Among The Roses

Story by Uoikih on SoFurry

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Among The Roses

(a passionate and vanilla tale involving Dandin and Mariel)

Author's Note: Yes, I wrote this story out of spite, something to tease a certain critic with. However, (you know who you are) who are you to tell me what I can and cannot write? It is fully within my rights as an author to write and publish whatever I want, as long as it conforms to Yiffstar standards. Also, you have no right to threaten me, telling me "your a dead man" if I write a certain yiff involving Dandin and Mariel.

For the rest of you, I think it's time to reveal my gender, because my name, Uoikih, certainly does not. I am a 21-year-old young woman, skilled in English, on the road to becoming a veterinarian, and black. I'm sorry I haven't revealed this before, but I just think now is the time to do so. Another thing, (you-know-who) I enjoy spelling Jacques' first name Bryan. It possesses a certain archaic flair that appeals to me.

Now, without further adieu, on to the tale!

All characters used in this story (c) /Bryan/ Jacques; used without permission

For Reignhiz. . .

After the grueling episode with Captain Bragglin and his soldiers, during which Dandin, Mariel, and the little hogbabe Bowly Pintips attempted to rescue three little moles, and the jaunty Field Marshal, Meldrum Fallowthorn, came to their aid with his four leveret nephews, the moles' grandfather, Furrp Straightfurrer, took the eight woodlanders back to his colony and fed them heartily, after which they bedded down inside the tunnels. However, unable to sleep because of the many moles' snoring, Dandin, Meldrum, Mariel, and Furrp slipped outside to sleep under the starry skies. Once more, because of snoring, the two mice and the old mole moved away from the Field Marshal and found a quieter place to sleep.

Dandin dreamed of Redwall, of Mother Mellus and his old friend Saxtus, who was Father Abbot of all Redwall. Then, his thoughts turned unconsciously to Mariel, asleep beside him. He remembered how she had come to them, filthy and bedraggled, a strange mousemaid, and how she had blossomed over the seasons into a beautiful and mature young warrioress, strong of paw, slender of body, and always armed with an intricately knotted rope she fondly called her Gullwhacker, in memory of the first rope she had ever used as a weapon against the seabirds that would have eaten her when she was washed up onto the shores of Mossflower.

Dandin felt restless movement beside him, and rolled over to face Mariel. She was shifting aimlessly, her eyes wide open and her breaths coming in frustrated sighs. The mouse warrior watched her for a few minutes before she realized he was awake, and froze guiltily. "I'm sorry, Dandin; I can't sleep." Her friend smiled sleepily, yawning a bit. "And why is that, Mariel?" The mousemaid shrugged. "I don't know." She sat up, hugging her knees. "I guess I'm just not used to sleeping around so many beasts," she whispered. Dandin yawned again, sitting up as well. "You're used to sleeping by me," he reminded her, "and by Bowly."

Mariel sighed. "Yes, but you're different. You're my friends, beasts I've traveled with half my life." She smiled. "Well, you, at least." Dandin patted her shoulder. "But Furrp's your friend, and Meldrum, and his nephews, and the moles, too. Burdill, Porgoo, and Grumbee will never forget what you did for them; not ever, Mariel." The mousemaid nodded, and Dandin lay back down. "Try to get some sleep now." He closed his eyes, but they shot open again when Mariel stood. "I'm going down to the stream, Dandin. Care to join me?" The mouse warrior rolled his eyes, sitting up again, now wide awake. "Always the rover, aren't you, Mariel?" He laughed quietly, getting to his feet and following Mariel down the slope and into the forest.

The stream was not far from the moles' encampment, but just out of ear and eyeshot of the others. Mariel found the current's soft gurgle soothing, as did Dandin, who watched fondly as his companion dipped her paw into the water and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Mariel rocked back on her heels and sighed with contentment, forming a pretty picture against the moonlight as she gazed past the trees at the high mountains beyond them. "It's so peaceful here, Dandin. If I weren't a warrior, and we weren't on a mission, I might just stay here with the moles instead of returning to the Abbey."

