Streams of Life Chapter 5

Story by chosenone on SoFurry

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#5 of Streams of Life

The latest installment of Streams of life. Tal's time to escape has come. Read and enjoy, comment if you feel inclined to and ahve a great day. I've just started ch.6 but ch.7 is already complete so the next update for this series will be a double one. Expect a short story to come before those updates however.

I woke to a rapping at my chamber door. "Tal, are you up? We had best make haste now before the nightwatchmen switch to the third watch." Jannis said in a hushed voice. There was no need for such silence inside the house. But Jannis didn't seem used to this kind of secret thing. I just smiled a little as I rolled out of bed and started to put the clothing for my journey on.

"Yes Jannis I'm up now I'll be out in a moment" I said in a normal voice.

"Using me as a wake up call hmph. You should've been prepared and waiting Tal." Jannis said a bit annoyed.

I secured the clothing I would take along with my dagger, coins and a few other personal items. I turned to leave the room and my eyes met Veira's for the first time since waking up. She just had been staring at me silently apparently. I figure I best make sure she understood she must not say anything about me escape, so I reminded her of my command. "You understand that you are not to leave the house until the night at the earliest correct Veira? Additionally you cannot say anything about what you know about my plans." I spoke sternly to her.

She just stared at me some more before closing her eyes and snuggling up against her pillow. Burying her head in the feathered softness like she could escape from the world by doing so. "You are really leaving me then Tal." She said sadly.

"Yes, I told you this before bed. Now do you understand my command?" I questioned her again a little annoyed at her lack of perception and her apparent ambience to the situation.

"Yes Tal, I understand I will say nothing to others. I will not disappoint you further." She spoke quietly.

"Good." I replied not wanting to look over at her, I'm sure she's making some pitiful scene. I double check my things and left the room closing the door behind me. I couldn't help but hear Veira say "May the spirits keep you safe my mate." as I left, making me cringe a bit inside. That girl is really not what I need.

"About time Tal, hurry and put your clothing in the pack and lets be off. It's fortunate that the place where you can scale the wall is nearby." Jannis said as he tossed me the large pack he had prepared. It had a feather-steel frame with places to tie off and hold items outside the pack, something Jannis must of made since most blacksmiths lack the strength to work that steel into shapes. "Look later after you're far into the forest Tal, theres food for two weeks in dry provisions and a pair of full water skins, pots in the bottom same as the fire kit." Jannis said hastily trying to get me out the door. I guess the watch must really be about to switch. Best to take advantage of weary Ah'komeli eyes than fresh ones watching the lands beyond the town.

I threw the pack on after putting my clothing inside as well as the vials Ferra had given me. The guide stone and coins remained on my person, secluded away in one of the many pockets in the adventurer's shirt I wore. It was made of a light breathable leather treated to be waterproof which had dozens of pockets and pouches sewn into it. The pants I chose were similar, light leather and padded on the knees. They were made of a jun snake's hide however and were not waterproof but instead were extremely stretchable and tough. The hide had been treated with oils to make most water wick but unlike my shirt it would only offer limited protection from the rain.

"Here Jannis" I took out 6 gold coins from a pouch and handed them to him. He just grunted and took them.

"I'll use them to help out the little Gre'nahk you're leaving behind if she truly becomes abandoned." Jannis said in a huff as he pocketed the coins and unslung a sword and belt from his shoulder. "My best work in awhile I think Tal, shouldn't need sharpening for some time unless you really abuse it. Strong, light and just the right size for a human." He said as he handed it to me and I put on the belt and sword.

It was relatively simple design, a bastard sword of folded steel, with a straight cross guard that pointed back towards the pommel at the end. The pommel itself was round and plain. The only embellishment on it was on the small rain guard which had the Rugesh symbol for life etched into it.

We didn't say anything until we arrived at the site were Jannis had hidden the ladder to scale the wall. The silence must of been weighing on Jannis for he spoke first. "All this is foolishness Tal. You have been given a beautiful wife, gold and a home and you leave two of the three behind for your pride alone and endanger your life." He spoke quietly with disdain towards my choices.

