Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 2 Uncontrollable Hunger

Story by YiffyGreenDragon on SoFurry

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Warning: This story, but not every chapter in this story contains acts of a homosexual nature. If your squeamish, and don't like homosexual sex depicted in graphic detail then don't read this story, otherwise enjoy.

If your looking for SEX then check out the first sex scene on chapter 6

Check out the story overview at the beginning of chapter 1

A few comments from me on chapter 1

Chapter 2: Uncontrollable Hunger

Seth had never been a morning person and this morning was no exception. He felt like he had been beaten, and every part of him was sore and stiff. It was almost as bad as one of the times when his brother Mike and his stupid jock friends had beat him with their lacrosse sticks. His brother and his friends thought it was fun to cause as much bruising as possible without breaking anything. Of course his brother always made sure his friends never hit him in the face. He knew Seth wouldn't tell on them, but he knew his parents would start asking questions if they started to see bruises on his brother's face.

Seth reached up to close the window shade that would have been next to his bed. His arm ached with a stiff throbbing pain as he reached for the shade, but his hand found nothing but air.

When he couldn't find the shade he rolled over so he wouldn't be facing the window anymore. He became wide awake as he rolled his face into a pool of water. He jumped up as adrenalin brought him out of his dozy state. He stood up and found his cloths were soaking wet. His head felt dizzy and every part of him felt sore and stiff. Then like a bad dream everything that had happened the night before came back to him in a rush. He remembered being dragged on his bike, and floating in the air. He remembered tumbling through the air, and hearing the deafening thunder. Then he remembered the strange lightning coming right at him, then nothing.

There was a thick fog in the air as he looked around for anything he could recognize. He had seen fog many times before, but never this thick. He could actually see misty water vapor in the air, and even feel it as he breathed it in.

He turned around, and looked out across a lake of glass smooth water that disappeared into the hazy white fog. He kept turning around looking for something, anything he could recognize. He turned away from the eery looking water and could just barely make out the shape of a rocky beach through the fog. Seeing nothing but water in the other direction he started walking towards the hazy shore. The ground under the water was irregular due to all the rocks, and he fell several times as he made his way to shore. His first fall was the worst, and after that he walked slowly and made sure his feet were solidly on the ground before taking another step.

When he made it to shore all he saw were more dull grey rocks. There were a few patches of sand here and there, but for the most part it was all rock. There were big rocks, small rocks, and in the distance he could even make out some rocks that were as big as his house.

His clothes were soaking wet and his shoes made a squishing noise every time he took a step. He took his shirt off and wrung the water out of it, and his shoulders and arms burned in searing agony as he twisted it. He put his shirt back on, but wished he hadn't as it made his already aching body ack even more. His left arm and shoulder felt like it was on fire.

He didn't even notice it before, but he could see that his left arm and shoulder was badly burned. The burn was only on the side facing away from his body. It started at his shoulder then ran down the length of his arm and hand. The skin was blackened and crusty, and thick sections had started to peal away. He touched his arm with his other hand, and it stung like fire when he touched it. He took his hand away, and was shocked to see that the burnt skin had rubbed off, turning his hand black. He could still move it, but it hurt like hell when he did. But his whole body hurt like hell for that matter. He eventually stopped examining his arm, and slowly climbed up onto a large rock hoping to see something.

"Hello anyone there," he yelled but know one answered. 'The sun is still coming up and it's still probably to early for anyone to be up yet,' he thought to himself.

"I'll just have to wait for this damn fog to lift."

He sat down on a rock and tried not to think about his arm. He knew he needed to get to a hospital and soon. With a burn that deep he would at least need skin grafting, and he tried not to think about what would happen if it got infected.

As he sat on the rock he could feel his feet squishing around in his wet shoes, and it was starting to get irritating. When he couldn't stand it any longer he slowly took his shoes and socks off. He slowly wrung out his socks, but couldn't find anything dry to set them on, because the rock was wet from the mist laden fog. He laid his socks across his shoes, and laid down on his back.

He didn't even realize he had fallen asleep, or more likely passed out. The sun shining in his face was what had woken him up. He sat up and looked around. The sun had moved higher in the sky and the fog had partly disappeared. Now he got his first good look at where he was, and he hadn't expected to see anything like what he was looking at.

Instead of gentle tree covered hills, he saw near vertical rock cliffs all around him. The cliffs curved away from him, and came together at the opposite end of a huge roundish shaped lake. He looked behind him and he saw more cliffs behind him.