Dandin nodded. "Yes. Sometimes, I've felt the same way about other places, but I always know that, eventually, I'll have to return to Redwall. It's in my blood, and it has been ever since I was born." Mariel watched her friend affectionately, and then, on a sudden impulse, jumped up and began to unlace her wandering attire. Dandin stared at her. "What are you doing, Mariel?" he whispered fiercely. The mousemaid paused to look up at him and giggle. "I'm going to swim for a bit, Dandin. It'll do nicely to get the kinks out of my muscles." The warrior nodded, but, as Mariel's slim, greyfurred body slid smoothly from her clothing, he could do nothing but ogle her.

The mousemaid was perfectly formed, more so because Dandin, although he had seen his companion nude before, had never viewed her in the same way that he was now. Mariel's breasts were small, but excellently shaped, conformed to her petite size. Her stomach was flat and taut with muscle, as were her legs, possessing an slight, yet impeccable roundness that truly made the mousemaid seem feminine. Her nipples were a pale pink in the creamy moonlight, distended now because of the coolness in the air. Her rump was firmly rounded, twin mounds of delectability that Dandin ached to feel. Mariel's tail was long and barefleshed, pink with healthiness and at the peak of sensuality by mouse standards. To top it all off, the mousemaid's slender form was edged in golden against the moonlight, her silhouette dark and distinct but, as shapely as she was, it only added to her strong beauty.

Dandin's mouth was dry; Mariel had her back to him, unaware of the sensations she was sending coursing through his young body. On one paw, the beautiful mousemaid was a powerful and helpful ally, a friend, not an object of pleasure to be worshipped. On the other paw, however, Mariel was as slim and sculpted as a mousemaid could be, and Dandin had never wanted anything in that moment as he wanted her now. As he struggled between his growing arousal and his companionship for her, Mariel inadvertently made the decision for him. Bending over to test the stream's gentle water, she flicked her tail up with delight at its fresh clearness, revealing, although only for a moment, her faultless pink cleft and the small slit below, tight and clean with healthy pureness.

Dandin felt his tunic tent with his erection and gasped at this lustful change in his body. Mariel slid into the water, shivering with delight. "Oooh; it's a bit chilly." Turning, she waved a paw at Dandin. "Dandin, the water's perfect!" she called quietly up the bank to him. "Come and join me." The mouse warrior quickly hid his arousal from his companion and managed to smile at her. "Uh. . . yes; give me a moment and I'll be down there soon." Mariel grinned at him and proceeded to float on her back, spewing water high into the air like a fountain. Dandin stripped down to the fur, leaving his sword and other clothing on the bank, and then fairly ran down to the water and hopped in with a splash. He grimaced at the coldness that suddenly encircled his member, sucking the hardness out of it and letting it flop down across his soft sac.

Shivering, the warrior swam toward Mariel, who giggled at him. "I told you the water was cold, Dandin!" The mouse clutched himself as his friend swam in circles around him, his teeth chattering. "Yes. . . but. . . only on. . . certain. . . parts of the. . . skin. . . does it . . . hurt." Mariel laughed again, grabbing his paws. "Come on then; start swimming and moving; it does a world of good against the chills." Dandin grinned at the pretty mousemaid, submerging himself to his pectorals in the cool water. "It's not so bad, once you get used to it," he murmured, striking out into a dog-paddle to follow her. Mariel nodded, disappearing underwater for a moment before reappearing to spurt a burst of water into Dandin's face.

