Shattered Shards: Magical Mishaps II

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#5 of Shattered Shards

Shattered Shards

Magical Mishaps II

By Von Krieger

Arilee sighed softly in her sleep and tried to pull her blanket over herself and roll over, as there was a bit of pressure on her chest while she slept on her back, and it was a touch hard to breathe. However, the blanket remained where it was, with half of it pinned beneath Cathell's third of their shared body.

The elf blinked a few times before she recalled what had happened to her, to them. Her bodymates were still asleep; Nathara's serpentine blood meaning that she didn't mind the cold, as it helped her sleep. Cathell on the other hand had the same fondness for nocturnal warmth as Arilee did, and she also had the advantage of being on one of their fused form's sides, rather than Arilee's place in the middle.

She could use their arms to pull the blanket over to her side with ease, while it was a bit more difficult for Arilee to do so. The elf closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, their body was divided into different zones of control; most of their upper body divided equally, with control of their four legs divided somewhat equally, as each could move two.

Arilee felt like she got the short end of the stick on that deal, since both of their middle legs were under her control, but each of them could also be easily moved by one of her bodymates.

IF there was little or no resistance, each of them could move a part belonging to one of the other girls, but it was a rather difficult act. But Arilee managed to get Cathell to start sitting up, allowing Arilee to sit up a bit as well, and thus allowing the elf to free the trapped blanket.

The cyclops muttered softly in her sleep, but didn't waken. Arilee tugged the soft, fuzzy blanket over her, sighing softly at the sensation of the velvety fabric again the skin of her bare breasts.

Things weren't made off the rack for a body type like their's, so they would either have to visit a tailor...

A cold chill ran down Arilee's spine, she looked at each of her two bodymates in turn. The fair skin of her face began to turn pink in a blush as she imagined the sort of mockery and humiliation she would receive, not only for being stuck to the two sub-creatures, but having botched her spell casting so badly.

It was Sunday now; the trio would have to go back to school the next morning. Arilee shivered again, she couldn't possibly be seen like this, no matter how good some things felt.

Arilee began to wiggle what portion of their shared body she could, making the serpentkin and cyclops groan as they were roused from their slumber.

"Wake up!" Arilee said, sounding a little nervous, "We have to go and get this fixed! It's been fun and all, and maybe we could get together some time and..."

The elf blushed, "Have fun again, but I've thought about it, and I don't think it would be for the best to stay this way. We all have our own lives ahead of us, and sharing one body... well... that kind of limits career options and post-secondary education. We'd all have to be accepted to the same university and take the same classes and the same time."

Nathara yawned, her serpentine jaw allowing her to do so almost disturbingly wide, "And I couldn't have th' two of you tagging along if I ever hope to take up fightin' for a living."

Cathell was silent for a few moments, "And I guess it would be rather difficult for me to read and study my books with the two of you always wanting to do something." She added.

Arilee nodded, "So, we're all agreed on this then?"

The other two joined her in nodding.

"Well... there aren't too many spellcasters around here who would likely have the knowledge to figure out what happened. I have a few cousins in the area..."

Nathara shook her head, "Nuh uh, bad enough dealin' with one snobby elf, let alone two or three that don't have the stomach to attend school with all us low born beasties. Probably have servants to wipe yer bottoms for you."

Arilee turned her head and glared at Nathara, "Don't insult my kinfolk, lizard!"

"Don't be callin' me a lizard, tit!" the serpentkin growled back.

Cathell just sighed and winced as she felt every fist that flew between the two of them. The thought entered her mind that if they were stuck together like this, her bodymates might eventually learn to settle their arguments without fists.

The cyclops merely shook her head, at least their rubber-like skin meant that there would likely be no bruises or blackened eyes from the encounter.

"I think Miss Chromium would be our best choice, since she's our instructor in magics, after all." She said offhandedly.

The snake and elf immediately stopped fighting to stare wide eyed at Cathell.

"No way!" Arilee protested, "Not only will she laugh at us, but she'll probably not help us because she thinks it's funny!"

"OR that she thinks we're somehow deservin' of it!" Nathara added.

"Well, she's also the closest, and probably she's the only one that won't blab this all over the school. And we ought to hurry up and do something about it, the two of you just agreed on something. Who knows what other aspects might creep over from one of you to the other?" Cathell said, trying to suppress a grin.

