his knife upwards. The blade slashed across Kairn's arm, causing the winged fox to howl in pain and tumble to the ground a few feet away. Kairn rose to his feet, gazing at the long crimson slash in his arm angrily. "You're going to regret that, you bastard!" Kairn snarled as he stormed towards Gene with claws at the ready. I stepped in Kairn's path, sword held in a defensive position. "Hey, Red," I growled, "Why don't you mess with someone your own species?" Kairn gave me a cold stare and then laughed. "Very well, kid. If you want to play with the big boys," Kairn said as he crossed his arms over his chest. The air around the winged fox's body started to heat up, causing the allusion that his body was shimmering. All of a sudden Kairn's arms became alit with fire, the flames consuming his limbs from the shoulders all the way to his hands. "Then you'd best be ready to feel the heat!" Kairn immediately swung his flaming fist at me, aiming for my face. I managed to hop backwards and avoid the fiery attack; I could feel the heat from Kairn's fists even as I backed away. Kairn leapt forward and swung again, reaching out with his claws. This time I stood my ground and held up my sword; Kairn's red hot claws struck against the blade with a hiss. Taking a chance to attack, I swung my sword in a diagonal arch, aiming at Kairn's chest. The blood red vulpine stepped backwards and lashed out at the sword, causing it to bounce off his claws and ricochet to the right. With my sword temporarily thwarted, Kairn raised both hands over his head and brought them down in diagonal directions, creating a fiery "X" pattern in the air. Acting on sheer instinct, I ducked below the vulpine's vicious attack, and performed a sweeping kick that knocked the fox off his feet. As Kairn fell to the ground, Gene dashed past me and threw himself on the winged vulpine. The two of them tussled on the ground while I stood there watching them, afraid to attack out of fear of hurting Gene. Kairn grasped onto Gene's neck and tried to strangle him, but the human reacted quickly and thrust his fist into Kairn's unprotected stomach multiple times. With a cough, Kairn released Gene and tore himself from his grasp. As Gene tried to stand up, Kairn placed his foot on the human's chest, pinning him to the ground. Gene pounded his fists against Kairn's leg, fighting to get up; Kairn simply smirked and held up his right hand, relighting it on fire. Before Kairn could bring his claws down, I thrust both of my fists outward and produced two sonic booms. The immense sound waves hit Kairn in the side, sending him flying off of Gene and crashing through a window in a destroyed building. I rushed over to Gene and held out my hand. "Thanks, Nik," Gene said with a smile as he pulled himself onto his feet. Kairn stepped out of the building, picking glass shards out of his skin; Gene and I had Kairn outmatched. "What was that you were saying, Kairn," Gene said mockingly, "Something about not being able to beat you no matter how hard I tried?" Kairn snarled angrily; I couldn't tell if he was infuriated by Gene's taunt or in pain from ripping a huge shard of glass out of his leg. Gene and I started to advance towards Kairn, eager to end the fight. I took to steps and then stopped in my tracks; my insides grew cold and my markings started to heat up. I knew what was happening; the wolf was trying to get out, again. I could feel my muscles staring to grow and expand, stretching out my suit. "No!" I cried out, falling to my knees and holding onto my head, dropping my sword in the process. Gene turned to face me, his eyes filled with shock and concern. "Nik," Gene said as he approached me, "What's wrong?" "Stay away!" I screamed, digging my claws into my head. I wasn't going to let the wolf win! I fought back against the feeling that was slowly creeping throughout my body, but not without consequence; the slow sensation immediately turned into a fiery explosion that consumed my being. I cried out in agony as the burning sensation coursed through my body; it was like I was being pulled into a dark abyss by a dozen flaming chains that dug into my flesh. The pain was too much; I couldn't hold on any longer. Exhausted, I fell into the darkness of my mind; the last thing I saw was Gene standing in front of me, unsure of what to do.

