New Horizons

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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#9 of Metal-Heads

"Wake up, honey..."

Kirek stirred slightly before rolling over and continuing to snore softly.

"Come on...its time to get up."

"Mmmmmmm.....five more minutes, love." He said groggily.

"But its Christmas morning." Came the soft voice that could only belong to his beloved otter.

That got his attention. The dragon raised his head off the pillow and blinked the sleep from his eyes. "Really?" he asked incoherently, still trying to wake up. Once his eyes focused, he was blessed with the smiling face of his love, Veronica.

"No. But I certainly feel like it is, there aren't many other days when I wake up this happy." She said, looking at him with bright, slightly misty eyes.

As Kirek's brain finally kick-started he remembered what day it was, and he was happy beyond comprehension. The dragon wrapped his arms about his betrothed and pulled her to him. "I agree, though Christmas seems to pale in comparison to what I'm feeling now." Came his deep voice as he kissed her on the forehead.

Veronica's heart fluttered as she once again felt their bodies pressed against each other and felt her long-neglected arousal begin to stir.

"Careful Cassanova, don't get too cuddly. I've been out of it for so long I might not be able to restrain myself." She said in a playful tone. But as the words left her mouth, she was almost surprised to find that she meant it.

"As nice as that sounds, I think it's time we started getting ready. I know the ceremony doesn't start until this evening, but I have some things I need to take care of." Said Kirek as he stretched and yawned, the joints in his wings cracking slightly.

"I guess you're right. We do have a lot to do." conceded Veronica as she got out of bed and proceeded to dress herself.

Kirek followed suit and ten minutes later he was closing the front door behind him as they exited the house.

"The next time I see you will be when you walk down that aisle, where I'll be waiting, gladly.........I love you." Said the dragon softly as he hugged her.

"That you will, my love. I will see you then...." Said the otter, licking him on the cheek.

With that, they each got in their cars and drove off to complete the last of the preparations.

"I'm still moved to tears every time I hear Snuff. It's just so beautiful, it's the deepest song they've ever written. And the way Corey sings can hear the pain in his voice. The melody is sad and the lyrics are deep. It's one of my new favorite songs." Commented Derek.

"I hear you, it's even better than Vermillion. By the way...did you see them on the MTY VMA's last week?" replied Kirek.

"Heh yeah. It was priceless."

Dragon and Stallion stood on the beach, the small crowd of people Kirek and Veronica had invited sat before them and the priest off to the side, wearing sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat!. Even in the current situation the two of them hadn't lost their common interest in metal, or their desire to discuss it.

"Listen...I really want to thank you for coming down here. There's really no one else who I would rather have be my best man. I suppose Victor could have been another candidate...but given the circumstances I think he'll be in MY shoes soon enough." Kirek said with a glance in the avian's direction.

"I'm proud to be your best man, dude. As I said many times before; you two are gonna be something special. I'm glad I can play a part in that." Answered the stallion, patting him on the back.

At that moment the crowd turned in their seats, looking at the back of the aisle between the two sections of them.

Until this point, Kirek hadn't really thought white and brown had gone well together. He'd likened it to some disgusting stain on a nice clean sheet. But the wedding gown Veronica was dressed in was the most beautiful contrast to her fur he'd ever seen (apart from his own scales).

Veronica really thought she'd be more nervous, but as soon as her eyes met the calm, reassuring gaze of the dragon at the end of the aisle, all her fears seemed to melt away. The black tuxedo he was wearing made him look like the outline of a dragon carved from the fabric of space itself. She began walking towards him, each slow step in time with the wedding march that played, but she couldn't get to him fast enough.

Once she had reaches the 'altar', she looked at Kirek with an expression of utter happiness, one which he readily returned.

The ceremony proceeded with no interruptions, Kirek and Veronica staring into each other's eyes the whole time. When everything was said and done, only one thing remained. Veronica stepped closer to Kirek and looked up at him expectantly.

The dragon smiled to her and brought his tail around between them, from which hung two identical bracelets. They were composed of a strand of black Onyx, his scales, wound around what looked to her like a strand of brown Tiger Eye, her fur. She gasped softly as she realized the symbolism, tears beginning to form themselves in her eyes.

"B-beautiful..." was all she could say.

" are." Said her love.

Veronica wanted so badly to kiss him for his words, but knew she wouldn't have to wait long for that anyway.

"Onyx entwined with Tiger Eye." Said Kirek as he removed one of the bracelets from the tip of his tail.

"Dragon entwined with otter." He continued as he took one of her hands into his.

"Soul entwined with soul..." he finished with a smile as he gently slid it onto her wrist, his eyes never leaving hers.

