College Daze - Chapter 1 - Jason

Story by DragonTamer on SoFurry

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College Daze: Chapter 1 - Jason

By: DragonTamer

"Room 303, room 303....." I kept repeating to myself as I walked down the hall.

First day of college. I was scared out of my mind. All of those things they tell you like "Oh, your first day is going to be fun, you'll make lots of new friends" are complete and utter lies. The truth is, I wasn't particularly good at making new friends. At this point though I was more nervous than a cow staring at an oncoming train.

The only reason that I wasn't good at making new friends was because I was incredibly shy. Geoff's the name. I was a pretty good looking anthro wolf, about 6 feet tall, and pretty well built due to several years of playing hockey, football and wrestling (REAL wrestling though, not that fake stuff you see on TV). My fur was a light gray color, which I loved, except for the tip of my tail, which was purely white.

I was fairly smart. Honor roll smart in high school to be exact. I despised most subjects but I always did my best to get good grades anyway. The only classes I really liked were math, just because I was good at it, and art, for the same reason.

I did have one really good friend though. His name was Mark. We were just entering high school and we both sat side by side in the same math class. He was the one who first approached me, as I was too scared to say even as much as hello. He invited me over and we stood up all night talking about past relationships, family, and common interests. We became close friends after that. We both graduated in the top ten of our class, and he had even gotten valedictorian. This is why it broke my heart when he told me he had accepted a scholarship into Harvard, where he planned to study to become a lawyer. I knew I couldn't stand in the way. It was his future of course, but it still hurt.

So here I am, at a different university, scared out of my mind, and not having my best friend to be there with me. I was going to study to become an accountant as I had been told by too many people that it was my perfect job. I believe I will enjoy it. I like the pressure and the fast pacedness of work like that. I guess I'm weird that way. But anyway where was I? O yea, I just found the room I was looking for.

I opened the door, my hand shaking on the knob. I silently went inside and looked around. Good my new roommate wasn't here yet. I get to choose what closet I want!

Just a couple of minutes after I started unpacking, I heard a knock on the door. I was met by a very sad looking, very nervous looking snow white anthro wolf. He was pretty well toned, standing about an inch shorter than me. He was only carrying two bags, as opposed to my 5, but didn't question why. I was just glad to have met my roommate who I would have to spend a lot of time with for the next year at least. I extended a paw to shake hands with him. He took it very loosely and we shook only once before he walked in. The first thing he did was plop his bags on the floor next to the bed and he plopped himself down on the bed right after. I frowned, wondering why this little wolf was so sad.

I decided to give him some space, since he looked like he needed it. I continued to unpack my thing, my clothes, my posters, my alarm clock, and, most importantly, the new laptop that my saint of an aunt gave to me as an I-hope-you-do-well-and-I-wish-you-the-best gift.

Eventually curiosity got the best of me, and I had to ask the wolf's name and at least and try to find out what was wrong. So I went to the bed and gently patted him on the shoulder. He turned around slowly, showing me his pouting face, with silent tears streaming down his eyes. I started worrying right then as I hate to see someone cry, and thought something really bad must be up.

"Hey, hey buddy, are you okay?" I asked, just the slightest bit of worry in my voice.

He looked at me and continued to sob. He just stared back into his pillow and buried his face in it. Best give him some space, I thought to myself.

After I finished unpacking, I decided to call Mark and tell him about some of the stuff that was going on.

"Hey, man how are ya?" I asked him

"Pretty good, pretty good. How's unpacking and your first day going?" He asked me. He had already moved into his dorm room at Harvard so he had already gone through it all.

"Awesome. Just finished," I replied. "There's just one thing though. My new roommate, well he looks kinda down and he's crying and stuff and I don't know what to do. He looks like he's in a bad state."

"Awww, man that sucks. He's probably just worried cause it's his first day. He might not know anyone and might be having a hard time adjusting." That was Mark. Always with a theory in his head. It was annoying sometimes but even more annoying was the fact that 95% of the time he was right.

"Alright man. Well, look I got orientation in about a half hour so I gotta get ready. I'll call you tonight, tell you about my first day, alright?"

"Alright dude. Wish you luck with orientation. Talk to ya later."

"Bye" I said to him as we hung up the phone. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was just nervous. But I couldn't quite put my finger on that.


It was finally orientation time. I was hoping to meet some new people that would over the next few years become close friends. I went with the snow white wolf, whose name was Jason as I later found out, since he was the only one I knew. So we both walked down to orientation together, an experience that I found would do nothing for me..

We walked into the room that already had about twenty other furs in it. Although I was taller and stronger looking than a lot of them I still felt intimidated by them, I told you, I'm horribly shy.

We all sat in a circle and when our name was called we would walk into the middle of the circle and would have three minutes to tell everyone about ourselves. I had to go first, damn the luck, and I stuttered horribly, which brought snickers and giggles form the others quite frequently. Then it was Jason's turn.

