Chapter 9

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#9 of Started with a Rock: Arc 2 - The Reunion

This has violence; a lot of it. But as always, there's no mature tag. Uploading spree coming up. I don't need to put the mental speech key until a new one is introduced, do I? I think I put it in enough chapters.

"What, what? The only way I know how...? Well, you're welcome but... what...?" Kyn could help but stumble over his own words.

Making the human stumble, catching him off guard, was always a treat. She rumbled at him with a bit of laughter. "Is it not the only way you know how to protect a Pokémon from that fate? usually only stumble when I've said something that you didn't expect from me...I would think that you would have gotten used to that...." She gave him a toothy grin. "I remember when it was the other way around."

"It is but... oh dammit. Hmph y'know what. I'm still gonna turn the tables on you! Just you see. Now, I believe you should take a break for a while and go fly around for a bit. One massacre is enough for today don't you think? Unless they start throwing them at you again. Then feel free." He said, heading out and making motions to head towards the computer room again.

"I look forward to you turning the tables on me." She chuckled. "Something in leather, perhaps?" She grabbed the bag of bloody paper towels, avoiding the drying blood as she walked past him.

"Nooo. Nothing in leather Serena. I'm not giving any other hints. Now I'll try and find that bloody Frigate so we can pay them a visit."

She climbed up the stairs to the roof, where Tenshi would be, of course, roosting. She set down the bag away from anything that could catch fire, torching the bag until the towels were naught but ash before tamping it out with her tail, then, and only then, did she pull herself into the sky and fly up to where the sun was once more the only marker she had for time. Disassociating herself with what she had done helped, if only a little bit...<Call me this way when you find it.> She was so far away that by that time the words were only a whisper against his mind.

After fishing around in the database after hacking deep into it, he managed to find out information about when the Frigate would next be docking and where. It took him a total of fifteen minutes, after which he went back up to the roof, to call Serena. <Got it. They're in eastern Isshu, we'll be headed for Aspertia city.>

Serena nearly dropped from the sky like a rock, she looked like a comet there for quite a while, then she started to spiral down in big loops until she was able to land on the roof again, it was getting to be time to take a breath anyway. <It seems that there will be more death this day, then.> She spoke with her mind as her oxygen levels once more returned to normal, and her color returned to her scales, in contrast to the ice blue she had become while up in the air.

Kyn raised his hand and head to the air to try and look for Serena. Of course, seeing a blue acrobatic blur that normally wouldn't be there clued him in as to where she was. <Serena, I know I said that they would deserve it, but there is one thing I'd like you to take into consideration. Whether or not they have a family.>

Claws gripped into the ledge of the roof, curling her body so that all four of them were hooked into the same surface, she tilted her head at him. <You want me to spare someone with a family, so that an infection might remain within them? It would be like trying to spare a rabid animal simply so that it could bite it's spawn in the time that it has left before it dies anyway.> Finally, her scales were back to the color of the sky behind her, and growing brighter, back to her usual coat. She kept her balance there like this, and extended her nose to nudge him.

<Let me put it this way. Humans are easy to scare, Serena. In fact, there is a program called the Scared Straight Program. I think that if you threatened some of them, and they knew that someone like you could, not that you would, track them down, they wouldn't do that again. Oh and to add to it, they would be forced to tell their family what an idiot they were, and how merciful you were. However, I think not a lot of them have families.> "Serena, welcome back." Kyn said, after having given his gigantic mental speech.

Serena looked at him skeptically. <Mmm...You don't think I would track them down if it was within my power, should I learn of their idiocy again? Also Kyn, you're acting as if they wont try to continue as they are in secret...> She stepped down from the ledge, completely folding her wings back now that they weren't being used for balance, and coiled around behind him in a guarding stance, it seemed she wasn't going to take any more chances. "Thank you."

<If they didn't learn then that's their own fault. Some can and some don't. > "Well, shall we get started then? I'll get the map out and show you."

"By all means." She waited, then situated herself to look over his shoulder at the map, and looked over it, letting him point out their next destination.

Kyn laid out the map out and pointed to a location in the west, that was near the ocean. "Virbank City... apparently in the time that I've been away, a Poison-type Gym Leader has risen to the ranks."

"I suppose that you'll likely, once the crisis is over, want to collect the badge from that gym as well." She guessed, but looked at where he pointed. "Seems an awful long way from the ice to have a ship that creates it..." Her tongue licked the bridge of her nose, around where he had touched the Poké Ball button to.