The otter cried silently in happiness at his words. She removed the other bracelet from his tail, already knowing what to say.

"Tiger Eye entwined with Onyx." She began as she took his hand into hers.

"Otter entwined with dragon." She continued, not sure how she kept her voice from shaking. "Soul entwined with soul..." she finished, sliding the bracelet onto his wrist. Kirek reached around and entwined his tail with hers, completing the final illusion.

"Forever." Both said simultaniously.

Just as it had the first time, a gust of wind came up as they shared the most special kiss of their lives.

Both were dimly aware of the applause, but the rest of their conscious thought was focused on the one they were now bonded to for the rest of their lives. Veronica felt the area between her legs become slightly warmer because of the sheer love she was feeling, and because she once again found herself pressed close to the one for whom she felt that love.

Were it not for the spectators they wouldn't have been able to break their bond for at least several hours, but they pulled away from each other close to a minute later.

After looking at the crowd with happy smiles, Kirek picked her up in his strong arms once again, and took off into the sunset with several mighty flaps of his powerful wings, his wife cradled against his chest.

Veronica rubbed herself against him slightly, feeling her arousal beginning to grow.

" husband.......take me home. I've been wet all day. I....I can't wait anymore. I need you now." She whispered, almost begging him.

"Never would I dream of denying you that which you crave. Don't worry, beautiful wife."

The otter felt her heart skip a beat upon hearing him claim her at long last.

"When I'm done with you..." he said before leaning his head down and whispering in her ear. "you won't be able to walk."

His words sent a delicious shiver through her body and caused the juncture of her thighs to moisten considerably. "Oh gods, love. Don't talk like'll drive me crazy." She whimpered, barely able to contain herself, settling for covering his throat and neck with butterfly kisses.

Kirek didn't carry Veronica over their threshold so much as support her; her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms about his neck, their muzzles locked together as they kissed fiercely.

"I love you...mmmmmm...I love you so much!" Veronica gasped in the midst of their fiery lip lock.

Mmmmph...I love you more.....than anything." Kirek said, gripping her neck and shoulders from the sheer desire he felt for her as they continued to kiss.

The dragon carried her down the hall to their bedroom. The closer they got the faster their hearts beat. They'd waited for this moment for almost a month, and they weren't going to wait any longer!

They entered the bedchamber with lips still bonded and hearts still joined, the dragon's tail closing the door and locking it behind them. Kirek broke the kiss and laid his wife gently on the bed. He then pulled a small remote from his pocket, pointed it at the radio in the corner of the room, and pressed a button.

Veronica's ears perked immediately as she heard the six melancholy notes that she had listened to countless times before, tears beginning to form anew in her eyes.

"K-Kirek....this is my f-favorite Metallica song..." said the otter in a soft, amazed voice.

"I thought it appropriate. Because to me....right now......'Nothing Else Matters'............but you." He finished proudly, truthfully.

Veronica could no longer sit still; hearing her favorite song by her favorite band playing in the backround, and the man of her dreams on the brink of fulfilling all her fantasies staring her in the face. She reached up and pulled him down onto the bed with her as her hands began to loosen his tie.

Kirek let himself fall next to her and murred as he felt her begin to undress him. He responded in kind by un-lacing the upper part of her dress and kissing the nape of her neck.

The otter was already breathing faster as she finally succeeded in removing his tuxedo jacket, leaving him in his white undershirt. She could already feel the bulge from between his legs, and it only served to increase her hunger for him, for his body, for his love.

Several minutes later their clothes were but an after-thought as the new mates lay pressed close to each other, naked as the day they were born, and still engrossed in each other's lips.

Veronica was the first to pull away and speak.

"I've waited too long for this moment, my love."

"As have I." replied the dragon.

The otter wasted no time in slowly sliding down his body to his throbbing erection. She slowly ran her tongue around the tip, murring at the taste she had been starved of for so long.

"Oh yes, love..." Kirek moaned softly.

Veronica surrounded his shaft with her soft breasts, still flicking her tongue against the head and catching the beads of pre.

"Give me a chance too..." the dragon murred. She obliged by moving around so that her rear was positioned over his face, still pleasuring him with her mouth and breasts.

Kirek immediately flicked his own tongue against her clitoris before delving deep into her body, his hands holding her hips to keep her steady.

The otter moaned as she once again felt his talented tongue writhing inside her, the vibrations of her blissful vocalizations causing a spike of pleasure to shoot up the dragon's spine.

By now Kirek had memorized all of her sensitive spots, knowledge that he readily employed as he began to undulate his tongue in serpentine waves inside her with the tip rubbing against her g-spot every time.