He slowly walked up to the middle of the circle and I could tell that he really did not want to be there. I didn't blame him when he broke down and walked back to the outside of the circle. I followed him to once again see what was wrong. He led me by my paw back to our dorm room. He opened the door and immediately went back to his bags. As soon as he got there, he pulled a letter out. He handed it to me and resumed his place on his bed, face in the pillows.

I read the letter and quickly realized why he was so upset. The letter read.....

Dear Jason.

I decided to come clean because I knew you would find out eventually. I never really liked you. The only reason I went out with you is because you gave me everything I wanted. Money, clothes, anything, anytime. It was a sweet deal. That is why I stayed with you. No other reason. But my boyfriend for the past two years said he was going to tell you so I decided to do it myself. Well, anyway, Goodbye forever.


All I could do was stare at the note in awe. How could a person do that to someone. It was just plain horrific. I went over to the bed and tried to console him, and was met by a big hug instead. He planted the side of his head into my chest and continued to cry. I didn't have the heart to stop him, so I just stood there patting his back. It was a horrible thing for someone to go through, and I finally understood why he was so sad. He finally let go after a few minutes and whispered a "thank you" to me.

I felt extremely sorry for the poor pup. A break up was something hard to go through, especially finding out that the one you were going out with didn't really care aobut you at all. I decided to give him some space. And with that, I went to sleep as it was already 11 o'clock.

The next morning, I was woken up by the wonderful smell of fresh made bacon and eggs. It was Jason, and he very thoughtfully had made me breakfast in bed. I was very touched by this simple gesture. He seemed to be in a much better mood since he had finally showed someone why he was so sad, and had someone to share his pain.

After I had finished the wonderful meal he had prepared me, we decided to go out together to Timothy's to learn some more about each other over some coffee. Thankfully, classes hadn't started yet so we had all the time in the world.

"So tell me about yourself," I asked him once we had gotten our drinks.

"Well, my name is Jason, as you know. I come from a pretty lucky family. My dad owns a realtor business so we always had money. I started going out with Claire hen I was 21, so the entire time she had been seeing some other asshole....." He breathed a deep sigh at saying this. "I'm studying to become a realtor as well, and on the side I'm learning how to do business. Not much more to say about me. How about you?"

I took a long sip of my French vanilla coffee. "Well, not much to say about me either. I'm here to study to be an accountant, and the rest you probably heard form orientation yesterday."

"Sounds good," he said to me.

We spent the next couple of hours just reminiscing about past experiences, much like me and Mark had when we met each other.

I think I had made a good new friend.


Classes started. They were the classes from hell. I used to like math, but they taught me to hate it. I was taking advanced calculus and the going was tough. There was one bright side however. Very luckily, Jason was in the same calculus class as I was. Whenever we got bored, we would just pass notes to each other. Of course there was one time when we were caught, and the note very embarrassingly said, "Well, I don't think you look that bad. In fact, you're pretty cute." The teacher read it aloud to the class and we were pretty embarrassed after that. We were really talking about girls that I liked, and there was one in particular and I said she would never go for someone as ugly as me. The rest explains itself.

We became even closer over the next few months. I helped him completely get over Claire, and he always helped me get over the new math problems I had developed. Advanced calculus was really quite hard, but he was great at it. During that particular night, we were studying for mid-terms. He helped me phenomenally. We both did very well on the mid-term and decided to go out to celebrate. We hit the clubs.

I dressed in my best clothing, which still looked like crap in comparison to what Jason was wearing. He was wearing a black, button up designer shirt, and tight black jeans. He looked awesome in them. So awesome I accidentally blurted it out. "Wow you look hot tonight." I said as I slapped my hand over my mouth, realizing what I had just said.

Jason took it as a simple compliment, said thanks, and we piled into his car to drive off to the club. Why had I said that to him. I wasn't....but was I? I could not say for sure.

We arrived at the club to find it packed. It was absolutely bursting at the seams with people. We finally got inside after waiting for about a half an hour. It was great. We both had quite a few drinks, and he had, even though it sounded completely wrong and nasty , convinced me to try a cumshot. Great name, huh? It was a mix of Baileys, butterscotch schnapps and whipping cream. It was really quite tasty, despite it's name.

After we both decided we had had enough to drink, we decided to go into the lounge in the back to talk for a bit. The lounge was packed as well, so we had to wait a bit for some couches to be free. We sat down and he, very suddenly, lied down his head into my chest. I started stroking his head fur while we talked.

"Geoff, I just wanna say thanks for being such a great friend for me the past couple of months, at a time when I really needed it. It's been hard for me, with the break up and all."

"Well, no problem, I'm glad that I met you. You're a great friend and you're always there for me. And thanks for helping me with my math." I said with a grin.

He looked up at me with those acid green eyes of his. He closed his eyes, and I did the same........


Sorry bout the cliffhanger, guess you'll just have to read part two to find out what happens.......hehehe.