She laughed as he spluttered and coughed, clearly not expecting her aquatic attack, and then he began to laugh with her. Without warning, however, the warrior grabbed for her, and Mariel squealed as he grabbed her tail. Dandin flashed his teeth at her and then yanked her underwater, letting go of her almost immediately as she turned on him. The mouse warrior laughed and lunged away, but caught a faceful of water as Mariel swam under him and met him when he came up for air. In retaliation, Dandin tried to pull her underwater again, but the mousemaid ducked, swam between his legs, surfaced, and kicked him over into the water himself. The warrior came up, gasping, and turned to face Mariel. "Truce?" he choked, soaked to the skin and not wanting to tangle with her again.

The mousemaid eyed him slyly, started to take his paw, then pushed him under again and swam in underwater circles around him. Dandin grinned with a mouthful of bubbles at her, and grabbed for her, but Mariel avoided him by twisting away and shooting between his legs again. The mouse warrior tried to concentrate on catching her, but every time the pretty mousemaid swam between his legs, her slick fur made contact with his genitals, sending a jolt through him. Worse, he was growing hard again. He surfaced quickly, lest his beloved mousemaid see his arousal, and Mariel bobbed up to the surface beside him a moment later. "What's wrong, Dandin?" she asked, taking his paw. The warrior shook his head, sending droplets of water everywhere. "Nothing. I think we should get back now, Mariel." The mousemaid spat out a muzzleful of water and shook her head stubbornly. "I'm not going back now, Dandin," she said firmly, looking him in the eye.

The mouse warrior sighed. "Well, I'm going." He turned to swim back to shore, but Mariel caught his arm. "What's wrong?" she repeated. "Was it something I did?" Dandin tried to ignore her and press on for the streambank, but Mariel held him back. "Dandin! Answer me!" The mouse warrior did not answer, and tried to pull away again, but Mariel, exerting her full strength, yanked him back to face her. "Dandin!" The warrior started to shout "NO!" but, as Mariel swung him around to meet her eyes, their muzzles collided.

"Ow!" Mariel squealed, blood suddenly streaming from her nose into the water. Dandin gasped. "Oh! Mariel, I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" The mousemaid ignored him and swam off downstream a ways, where she climbed out onto the opposite bank under an overhanging of roses and held her face quietly. Dandin followed her. "I'm sorry, Mariel! I didn't mean for it to happen!" The mousemaid shook her head fiercely. "It's all right, Dandin; it's just a bloody nose." The mouse warrior bit his lip and looked away, blushing with shame as Mariel staunched the flow of blood from her nose effectively. "I'm sorry, Mariel." The mousemaid sighed after a while, and Dandin turned to her. "Mariel, let me see."

Reluctantly at first, the pretty maiden allowed her companion to cup her chin in one paw and gaze into her nostrils quietly. Their muzzles drew closer and closer together until Mariel whispered the unexpected: "Kiss me, Dandin."

At first, the young mouse warrior was startled; was she kidding? But, one look into her beautiful eyes and he realized that Mariel, the love of his life, meant every word she had just said. Slowly, he lowered his mouth onto hers, and they shared a long and sweet kiss. Mariel was the first to pull away, and she smiled at Dandin. "Do you know how much I love you?" Again, the warrior was shocked. "You. . . I mean. . . you love me!?" Mariel nodded, a single tear now tracing its way down her smooth cheek. "Yes, I do. After what Gabool did to me at Terramort, I thought I could never love a malebeast. But then, I met you. . ." Her voice trailed away, and she caressed his cheek. Dandin reached out for her, and Mariel slid into the water, slid into his arms. Holding her close, his muzzle against her beautiful ear, he whispered, "What happened?"

Drawing a shaky breath, Mariel recounted the whole sad and revolting story of how she had been raped repeatedly by the ruler of Terramort: Gabool the Wild. She told of her unforseen pregnancy by him, and how she had later miscarried when she was raped again six months after her conception. Mariel ended by saying, "Even if my child was going to be an offspring of Gabool, I still would have loved him or her." Clinging to Dandin, the mousemaid wept silently.