"Well, might as well, though I don't have a place to put the new ones other than pinning them to my jacket. That means that I'll have more than the standard necessary eight for this region. It'll make an interesting talking point. As for the distance from the source of the icing... I'd have to say that they're going to the west to work their way back_up_ to that point. Finishing at a diagonal in the east."

Serena snorted a bit, then nosed him. "Since I will not be necessary to fly you, and I have just come back down from Rayquaza's domain, I am going to take a bit of a rest...notify me if and when I am needed again." With that, she pushed the button on her ball with her nose, and let the light engulf her. She knew that the flight on Tenshi would be much faster for him, and that she could entrust Kynexn's care to him, and it gave her time to adapt to being in a ball again.

Kyn gathered everyone else back in their Poké Balls and then hopped onto Tenshi. Once again Tenshi thawed out his path, leading up to the area that was not iced over, and then after he landed, he took off into the air again while they were on the outskirts of town. He let Tesna out of his ball, and then held out Serena's. "We're here and... one of the things you're probably going to want to learn is how to force yourself out of the ball," he said, pushing the button.

"Eventually." She answered, stretching, and nosing him a bit, and then Tensa, since she hadn't seen him since the top of the tower. She flicked her goggles up out of her eyes so that she wasn't just looking at red colored everything. "I suppose I'll figure it out if a situation comes up where I'm absolutely sure that I need to do it."

"Serena, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now.... You're old enough to be my mother/grandmother... yet, being mated to Heji makes you the equivalent of being my daughter in law... how does that make you feel...?" Kyn asked, going into mimic therapy session mode. It was something to wrap his brain around after all and to take his mind off what there were more than likely going to do in a short while.

"Like your sister." She answered with a chuckle. "Although, not blood related, or you'd have scales, or at least lizard hide. I prefer to go by comparison. My species can live 10 to 20 times that of yours, and I'm still in the first 10th of that, where as yours, which lives, at most, 70 to 100 years and are working on the 20th of your life scale...if we're saying that most people live to be 100 years old, and I'm choosing to do so."

"Hmm, I suppose that fits better... though if we're brother and sister in that regard, that makes Heji both your nephew and your husband. Of course you're not humans but that's the equivalent. Either way we look at it Serena, if you two were humans... it'd be a pretty interesting situation here. So, all we have to do is wait for the ship to dock and then... well, then the fun begins." Kyn said, shifting back to the task they set out to do.

She sat, and essentially curled around them in a fashion that if they were attacked from behind, she would be the first one hit, of course because it was habit to do so, she hardly noticed it anymore; about as much as she noticed how she positioned herself for flying, which was to say, none at all, that was an instinctual thing, and this was as well. "It's a very good thing that we are not humans, then. She looked out at the water. "What if we didn't wait for it to dock?"

"If that's the case then we'll have to do a bit of a search and there's only an eighty-five percent chance we'll find it. Based on the information that I got out of them, and knowing it's not false, via a very accurate method that you are familiar with. This way it is closer to a ninety-five percent chance that they will be here. Of course, if they changed their route deliberately to avoid us, then that poses an issue, however... if they DON'T come here, then they won't be able to completely freeze the Isshu region. Either way, it's still above eight percent, so if you get bored of waiting, we can go searching." Kyn said, with his arms crossed, but in the thinking pose this time.

She nudged him. "I keep forgetting your eyes aren't as good as mine...I can see the boat just fine...I just was wondering if there was a specific reason that we had to wait for it to know, when I have wings to get us in and out safely." Her head tilted behind him, not that he could see it, but again, out of habit.

"My eyes don't need to be as good as yours. I have binoculars and telescopes for that. The reason is because... knowing you... and knowing Kyurem... it's more than likely that the ship will crash. Less damage will be done to innocent life. That includes plants, trees, and beings living in those or around those." Kyn stated, starting to browse his contacts. Might as well get a few other thing out of the way.

"Bah, you humans and your tech." The statement was joking, of course, and she even chuckled. "I would think you would have that backwards for the most's not like it takes much to pilot a just pull a lever here and there, and if you hear it start to speed up you push it the other direction." She flicked an earfin. "Or you could simply let me take out part of the hull...then it wouldn't crash at the way...if we're going to face off against an ice dragon, I'm either going to need Heji, or a fully charged Chargestone, and there's not been enough time to charge one all the way up."

"Hm, so, what do you think would happen if you looked through one of those two? Would the lenses just cancel out? Or would you be able to see even further? I'm really not sure how that works. We won't be facing the Kyurem with just you, Heji, and Tenshi either by the way. Zekrom will be there too. This is for his own benefit, and three Dragons will definitely be able to handle one Kyurem... if carefully done, and when combined with Heji... well, I'm certain you can picture things." Kyn said.

