Star Wars Saber Squadron promo.

Story by NATO Wolf on SoFurry

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This is just a little promo I am doing to give you guys something to read from me. This is the promo/prologue to the Star Wars series I've been trying to work on. Enjoy:

The Imperial star destroyers were moving in perfect order, their knife shaped vessels cutting through the dark void of space. Flying alongside them, were hundreds of TIE fighters and Imperial shuttles. But this Imperial navy armada wasn't an invasion, it was the blockade. Six months ago, the Rebel Alliance had destroyed the Death Star, a powerful battle station which was powerful enough to destroy the entire planet. It had previously destroyed the planet of Alderaan, a planet which was sympathetic towards the Rebel Alliance. However, the Rebels managed to find the blueprints for the Death Star and sent a squadron of fighters to destroy the Death Star and they were successful; managing to take advantage of a small thermal exhaust port and an X-wing piloted by the rookie Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker managed to fire a proton torpedo down the port damaging the Death Star's main reactor and destroying the battle station. It was a humiliating defeat for the Empire and with the destruction of the Death Star, many planets and systems were starting to rebel against the Empire and were raising their flags in support of the Alliance. Furious at the loss of his battle station and his ultimate weapon of power, the emperor ordered an immediate attack on the rebel base at Yavin, but unfortunately for the Empire, the Rebels acted quickly and managed to evacuate many of their highest ranking leaders including Admiral Ackbar. However, Rebel general Jan Dondonna was still present on Yavin 4, commanding the few Rebels forces which had remained behind to keep track of the evacuation. The Empire knew of this and ordered a blockade on Yavin 4 hoping to starve the Rebels of food and supplies.

Darth Vader stood watching the void of space through the windows of the Star Destroy Judgment, the Star Destroyer put in charge of blockade. Darth Vader was the absolute most feared individual in the Imperial command second only to the Emperor himself. He wore a very intimidating full body suit of black armor which covered every part of his body and a respirator mask and helmet which covered his reportedly disfigured body. His respiration device gave a very distinctive deep breathing sound which signaled his presence. He also wore a black cape while his chest armor displayed devices and gadgets which monitored his vital signs. On his waist, he had a utility belt which held his lightsaber, the preferred weapon of the Jedi. However, Vader was a Sith lord who had forgotten the old Jedi ways many years ago. Now he was the right hand man of the emperor who personally trained him in the dark side of the Force, an energy field which surrounded all living things. Both the Jedi and the Sith had the ability to manipulate the force for many different purposes, including combat. Vader had personally demonstrated multiple times what happened when you questioned him or the ability of the force. In fact, just last week, he had strangled a failed Imperial navy officer whose foolish tactics caused him to lose a Rebel cruiser.

Darth Vader was pacing inside the _Judgment'_s command deck gathering his thoughts while the Imperial officers nearby monitored the ships equipment and the surveillance monitors. Vader could sense the fear and intimidation in their minds by his presence.

"Lord Vader!" an Imperial officer addressed Darth Vader. His name was Captain Johan Dieter, the commander of the Star Destroyer and the nephew of Admiral Wilkor Dieter. He was a young imperial officer having just only turned 30 and was definitely quite wet behind the ears. Vader personally didn't like.

"Yes captain what is it?" Vader responded in his deep, booming voice sending shivers of fear to the other officers. His respirator gave his voice an intimidating robotic like sound which made it hard to believe that there was a human underneath that armor.

" Well..." Captain Dieter responded rather hesitantly. Vader's presence had that effect because you never knew if Vader was in a good or bad mood. "We received transmissions from our surveillance team and it appears that the Rebels are preparing to evacuate the base. Although, we are not sure which route they will be taking and..."

"Then find out!" Vader roared back causing Captain Dieter to flinch in fear. "I grow tired of dealing with your incompetence Captain. The emperor wants results, not excuses!"

Dieter nodded very nervously "Yes Lord Vader, I've put in the request in the request to launch a raid, but the fleet admiral said..."

"I do not wish to hear what he has to say!" Vader interrupted. "He is far more idiotic than you are. The emperor had me assigned to this fleet."

"Yes my lord." Dieter bowed back.

Vader then looked out the window of the Star Destroyer.

"Move the fleet towards Yavin 4. Have the pilots get their ships ready and prepare the stormtroopers for an invasion."

"But lord what about..." Dieter started to say, but then he remembered who he was talking to. "As you wish my lord." he said bowing with respect and he headed towards the intercom to order all onboard and the other Star Destroyers in the fleet to prepare for battle.

Darth Vader then returned to face outside the viewing area as the Star Destroyer headed in the direction of the fourth moon of Yavin. Where the Rebel base was located.