After turning around a few times he realized the cliffs went all the way around. He was surrounded on all sides by shear vertical walls of stone that looked to be over 3000 feet tall. He also didn't see any people or buildings or any other sighs of civilization, and he started to panic. He thought about yelling for help, but couldn't bring himself to do it. 'And what would be the point,' he told himself. 'There's know one here. You would have to have a helicopter just to get down here, and they would never hear me anyways,' he thought to himself.

Seth looked up at the section of the cliff that was closest to him. He had to tilt his head as far back as he could just to take it all in. The cliff was a dull grey color with long lines and cracks running up and down; it looked rough and ragged. There were huge building size rocks littered around the base of the cliffs, and some were as big as the gymnasium at his school. It looked like pieces of the cliff had broken and fallen off.

Seth had already started to panic, but he was still impressed at the sheer size and scale of everything. He looked back out at the cliffs on the other side of the lake. The sun was shining in his face, and he put his hand up to shield his eyes from the glare. With the sun partly blocked he scanned the tops of the cliffs more slowly. He noticed the moon siting just above the top of the cliffs off to his left. Something about it caught his attention, and he did a double take. He squinted his eyes not quite believing what he was seeing. Even though he could see it during the day light, it looked to big and the color didn't look quite right.

He thought that maybe it was due to the sunrise. 'The sky gets rather colorful during the morning right?' But then he thought about that for a minuet, and that didn't make any sense since the sun was so high and the sky was nothing but blue. But the moon still had a rather odd color to it. It was a much darker gray than normal with what almost looked like dark swirly patterns on its surface. He also thought he could see reddish looking spots as well. 'No that's crazy,' he thought to himself.

He was about to hop down off the rock when he noticed another spot in the sky off to his right, and he almost fell off the rock; catching his balance at the last second. He steadied himself and looked up at what he knew couldn't be there. But it was there, and he couldn't believe what he was looking at.

"What the fuck,"he said out load.

It wasn't possible he told himself as he looked up at a second moon. This moon was noticeable bigger than the other one, and way to big to be the moon he knew; it had a blueish and purplish color to it.

Seth could make out an intricate web of lines on it's surface which resembled a spiders web. There were also very visible swirling white clouds scattered across it's surface, and it also had a strange glittery look to it.

"No way this is happening," he told himself. "No way I'm on another planet." He tried to convince himself it wasn't possible, that it was just a bad dream. But the proof was staring him in the face, and shutting his eyes wasn't going to make it go away.

"Maybe I got sucked into a wormhole," he asked himself, trying to think of a rational explanation. Seth had always been a fan of science fiction, along with being a nerd. He had seen plenty of sci-fi and fantasy movies, and read tons of books. So the possibility wasn't beyond his scope of thinking, as it might have been for other people.

"But that stuff isn't real," he told himself. "Shit like that just wouldn't happen. And if it did then where did all that other stuff that got sucked into the worm hole go?" he asked himself. Then he realized that the answer to the question he just asked himself was right in front of him.

"The dirt, rocks, trees and other stuff did get sucked in." Then he thought about falling through the air and realized that if he fell for that long and hit solid ground then he would be dead. "So I had to have landed in the water. And that means that all the dirt and rocks, plus my bike for that matter are at the bottom of the lake. But the trees would have floated" he said to himself, thinking out loud.

Seth looked around for uprooted trees, but there were still a lot of large rocks blocking his view. He climbed down off the rock without his shoes, and headed for the edge of the lake for a better look. The rocks were sharp, and hurt his feet with every step, but he continued walking. He walked slowly, and eventually made it to the waters edge. He put his feet in the water to wash off the rocks that were imbedded in his soft feet. He scanned up and down the shore for trees, or anything else that would have washed up on shore. He didn't notice anything at first, but as he looked out further into the lake he could see the tops of branches poking up out of the water.

"The trees did get sucked in. They didn't wash up on short because their branches are hitting the bottom. O and there's some weeds." Seth awkwardly and painfully walked over to a clump of weeds and marsh grass that were stuck between two rocks. He picked up a clump and examined it.

"Well it couldn't have come from this place. I don't see anything growing around here anywhere." Seth thought about what he just said for a minuet, and realized that if there weren't any plants here then what was he going to eat. He sure as hell hadn't see any animals; not like he would be able to catch any if he had. He tossed the plants back into the water, and headed back to get his shoes. His shoes and socks were still wet, but at least his shirt and shorts were partly dry. 'And at least its warm out,' he thought to himself.