Arilee and Nathara merely stared wide-eyed at one another. The elf grinned, "Maybe then she could grow some hair."

Nathara growled in annoyance, "And maybe you could get some color on that pasty pale noggin' o' yers! You'd look rather fetching in green, I imagine!"

The cyclops groaned as the fists began to fly once again.


The trio blushed deeply, two of them scowling at the pewter scaled dragoness in front of them. Chromium laughed uproariously, her sinewy form wriggling and twisting upon the ground as she howled with laughter.

Eventually her amusement simmered to the point where she controlled her giggles. Arilee scowled at her, "I don't see what's so funny!" she said, rather cross.

This merely sent the dragoness back into fits of laughter.

"Glad to be of amusement, Miss Chromium, but we're not here to be comic relief. We came here because something went wrong during our casting, we're stuck together, and now we need to get apart. We can't go to school like this!" Arilee said, the others nodding their consent.

The dragon continued to guffaw, tears leaking from her slate gray eyes as she looked upon the combined form of Cathell, Nathara, and Arilee.

"It's not funny!" the elf roared, "Even though I left my people of my own free will, I'd still be welcomed back, but like this? I'd be turned away! I'll never be able to see my family again, and here you are laughing at my misfortune!"

Chromium seemed to sober and managed to hold in her laughter. "Now, tell me everything, and I mean everything. From the beginning to your arrival on my doorstep."

The three quickly told there tale, of Arilee's accidental sneeze. The elf kept silent on the matter, not wanting to reveal that she'd purposely botched the casting, not wanting to get into trouble.

The elf and the serpentkin blushed deeply as Cathell described their sexual encounters with clinical detail. Arilee bit her tongue so she wouldn't interrupt the cyclops, as she instinctively wanted to put the blame on the other two for the strange state of arousal the transformation had left in her when it was complete. But she knew that the dragoness would likely mock her for it, and tell her to take responsibility for her own actions.

Chromium smiled as the three told the story of their change and the aftermath, but she didn't laugh.

"Very interesting," she said, circling the trio and prodding at the bare, rubbery skin on one of their legs.

"On Old Aerth such a thing wouldn't take place. The spell would merely have fizzled. But things seem to work strangely now. Morphogenic fields seem weaker, making the alteration of an individual frighteningly easy."

She made her way to an old desk placed nearby. Unlike most residents of the town, Chromium preferred her living space the old fashioned way, a large, wide open room, though she had gone with the modern conveniences.

She plucked a book from the shelf behind her, dropping it on the table and flipping through the pages, looking over the diagrams of magic circles.

"I think the problem stems from the use of two sets of circles in parallel alignment. Once the circle was disrupted, the dust smeared essentially in a straight line, linking the inner circles to Arilee's, which was tied into the other two caster circles. As a result the caster circles became transmutation loci, thus fusing the three of your together and adding in the aspect of the rubber ball and the mirror. As a result you've all got nice, smooth, stretchy skin."

Chromium scratched her chin, "It is an interesting concept; would the three of you consent to some testing? I have an air pump somewhere around here, I'd like to..."

The dragoness shrugged under the weight of three scowls.

"Very well, I'll just have to go find some mice to try it out on.." she said with a sigh, rather reluctant to let a matter of scientific discovery fall by the wayside.

"Overall, I'd say that yes, your condition is quite easily reversible. I'm surprised the three of you didn't think to use the inverse of the process that transformed you to break apart. After all, if I recall correctly between you there's two A's and a B+ from the last test we did. It's the same thing as getting raw calcium and carbon from the antacid tablets."

Cathell winced, "Of course! Why didn't I think of that!?"

Nathara grinned, "I think ya were kinda distracted by the six huge boobs in front of you."

"My only concern would be that after a certain period of physical fusion, spiritual intertwinement might occur. Three souls quickly bonding due to close proximity. I've already noticed some small changes in personality. Arilee has actually shut up and hasn't whined once, Nathara has neither called Arilee named, or threatened to hit here, and Cathell has actually spoken in a rather confidant fashion and not used her quiet, shy, squeaky voice once."