Veronica was immediately beside herself with pleasure and increased the fervor of her own ministrations in response. She gradually took more of him into her muzzle and added a gentle suction while pressing her tongue against the underside of his cock.

The dragon and otter drank deep of each other for close to thirty minutes before both of them began to breathe even faster, the frequency of their moans increasing.

Kirek was the first to break; the feeling of her warm, wet mouth as well as her soft, furry breasts caressing his shaft sending him over the edge.

"OhhhhgGOD!!!" he cried as he came in her mouth, thick spurts of his seed hitting her tongue as its recipient swallowed happily.

The exquisite taste of her lover's essence, in addition to the knowledge that she'd made him do it were more than enough to send her over the edge into ecstasy as well.

"YESSSS!!" screamed the otter as her body was inundated with waves of bliss, much as her new husband's face was with her juices, the majority of which he lapped up.

They rode out their orgasms together; for the first time as husband and wife, not just as lovers. As the pleasure began to wane Kiek and Veronica were left panting. They gave several licks to each other for good measure. When they would have normally cuddled and enjoyed the afterglow, dragon and otter threw themselves at each other anew, kissing fiercely. Kirek licked her lips, his tongue begging admittance. She acquiesced by opening her mouth and entwining her own tongue with his.

When they separated, they were both still breathing heavily...and still very aroused.

Veronica got off his chest and lay back on the bed, slowly spreading her legs and emphasizing her vaginal area.

" beloved husband.......take me." She said as the dragon crawled over to her, a loving smile on his muzzle.

"Love me." The otter continued as his torso came to rest in between her thighs, his shaft rubbing against her belly.

".......Complete me." She whispered sensually in his ear.

"Complete US. We are as one now." Kirek replied, his voice and face showing absolute conviction.

"Yes." Veronica whimpered happily, pulling his face down for a passionate kiss.

The dragon gripped his shaft in his hand and rubbed the head up and down her lips teasingly, lubricating it further with her own moisture.

At long last, he pushed his hips forward and buried his cock inside her with a moan. Veronica gasped with sheer euphoria as she was once again filled by his dragonhood, their abstainence making the sensation indescribable. She clenched her inner muscles, which drew another pleasured vocalization from the both of them.

Kirek held himself inside her as he leaned down and captured her mouth in a fiery kiss.

Veronica moaned against his lips as he began to move, his length sliding slowly in and out of her. Her tongue danced with his as their eyes closed and they lost themselves to the feelings of love and pleasure. The otter's legs wrapped themselves around his waist as his hips made gentle thrusts.

The dragon's hands caressed her cheeks and shoulders as they continued their deep kiss. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her nipples rubbed against the hard muscular scales, causing little flashes of pleasure to run through her. Their tails were entangled around each other, as they always were whenever they made love.

"Mmmmmmm." Veronica murred against his mouth, the feeling of his erection sliding so deliciously slowly inside her causing her fur to stand on end.

Kirek gave voice to his simmering passion, rumbling deep in his throat as he kept up his slow, sensual pace.

The tempo of their coupling enabled the two of them to prolong the act for quite some time. But the pure love they were feeling, as well as the elation that came with the knowledge of their life-mateship caused them to pick up speed.

Their kiss ended as the need for air began to outweigh their desire to remain of one muzzle.

"Oh...oh yes." Veronica panted as her hands dug lightly into his back, her hips moving along with his as their mingled pleasure grew.

"You feel....nnnnnngh. You feel so GOOD!" Kirek huffed just before he lowered his head and began running his tongue around her nipples, eventually drawing one fully into his mouth and suckling on it softly.

The otter's hands immediately went to the back of his head and applied gentle pressure to make sure he knew what she wanted. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open as she moaned constantly, growing close.

Kirek was beginning to feel his orgasm creep up on him as well, her warm insides squeezing his throbbing member with velvety softness and gentle suction drove him crazy. His thrusts began to come faster and more urgent, making both of them moan in bliss.

This time Veronica was the first to fall; crying out his name as her pussy tightened and rippled around his thrusting shaft and coating it with her juices. Her back arched off the bed as she was wracked with intense pleasure, her orgasm slowly spreading out from her crotch until her whole body spasmed in bliss.

The muscular contractions and additional lubrication was all it took before Kirek yelled and began to jet his seed into her. His warm semen flooded her insides and caused her to nearly scream in euphoria; the sensation of him cumming inside her always increased the force of her orgasms.

When their climaxes had petered out, Kirek leaned down and kissed Veronica deeply and ardently. She returned it without a second thought.

"I want you. I want more of you." She said unashamedly as they pulled apart.