"Yeah and it's really warm out come to think of it," he said to himself. He sat down to put his shoes and socks back on. He still had stones and sand on his feet, and went back to the shore to wash it completely off before he put them back on. He got his shoes and socks back on, and stood at the shore looking out at the alien landscape around him. He stared at the two moons for a while, and then back towards the ground. He was still admiring the scenery as well as looking for anything edible.

"It's weird that the cliffs go all the way around like that. It's like I'm at the bottom of a giant crater, or volcano, or something." He thought about that for a minuet and realized that it did look like a crater. He examined the shape of the lake, and the curving cliffs again, and tried to compare that observation with a show he had seen on the nature channel about asteroid impacts and volcanos.

"Wow this is a crater. But it's huge, it has to be at least 20 miles across or more," he told himself. He felt a excited at making what he thought had to be the correct observation. His excitement soon faded as his stomach rumbled, and he realized he hadn't had anything to eat yet.

"And who cares if it is a crater. There still isn't anything here to eat." He realized there would be absolutely no way he was going to climb out. He started to feel worried and panicked at the same time.

"The only thing I can do is look for something edible," and with that he turned to his left, and started walking. He kept his eyes on the ground looking for anything other that rocks. He did find a few weeds growing between rocks here and there, but it wasn't anything he could eat. 'At least there is life of this planet,' he told himself.

Seth kept walking, and the more he walked the hotter it got. He had taken his shirt off hours earlier. It wasn't just the heat it was the humidity that was getting to him. He hadn't wanted to take his shirt off again, but it was just to damn uncomfortable. Seth kept walking, and sweating, and eventually he was dying for a glass of water. He was so accustom to simply getting something to drink out of the refrigerator that he didn't even think about the lake he was walking next to. He felt like an idiot when he realized that there was plenty of water right in front of him.

Dying for anything wet he quickly walked down to the edge of the lake. 'But what if the waters got something in it,' he asked himself. 'What if I get sick off it.'

Seth looked at the water, it was clear, and he could see right to the bottom. 'At least it isn't all muddy,' he told himself. He took a small mouth full, but didn't swallow it. He didn't taste anything strange so he drank it, and then drank until he quenched his thirst. He didn't feel thirsty any more, but he was still starving.

He turned back to continue his walk, and for the first time he smelt something other than the hot humid air. It smelled like the time his father had burnt a dozen burgers on the grill. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, but he couldn't see anything past a huge building size slab of rock that was in front of him. As he made his way around the rock he found where the smell was coming from. What he found was the biggest animal he had ever seen. It was obviously very dead at least he hoped it was dead. It was laying on its back, and it was huge. It was green and looked like a dinosaur with wings.

"It has to be at least 60 feet long. And it's head is as big as I am." He picked up a rock and threw it at it. The rock hit it in the head, and he felt his breath go out of him in relief when it didn't move. He then walked up to it to get a closer look.

He walked up to it's head. It's head was laying on it's side due to the rows of long horns on the top and sides of it's head. It's eyes were wide open, and it's tongue was hanging out of it's mouth. He could clearly see that it was a predator due to the fact that its mouth was full of long and pointed teeth.

He walked down the length of its long neck, and he found the source of the burned meat smell. The creatures entire right side was badly burned. It's ribs were sticking through it's green scaley skin like they had burst from the inside out. The side of the creature was stained with blood which looked black against it's green body.

Seth walked up to get a closer look at the creature's wound. He had to watch were he walked because the ground was slick with partly dried blood. He leaned forward, and looked into the gaping hole in the dead animals side. When he looked into the wound he saw a pile of burnt guts, and felt himself about to lose his lunch, not that there was anything in his stomach to lose. He fought down the urge to throw up and went back to examining the dead animal. It's four legs were sprawled out at it's sides and were laying on top of it's outstretched wings.

"Holy shit this thing has wings," said Seth unable to believe what he was seeing.

"It's wing span has to be 100 feet, or maybe even more." He noticed it's leathery wings ran down the length of it's body and ended part way down it's long tale. He walked around it's outstretched wing getting further away from it's body as he walked around it, not wanting to step on it for some reason.

As he walked to the end of it's wing he got a much better look at it from the side. It's chest and rib cage was large, and protruded above the rest of it's body. He didn't notice it when he was standing next to it, but it's limbs were also incredibly thick. It's front legs were the shaped like a tigers, and it's rear legs had more of a valasa raptor look to them. He could also see that the creature was very muscular, or more correctly had been. It's rear legs laid sprawled out across the ground, and each one was much larger than he was. He could clearly make out the different strands of muscle in it's legs as they bulged against it's scaly green skin.