I opened my eyes as I awoke from my dark slumber, slowly rising to my feet. I scanned the area around me; what I had seen through Nik's eyes was accurate. I was standing in the middle of destroyed city with a lone human and a blood red fox with wings. As I stared at the fox I remembered that The Remnant leader was just here; my blood boiled at the fact that Nik let him get away so easily. Worthless fox! "Nik," the human said with a stunned expression on his face, "What happened to you?" I gazed the human, reminiscing all the times humans had mistreated me back on Earth. But I was not about to waste my time with the human; my sole target was The Remnant leader's accomplice, Kairn. "You, Kairn," I called out to the vulpine, "You think you've got what it takes to kill me? Ha! From the looks of it, you couldn't even handle a puny human and an even more pathetic fox." Kairn snarled in anger. "I don't know what's happened to you, but don't think that just because your fur changed colors and your body grew a little means you're anything compared to me!" I laughed at the easily angered fox, kneeling to pick up my sword and place it back in its holster. "Well then, let's see whose claws are sharper; mine or yours!" "Wait, Nik," Gene called out, "We have to work together!" I glared at the human, growling menacingly. "Stay out of this," I barked, "Unless you wish to die!" Turning away from the human, I started to move towards Kairn, eager to put this vulpine in his place; the ground. With a grin, Kairn charged towards me, claws outstretched. I ran towards the fox, ready for him to make the first strike; he fell for the taunt and now he would attack wildly without thinking. As soon as he was close enough, Kairn lashed out at my face with his right hand. With my newfound agility and strength, I easily moved around him and grabbed onto his arm, twisting it tightly, causing Kairn to yelp in pain. I clenched my free hand into a fist and swung it into Kairn's stomach. The fox doubled over, gasping for breath while I held his arm tightly. As he wheezed, I grabbed the back of his head and at the same time I brought my knee up, forcing his face into it. Kairn's nose slammed into my knee and I let go of his arm, allowing the fox to reel backwards in pain. Kairn cupped his nose and pulled one of his hands away, checking for blood. The fox's eyes narrowed and he came at me again, this time with ignited fists. I managed to dodge two of his pyro-punches and readied myself to strike. As I moved in, Kairn brought one of his wings forth in a slicing motion. I stepped backwards, but I wasn't quick enough. The wing lanced across my face, slicing my cheek open. Kairn laughed as blood trickled from the wound. "What's the matter? Did I knick you?" I smirked at the cocky fox, amused by how entertained he was from one little scratch. Although the blood covered the wound, I could feel the fissure in my flesh sealing up. I was amazed at the speed of my regeneration; I knew I always had this power and Nik did not, but this was the first time I've seen it in action. It was even faster than my father's rate of regeneration. As soon as the wound had completely healed, I extended my tongue out of the corner of my mouth and licked over the spot where the wound was, cleaning my cheek of the blood. Kairn stared at me in shock, his smile fading away fast. "Sorry," I said with a smile, "But you'll have to do better than that." Kairn let out a small laugh. "I see why The Remnant's after you," the winged fox muttered, "You're quite the oddity. How about we strike a deal; you and I join forces, destroy The Remnant, and go our separate ways. Think about it; together we'll be unstoppable." The smile quickly left my face and was replaced by a toothy sneer; who did this fox think he was dealing with? "You think I can't handle them; a bunch of cloaked cowards who send only one member at a time to deal with me instead of attacking all at once? I don't need your help, and I don't need that pathetic fox's help either. I will have my revenge on The Remnant, and kill anyone who associates with them. Besides, I wouldn't work with a pitiful excuse for a freak like you; you couldn't even kill that human let alone me. I will never ally myself with you; I hate foxes!" Kairn glared at me, the flames on his fists spreading up along his arms. "A shame, but to be honest I prefer it this way!" As Kairn stepped forward, the human came running from the side and swiped at the fox with his knife. The fox backed away from the attack, completely surprised. "Leave him alone, Kairn," the human said angrily, "This doesn't concern him. I'll take you on myself." I approached the human, irritated by his interference. "Nik, listen to me," the human pleaded, "Don't fight him. I don't want you to lose control of yourself." "How noble," I said with a false smile, "But I don't need a human to protect me; out of my way, you filthy primate!" I lashed out at the human, slashing his arm; the human managed to step back just in time to avoid any real damage. I advanced on the human when all of a sudden Kairn flew into me tackling me to the ground. With a hateful snarl, I thrust my foot into his chest and kicked the bastard off of me. I rose to my feet, ready to strike the fox while he was down. I felt a weight on my back as the human jumped onto me, wrapping his arms around my neck. I twisted and turned, trying to dislodge the human. While I was busy with the human, Kairn tried to sneak up behind the two of us. Fortunately, the human saw him coming and kicked the fox in the face, giving me the opportunity to grab onto the human and fling him off of my body. With the human out of the way, I turned my attention to Kairn who was coming for me once more. The two of us met in a grapple, crushing one another's hands in our grasp. Kairn's flames did nothing to the armor that protected my hands, giving me the upper hand. I was stronger than this fox, and I was going to prove it. Suddenly, I heard this metallic whining sound, like something was swinging. Both Kairn and I turned our heads to see what caused the noise. The human had run to the other side of the street and climbed into a rusted crane that had a support beam connected to its cable. The crane swung to one side and then to the other, bringing the support beam with it. "Shi-," was all I managed to say before the beam slammed against my head and everything went dark.