"Good." Replied the dragon, his eyes narrowing and his grin widening. "Because I didn't say I was done with you yet." He finished, his voice speaking of great lust and desire.

Kirek grabbed her and rolled her over so that she was on her hands and knees. Veronica immediately raised her tail and exposing her dripping lips knowing what was to come.

Even after cumming just moments before, Kirek was still erect and fully aroused. He grabbed her hips in his hands and slowly guided himself into her.

"Oh fuck.......yesssssss." Hissed the otter as he hilted himself and immediately began to rock his own hips against her, his head leaned back slightly as he moaned with pleasure.

His thrusts gradually increased in intensity and speed until Veronica was pushing herself back against him with every stroke, voicing her pleasure with moans and vain utterances of the lord's name. Kirek's eyes were closed and his tongue lolled from the side of his muzzle as he began to pull her hips back onto him with each thrust. He increased his pace as the sensations slowly grew out of control for the both of them.

Kirek leaned forward as he started to thrust into her mercilessly, his chest molded to her back as his jaws gently closed around her throat.

"Don't stop! Don't EVER STOP!!!!" cried Veronica in the throes of pure, unbridled passion. Kirek knew that her request wasn't just applied to the physical; she wanted his promise to never stop loving her.

He removed his jaws from her neck and leaned forward more.

"Never." He hissed into her ear, reinforcing his pledge by slamming himself into her repeatedly.

The lovers began to feel the buildup of an insanely powerful climax and did all in their power to hasten its approach; Kirek driving his cock into her powerfully and Veronica thrusting her hips back against him as she reached between her legs and fingered her clit.

In all the times they'd had sex, with all the times they'd made love...neither of them could remember an orgasm as powerful or PURE as the one which took their bodies hostage several seconds later.

"KIREK. YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!" Veronica screamed in utter bliss as her treasure convulsed around his thrusting shaft, spilling copious amounts of fluids across her lover's cock as well as the sheets beneath them.

Kirek came harder than he ever had before. His cock swelled and spurted thick ropes of his rich, draconian seed into her convulsing pussy. He let out a tremendous roar that shook the walls as he called out his pleasure and let the whole world know.....that he had claimed his mate.

Their orgasms lasted for a full minute before finally dying down to little aftershocks of pleasure.

The dragon shifted and rolled them over so they were laying face to face, his cock still inside her.

"You continue to surpass even my wildest expectations, my love." The dragon cooed softly, nuzzling his face into the soft fur of her neck.

"I don't think I've ever cum so hard, I'm not the one with whom I'm impressed. You were incredible!" replied the otter as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you so much, Veronica." Said Kirek as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Kirek. There are not, nor will there ever be, words to describe how much I love you." Said Veronica, countering his peck on the cheek by pulling his face from her neck and pressing hr lips to his in a full-blooded kiss of fiery passion.

The two fell asleep in the middle of their long kiss, his shaft inside her.

"And so...after seeing and loving each other for a long time, the prince and princess finally got married on a beautiful beach and they flew off into the sunset together. The end."

"Thanks for the story, daddy." Said the baby otter pup from her bed, over which leaned a tall, black dragon. The young otter girl's fur was immaculately clean and a beautiful brown in color, except for one spot. She'd been born with a patch of black fur on her upper arm, identical to the one on the dragon's upper arm.

"You're welcome, sweetie. Secret handshake..."

The pup smiled and extended her little paw with her pinky and index finger extended. The dragon mimicked her and they interlocked their hands, smiling at each other.

"I love you, daddy."

"I love you too. Sleep well." Replied the dragon as he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

After tucking her in, the dragon softly closed the door to the bedroom behind him. He walked down the hall towards his own quarters with a smile on his muzzle.

"So...what story did you tell her tonight, honey?" came a voice from the bed in his room. The dragon removed his clothes and got into bed.

"Ours." He said as he lifted the covers and pressed his naked body against the soft fur of the beautiful otter who occupied the other half of the bed. She rolled over so she was facing him and could capture his muzzle in a gentle kiss.

"I know it's been a while, but I'm still amazed that we could have a child." Whispered the otter.

"I'm as happy as you are. But the thing that amazes me is that she was born with that mark on her arm. I mean...mine is just a tattoo." replied the dragon.

"Anything is possible, my husband. That I was lucky enough to find you is nothing short of a miracle." She said, echoing his words to her years ago.

They snuggled closer to each other and kissed. The kiss was soft, but still spoke volumes of the immense love and devotion they still held for each other.

'I love you, Kirek." Whispered the otter.

"I love you, Veronica." Replied the dragon.

The two drifted into slumber as they had many times before; with their arms holding each other, their tails entwined.....and their hearts forever one.