The Pleistocene: Sentimental Devoid (Straight, Feral Dragon Erotica) Part 1 of 2

Story by LevitasDarkwing on SoFurry

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First story submission, I hope you enjoy the read! (note: italics don't work here, all dialogue is thoughts only) I am open to any tips or suggestions for my next stories and writing techniques, Thank you!

The Pleistocene: Sentimental Devoid (Dragon, Feral, Romance, Erotica, M/F) Part 1 of 2

Vaixon hid under two large shrubs where stems and leaves clustered together to effectively mask his shape. Poking his head out from under the branches, he scanned the area before him for signs of life, but nothing stirred in the distance. Many days had passed since his last meal, and hunger threatened life. Looking up, a flock of birds chattered among themselves overhead. He was alone, left young and scared with what little teachings his mother could give him to survive. He missed her. And every day his heart would fill with the same burning hatred for the hunters that took her away. The only creature that had ever cared for him was his mother. Independence stuck to Vaixon, he had not seen another dragon since she was gone. These reminders constantly haunted his mind, causing terrible grief and loneliness like a bird that journeyed south alone.

It was spring out and the weather was colder then it should have been, but for Vaixon it was paradise; he was accustomed to the colds of winter and lack of shelter. The trees, shrubs, and boulders were scattered across the abandoned forest. The ground was dry and open, producing very little grass. Light shined through narrow gaps in the trees to give the decaying under-brushes a haunting, grey-dull appearance. Weeds were the only flowers that dared to live; their seeds flew around in all directions from the impetuous winds that attacked at random intervals, as if a god was trying to torture what pitiful creatures dared walk this barren land.

He crawled out of the branches, being careful not to scrape the thin blue wings that protruded from his shoulders. When he stood up on all four of his short, but muscular legs, his back reached up over three feet in the air. A tail slithered loosely behind him, adding another four feet to his body. The bushes he prowled in could hide his dark blue coloured scales, but he had to keep low to cover the dull peach markings that lined his lower-body. His wings laid flat against his sides. Like a bat, they folded in and stuck out a few feet behind him. His wings were made of a delicate leathery texture, connected by a series of thin bones that attached to two strong arms. Tiny soft and flexible bright green spines lined his back from half of his tail to the top of his head where two horns stuck out backwards from his temples.

Vaixon pondered, finding food would be much easier if I could fly.

Every attempt he made took him higher and farther off the ground but it wasn't enough to get airborne. He knew he couldn't sustain flight yet, I need to practice more. His sleek, ivory-looking claws kneaded the ground and he closed his bright, green eyes. With a pause, he imagined the sequence of body movements involved, preparing for the complex exercise. Then he fanned his wings out and felt a gust of air combat him. With it he dashed forward, establishing momentum. Muscles rippled and veins bulged as he vaulted upwards, followed by the most crucial down-stroke that his wings would allow, to set him airborne. The wind aided his flight, carrying him farther as he flapped his wings to stay in the air. As the wind changed direction he was forced to turn with it. After six more tremendous wing beats he lost balance and lightly tumbled into a pappy bush to break his fall. A bird daringly swooped down past him as if to taunt and torment the helpless beast ten times its size. He felt senseless for attempting to fly. The exertion weighed heavily on his unfed body, he did not know when his next meal would show itself, or if he had enough energy to catch and kill something.

Vaixon laid there on his back and surveyed the trees above him, enjoying the moments rest. He wanted to lay there until his mind would drag him away from his body and take him to a void, devoid of pain. Free of mind. He wondered what it would be like to have other friends to play or live with, instead of spending his time alone every day and night. There was a feeling of languish in him, it was more than just loneliness, he yearned for something else in life.

Life, he sniffed, that word had no meaning to him, what mark would he leave on this world? His eyes felt damp as he closed them, a realization overwhelming him, who would feel sorrow if I perished?

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as growing stomach pains gnawed at him. The feeling had him curled up tightly to ward off the fit.

Survival! The instinct gave him strength where hope failed. With a measure of effort he stood up and shook his head and body to effectively remove the adherent dirt, along with other grime. He then marched onward in search of food before sundown, for he knew if he could not locate food, one more pass into the void and his body would not allow him to return.