The dragon smiled at the trio, "I honestly think that you're all maturing somewhat due to this fusion. I think it's quite likely that within a comparatively short span of time that you'll grow to greatly enjoy your combined form, and quickly begin to care for one another a great deal. There are advantages and disadvantages to splitting apart and staying combined."

"But the decision will have to be made soon. If you're going to split, now is your best opportunity. I'm not sure how long it will take before spiritual entanglement is such that the three of you will become totally unable to be broken apart though a simple ritual, and would require the use of stranger magics."

"You don't need my help to do this. Think about it on the walk home." The dragoness said, closing the book.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some mice that I need to catch. Or maybe a rabbit."

The dragoness flapped her wings, launching herself out the cave's opening, eager to collect a test subject for the rubberization process.

The three girls looked over one another and down at their combined form.

"We agreed that we would divide ourselves before we came here." Cathell said, "And I do not think that circumstances have altered enough that we would change our minds. I think we ought to back home as quickly as possible and get this done while we still have the option."

The other two nodded and the trio began to walk briskly back in the way they had come.

"Cathell," asked Nathara, "Do you think we could... you know... maybe just get Arilee free? I... really like being this close with you, sharing a body and all. I love you, and we're close as two people can get, well, as close as we can with a pointy eared divider between us."

Cathell shook her head, "No, I don't think so. It would complicate things even more. We'd need a blood focus for Arilee, to screen her out and keep the two of us together, and I don't think that we can actually get one. I'm pretty sure our circularity systems are linked together."

"The two of you could always perform the ritual again once we've gone our separate ways." Arilee suggested.

"I don't think it'll work. We can't replicate the altered runes that your sneeze made into new shapes."

"Oh." Arilee said, sounding a little disappointed.

"I wonder if we'll be keepin' these honeys when we change back." Nathara said with a chuckle, giving her upper breast a poke.

Arilee chuckled, "Good Corellon I hope so. They're beautiful. But let's hope they go back to being side by side. It'd look rather silly having them stacked vertically."

"Urgh, th' would be an awful sight, no matter how big 'n lovely they are. With the three of us side by side, it works, but on our own? Blech." The serpentkin chuckled.

The three continued to talk and joke as they walked in silence along the shaded, seldom traveled forest path, taking their time as they returned to Cathell and Nathara's house for the ritual.


The runed circles for the division ritual were placed upon the floor in record time, what with the trio having six arms available to work the chalk, and six eyes watching over them carefully, three minds able to steady and guide each hand.

The three girls stood in the center circle, several rings of runs around it along with a trio of triangles linking the center ring to the three outer ones, where hopefully the three girls would find themselves reconstituted once divided from their combined form.

Arilee took a deep breath, "Okay, for this one I'm going to need earth mana for the base, since we're a solid, and then lots of air mana to actually do the dividing. Nathara, you did well with the earth before, Cathell, you think you can draw in the air?"

The cyclops nodded, "Quite easily. While I don't have an intrinsic tie to any element like Nathara does, I do have some experience with air. I'm confidant I can gather what is needed."

Arilee took a deep breath, "Okay," she said, letting the breath out, "Let's do this."

Just as before Arilee began to chant and motion with her hands, focusing and shaping the spell that would change them back to the way they were before. Nathara's energy was slow and heavy, but strong, and she kept the flow of it coming easily.

Though there had only been a small amount of mana involved in their transformation, Arilee coaxed in as much of the powerful energy as she felt comfortable with. While it only took a little spark to seamlessly fuse them together, it would take a great deal more to break them apart and assure that they would all be whole.

The air mana, light and breezy, was easily drawn in, and Arilee had to concentrate to keep too much of the stuff from rushing into the circle. The thought of being inflated like a balloon, as Chromium had suggested, made Arilee shiver.

She was well aware that drawing in too much air mana could have an effect much like popping a balloon. It wouldn't cause lasting harm, but it would leave the mage with a huge headache and an inability to draw in energies for spell for a few days.

This time Arilee didn't sneeze, she cast the spell perfectly, every gesture and every syllable spot on. She began to feel a soft tugging at her flesh, the air mana flowing into them, gently coaxing their bodies apart.