"It's too late for questioning my choices now Jannis, just up this wall and a sprint to the forest and I'll be gone." I said with a smile, no need to make the big guy more distressed by showing him my worry. I realize that few would make the same choice as me but I cannot bend my will to let myself be used like this

"I know it is Tal," Jannis sighed before continuing. "But it does not mean I like it anymore. Alright then up you go move your arse and get out of sight. You damn well best send word in the spring about your safety as you promised Ferra, and use the damn vials she gave you for the guidestone. My grandfather made it to work with the potions. They don't make em anymore like that, they work too well. Too easy for outsiders to abuse the wilds, thats why he never taught anyone else how to make them." Jannis spoke as he set the ladder and steadied it.

"Alright, farewell my friend, await a letter in the spring." I said as I hurried up the ladder, tying a rope to the top rung I threw it over the top and moving my self to the top of the wall, grabbed hold of the rope and quickly let myself down.Almost as soon as I was on the ground I saw the rope disappear over the top and could hear Jannis hurrying away with the ladder.

Now for my mad dash to freedom. Running towards the forest keeping a low profile, I should be able to keep easily make it before the guard sees me. Even if the guard does they will be unlikely to do anything about someone leaving the city, thats not really their job after all.

The Tree line rose in my view as I ran softly towards them, I will have to keep on going until the sun starts to set to make sure I am far enough away. Today I think will be the hardest after today with the route I have planned out they should be unable to catch up with me unless Veira warns them before tonight. And they still will have to track my actual path, which Desova will not make easy. Turning back towards green Briar as I reached the treeline, I could not see anything out of place. No fires of alarm had been lit and no one following after me. Perhaps my leaving is nothing much to be concerned about to the guards or more likely they did not care or see me.

As I entered the forest and continued deeper into Desova. The trees started to thicken in both size and density. The few trees logged near the entrance gave way to more ancient growths. The initial bit of underbrush that guards the forest edge gave way to a few types of small low lying plants, leaving the forest itself rather open interspaced with massive tree trunks reaching up to and blocking out the sky from observing the ground below.The moonlight became less and less until I could no longer see in front of me the further I traveled in.

I pulled out the guide stone and traced over the runs on its smooth surface until it started to shine with a light blue glow. I guess now it's the moment of truth. I set my pack down and took two of the Vials I had set at the top out. The mana shock and synwyn milk mixture I had in my hand made me a bit more nervous than I already was. I think I have been pretty calm about this whole ordeal, but this was a poison I held in my hand that I was going to ingest. The cork top gave way after a little tugging and I took a small sip of the synwyn milk. Its very....creamy but the mandrake makes the whole thing bitter. I quickly took off the cork of the manashock and did the same swallowing them after swishing them in my mouth once. To my surprise the manashock seemed to have no taste at all. All for the better I guess. I don't know how well that stuff will work if it even does but if I can really see mana lines it would help immensely to pick the best part of the forest to travel over.

I started walking at a good pace with the light of the guidestone. Tracing the symbol that stood for south south east the stones glow started to change until there was a white node of light indicating the direction I desired. I slipped the stone around my neck as I started the long walk to towards the Loam river. The light seemed to illuminate the edges of the trees and obstacles on the ground.

The going was fairly easy, the light was enough for me to keep a slow jog. This part of Desova had little undergrowth to worry about tripping over as there were many kinds of beasts that feed upon the plants within the shelter of these woods. The sound of bugs chirping was the only sound I could hear as I continued heading south. These woods always made me a bit uneasy as a child. As forest in the Wilds go these were neither the most nor the least dangerous. There were few large predators that would attack travelers and well prepared ones wouldn't give them much mind. My sword should be enough to easily handle anything I come across but the plants are where the real danger lies.

Aside from ones that are poisonous to ingest there are others that release toxic fumes if they are disturbed causing dizziness and loss of sight. There are creepers which mimic animals and move slowly through the forest and use their vines to entrap unsuspecting prey then quickly plunging them into its mouth of sorts which is sometimes a pitcher filled with poison water or other times is an actual mouth thing filled with razor sharp spines. most of these creepers were small no more than a foot or two. Yet there have been reliable documentation of them growing to dozens of feet in size and attacking a whole caravan. I remember when I was young a tueron was discovered half dissolved inside a giant one on the plains north of Greatwood. The thing's maw was brought into the city square in Greatwood to show off the skills of the hunters that had killed it. Yet how do you kill that which has no heart?