He looked it over for a few more minutes then walked up for a closer look. He walked closer to it's rear foot and squatted down. It had three toes pointing forward, and one pointing back. He could tell just by looking that he couldn't even get his hand around one of it's toes. The talons on the end of it's toes were long and curved with a dangerous and even frightening look to them.

'It looks more like a dragon than a dinosaur,' he thought to himself. Seth tried to dismiss that idea as crazy, but he just couldn't get the idea of what a dragon would look like out of his head. Thinking about dragons made him remember all the different fantasy and adventure books that he had read over the years. 'It isn't like a place with two moons is normal anyways. So why couldn't it be a dragon?' he asked himself.

He stood up, and had a sudden urge to touch it. He bent over, and stretched out a hand, and laid it on the dead dragon's leg. He brushed his hand against it's leg, and it felt smooth, and leathery. He pushed down on it, but there was no give what so ever. It felt incredibly hard, almost like a car tire.

He stood there for a minuet before realizing just how muscular and well defined the creature's leg really was. He had never been around an animal, even a dead one, that was larger that a dog before. He still couldn't believe just how big, and how muscular, the thing really was. He ran his hand over it's leg down towards it's knee, and he looked up just to double check and make sure it was still dead.

As he looked down the length of it's body he couldn't help noticing the bulges on it's stomach. He could see that the creature was very muscular, but he had never seen abs on a reptile before. He stood up and continued to stare at it's stomach. He counted a row of twelve abs on it's stomach which didn't seem possible on a reptile or even a dinosaur for that matter.

Seth stopped starting at it and stepped over the creatures thick tail, and walked around to it's other rear leg. He stood there for a second before deciding to step on it's out stretched wing. It didn't move so he walked up to it's stomach. With his nervousness fading away he put a hand on it's stomach. Just one ab was wider than his hand. He thought about jumping up and standing on it until his own stomach started making noises again.

He was so excited, and so caught up with looking at the dead dragon, that he forgot he still hadn't had anything to eat yet. Even worst than that he hadn't eaten anything when he was at Steve's house. He wasn't starving yet, but he had never been this hungry before in his life. When ever he wanted something to eat all he had to do was go and get something out of the fridge, or just microwave something.

'But there aren't any refrigerators here,' he thought to himself. All of a sudden that burnt charcoal smell was starting to smell pretty good. He turned and walked around to other side of the dragon. He stood there looking at the huge gaping wound in it's side. The more he looked at it the more it made him feel sick.

He had thought the sight of gore and blood wouldn't bother him. He didn't know if it was the protruding burnt flesh covered ribs, or the half cooked guts that were partly hanging out. Seeing blood and gore in real life was a lot different than seeing it in movie, or in a video game. He felt himself about to be sick, and had to look away.

It took him a few minutes before he could bring himself to look at it again. He looked at the creatures wound, and reached up, and snapped off a piece of burnt and blacked flesh from one of its ribs, and it crumbled in his hand.

"It's like it's been cooked with an arch welder" he said to himself. He let the crumbled chunks of ash fall to the ground, and brushed the rest off his hands. He reached up again and pulled off a bigger chunk from around it's ribs. He bent it in half, and the ash turned his hands black as he looked it over.

He could see that the outside was burnt to a crisp, but the inside was a dark red. He poked it, and it looked cooked to him. He tried smelling it, but couldn't smell anything other than the smell of burnt flesh. It looked about as appetizing as eating burnt cardboard, but he had to eat something, so he took a small nibble out of it. As he expected, it tasted like caracole, and it was as tough as leather, but it was cooked. He chewed it for a few minuets, and managed to swallow it, and then broke off another small piece. He used his good arm as he continued to break off and eat small pieces of the burnt flesh. He tried to eat only what was red, and he threw the rest to the ground.

The dragon was so badly burned that he was able to easily snap off large pieces of meat. There was much more burnt flesh then there was cooked, and the burnt pieces soon littered the ground around his feet. The meat was tougher than beef jerky, and he had to chew each piece for what seemed like forever. Eating the burn meat was slow and messy, but he managed to eat enough to satisfy his hunger. His mouth felt dry and tasted like ash.

Seth turned away from the dead dragon, and walked to the edge of the lake to get a drink, and to wash the ash from his mouth. The water was warm, but still refreshing on his ash covered tongue. He swished some water around in his mouth like mouthwash, and spat a stream of black spit onto the ground. He had to repeat the possess over and over before he finally got the taste of ash out of his mouth. He then drank his fil,l and after that he washed the ash off of his hands.