The mouse warrior was shocked and enraged by the strange rat's actions concerning his beloved. Surely, if Gabool was not already dead, then Dandin would slay the wicked ruler himself! He held Mariel closer, let her spend herself weeping, and then, as if to reassure them both, he lowered his mouth down to the mousemaid's face. Brushing his lips on her ear, her chin, the corner of her smile, he came as close to her mouth as he could. His paws slid to Mariel's cheeks, cradled her delicate face, and only then did he open his eyes. He kissed her closed eyelids, followed a lone tear down her face until he kissed her warm, open mouth. Somehow, Dandin knew that the inside of her would taste like summer flowers, like apple blossoms and lilacs, like white clover, like the nectar of angels. Mariel responded in turn, letting her taut muscles melt into him, giving herself to him.

Dandin felt her immediate response to his kiss and gathered her closer to him. "Oh, Mariel," he whispered as their lips parted. "I love you. I've loved you from the very moment I saw you, when you were Storm Gullwhacker and I was a young bellringer at Redwall!" Mariel nuzzled his chest, wetting his pectorals with her tears. "Dandin, my beloved warrior. For so long I hoped that you loved me as much as I did you." In the moonlight, the two mice smiled at each other, and then Dandin kissed Mariel again. The young warrioress pressed herself against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, issuing her loving rebuttal soundlessly, yet passionately. The mouse warrior kissed her until she pulled back, her fingers knotting into the thicker fur on his shoulders.

"Dandin. . ."

"Yes, Mariel?"

She drew a shuddering breath and looked up into his face. "All my life, I've known nothing but pain, and. . ." Her voice, for the second time that night, trailed away. Dandin kissed her forehead. "And what, my darling?" Mariel closed her eyes, taking another deep breath. "What I'm about to ask you, Dandin, is. . . well, it's very important to me, important for me to know. Dandin. . . I. . ." Her voice dropped to a whisper, and, as she gazed into the warrior's eyes, her warrior's eyes, she murmured the five words that would throw them both into a scented whirlwind of passion: "Make love to me, Dandin." Twice he had been shocked by this mousemaid's words, and once more was he again. "M-make love, Mariel?" She nodded, biting her lip. "Don't you see, Dandin? I've been raped, tortured, imprisoned! I've never known love from a living beast, besides my father, before!" Her words became fierce, and her fingers tightened in his fur. "I NEED you, Dandin! I need you to show me what real love is, love between a male and female, what it feels like, or I'll just go on living - a - lie!"

She lay her cheek against his chest. "I need to feel your love for me, Dandin, and your strength, and your confidence. I don't want to go on living without you; I'm not strong enough. Do this for me, darling," she whispered, meeting his eyes with her own. "Please." Her eyes were so dark and pleading in the moonlight, firm with her earnesty, moist with her love for him. Silently, he nodded, and silently Mariel sighed, lying her head on his chest. Dandin held her close, aware that, if he did not perform with every ounce of love and tenderness he possessed, then his beloved Mariel would be even more deeply scarred than she already was, and might even take her own life. Lifting her chin, he kissed her softly, feathering his lips across her eyelid, tracing the path of a single tear down her cheek and along the side of her neck. Mariel shuddered slightly as Dandin's lips nuzzled the hollow of her throat, dropped silken kisses along her collarbones, sending darts of hotness spiraling through her body.

The rose overhanging draped down so far that it was buffeted by the current, and the long vines of petaled perfume were what Mariel grabbed instinctively, ready for the pinpricks of pain that would race through her paw and up her arm. However, they never came. The roses were of a thornless variety, somehow fitting for the young mousemaid's first night of pleasure. As Dandin lifted her a few inches up out of the water and braced her against the streambank, among the roses, nuzzling her breasts with his lips, Mariel, between moans of genuine delight, pulled a tiny rose from its vine, a light shade of creamy pink coloring its delicate petals, and this she held between her teeth, stifling any loud cries she would make. Dandin's loins roiled as he tasted Mariel's sweet flesh, licking and suckling upon her rosy left nipple, while he rhythmically squeezed and caressed her right breast, like a wildcat kitten upon its mother's teat. The mousemaid closed her eyes, her breath coming in gasps as her warrior's smooth tongue raked lovingly over her sensitive flesh, circling her areola before engulfing her nipple again between his warm lips.