Besides the plants the terrain could also be hazardous. Aside from the Loam there are several streams that flow throughout the forest. They sometimes disappear under the vegetation creating a deadly bog that look like normal ground unto you step out onto them and break the vegetation cover and can instantly sink down into a hidden pond. The dark heart of which holds untold terrors

I hardly noticed the sun's rise or when it started to set as I jogged and walked without stopping. I figure I had covered enough distance for the day when I could discern a pale orange glow filtering down through the trees. Gathering up a few stick and kindling I took out the fire kit applying a bit of the paste over the kindling I took the flint and steel and struck them until I had a nice little fire going. I added a few larger fallen branches to the fire that should keep it going for a bit.

I took out a few pieces of dried meat and waybread and rested propped up against a tree. As soon as I did the fatigue started to overcome me. My feet ached, my back was sore from carrying the pack and my body was telling me to just rest. All of this was proof of my own pyrrhic victory. No more home no more family or friends but I have still won my freedom. Yet I still had to stoke the fire more if it was going to last the night. I gathered a few more large branches and limbs hacking them into smaller pieces with my sword. I'm pretty sure this is not how Jannis wanted me to use it I'm guessing.

After the work was done and I had a good supply of wood for the night I set out the blanket tied to the top of the pack and let myself drift off to a light sleep.

I woke up several times during the night and added more wood to the fire, keeping it burning bright. Other than that it was an uneventful night. I felt pretty rested when I woke up and quickly cleared my camp.

Taking out the milk and manashock I again drank down a small bit of each and activated the guidestone to get my bearings. Despite the dawn I could easily see the beacon's light and more so I think I can faintly see the flow of mana deep below the ground I walk upon. I'm not sure however as I have never experienced this type of thing before but it seems like the potions are starting to have their effect.

I started walking again, after this evening I should be far enough away from Green Briar to change my course back towards Split-Rock Falls. The air seemed cool and dense like it would rain soon. That would help immeasurably with covering up my trail. It also means that I need to move faster in order to make time before I will have to stop for the day.

I had walked for a few hours while munching a bits of dried fruit from my provisions. The guidestone seems to leading me too far west than it should. Yet every time I retraced the direction it would move from south southeast to almost straight south. Its extremely irritating that I must rely on this thing so much yet Ferra assured me of its quality as did Jannis, so there was little to do but follow the light. I decided to take an extra sip if the potion since perhaps I need more in my system to make the stone work or I could see the mana lines better and perhaps follow them to better paths. I had been blazing my own trail thus far and had yet to see anything bigger than a coney.

The sky had been darkening for sometime threatening rain when I finally came across a small shallow cave 50 feet or so from a fast flowing stream. It was little more than an overhang really being perhaps 8 feet deep at its deepest and around 10 wide. It was more than enough to shelter me from the rain for the night at least so I started to make a camp again and quickly went about gathering wood for a fire.

I went to inspect the stream just as the first drops of rain started to fall it was no more than 20 feet across yet it roared like the greywater with fast flowing water, clear and cold. Its source must be from a nearby mountain. The water springing up from the earth and then trying to defyingly run away and escape from its captivity, very much a kindred stream to myself. I dipped my cooking pot in the edge gathering some water to make a soup out of my dried rations. Something warm will be nice for a night like tonight.

Setting up the legs over the fire and suspending the pot. Tossing in some dried meat, a pair of the dozen potatoes that had been included in my dry rations and half of one of the three onions I had. Too bad I don't any seasonings, but the salt from the dried meat should help make it a bit more savory. No matter I need to get use to this kind of fare since who can tell how long I will wander before I can find a place to settle in.

The first cracks of thunder sounded through the forest as the heavens bestowed the earth with life giving rain. This night figures to be truly dark, the rain seems unlikely to stop anytime soon. I throw a few more branches onto the fire causing it to rise up further licking the bottom of my cooking pot. Just a few more minutes and the potatoes should be softened and the soup ready to eat. Nothing to do for now but watch the rain drip down from the overhanging rock that formed this cave and pray it stays dry during the night and the stream in its channel.

I was most satisfied with the food a full belly and a warm fire is as much comfort as one can expect in the Wilds and I had both. I was about to move the pot off the fire and ready to stoke it once more before I slept when I heard the calls of wild beasts echoing through the sound of the rain. High pitched, and several distinct ones. The calls edging up and down in yips of excitement: slaugers. A mid sized predator that hunted in small packs they had rough black fur hairless faces, arched backs, rat tails and most importantly inch long jagged claws. Normally they don't bother travellers, preferring to feed off of smaller game or injured and sick deer. It seemed like they were on the trail of the latter now with how vocal they were being. Overall its actually a good thing they find their prey, its one less thing I have to worry about being attacked by while I sleep, even if the fire should keep them away.