The sun had gotten close to the edge of the cliff, and he hadn't even noticed until now. The sky was turning a brilliant orange and red as the sun came closer to setting. It looked like he had about an hour before the sun went down. 'Where am I going to sleep,' he thought to himself.

"I'm sure as hell not sleeping on a bunch of rocks." He walked around searching for something comfortable to sleep on. But the more he looked, the more he realized that all there was were rocks and more rocks.

The sun was disappearing behind the cliffs when he looked between to large boulders, and found a pile of gravel. He stepped on the patch of gravel, and it crunched beneath his shoes. It looked much like aquarium gravel mixed with some slightly larger stones. It was the best thing he had found so he laid down to test it out. It didn't feel comfortable at all, but it was a hell of a lot better than sleeping on solid stone.

Seth laid there watching the sky change colors until his stomach started rumbling again. His stomach started making more noises, and he started to feel hungry all over again. He sat there for a few minuets hoping it would go away, but it didn't. He felt tired and all he wanted to do was sit there and go to sleep. The longer he sat there the more unbearable his hunger became. Finally with a tiered groan he dragged himself to his feet, and started towards the dead dragon. As he walked his hunger got worse and worse. His hunger quickly turned painful, and he jogged the last fifty feet.

He quickly ripped off the first blackened piece he could get his hands on. Without even pulling off the burnt parts he sank his teeth in, and ripped a piece off. He chewed it and chewed it until he couldn't wait any more, and then swallowed it. He almost chocked to death trying to get it down, but he felt instant relief when he did. His discomfort faded for only a moment before it quickly returned. He kept eating, and eating, but still his hunger wouldn't go away. He kept eating until it started getting difficult to see what he was doing.

The sun had gone down, and there was just enough light for him to make out the basic shape of the dragon, but that was about it. He could no longer even see the difference between cooked or burnt flesh. He could tell that some of the meat he was eating wasn't cooked, but he didn't care. It was the only thing keeping the pain in his stomach from getting worse. The pain would lessen with each piece of meat he swallowed, but it would quickly come back before he could even get more into his mouth. He just couldn't eat fast enough to make the pain go away.

One of the moons hovered just over the cliffs, and cast just enough light for him to see what he was doing. It wasn't long before Seth could no longer find any burnt flesh that he could pull off with his hands. Everything was dark, and looked the same. He frantically searched for any meat that he could pull off, but couldn't find any. He finally found a piece he could get his hand around, and started pulling, but he couldn't ripe it off.

He desperately pulled with all his strength, but with the pain from his burnt arm he just couldn't get it off. His stomach turned from felling like a strong cramp, to feeling like it was on fire the longer he wasted time pulling. Finally when he couldn't stand it any longer he lowered his head into the gaping wound, and bit at the piece he had his hands around. He managed to bit off, and swallow a piece of meat, and he experience a brief moment of relief. The pain quickly came back stronger than before, and he lowered his head back into the gaping wound.

He kept eating at a steadily pace, not even taking his head out of the large opening in the creatures side. What little light he had soon vanished as the moon passed over the horizon, but he didn't even notice.

It wasn't until the sun started coming up over the cliffs the next morning that Seth realized his stomach was still killing him, and that he was still eating. He remembered the sun going down, but everything else was a blur. But there was one thing he did remember. He couldn't remember when during the night it happened, but he remembered his waist and his feet hurting like hell, but it didn't hurt any more so he didn't really care. There was only one thing he could think about, and that was to keep eating; to keep the pain away.

It wasn't until late in the day when he realized he was on his knees bent over and eating from the dead dragons front leg. He stopped just long enough to pull his head back, and look it over. He could see that he had eaten the thick muscle on the dragons chest right down to the bone. He could see all of it's ribs, and not just the ones that had broken through it's side. It's ribs were still covered with small chunks of dark red flesh. He didn't have time however to think about it as the hunger quickly returned, and he went back to feeding.

He continued feeding even as the sun went down again. Making the pain go away was the only thing he could think about as the light of day turned to night again.

It was sometime during the night when Seth could feel his shirt and shorts cutting into him. His shirt was digging into his arm pits, and his shorts were cutting into his crotch. At first he tried to ignore it, but the more he tried to ignore it the more it started to bothered him. Finally when he couldn't stand it any longer he tried to pull his shirt off, and it ripped along the sides when he brought his hands up to yank it off. He grabbed the collar and pulled, but he couldn't pull it over his shoulders. He pulled and pulled, until he got so pissed he simply ripped it off. He then searched for his belt, and found it was already undone, and the button was missing. He grabbed and tried to pull down on the zipper. He couldn't get it unzipped, and he was getting more pissed as he struggled to get it undone.