The Dragon walked for hours, stealthily navigating through the forest to hopefully snag a clueless beast minding its own business, but no such animals nested. Not even the trees or bushes would supply edible vegetation. Vaixon abruptly stopped as the wilderness around him grew more green and plentiful. The trees grew taller and closer together. Grass rose so high, he could not even peer through it. When he gazed into the bordering rainforest, all it staged was unforgiving darkness. His mother would always stop him from entering because hunters roamed that land. There is a higher chance, he realised, that food would be more plentiful. And if others could live in there, he certainly could... A sharp and unrelenting hunger pain answered his wistful thoughts; thus he cautiously advanced into the mysterious territory, keeping on guard for whatever lurks inside.

The first thing he noticed as he entered the rainforest was the smell - a heavy scent of rainfall laced with the sweet essences of healthy plants and trees. The humid air was barely shallow enough to breathe; every inhale provided a rich drink of water to quench his thirst. Hordes of tall trees cried to the grass below, seeming to go on forever. The bright afternoon sunlight scattered down erratically as the trees swayed in the wind, causing a consort of birds to protest from above. Pushing his way into tall and thick grass, he could still not see where he was heading, much less one step in front of him.

He walked for a few more hours in the exotic depths and was careful not to run into any rocks or trees.

As he pushed deeper into the rain forest, it became more confined and less bright. Another lash of pain stabbed at his stomach, forcing him to stop and whimper. He hung his head, exhaustion and weakness attacked every bone inside him. The darkness and large grass protected him from anything dangerous, but it was also protecting his prey from being spotted. He needed to get out here if he was ever to survive. Fear clouded his thoughts; he did not know where to escape. Leaves rustled in the wind above him, their tune screaming in his head. The dark and damp atmosphere polluted him; he needed clarity. He spun his head around in a panic, searching for light; refusing to die in this dreary place, defiant to the mental void that dulled his senses. In the distance, his eyes glimpsed something - a glint of light that faintly reflected through the grass and leaves. Ignoring all his discomforts and lack of energy, he sluggishly trudged toward the glow.

When Vaixon approached the ring of light, he heard a distinct sound in-front of him. The sound of chewing. It must be an animal, his eyes flared at the conclusion, something to eat! The giant grass that surrounded his prey was impossible to see through. This made it easy for Vaixon to get very close to the beast on the other side. All his lost energies replenished in that moment. His mind was no longer hazy. He snuck up to the grass line where just beyond, the sound could be heard nearly meters away. Readying himself for a pounce, he crouched low to the ground like a tiger, bracing his back legs. He spread his claws out and hardened his muscles, ready for a killing blow. Then he jumped.

As he broke through the grass-wall a light filled his eyes. He quickly realized the prey was bigger than expected. He flung his wings out like a parachute to stop the assault. The startled beast noisily hissed at him and piped up, raising its wings to ward him away. It swiftly leaped away from Vaixon before he tumbled to the ground. He laid there, stunned with his wing caught under him. His mind flooded in disbelief as his eyes adjusted and became clear; the beast standing there, ready to attack or defend, was a Dragon.

Zhera was about to lash back until she noticed what was stalking her. Suspicious of his actions, she kept at a safe distance; this creature was of the same design, but it looked ill and hurt. Has our kind become so dull witted that we attack each other?

Vaixon slowly recovered from his crash and crouched low, ready to run should she retaliate, but he knew turning his back to her could be fatal. The area they were in was lit up by a break in the trees above. A gloomy light haloed down as the sun started to set. The ground was flat and soft from layers of crippled grass. Stockades of longer grass surrounded them in a ring, making the area visually safe and secluded. A dead deer laid to Vaixon's left, it's belly was ripped open and it smelled fresh.

Zhera stared at the dumbfounded Dragon, transfixed. Her wings were a lighter shade of green then his, with a tint of yellow markings on the tips. Her scales shined a crystal green, like tiny jades. A dull peach diamond marked her lower body, from her chest to her tail. Zhera's horns were a quarter the size of Vaixon's, like two little nubs sticking out of her temples, above her eye ridges. Her tail also doubled in length and the tip shifted from emerald to gold.