"NOOOOOOOO, GET AWAY!!" A feminine scream echoes over the now pouring rain. Dammit the slaugers found something other than a deer it seems. I really don't have a choice but to try to go out and try to help. I grab my sword and rush out towards the scream and into the pouring rain.

Trees blurred as I ran as fast as I could, I could hear the slaugers howling more and more excitedly. They must be close to bring down their prey. The ground was soaked making it slick and giving way a bit after every step. Yet there they were. I could dimly make out a few slauger trying to jump up upon a narrow rock where a female was trying desperately to avoid their claws as they jumped about.

"GET OUT OF HERE BEASTS!" I yelled as loud as could as I drew my virgin blade and rushed at them. I had two things going for me by rushing in and yelling. 1. Slaugers are considered to be smart, they would see my sword and that I was unafraid of them and 2. they are extremely cowardly, preferring to flee rather than fight most times. They turned their attention to the sudden sound, saw me and started running away. There really isn't enough of them to overwhelm two people so I guess it's their only choice. Still it doesn't exactly make me seem like much of a hero if I don't kill at least one of them. But I guess thats not really the point of is it? Still would of been a nice ego boost.

Looking at the girl that was being chased I noticed right away that she was a fur, Ah'Komeli or Gre'nahk and she was nude and slowly climbing down the rock that she had managed to climb onto. I looked her over as I made my way closer to her to get a better look at the person that would venture these woods alone. As I drew closer noticed that she was indeed a Gre'nahk, breathing heavily and from how she approached me without difficulty, I could assume she was basically unharmed. I guess I arrived in time.

"You alright miss?" I asked staying where I was, I didn't want her to become any more frightened than she already was after this ordeal by thinking I was some bandit or the like. So I called to her from twenty or so paces away.

'"T-Tal?" A familiar voice stuttered out and my heart dropped.

Damn the spirits damn them all, playing these games with me. "Veira by what dark power are you here!? Why aren't you in Green Briar? Where are your clothes? And what sad game is this exactly?" This is just too much to run and escape my home only to have my chains come and find me in the Wilds. Not even a tracking or hunting party but a damn sheltered Gre'nahk girl.

""I-I'm so sorry Tal, I did exactly as you asked, I swear to the spirits. M-my father came over last evening and discovered you gone. I said nothing to him about it." She stammered and sniffled out crying in the cold rain. As much as I hate these situations I keep on finding myself in I still can't seem to make myself just ignore her and go on my way. And even if I did now she would likely get killed wandering around the forest and then it would be my fault. I will not have innocent blood on my hands.

"Come here my camp is not far. If you are lying to me however I will throw you back to those slauger." I said with a voice of resignation and frustration.

I had her set by the fire and she started to pat down her fur to remove the water. After she was done I handed her one of the two blankets I had to warm her a bit more. I poured the rest of the soup that was to be my breakfast in a bowl and handed it to her. I sat down against my pack and could only shake my head at this turn of events. She had been silent and had kept her head down the whole walk back.

"How did you get here? I assume you are alone is that right?" I asked with irritation in my voice.

Her ears flinched back hearing me speak curtly to her. "Yes i'm alone. I don't know how I ended up here meeting you again. Perhaps it was the spirit's guidance?" She said trying to sound hopeful that her answer would please me, her ears perking up a bit at her suggestion.

"It was not. Continue." I don't care what she thinks lead her to me, even if she clearly lacks the skills to track me, besides the fact she came from the wrong direction to have tracked me. She flinched at my words again but continued as ordered.

"My father and grandfather were furious when they had discovered you had abandoned me and absconded into the night. They were maddened further still when they realized that they had no recourse to recover their losses. We left Green Briar in the morning after my grandfather meet with your town council, before the others of the caravan were ready and were returning home. I must have aroused their anger somehow for a little after midday they became so enraged at me and my uselessness and constant failures to appease you that they.....they stripped me bare to them.......and......and..." Veira voice was cracking. Its plain to figure what Silas and Ananias's intent was, yet it did not explain why she was here.

"I said continue!" I repeated to her harshly. Even if she has a sad story to tell its not exactly my fault for her being here and her father's and grandfather's actions most certainly are not. And if by some chance that some fault may lie with me I still wish to hear what she has to say while keeping an angry demeanor with her.