"Still will need the electric current or I'll be relatively useless against him...his MIND is even cold, Kyn...and looking through something like that would give me a headache, I think..." She answered, laying down with a flick of her tail.

"Well, Heji and Zekrom should be efficient enough for electric current. So, now that that's taken care of...", Kyn said, releasing Heji from his ball, "What else?"

Serena lowered her head to nose Heji, then blinked at him; trying to understand where he was coming from, and then trying to remember. "I don't know. Dragon moves against him will hurt him more than anything else, I think...since he's got his own weakness covered in his typing..." She frowned "You do realize I was talking about using Heji so that my blood didn't freeze and reduce me to a block of ice, right?"

"I do not Serena. Now, think about this carefully. Do you realize that Kyurem being part Ice-type means more than half of my party can combat him?" Kyn said, mentally going over the typings in his head.

"No, I didn't, but is that half of your actual party, or half of your hacked party?" She chuckled at the wording, then went quiet, looking back towards the ship. "Did you want to see if those things would extend my vision, or were you satisfied with my answer?"

"Curiosity made the Meowth lose it's charm Serena. However, I am still curious to see if they'd extend it. So, that brings up the question of, how exactly are we going to do it?" He simply held out the binoculars for her to examine. "Also, they adjust, closer and further, for different eyes. God this is going to look so weird. But what the hell."

Serena unwrapped her tail from around them and wrapped it around the one side of the binoculars, and tinkered with them until they were spread far enough apart for her snout, before putting them up to her eyes. "Wicked...I can read the letters on the side of the boat. Ugh, but too sharp..." She handed them back. "Yeah, my eyes wont last long in those."

Kyn took the binoculars and readjusted them slightly. "What is this... too sharpness of which you speak? And second of all, are you saying that these actually worked? How far away is it to the point to where both your eyes AND the binocs allowed you see it?"

Serena brought up the memory of it, and gave it to him, the crisp clarity that was like someone had rendered something to too far, and it almost looked fake. "Yes, I'm saying that they worked, they hurt, but they worked...and um...I don't have a real distance in comparison to what my eyes can see? What is the closest thing YOU can see?.....this is starting to sound like a very odd version of I-SPY."

"Well, not sure it's anything worthwhile. Besides clouds and things, I don't really see anything important besides maybe.... some lane markers in the distance, and possibly a buoy." Kyn said, pointing to the direction in which these objects could be found.

" can see the far corners of the semi-circle for swimmers off to the left of your fingers, just with my normal eyes, about four buoys, including the one that was in the 'snapshot' memory I gave you...except it's not as in focus at this range."

"Seems pretty far. I believe that your eyes are the regular equivalent of me looking through a telescope. In other words, telescopic vision, but better. So, about how long would you estimate before they get here?" Kyn asked, trying to spot them in the distance himself.

"I want to try something." She nudged him. "Close your left eye."

"Well there's no doubt about it Serena. I'm closing my left eye right now." After he said that he immediately closed his left eye, and waited for whatever Serena planned on doing.

Serena herself closed her right eye, then set her head on his shoulder so that it wouldn't be an awkward transition, and then essentially 'wired' what her left eye saw into the feed for his left eye, and vice versa with his right eye, so he had half of her vision, and half his. "Does it hurt your eyes to be like this?"

"No, but it's not something I'm used to. We're not supposed to be able to do this, y'know. It's like, against the rules." Of course, there wasn't exactly a set rulebook that he was pulling these so called 'rules' from but it was just a general thing and not meant to be a set in stone thing, and taken as an expression.

"Is not. There was a book somewhere that someone referenced, I don't remember who...where a Dragon and her rider shared eyesight like this, except she took both eyes." She left the eyesight. "So, how far away do _you_think it is?"

"Still nothing to compare it to against the sky, like a building or anything. I don't even know how far out those buoys are. If I had a gun, I'd shoot it, and do a calculation based on whether or not I heard a sound, and if I did hear a sound, how long it took to get back. Unless of course you've clocked your Dragon Pulse in meters per second." Kyn suggested.