I awoke with a splitting headache, like I was just hit by a train or something. I opened my eyes and looked around; I was in an abandoned building with Gene sitting beside me, shirtless and wrapping his arm in bandages. As I sat upright I realized I was in a bed, wearing only my briefs; I spied my armor and weapons neatly put away in a closet. "Well good morning," Gene said with a smile, tightening his bandage. "Uh," I groaned, "What happened?" "Kairn attacked us and you...changed," Gene said hesitantly. "Your fur turned black and your body grew larger, not to mention you acted differently; it was like you were someone else." A chill ran through me as I remembered what happened, how I felt the wolf take over my body and how powerless I was to stop him. My eyes drifted to the bandage on his arm, gazing in horror at the five red lines that appeared on the fabric. I did it again; I changed and I almost killed Gene, a complete stranger who had offered to help me. I felt like I was going to vomit. "No, not again," I muttered. "Gene, I'm so sorry; I didn't want to hurt you. It's my entire fault." "Don't worry about it," Gene said as he walked over towards me and sat on the edge of the bed, "The bleeding's just about stopped and you didn't do any real damage to me." I shook my head and looked away from Gene. "It doesn't matter if I didn't hurt you very badly; the point is I lost control and I could've killed you." "But you didn't," Gene said reassuringly. "Besides, you're back to your old self now." "But I could change again at any minute," I muttered, "I'm a monster." "No you're not," Gene said, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Kairn is a monster. Even though that wolf is just like him there's one thing that sets them apart; you." I turned to face Gene, not wanting to be rude and look away while he was talking. "As long as you stay the way you are you'll never become a monster." "You don't know that," I murmured, "You don't know me." "No, but I trust you anyway," Gene said with a smile. "You saved me back there; no monster would do that." I looked into Gene's scarred face, searching for answers. How could he be so trusting after what happened? "Do you really trust me?" Gene nodded. "More than you can imagine. After all, we'll need to work together; The Remnant leader came back and took Kairn away while the two of you were unconscious. It's strange; he probably could've killed the three of us then and there, but he didn't. Something's up, and if Kairn's involved then so am I; I want to come with you." I was taken aback by Gene's request. "Gene, I appreciate your offer but there's something you should know. I travel from dimension to dimension, like the rest of my kind. If you follow me you'll be exposed to the dangers of other worlds." Gene chuckled and patted my shoulder. "I can look out for myself; don't worry about me." "What about your world," I asked, "Aren't you needed here?" Gene gazed out the window and into the night sky. "I'm a loner; always have been, always will be. I lost my family long ago, as well as my friends. I'm completely alone in this war-torn world. Don't worry about me; if you'll allow me to, I'd like to help you." I thought about it long and hard; I didn't want to endanger Gene, but then again he was a great fighter and it wouldn't hurt to have an ally. "Alright," I finally said, "Consider us partners." Gene smiled broadly. "Great! Just wait till Kairn and The Remnant find the two of us working together; they won't know what hit them!" I allowed myself a small smile, forgetting all my fears. Gene placed his other hand on my other shoulder and started to massage them. "Are you alright? Is anything sore?" I was taken aback by Gene's massage; I couldn't tell if his reasons were strictly medical or something else. "Uh, n-no, not really," I said nervously. "Are you sure?" Gene asked, moving his hands down my back. I started to get a little uncomfortable as I realized what he was getting at. "Y-you really don't have to do that. I'm fine, really." Gene chuckled and placed his hands on the sides of my stomach. "Come on; let's have some fun." I moved away from Gene. "Well, uh, Gene," I stammered, "The thing is, I'm not gay." "Neither am I; I'm bisexual. I love women, but I don't mind spending the night with a good guy friend. Besides," Gene said with a smile, "You're pretty handsome." My face flushed with embarrassment and stress. "Thanks, but I don't know if I can do this." Gene leaned against my back, slipping his hands into my underwear. "Tell you what; let's just try something simple and see where it takes us." Before I could say anything I felt Gene squeeze my sheathe, causing me to gasp. Gene gently rubbed my sheathe and balls, making my member stiffen and slide out of its furry home. "Man, you're big," Gene whispered, running his hand up my shaft. I couldn't bring myself to stop him; Gene was doing an incredible job and he did save my life. "All right," I uttered, lying down on the bed. Gene smiled and moved over to my side, pulling down my underwear and freeing my erection. Gene leaned in close and gave my cock a small lick on the tip, making me moan in pleasure. With a grin, Gene grabbed onto my length and flicked his tongue up and down my sensitive