musket prologue: chapter 5

Story by clandestinity on SoFurry

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#2 of musket

this is the final upload of the prologue. hopefully soon i will upload the intro of the main part for the series


deserter, 7th regiment, minnesota

somewhere between minnesota and wisconsin,

november 16th, 1862


i can absolutely not take it any longer. i am coming home. i am writing this on the last scrap of paper that i had. for the past two days, i have lived off the land, hunting whatever i could find with my beloved musket. i know what day it is because i was in a town but i had to leave as there was soldiers there searching for me. i have just realized the irony of today. exactly three months ago, i was the reckless, green, recruitment, spouting poetry whenever i had free time. that man seems like he wasn't ever me at all. i have also answered the question of where my mother went. late at night, i heard a tapping as i was on guard duty. i looked down and saw her riding the horse. i met with her by sneaking past the other guards. she handed me the reins and only said one sentence which i will always remember, clear as day. 'ride home, soldier,' she said as she walked off into the dark. inside the horse's haversack was my father's revolver. i took that and with the clothes on my back, i rode off into the night away from god and my dreams and onto the light of reality.

i have to finish writing this now, as soldiers are within a mule's kick of where i stand right now.

2nd lieutenant joshua lucas ford,