Zhera was the same height as Vaixon and they were roughly the same age. As he looked into her fierce blue eyes, she growled angrily to warn him away. Vaixon attempted to back off, keeping his gaze fixed on her. Suddenly, all his previous afflictions came back, causing him to pitifully cry out. The energy from the encounter left him frail, his last reserve of adrenaline was depleted. He squeezed his eyes shut. His legs buckled under him and he collapsed onto his side. It felt like he was getting eaten from the inside. His emotions melted as the pain blocked out conscious thought and he could only bring himself to submit to the pain edging at his body. He knew it was his time and he accepted it with defeat, almost happy to finally let go of his hardship...

Vaixon opened his eyes to an agitated squeak above him. Zhera stood before him, peering down pitifully with an apologetic look on her brilliantly yellow face. She disappeared from his vision and he could hear a scraping sound as Zhera dragged the dead deer carcass over and offered it to him. Vaixon accepted her gift, managing to sluggishly twist his body around to eat. Why is she being kind, he thought, she could have just left me here to die, but instead she is helping me. He neatly ripped pieces of meat off the beast, blood gushed into his mouth as he chewed. The nutrients refreshed his body and his stomach no longer hurt as he devoured the deer bit by bit. Zhera had laid down on the soft grass across from him, her tail spiralled around her as she watched Vaixon with uncertain curiosity. Once he was finished eating the deer, he dug his head into the grassy turf to clean away the blood around mouth, then purred a thanks to Zhera. She was now resting her head on the ground, peering up at him indifferently, as if her act was nothing important. He respectfully laid down beside the deer and rested his head as she did. He was shy and did not know what to think of her.

Minutes passed as the two Dragons laid there; Vaixon's heart was beating fast with blind excitement, but he remained still, hoping his twitching tail would not give him away.

Zhera was almost as excited as he was, but she was also very wary of what his intentions were. She left her kind some seven years ago, managing to escape the torment and pains from her peers. Her scales didn't shine with the pearlescent beauty as the most majestic race should and unlike the other females, she would not follow the ritual customs she was expected to. Mating was an act of duty and pleasure among Dragons, an act that she was expected to, but never submitted to. She was shamed for her ugliness, and rarely would a Dragon want mate her, and only to use her for his own self pleasure. If she refused, she was attacked for her insubordination and after her third attack, she fled. She had lived in this rainforest, learning to fend for herself and hide from hunters. I am brave, and tough, She sighed, But lonely...

Vaixon looked into her eyes and caught a glimpse of hatred, the sight startled him. He pushed himself up and decided it was time to leave. He was disappointed; all he wanted was some company, maybe, even a friend...

Before Vaixon could arrange his wings, Zhera immediately bolted up. She looked at him and bared her teeth in a sneer causing him to freeze.

Don't you dare move, she thought demandingly.

She quickly bounced right, then left, then catapulted at him. He was not fast enough to evade her attack and she plummeted him to the ground. Vaixon closed his eyes, he was scared and awaited a vicious strike but she playfully roared in his face instead. His eyes popped open with unsure surprise and she grinned at him before jumping away. Zhera stood a few paces way from him, her back turned away as if he wasn't there.

Now I look stupid! she blushed with embarrassment. What was I thinking?

Vaixon sat up and cautiously folded in his wings. She was just being friendly? Maybe this is a game?

He was looking at her uncertainly, then rewarded her a challenging growl. Zhera turned and hissed in return. Vaixon circled her slowly, waiting for a precise moment. Her eyes left his for a second as his tail snapped and he jumped at her. His pursuit sent an adrenaline rush of excitement through her. She spun around fast and ran, challenging him to chase.

Zhera and Vaixon frolicked around as they took turns chasing each other. The game was simple, and not uncommon among Dragons, however females never chased males, and males never let them have dominance. Crimson yellow beams of light cascaded over them as the sun slowly departed from the sky. Zhera pounced on Vaixon's tail causing him to trip and fall. He growled, spun around and charged at her, fluttering his wings in the air. Zhera then glanced behind her, curious of the awkward sound. Vaixon jumped and flew through the air towards her. She gaped in amazement, forgetting the objective of their game. Once he was right above her, he dropped and tumbled her to the ground. Zhera fell on her side, she looked up at him from the corner of her eye, shocked. Vaixon got off her in alarm. Her expression scared him, he thought he had injured her.