Her tail rose up out of the water and encircled his back, drawing him closer, as he switched nipples, and slid his left paw down her side, lightly tickling her flesh through the soft fur on her outer thighs underwater before slipping slowly between them. Although the water that lapped at Mariel's nether-lips was cool, Dandin was able to distinguish between the stream and the heat that emanated from his beloved's swelling folds. Alternately suckling and lapping at her nipple, the mouse warrior circled Mariel's slit with a gentle fingerclaw, probing delicately at the sensitive flesh there before slipping a few centimeters inside.

The mousemaid jerked in surprise and pleasure as she felt Dandin's finger probe at her inner walls gently, and moaned, clamping down on his digit involuntarily as she bit down on the rose's slim and thornless stem, tasting the flower's sweet nectar on her tongue. The mouse warrior pulled his mouth from her breast to run his lips and tongue down her taut and muscled abdomen, feeling the tension around her navel as he licked at the tiny depression, and slipping lower, his chin now below the water, to nuzzle into her velvety nether-fur. The mouse warrior, still rubbing inside Mariel's slit with his extremity, murmured, "Move up onto the bank, darling."

The mousemaid, panting and aroused, slid up onto the embankment behind her and lay among the roses, Dandin's paw between her thighs and his muzzle inches from the top of her slit. Still submerged in the water from the waist down, the warrior replaced his finger with his tongue, laving her streamwet folds with his oral appendage, loving the taste of her. Mariel kept the rose between her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut, her small, shapely body heaving with her excited breathing. The mouse warrior's lips closed over her swelling clitoris, his tonguetip working its top with slow, smooth strokes, leaving Mariel speechless with pleasure. "Ohhhh, Dandin. . !" Her fingers knotted into the rose-vines that she hung onto for dear life as, with his paws holding her spread wide, the mouse warrior between her legs introduced her to a whole new universe of intense pleasure. Every movement of his lips on her, every rake of his claws through her fur, every blast of warm air from his flaring nostrils that assaulted her damp nether regions brought her closer to climax.

Just when she thought there could not be another orally-induced pleasure in the world, Mariel felt her mouse warrior scrape her stiff clitoris along the roof of his mouth, working its base with his tongue's smooth edge. If it had not been for the rose filling her mouth, the other woodlanders would have been jolted rudely out of their sleep by Mariel's scream of release. Squeezing her lover's head between her thighs, Mariel climaxed explosively, spreading her nectar through his facefur and splashing it into his mouth, tears of pure, agonized pleasure streaming down her face. Dandin tasted a new font of zesty warmth flow out into his muzzle, copious in its amount and sweet to the palate, and, after swallowing most of his beloved's tangy juices down, swirled his mouth's muscular organ inside of the mousemaid's tightness, cleaning her of her mess as she writhed underneath his tongue, moaning his name, reaching for him.

The scent, smell, and taste of Mariel had done wonders to bring the hardness surging back into Dandin's shaft, even despite the water. As the mousemaid lay spread and panting on the streambank before him, Dandin leaned over her, kissing her firmly, tasting the salt of her tears on her lips and feeling her arms encircle him. "Dandin," she panted between kisses, "that was wonderful! Thank you; thank you so much!" The mouse warrior nodded silently, covering her face with kisses and nibbling on her neck, her throat, her ears. His malehood throbbed against the bank, longing to fill Mariel. He wondered if he should simply enter her unexpectedly, or wait for her to make the first move. For the second time that night, Mariel made the decision for him. Pulling away, she postured as through she were in heat: resting on all four paws, her tail held to the side, revealing her wet and needy slit, which pulsed with her arousal below her tiny pink bud of an anus.

