musket: chapter one,

Story by clandestinity on SoFurry

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#6 of musket

this is the beginning of the main part of the story


It was a cloudy morning. the weather obviously didn't care whether or not the meteorologist predicted a sunny day. victor had gotten up earlier and was just about to head out the door when he saw the sky. as he was thinking, he looked around the living room he was in and chuckled inwardly at just how messy the living room was with papers all seemingly strewn randomly even though they were organized and the beat up binder with papers sticking out the sides, balancing haphazardly off the edge of a computer. there was even a pizza sitting in the corner with a few slices killed in action with the crust left. he said "what the hell" while shrugging and headed out the door. as soon as he was outside he quickly stretched and put on the old baseball cap he had in his hands and walked to the side of his driveway to get to his car but, on an impulse, he decided to walk even though it might rain. halfway there i noticed that there was beginning to be some lightning. I continued walking though since even if it started to rain or whatever happened, we can always eat inside.

by the time i finished this thought process i was at the town square. as i was walking i heard the one thing that annoyed me the most but from the tone i recognised the speaker who is the only one that can call me this and get away with it. "HEY FOX!!!" i turned and saw what had to be the biggest idiot if you didn't count me for being his friend. it was devyn. the rabbit was too stupid for his own good but i can't argue since he has five books published (mostly romantic comedies) and i didn't yet as well as he helped to create a game called 'benderman' that was a horror game. "i was afraid you wouldn't show up, with the storm clouds and everything" he said as he neared me enough so he wouldn't have to shout. "why should i? a little rain never hurt anybody." i said as we began our walk towards the nearest cafe shop. "so how is it going with you and your girl?" i asked after a while to break the silence. "well, we're not" i whirled on my feet and stopped him mid-stride. "when were you going to tell me this?! you two were engaged!" i said in a loud enough voice to cause a few pedestrians to stop for a second to regard us. "well we were, until i came home only to see her in a bed with another man."

"well i bet that must have hurt,"

"actually it didn't,"

"oh and why not?"

"because i kind of expected it to happen?"

"WHAT?! and you didn't try to stop it or anything!"

"the way your talking about it, one would think that it was you that was cheated on"

"sorry but, you still did not answer my question"

"well i didn't have any actual evidence and on top of that i couldn't confront her secret boyfriend about it,"

"why not? if you knew who it was then you should have punched him right in the face!"

"he was my boss"

"oh, that sucks"

"so that's why i couldn't do anything about it, as i would have been fired, do you have any idea how long it took me to get an income this big and get to the position that i'm in now?"

"yes i know how long because you bring it up every time we get on the subject of your job. but i have a question for you, considering how much talent and passion you have for design, why is it you are still working for this company when you can work at one ten times bigger?"

"i don't kno-"

he didn't finish his sentence as he looked outside and noticed many people looking up at one spot. "what's everyone looking at?" devyn inquired as he stood up. "what is it?" victor inquired as he looked between outside and his friend. "if i knew, would i be going outside?" he replied while getting up and putting on his coat, leaving me behind as he walked outside. "hey! don't leave me behind!" victor shouted after his friend while putting on his jacket as fast as he could, almost hitting another customer with while they too were getting up. when he stood up he looked outside at the crowds that were gathering, coming from the various shops and buildings surrounding a hexagon shaped gazebo like an almost complete circle, small narrow alleys between each building. when he pushed open the door to go outside to see just what everyone was looking, he ended looking in awe just like everyone else at the marvel that taking place in the sky right above the gazebo. the clouds were rapidly turning from a medium gray to pitch black, swirling quickly and picking up speed. a constant rumble was slowly getting louder to a point where you could barely hear someone shouting right next to you. then the lightning began.