Zhera had never learned to fly, the act was lost to her has she preferred the shadow of trees. She stood up and stared at him for a few moments, then opened her wings above her and crouched low. She started by flapping her wings. Then she jumped up; but she fell back down with no success. Vaixon grumbled a giggle as he understood her intentions and repeated the first few steps to flying. She watched intently. He continued his demonstrations until Zhera was able to gracefully glide through the air before her wings lost energy. After landing from a seven wing-beat flight, she pranced around proudly and excitedly squealed, causing Vaixon to lower his head and blush in embarrassment. She looked at him for a few seconds with a look of revenge, then disappeared into the grass that surrounded them. Vaixon lifted his paw toward her as if he could grab her and stop her from leaving. He remained silent and listened intensely for her. A twig snapped behind him. He spun around. Zhera unexpectedly jumped out of the grass, just as he had done to her. She took him down on his back and barked a note of dominance in his face.

Vaixon's eyes drooped in shame at remembering his earlier act, he was truly sorry for startling Zhera during her meal. A noticeable amount of time went by until he realized she was not going to let him get up. Although Vaixon was bigger, her slender body was more powerful then his. He looked up at Zhera, and as if she had read his mind, she cooed reassuringly at him. Her sapphire eyes showed affection and he was beginning to feel the unknown sensation again.

Vaixon pondered, had she also felt alone in this world? He did not struggle under her and she seemed to study him closely, trying to read his emotions.

Zhera remembered when she was younger, she watched how the older Dragons played: The males would give chase to the females and pinned them down when they were caught. After that though -- She shivered, remembering the sounds they made together.

But this was different... Wasn't it? She was a female, she had the male pinned! Not the other way around. Confused thoughts polluted her mind, she couldn't stop staring at this male, but why? Maybe I'm just crazy after so long alone, maybe... But there was that look in his eyes...

Biting her tongue, she gradually lowered her body on top of his chest until she could feel his body rise and lower with each breath.

Vaixon felt her body flush in heat as she touched his scales. She then lowered her head to his and stopped. Vaixon cocked his head at her, confused at her actions. She is beautiful, he thought as he looked at her in the red light that bathed her scales. He looked into her eyes; they showed a tale of strength, courage, and determination. Her dark irises seemed to reflect a world that wasn't real as if a story could be sung about the powerful mind within...

Zhera blinked finally as a rush of heat hit her again almost transfixed as she was, her earlier fears were gone and replaced with an uncertain admiration. She curled her head under his jaw, suddenly feeling safe and comfortable. He slowly brought his arms up and touched her shoulders, cradling her with a gentleness she had never seen or felt before.

A tear escaped from Zhera's closed eye and he turned his head to lick it away, realizing that his own emotions were affecting him the same. There was something about her that he enjoyed, she wasn't like the other females he had been around. Those females were so submissive and boring, all they cared about was cleaning their scales to catch a strong males eye, they had very little purpose otherwise.

They laid there for a few minutes enjoying each other's company in the soft green grass until Zhera got up and sat beside him. Vaixon did not get up, instead he rolled over so that he was facing her. Her eyes altered from his and looked down his body, then all her earlier fears and hatred came back.

She growled, disgusted, this Dragon was just like all the others. Dense as the grass around them, only thinking of one thing, with very little purpose otherwise.

Vaixon was confused as he followed her gaze. A new surge of embarrassment overwhelmed him. He rolled away from her and sat up so that his back was facing her.

His member protruded from a oval sheathe, situated a few inches between his legs. It popped out just enough for her to see.

He wouldn't dare look back at her, He was very angry and abashed with himself from his lack of control. He began to walk away. He didn't want her to think of him in such a way. He knew he wanted her, but not like this, it felt wrong, he would not push himself on her.

Zhera's expression of anger changed to surprise as the Dragon looked startled and started to depart.

Why isn't he making any moves? She thought, Where is he going? No. I don't care.

She looked away sadly; she didn't want him to leave. She grinded her teeth with indecision and with a start, she cried at his departure, the sound was both panicked and desperate.