".....Yes, Tal. They said I had no worth now and was a shame upon our clan. They intended to..... use... me...... then kill me rather than have to continue to waste gold upon a failure such as I. I...I should have let them use me. It was their right to do with me as they saw fit and I did not want to be anymore of a disappointment to the clan but,.... I....I could not. After they had freed their...maleness, I broke away from father's grasp and ran into the woods. I do not think that they even gave chase, but I never looked back to see. I just ran and ran and ran until those creatures saw me and started chasing me. I was sure I would die, I...I did not even know if I should have resisted the creatures. Death is what I deserved for disappointing everyone but I was too cowardly again to to let them rend my flesh and consume me. And yet now you are here and I do not know what it is that I should think." She replied with a distant smile on her face while clenching the blanket around her tightly.

"I think you should of stayed in Green Briar. Making my father deal with you would've been a good punishment for him I think. You swear that you are telling me the truth, that there are no trackers using you as bait or any such thing?"

"No, Tal, I know only as I said." Veira hung her head and stared blankly into the fire. "If I may ask Tal, what shall you do with me now?" She asked her voice betrayed a bit of fear.

"I'm going to take you with me to the nearest village and find someone that will let you work for them. I'm not going to hurt you Veira or play any other games, it is beneath me to do so".

"Even when the spirits have lead me back to you, you still shall reject me?" Her eyes were in disbelief that I should defy whatever it was that she deemed to be the spirits.

"Of course Veira iI don't want you, traveling with you will be far more dangerous than travelling alone and twice the expenses as well. It makes no sense why I should keep you along." I replied flatly.

"I...see, I am sorry to continue to disappoint you Tal, thank you for rescuing me. It shows your valor and what a gallant and principled male you are, I shall not burden you further with my uselessness." She said as her eyes that had been struggling to hold back her tears gave way and she started crying again.

Veira threw off the blanket and ran straight towards the river before I could even fathom what was going on. I just watched her run by me blankly for a moment. A 'splash' awoke me to what she was doing, the dumb girl. Thrice damn the spirits for putting me through these things.

I ran to the stream's edge searching for where she might be. The darkness and rain obstructing my view. Yet the guidestone started emitting its pale blue light, casting its light upon the water. There perhaps 50 feet downstream already I saw some yellow fur dimly reflect back at me. I ran down the bank until I was a bit past her and jumped in. I am not going to have this girl's death on my hands.

The coldness sucked the breath from my body as I struggled to breath when I first entered. The stream was deeper than I had thought I was unable to touch the bottom after a few feet out. yet there was my goal a limp form being carried by the water not fighting at all. I lunged forward to catch hold of her and tried to make my way back to the bank. Fortune was with me as the stream made a bend as we were being swept away and my feet struck bottom of what must be a sandbar on the inner edge of the stream. I pulled her and myself out and upon the forest floor. She coughed a few times spitting up water as her body instinctively tried to breath. She opened her eyes staring up at me.

"Why Tal? I am no use to anyone, why bother saving my life? Why not let me just disappear." she spoke softly coughing up some more water.

"You're mine remember, that means I can do what I wish with you and I don't give you permission to die." I said roughly as I caught my breath from the latest ordeal this girl has put me through.

"I...see, please forgive me for not understanding your desires Tal, I shall endeavor to do better." She said with a smile on her face.

"See that you do. Now come lets go back to the camp, get that fire going brighter and dry off. I have no interest in catching a cold because of your foolish actions." I replied wearily as I held out a hand to help her up. She grabbed it and immediately snuggled up against my arm the whole way back to my camp. Damn foolish vixen and the damn spirits mocking me in this all. I hope I can find someone to pass her off onto in Fallen-Rock Village.

Thanks again for all of you who have stayed with me and read this story. We're 80 or so pages in now and I'd say the total story is looking to be around 200 pages or so. My original goal was to have this whole story finished by the end of this year, and while there are two months left I can't say I think that's going to happen but you never know. I would like to know what are your thoughts on the characters so far, specifically Tal? I realize that he isn't exactly making the choices that many of us would make in his shoes and writing this chapter was difficult because I thought I was making Tal to be more heartless that I had wished. And yes Tal is probably stuck with Veira whether he likes it or not, so I hope to continue to develop both of them. I just hope I am doing this in a way that makes sense given the background of both characters.