Moon-Shadowed Past Chapter 1

Story by FurianWolf on SoFurry

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First chapter in the story of Furian Wolf

Alright everyone, this is the opening chapter of my first story so any comment will be helpful. The chapter is set up to both begin this story and to introduce some characters who will be appearing in later stories, sorry that it's a little short and forgive me if it takes a bit for me to start working on the rest of the story as I am currently very busy

Moon-Shadowed Past

Chapter 1: Memories

Furian turned the corner and quickly shot and killed the two guards who were coming down the hall to try and help their comrades, albeit too late as Furian had taken out every soldier he had met along his path and those engaged with his unit outside of the base were not likely in any better shape. He continued along the hallway following the smell of blood as it lead him towards what he hoped would be his target.

The cells were empty, if there were any survivors they will be this way, the blood is fresh and intel suggests that the leader of this terrorist cell is a sadist who enjoys torture Furian thought as he approached a bloody door from which the smell was originating.

Finding the door locked he shot off the hinges, which were luckily on the outside and kicked the door in and jumped to the side to avoid possible return fire. Inside the room he saw a wounded tiger strapped to a metal table and a snake in a blood-stained white coat standing over him with a surprised look on his face finding his fun interrupted by an armed assailant. Furian wasted no time in emptying a bust into the snakes head. Soundproof torture room he thought as he freed the tiger from the table and helped him up.

"Sergeant Cutler if I am not mistaken" Furian said speaking in an emotionless tone "I'm with the Shadow Pack mercenary company, here to rescue you and your squad, where are the others?"

"Dead, I'm the only one left, they were executed after their interrogations, the only reason I'm still alive is that bastard didn't want to kill me until I broke." The tiger replied as he got his bearings, looking at his rescuer he found himself surprised "A child?" he asked startled.

"Furian, no surname, age twelve, affiliation: Shadow Pack, special assault class. We do not have time for this; we need to get you out of this base and to my unit. If you must ask personal questions they can be addressed after that point." Furian replied in the same empty tone as he slipped Cutlers arm over his shoulders and helped him up and began moving back towards the entrance of the base, the sounds of combat still sounding from outside showing that the battle was not yet completed.

As they neared the base entrance a door behind them sprang open and a terrorist began shooting at them while hiding behind the door frame. Furian turned to fire but felt to bullets strike his arm causing him to drop his rifle, however with the same arm, his other continuing to hold up his objective, he quickly drew his sidearm and put two bullets into his attackers head before holstering his sidearm and picking up his rifle once more.

After exiting the base Furian and Cutler dodged through the fire fight and headed to a nearby hill where the Shadow Pack camp was located. Approaching the camp Furian called out for the group's medic, who had stayed back at the camp with the group's sniper.

"Saul, the survivor is wounded, get him patched up quickly, I don't want to fail this mission after It has been completed." The medic approached and looked over the two who had just entered camp.

"His wounds appear mainly superficial, designed more to elicit pain that be fatal, you however Wolf have two bullets lodged in your arm, you're the one who needs medical attention the most." Saul replied reaching out to grab Furian, but quickly finding himself sidestepped.

"Cutler is the mission objective; his wounds take priority no matter how grave."

Saul growled, but knew how little success he would have arguing. "Fine, but at least let someone get those bullets out of your arm. Cyclops, get to it, can't let the fool bleed out" The sniper looked up, revealing himself to be an ocelot with only one eye "You know how the damn fool gets about mission parameters and all that shit." The ocelot chuckled, but began to work to cut the bullets from the wolf's arm.

Now free from the battle Cutler looked over his rescuer in detail, Furian was a wolf who was slightly taller that a normal child with dark gray fur showing battle scars in a few places. He was well muscled likely from both battle as well as military drills, and even with two bullets being cut out of his arm his face was still stoic and empty.

"You said you would tell me why a child is with a mercenary group when we returned to your camp, so I'd like some answers" Cutler called out to Furian while they were both being stitched up.

"My parents died when I was four, and my uncle sold me to the Shadow Pack when I was six for drug money." Furian stated bluntly.

"Whoa... I'm sorry I didn't know, what country are you from?" Cutler asked, expecting some third world country or one run by a criminal regime.

"Cessria, and don't worry about it, I fell nothing about my uncles actions and I can't even remember my parents."

Sergeant Cutler just stared however, missing most of what Furian said. Being a soldier in the Cessrian Military he could not imagine the trafficking of people occurring in his first-world homeland, but realized that there were many things just as bad going on under peoples noses, before he could reply however the rest of the mercenary group returned to the camp, having slain all the remaining terrorists and the commander called for everyone to regroup and return to the main base in their helicopters.

Staring out the side hatch scanning for enemy troops Furian found that the sergeants questions had created more of an impact than he had first thought, finding himself thinking about his family and what life he could have had outside of the Shadow Pack for the first time in years Furian settled in for a long flight home lost in thoughts of the past and of the future.