The shrill tune carried to his ears, forcing him to stop and causing his heart to sink. He slowly turned and looked at her, expecting the wonderfully blue eyes to display anger or disgust, but instead all he saw was affection.

Maybe she expects me to mount her, he thought bitterly, like all simple minded females looking for eggs...

But he didn't want to, it would be normal for any male, but he felt a strong sense of discipline and respect for her.

Zhera cautiously took a few steps closer to him, I will test him.

She stopped behind him, deciding she would just hurt him if he tried. Then she walked past him, one... two... three steps. She didn't lift her tail as was norm, that would be too obvious. Instead she just stood there, looking mindlessly up at the trees.

Vaixon shivered as she walked past, and felt sick when she completely ignored him. He had made a mistake again, but did she want him gone? He looked down at the grass and decided not to leave, instead he made an effort to lay down and let his embarrassment settle.

Zhera heard his movement, and shifted her eyes to look back at him. A wave of happiness flooded her mind.

He isn't going to force me! He is going to be respectful! And he.. He looks very sad, she realized.

Vaixon looked away from her, trying to hide his shame. Zhera felt her earlier emotions of affection come back, expect this time with there was something else, a longing. She knew he was nice, and she knew he was different in a way that made her feel for the first time that she belonged with her kind. She quietly turned around and kneeled slightly, focusing her eyes on his head, slowly taking her three steps toward him.. One... Two...

Once she was close enough to make Vaixon nervous, he lifted his head and looked at her. Zhera's serpentine tongue shot out and tasted his lips. He flinched back from her unexpected closeness. But before he could retaliate she jolted forward and connected her mouth with his. Vaixon's heart raced and his eyes widened as he felt her compassion like a aura of heat on a cold day. The moment sent a cascade of emotions into his heart - he was no longer afraid to offend her. Vaixon leaned into her kiss and deeply hummed in his throat. They closed their eyes in unison, allowing that sense to dwindle for all they wanted to do then was feel each others warm maws touch. Whatever this mysterious act was, he liked it. Males nomally desired to mate and reproduce, but all he desired was to was touch her, and feel her warmth.

Feelings barrelled into Zhera's mind like a snowball rolling down hill - along with her courage, her passion grew and she wanted to explore the interest. A normal male would never let her be so close. She opened her eyes and broke the kiss, the flesh around their maws were wet with saliva which she licked up neatly. Vaixon reached his neck forward and protectively placed his head on top of hers. She brushed her nose against his leathery neck, then licked at the sensitive hide, slowly at first, feeling his muscles flex under her tongue. What she was doing startled her because it was so alien, but she quickly pushed the thought aside and continued faster. She instinctively wanted her scent all over him. He was defenceless to her stimulating touch, but he was not afraid. She began to slowly make her way down toward his chest. Vaixon closed his eyes and relaxed. His head rested along the back of her neck now. Zhera shifted her weight beside him and bumped him onto his side. Vaixon rolled over from the force half willingly, and rested his head on the grass. She shifted back to a transverse position to gain access to his whole lower body where she continued to lap at his leathery skin. As Zhera's wet caress got lower, Vaixon felt the uncontrollable sensation come back to him and his member started to become erect again. Zhera stopped when she noticed this - and gently glided the smooth back end of her white claw up his growing shaft, causing him to sigh with pleasure. She then motioned her claw back down, and left the private confines of his body, deciding she wasn't ready for anything more. Vaixon opened his eyes as she abandoned all the sensations. He lifted his head and looked at her. Zhera crawled closer and craned across him until she could tenderly brushed the side of her muzzle against his cheek. Vaixon positioned himself upright so he was no longer on his side, but still laid beside her.