flesh. I squirmed on the bed, amazed by Gene's skills. As Gene teased my member with his tongue, I moved my hand to his pants and rubbed his crotch. Gene emitted a soft moan and smiled at me. I snaked my hand down into his pants and grabbed a hold of his erection, squeezing it playfully. Gene moaned and moved his head back down to my member, taking the throbbing length into his mouth. I grunted as Gene suckled on my cock, rubbing the tip of his head in retaliation and coating my finger tips in his pre-cum. Gene sucked hard on the head of my erection and squeezed my balls. Unable to hold back, I came into his mouth with a low moan. Gene groaned around my length and pressed his cock against my hand, climaxing all over my palm. I slipped my hand free of Gene's pants, wiping away the cum on the fringe of the sheets. Gene swallowed every drop of my cum and removed his mouth from my member. "So how was that?" Gene said with grin. "Not bad," I said nonchalantly. "So, do you want to have some more fun or what?" I smiled and sat upright in the bed, motioning Gene to come closer to me. Grinning, Gene moved over towards me, waiting for my instructions. I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him into my lap, the two of us facing each other. "Take off your pants," I said coolly. Gene obeyed, quickly removing his pants and his sticky boxer shorts. Once he was naked, Gene sat down in my lap, grinding his butt into my crotch. With a playful growl, I placed my hands on Gene's hips and moved his butt above my cock, aligning the tip against his anus. Smirking, Gene lowered himself down onto my cock, his cheeks resting on my balls. Grunting, I slowly started to pump my shaft up into Gene's ass, enticing a few groans from the human. "So thick," Gene gasped. "So tight," I grunted. As I worked my cock into Gene's rectum, I moved my hand towards his own erection and started to slowly rub it once again. Gene moaned happily and flexed his anal muscles, causing me to groan in appreciation. I couldn't believe that I was having sex with a guy, but the incredible feeling creeping up my shaft was too good for me to stop. I started to thrust faster into Gene's tight ass, making the human bounce on my lap. Gene wrapped his arms around me, bringing him closer to me and, without warning, kissed me. Instead of reeling back in shock, I let myself go and kissed him back; the sexual energy between us was incredible. Gene began to squirm in my lap; his ass slammed down my length and bounced on my balls. I let go of his cock and gripped both of my hands onto his hips. I could feel Gene humping into my stomach, his cock sliding through my fur with each thrust; I was beginning to wonder who was fucking who. My climax was upon me once again, brought on by Gene's ass working my cock like a machine while his dick tickled my stomach. I pulled away from Gene's mouth and wrapped my arms around him, moaning as I came inside his ass. Gene panted as I continued to thrust, moaning as he slid up and down my cock and humped into my fur. Finally, Gene grunted and came all over my stomach fur, gripping my shoulders tightly. Spent, I laid back down on the bed with my cock still inside Gene, too exhausted to move. "That was...great," I gasped. Gene smiled and rubbed my chest, making me murr in pleasure. "I think we're going to be a great team," he said happily. "I just need to get a few things and I'll be ready to go; but right now, I just want to rest in your silky fur." Smiling, I patted Gene's back and closed my eyes, fatigued from the day's events.

I stood in the cockpit of my ship, reflecting over what happened while I was transformed as Gene treated himself to some of the food I had stored in the mess area; it was a smart choice to take Gene with me, not just because he's a great fighter but because he can go into Compass City and get supplies if necessary without causing a disturbance. I thought about what the wolf said, about how he mentioned he hated foxes; no doubt because of me. I also remembered how quickly the wolf could heal; such strength and vitality was tempting to say the least. And what of The Remnant? Not only was Kairn on their side, but the remaining members would surely have some remarkable powers of their own. I cleared my head of such troublesome thoughts, remembering how my mother taught me to never worry about something that is not a current issue. The time will come for The Remnant and me to meet, and when it does I will fight for everything I hold dear. For my parents, my friends, and the good of the numerous worlds out there, I would never give up. And should the wolf decide to take control of me once again, he will not take me so easily. Gene and Kairn belong to absorbentgene. Nik and The Remnant belong to Sonic Fox. This is the first chapter starring another furry. Hopefully, I will be able to get to all the others quickly. I would like to thank absorbentgene for not only participating in this series, but for inspiring me to write. I joined Yiffstar about a year ago, but it wasn't until I saw Gene pump out story after story that I wanted to become a writer. I've wanted to do this series for a year and I'm finally doing it. Thanks absorbentgene, for inspiring me and being one of the best friends I've had.