The elf gasped softly as a pleasant stretching sensation could be felt deep within her muscles, the pleasant sensation seeming to spread even into her bones. Then suddenly there was a shift, and the stretching sensation seemed to transform into a fluid warmth that surged from the extremities of their shared body right to the core.

The three girls cried out as the makeshift toga they'd made from a pair of bed sheets flew off, the simple knots pulled open by the sudden expansion of the flesh beneath. Already large and generous, the trio's six breasts seemed to nearly double in size, surging outward, the soft flesh making them press against each other.

The increase in size also came with an increased sensitivity. The smallest movements made the six titanic tits rub against one another; the sensation of soft skin across soft skin was enough to make the trio moan softly.

Arilee bit her lip, projecting her willpower as best she could, seeking to prevent caresses to their sensitive breasts before they started.

"Okay, that was too much air, not enough earth." Arilee gasped, panting, trying to ignore the building heat in her loins.

"Mmm... it's never done that when I underpowered an air/earth spell before." Cathell mused.

"Probably somethin' to do with morphic resonance. We're rubbery and got rounded bits, so the air mana flows into and enhances those areas, since in our minds round, large, and rubbery means a balloon, filled with air." Nathara guessed.

"Whatever it is, let's try not to do it again." Arilee said through gritted teeth, "Everybody ready?"

Nathara and Cathell drew in mana once more, all three girls suddenly cried out, unable to control their aspects of the spell.

"Oh... oh fuck... it's not... the spell hasn't stopped. The mana is just going right... ooooh stop it... stop pulling it in! Before I...."

The mana, now a high ratio of earth to air flowed into the trio. Rather than providing a more stable foundation, the earth mana weighed down their air-filled areas. While their breasts had become sort of inflated, weighing the same, yet growing larger, they now began to gain additional weight.

What was more, the new air mana had apparently decided to move to another rounded area; their rump. Or was that rumps? Hip and buttock alike began to swell, but what had the girls on their knees crying out with intense pleasure was the fact that something else seemed to be growing larger, or rather tighter.

The trio cried out, the flow of mana into them cutting off as a powerful climax washed over them, breaking their tenuous grip on their concentration. Almost as one they quickly shucked the toga, their six hands exploring their newly altered anatomy.

Their enlarged breasts had become correspondingly more sensitive, though the mix of elements was off within them. While most definitely flesh, they were soft, squishy, and pillowy.

Infused with heavier elements, their broadened backside felt the same as the rest of their flesh. A pair of hands traced over the soft curves, sensitivity had increased there as well. It felt rather nice to have their hips and rump rubbed.

But what drew the most attention, and the remaining three hands, was what had happened to the trio of sexes between their legs. The flesh was soft and slick, but it felt swollen and puffy. Finger slipped inside were clamped down upon. There was more than a little resistance going in, and even without something inside, their inner walls rubbed deliciously against each other.

The three lay back in the circle, overcome with need and desire. They didn't notice as sensation began to creep into areas that were slightly benumbed, the senses beginning to flow throughout their entire merged form. Each began to feel areas of the body that belonged to the other two, and it made the caresses all the more wonderful.

Subconsciously they began to coordinate their movements, each of three minds working in concert to skillfully move and position each portion of their body to where it would do the most good; a delicate hand tilted a breast upward so a forked tongue could pull the enlarged nipple into a mouth. Hands shifted, so that each was caressing a part that had belonged to another.

Desire and passion built, the individual flames coming together to burn all the brighter. While the mana-fueled climax had been intense, it was like a lighter before a bonfire. The three cried out in unison as the walls that had kept them divided turned to ash in the fires of their pleasure.

The moment had come and gone, they could no longer part utilizing simplistic magics. What was more, they no longer wished to part. That shared moment of intense, perfect pleasure something more than could be shared by anyone else.

"Mmm... girls? I do believe we're missed our little deadline. I think we're stuck like this now." Cathell managed once she'd regained her breath.

"If it means feelin' like that every so often, I think it's worth bein' stuck next to this pale, spoiled brat." Nathara teased, nuzzling Arilee's neck and giving her a quick kiss.

"Oh... I agree. I'll put up with any amount of teasing in order to have this... sense of closeness, not to mention the pleasure." The elf said, caressing the serpentkin's cheek.