"We...don't exactly have meters per second in my world...but the theory sounds a bit like counting to see how many kilometers away lightning is." She pulled away from his head, and did take her stance for the Dragon Pulse, aiming it to the right of the ship at a forty-five degree angle, her mouth aglow with the blue-green energy as the orb formed between the fangs and her jaws. <Tell me when you're ready.>

Kyn set up a stopwatch on his Pokétch and then gave the go ahead. -SNAP- her jaws closed, and the Dragon Pulse sped off, close to the water, it made waves as it passed, she counted mentally as well. She detonated it when it was about as far away as the middle of the boat , and then waited, watching it rock the boat in the water. 1...2....3....4....5....6....7.....8....9.....10....11....12.....13......14.....15......16...... -BOOM- the shock wave reached them as the waves sloshed against the dock. "Uh....whoops? Well, if they didn't know we were here before...."

"Apparently your Dragon Pulse either travels really fast, or they were just really close. Probably would be better if we think it's the first option for now." Shortly afterward, a sonic boom was heard in the distance.

Her head snapped to the direction of where she thought it came from, her earfins quivered and strained; and then she snorted, checking the range of Tenshi rather instinctively, not him.......She resumed her previous position of guarding; her snarl accented with sparks this time instead of fire, showing the element change, which she soon contained. "I do so hope that that was your friend, Kyn."

"Well soon find out, won't we, Serena?" Almost not sooner than ten seconds later, another sonic boom sounded from the opposite direction of the first, causing Kyn to turn around.

Serena too coiled her neck around. "And that would be an overshot, shouldn't your friend be used to working with the black one by now?" Her eyes tried to focus, scanning the area, and then; frustrated with the overlapping eyesight from Kyn, broke off the connection rather abruptly.

"Tenshi and Zekrom have never worked together in the history of their lives. I don't know where you got that idea from."

Tenshi arrived to meet the group sometime afterward. "That would be my other. We are.... all three here..." He said, with a set of feelings that were not quite describable.

"My connection to him is not as good as mine to yours...and I don't have the built in ability of being able to read minds, so I do have to concentrate on things like that...I wouldn't have to if I had a permanent link like I do with you, but I don't." About that time Tenshi rejoined them, and she frowned. "If they never have before...why do I doubt that they will now?"

"Because they have a different purpose now." Kyn said.

"Because we have a different purpose now." Tenshi said simultaneously.

"Fine, just stop that, If the black one and N do it too, and you all echo one another, I am out of this twilight zone." She answered. Oh, she was still guarding them, all of them for that matter; but she sniffed around Kyn's backpack until she found the compartment with the charge stones; and pulled both of them out before zipping it back up. She looped one around Heji's neck, and then one around her left front limb. "Quick overview love; so long as the stone is touching you, you can direct the arcs of your electricity into it, also, automatically any electricity that hits you will go straight into the stone as well. When it's fully charged it's as bright as a spotlight constantly, if it's about to break, it flashes. If that happens, toss it as far away from your person as possible."

"Understood. Now I believe it is time for some Flying Luxray." Heji said with a chuckle.

"We'll go on the bow first, and meet up with N somewhere in between more than likely. Tenshi... would you tell Zekrom the plan once we get there?"

"Sometimes the way you phrase these questions make me wonder. Have you decided to stop giving me orders as a Pokémon Trainer?" Tenshi said, in a way that indicated both confusion and curiosity.

Serena ducked down to let Heji up on her back as she had earlier, this was when she wished that she had taken proper training to learn flying type moves that she normally couldn't learn. She flicked out her tongue. "Two dragons entering from one position, talk about overkill." True, she was the smallest of them, and she didn't know where exactly he was being kept.

"Elite Four level and higher Dragons. Talk about overkill. However, this IS one Kyurem." Kyn and Tenshi landed on the ship, after which everyone was released again. "Really, We could all theoretically split up until we found the Kyurem. Each one of us alone could probably take down a whole mess of their parties, and them."

"There's only two ends of the ship, unless I rip the top off...which I can do." She flexed her claws, they were sharp enough, she was sure, add it with shadow claw, and it would be as if she was cutting through butter.

"Actually, that would be rather interesting to see except... we do need this ship to be able to leave the dock. If you tear that particular part of the ship off you would be littering, and that would be very naughty of you to do Serena. Plus it'd be difficult to clean up." Kyn said, with a chuckle, before heading to one of the entry doors.

"Pah, you're no fun." She took off, with Heji on her back, by far, running was her strength, the strong legs she had built up in her Shelgon state made her a fast runner, and she swam through the air pretty much, leaping and only spreading her wings to keep herself balance on the rigging of the bow. She roared out her challenge--no where near as impressive as when her Moxie was boosting it, but still impressive none the less. She remembered that they would need to keep the ship intact, and for the most part, kept her claws even from the bow of the ship. She knocked the first grunt away with her tail, remembering that some of them had families, and ducked down the first entry hall, trusting Tenshi to keep Kyn safe; she was going to clear out the lower floors, of course, if her link was tugged that he was NOT okay, balls to keeping the tanker afloat, she would be going to him.