Vaixon knew what she wanted and even more, he wanted to satisfy her for saving him earlier. He snaked his head under hers and began to repeat the series of licks she had given him. As he got lower, she obediently rolled onto her back for him to continue. Zhera had trouble believing what was happening, and even more that she wanted it... Less than an hour ago they had met, and rather ungracefully too. He laid across her so that their bodies made a T-shape and he was now lapping at her stomach. Zhera's breath increased in rate the farther down he got. Maybe this was not love, maybe they just needed a release from years of loneliness. Vaixon stopped as he reached her genitals. The diamond shaped markings that lined her underside seemed to point to this one spot. His right paw rested on her belly and his left paw gently gripped her inner-thigh. He could feel her warm skin rise and sink with every gasp for air. He examined her while catching his breath. Her vagina was a more vibrant color of her hide, that dulled out toward her belly, the hide around it was considerably soft and smooth. Zhera twitched her leg as Vaixon's hot and sticky breath ran along her pelvis and teased her, she was starting to get impatient. This pleasure was just stimulating enough for her to secrete a clear slimy fluid along her swelled opening. He stared, mesmerised, but could not resist the temptations any longer. Gently, he nuzzled her sex. It was firm in strength, he could feel her muscles contract against his mouth as she tried to feel more of him. She was also very smooth, wet, and cushioning from her arousal, unlike anything Vaixon had ever felt before. Zhera's natural juices messily stuck to Vaixon's maw. She flicked her tail back and forth as he lifted his head, annoyed. He curiously licked his maw, tasting her aqueous and instantly he craved more. Feeling braver, he eagerly lapped up the rest; Zhera softly cooed at his new found spirit. Her head was relaxed on the grass cosily watching Vaixon as he tenderly fondled her prominent lips.

Vaixon paused for a moment which caused Zhera's crying plea for him to continue. He slowly slid his tongue out and placed it along her opening. Then quickly but gently bent it into her. Zhera gasped as his bumpy, but slimy tongue created a new sensation for her, exploring areas inside her she never realized existed. He wriggled it back and forth, stroking her insides, stimulating the her sex, causing it to pulse against him and continue to create the sweet fluids. Vaixon dexterously folded his tongue out of her so that he could stimulate both her top and bottom walls. His muzzle softly locked against her genitals as he slid his tongue far into her, then back, her juices lubricating his journey. Zhera was faintly laying with her head back while panting for air as the irresistible pleasure built up inside her. Vaixon all at once slid his tongue out of her and a moment later, had moved his head beside hers. Zhera lifted her head, curious why he had stopped but was confronted by his muzzle which was soaked from her fluids. He leaned in and kissed her, she opened her mouth, accepting him, and their tongues met, intertwining. A mixture of her vaginal fluid and their saliva were shared, the sweet and salty taste foreign to Vaixon, but an outstanding taste he had ever experienced before.

The loving kiss was brought to a halt as their bodies demanded to explore further. Within seconds Vaixon had found her opening again, still drooling with an irresistible scent in the air. A few second went by that felt like minutes to Zhera, she wanted to be free, to feel him inside her as she peaked to a new and unforgettable level of satisfaction. Then Vaixon unexpectedly darted his tongue in and out of her, causing a flash of ecstasy. She moaned a little and growled back a roar, he dispatched his tongue into her again and retracted it, juices following him out. Zhera's muscles gave out as if he had licked the energy from her. He did it once more after a short pause, flicking the whole length of his tongue into her. Her muscles regained power and lustfully contracted against him, holding him inside her. He flexed his tongue against her, moving it inside her, curling the tip lost deep in her. She grinded her teeth as the pleasure became too much. Zhera let out a long but quiet hiss as her sex flared hotly and started to spasm against his lips. Her vaginal muscles manipulated his tongue, vibrantly massaging it as she climaxed, flooding her insides with the gooey secretion that pushed past the tightness, leaking out, into and around Vaixon's maw.

She laid still, enjoying the wonderful experience until it faded away. She was left panting, unable to recap on what just happened with this new and special mate. Once her muscles had relaxed, Vaixon retracted his well traveled tongue, causing Zhera to shiver from the extra friction. A river of fluid ran out of her and Vaixon passionately cleaned her up. Once he was finished, Zhera shuffled her body over and met Vaixon's eyes. She returned the affection by licking the unreachable mess around his mouth, nose, and jaw. Zhera snuggled her body against Vaixon, sharing her heat and nuzzled his head lovingly. Vaixon felt his own arousal dull, he did not get to release, but he was just happy laying with her. They laid together, the fiery sunset sky fading to dark. Vaixon had found what he was looking for and Zhera was the best quenchable hunger he could ever ask for. She kissed his eye and made a faint but passionate cooing cry in her throat - he covered her body under his wing and returned the remark.

;The Pleistocene: Day 255: Part 2