"Nice to see the two of you can channel your mutual aggression into something beneficial for a change." The cyclops said with a chuckle.

Cathell gave Arilee a strange sort of nudge; though it seemed they could control the areas belonging to one of the other girls, she felt it was a bit rude to just take control. But the small muscle tugs gave a hint to the elf as to the cyclops' desires. Arilee turned her head and was met with a lustful kiss.

"Oooh..." Nathara said, fighting off a shiver from the intense sensation, "I like that. I can feel the both of you doing that and... oooh.... any time the two of ya want to make out like that, just do it. You don't need my permission. Oh Medusa's coils, here we go again!"


The sun had long since set by the time the three could keep their hands off of one another. The lustful fire within them still burned, but the pleasurable heat was somewhat tolerable, though they needed to pause and catch a breath every dozen or so steps.

"Okay, I can take going to school being stuck in the middle with you two, but there is no way we're going to be able to make it through the day wandering around feeling like a she-cat in heat." Arilee panted.

"For something like that you'd need a charm. Those require a lot of delicate work. We'll have to go out and get one somewhere." Cathell added.

"Though for tomorrow I'm thinkin' we can brew up a portion. It'll taste foul and we'll all have to drink some to make sure it works. It won't be something we'll want to go through every day, but I think we can tolerate it for a bit." Nathara said.

"I don't have any experience with potions," said Arilee, "Do either of you?"

Cathell shook her head.

"I have some experience, but something to block arousal isn't something that's in my books." Nathara admitted.

"Well, I suppose we can call Miss Chromium and ask her."

The cyclops got a glare from the other two.

"You mean we could've just called her in the first place?"

"We didn't have ta sneak over there?"

Cathell blushed, "Well, I thought it would be important for her to see us like this, to know how we got stuck together. This is just something simple. Now if one of you could hand me the phone?"





"Whoever it is, call back later, I've got a bit of a problem that needs... STOP IT! Needs sorting out. Maybe call back in, DON'T TOUCH THAT an hour or two!"

Chromium hung up the phone and jabbed a clawed finger into the demoness' eye, "I said to stop bloody masturbating so I can think and try and get us a way out of this!" Chromium growled at her bodymate.

"Oh come now, not only do I have this wonderful bounty of breast before me, but there's also a pair of pussies down below! You can't deny such a bounty to a succubus, my dear. Plus you were the one who wanted to recreate that accident." Purred Gloriel, the demoness.

"On MICE, dammit, on the mice!" Chromium said with a sigh, cupping her head with two hands, pinching the bridge of her nose with another, and using the fourth to fend off Gloriel's attempts at self/mutual pleasuring.

"And where the hell did we get these extra four arms from anyway?!" the dragoness growled, not at all pleased to have been merged with a demoness and molded into a humanoid form.

"My grandmother was a Marilith, dear. A very well cultured bloodline, I might add."

"Like bread mold in a Petri dish." Chromium snarled, "Now stop that and let me think! We're two very magical beings here, a fission spell needs to be incredibly precise, as I don't want to lose anything to you, and I sure as hell don't want anything extra back!"

Gloriel clicked her tongue and gave their four breasts a simultaneous squeeze, "Come come now, it's natural to express a curiosity towards something you don't have, but other women do. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have breasts?"

"Haven't you ever wondered what it feels like to go more than 12 hours without something crammed into one of your bodily orifices? Or life at a nunnery?"

"That's Victorian slang for a brothel, you know."

"Every word is Victorian slang for something sexual. Now could you kindly stop fondling me and for the love of all that is unholy, will you face forward so those horns aren't going in my eye?"

Gloriel sighed and flicked their two tails, one above the other, her own thin, demonic spade tip, and the thick, proud, reptilian length.

"You know, I don't think you have enough hands to block all four of my AND my tail."

Chromium sighed, "If I let you explore for fifteen minutes, will you give me some time to bloody think?"

The demoness grinned, reaching up and stroking the dragoness's muzzle, "Only if we do a bit more than explore. You see, I think participation ought to be mandatory." She purred, pressing her lips against Chromium's own.

"Oh... oh my..." gasped the dragoness, "So that would explain why bipeds are kissing all the time."

"Oh yes, and more, my lovely dragoness. Now just lay back and let me take care of you..."