Kyn managed to knock out his fair share of grunts, taking some of his his time interrogating them before doing so, in a way in which basically the general sense was, if he left them unconscious but removed their Poké Balls if they had a family, and sent that over the link.

Tenshi made an effort to contact his other, in which the query was, 'Kyn was trying to find N all this time, and was wondering where you two were for the longest period of time.' to which Zekrom responded with,

'We went to an area that once we were there found out was designated Hoenn.' Tenshi mentally and verbally chuckled at this.

'Ironic. All this time Kyn was looking for you two in two other regions, and you were in the area that he considers "home sweet home." as they say.'

Serena was focused on checking their minds for references to family, she almost missed the mental check that those with families would have no Poké Balls on hand, she was mostly buffeting grunts with her wings or tail, but one she had thought that she had knocked out sent a Pokémon at her, she just had to hope that Heji saw it, or she would have her tail bitten before she could truly knock it out.

"I am not used to having to restrain myself to knocking out my opponents..." She growled under her breath, inhaled, and then blew flames from her snout to send those before her scattering.

"I sort of apologize for that. Now, I've got a bit of.... rather annoying but interesting news to report." Kyn said, reaching up to attempt to pet her.

She lowered her nose to his hand--when had he caught up to her? She couldn't remember, still, she waited and listened with a soft thrumm in her throat; she was still glowing with her moxie, but it wouldn't affect him any. "Hmmmmm?"

"N went to the Hoenn region. While I looked for him in the Kanto and Johto regions.... he was in the Hoenn region..." Kyn said with a slightly annoyed tone.

Serena snorted, and her tail flicked annoyedly, it wasn't helping that she was already annoyed with the fact she was having to be careful not to kill anyone. "Mmmph....It's a good thing that he can't help where YOU looked, or he'd get SUCH a lashing...tongue lashing, that is."

"Serena. After this, would you like me to take you to the area where I hunt a lot of my Tauros? It might relieve you a bit, after having to hold back so much." Kyn suggested. It was a fair offer, considering that she wouldn't be restricted on what she killed, ate, or just plain had fun with.

"'re not going to tell me that I'm not allowed to kill ANY of these creeps now, after telling me I only had to leave the ones with families, are you?" she rumbled against his hands.

"Well... it's not exactly like that.... but, suppose the answer was yes.... then what would you do...?" Kyn asked, almost sounding a bit frightened but it would only be detectable as a hint.

"I would ask you what the point of disarming those with families were, if I wasn't going to be allowed to make an example of SOME of those without." she snarled a little, but didn't pull her head away.

"Well. I'm not exactly sure you can make many examples of people that have already been dealt with. I've dealt with them in my specific way. Of course I learned of a way that will incapacitate them, and wish they never joined, because they will be depending on others to help them leave this ship. Broken kneecaps, ankles, and elbows. You, however, on your part of the grunts are free to do with them as you wish. The non-familied ones I mean."

"Mmm....we have something other to do, other than to rip these humans to shreds...I've got the way clear, mostly, to where I THINK the Grey one is being kept...I didn't dare go without you."

"No no, you are wise not to go without me. We need at least four to handle Kyurem. Are you ready then? Lead the way to where you THINK he is being ke--- wow. You're doing that again. Grey One, after White One, and Black One. After so many years I hear you refer to Kyurem as the Grey one." Kyn interrupted himself mid sentence, but he was sure she'd still be able to get the message anyway.

She rolled her eyes at him, walking in front of him and occasionally, admittedly, being a bit rougher with the grunts than she had been before. "I am, yes, no one gave them a name, you're identifying them by species, because they are the only ones of their kind....but do they not deserve NAMES themselves? We refer to them as their colors, as titles, we grant them NAMES, for they once named themselves. Sorbet....being the prime example, I wonder if this one will remind me of him." Her claws clicked against the wood, and yes, the air got much cooler, her inner fire burned against it, and she wrapped a warm wing around her human.

"Well if Zekrom would bloody GIVE me a name, I would be more than happy to use it, but so far he hasn't. That's just how things go in this world. Most trainers don't give them Pokémon names, or are able to understand their names anyway. Like Striker being Quickwing. As well as another of his clan mates that we've met, Swiftwind." Kyn didn't roll his eyes back at her, but instead he just continued following. After Serena wrapped a wing around him, even though he didn't really need it, he still said, "Thank you."