The mouse warrior slid wet and dripping up onto the bank behind her, his long tan rod now painfully hard and beaded with clear, warm droplets of preseed. Mariel made no attempt to resist when Dandin placed his paws upon her firm and rounded rump; instead she shuddered and pressed back toward him. The warrior, now faced with her glistening slot and her perfect cleft licked his lips, and leant forward, opting this time for the latter. The mousemaid gasped, biting down on the mutilated rose stem when she felt what seemed like a strip of wet silk press upon the outside of her tailhole, and then slip into her. Dandin slowly worked his tongue deeper, not surprised at the cleanliness of Mariel's anus, for she was the cleanest, most pure mousemaid he had ever known, in both body and spirit.

Mariel moaned as Dandin paid as much attention to her cleft as he did to her slit, bathing it from as far as he could reach inside to all around the outside with his warm saliva, sometimes raking his tongue teasingly across her clitoris, which made her jump. The mouse warrior spread her rump wider, providing his tongue better access to Mariel's tight tailhole, tasting her there with avid zealousness. The mousemaid moaned around the rose stem, tormented almost to insanity by Dandin's warm tongue lapping hungrily at her rear end. "Please. . . Dandin. . .ahh. . . pleaHHHH!"

In response to his beloved maiden's plea, Dandin had plunged deep into her, burying himself sac-deep in the first stroke. Mariel stifled her cry of pleasure, her inner walls spasming around the hard intruder that was embedded in her. "Dandin!" Likewise, the mouse warrior's breath was quite taken away by the feel of Mariel's silken nether regions around him; as his pole twitched inside of her, he could feel every muscle inside of her rippling around him. Dandin, his breath coming in shuddery gasps, pulled out of the mousemaid, her smothered cries for him to continue fueling his fervent passion for her. And when she backed up and swallowed him in, it took all his willpower not to cry out, too.

Holding her thighs, Dandin fell into a shaky, unestablished rhythm, rocking slowly back and forth on his knees behind her, his rump and thigh muscles taut with lustful energy. Mariel tossed her head like a fevered mare and backed to meet him each time he swayed forward, giving small cries and squeaks of delectation, the rose long fallen from her lips and forgotten. A small breeze began to whisper around them, tossing the perfumed rose-vines about their straining bodies, whistling between and under them. The moonlight filtered down upon the two, thrusting and bucking in their unrestrained passions among the roses. The two mice, a warrior and a warrioress, moved as one, each loving the way their bodies fit together, each feeling their lovemaking to be so perfect, each feeling as if they had been created for the other.

Dandin, caught up in the moment, fired by Mariel's eagerness and his own, thrust faster, sweat dripping from his muzzle and ears onto her back.

Mariel, panting and moaning at the shock of real pleasure, welcomed Dandin's increase in speed, sweaty and cold at the same time, feeling foreign heat build in her loins.

And, even as they moved to and fro wildly, each smelling the arousal, the heat, the sweat---

The roses. . .

---a zenith hit them both at the same time, peaking their loins and bodies with unbearable convulsions of pleasure, making them shudder like leaves in a gale.

Dandin cried out as he flooded Mariel with his hot, live-giving seed, filling her with his love. Mariel shrieked his name to the four winds, shaking uncontrollably under her lover, her sweet cream streaking along his shaft.

Mariel collapsed first, panting, satiated, full of love for Dandin and fully happy for the first time in her life. Dandin lay behind her, his rod still buried inside of Mariel and his arm draped over her, gasping for breath. After a while, he slid from her and the mousemaid turned to face him. Their sweaty bodies pressed together, they shared a long and passionate kiss, a consummation of Mariel's first night of pleasure

And Dandin's. . .

Locked in an embrace, they fell asleep curled together, nude among the thornless roses with the moon shining down on them and the breeze whispering over them.

The End