After he finally got it unzipped he bent over to pull it off. As he did he heard a loud ripping sound as the cloth covering his ass ripped apart. He pulled it part way down, but it got stuck. The harder he pulled the more frustrated he got. Finally when he couldn't take it any more he grabbed as much fabric in each hand as he could, and pulled as hard as he could until he ripped it apart, and he threw it on the ground in an angry fit. The time he wasted getting his clothes off had made his hunger grow even worse. By now his stomach felt like he had been stabbed with a knife, and he quickly went back to feeding.

Other than getting pissed, and ripping his cloths off he couldn't remember anything else during the night. The moons had been obscured by clouds during the night, and he hadn't been able to see a thing. But as the sun came up over the cliff again he could see what he had done during the night.

He lifted his head from the rear foot he was siting next to. He looked down at the huge green foot with it's long curved talons, and noticed the thick bloody bone protruding out of the top. He followed the bone all the way until it connected with the body. There was no more leg, just bones covered with small bits of flesh here and there. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like some horrible unending nightmare. He remembered the leg being bigger than he was, and now it was just a pile of bloody bones. Then he noticed the huge pile of guts covering the ground. It's stomach was gone and it's guts had spilled out over the ground.

Seth looked down at his hands, but they weren't his. They were green and scaly, and he only had four fingers instead of five. He scrambled to his feet in shock as he saw hands that weren't his. As soon as he got to his feet he doubled over as the hunger came back so suddenly that it felt like someone had punched him in the stomach. He realized he had spent to much time staring at the partly eaten dragon corpus. He tried to fight the pain and stand, but the pain was to intense, and he crawled as quickly as he could back to the main body of the dead dragon. He opened his mouth, and ripped a massive chunk of meat out of it's hip and swallowed it whole. He took bite after bite just barely aware of the massive holes each bit was leaving in the dead creatures body.

Seth continued eating throughout the day. As the day dragged on he was becoming more aware of what he was doing. It felt like he was waking up from a bad hangover, and he could just barely remember the past few days. He could remember pieces and parts here and there, but most of it was a blur. It was almost the same as being so drunk that he couldn't remember what he did the night before, but what he did remember was horrifying. He could remember blood everywhere. He remembered it pouring out of the corpus every time he bit into it, it's blood covering him from head to toe. He remembered the ground being covered with so much blood that it made the ground as slick as ice. He remembered the feeling and taste of ripping and eating huge chunks of meat over and over. He did remember trying to stop himself just once during the day and being rewarded with more searing pain. He decided not to try it again after that.

The day eventually turned to night again, and this time Seth knew what he was doing. This time he could tell what he was eating. He could taste and feel the difference between the firmness of muscle and softness of internal organs. He stayed away from the internal organs, and tried to only eat muscle. If he couldn't stop himself from eating then he might as well eat muscle, which to him was less disgusting than eating raw guts.

The idea of eating raw intestines or liver or any other internal organs was more than his concuss mind could handle. The night seemed to drag on and on. The more he became aware of what he was doing the more bored he was getting. 'Is it ever going to end?' he asked himself.

Eventual the sun started coming up over the top of the cliffs again. As the light grew brighter he realized the pain wasn't returning between each bit, and he actually started to feel full for the first time. He stopped eating, and waited a minuet for the pain to come back, but it didn't.

He looked down at the dead dragons neck, and it was nothing more than exposed vertebra; covered partially with chunks of dark red flesh. He could clearly see every rib, with it's guts protruding through the open spaces. All four legs had been eaten right down to the bone, except for the feet. It's stomach was gone, and he could see it's intestines spread out in heaping piles all over the ground. The blood covering the ground had partly dried staining the rocks dark red, to almost black. He stared at what was left of the dragon, but still the pain didn't return. As soon as he realized it might be over he felt a wave of nausea hit him like a hammer. But this time it wasn't the same driving hunger, it was due to a lack of sleep. Everything was getting blurry, and he could barley keep his eyes open. The only thing he could think about was getting to the sleeping spot he had picked out three days earlier.

He started walking, and everything started getting blurry again. He had to fight with each step to stay awake, but he finally made it to the area covered with the lose gravel between the two boulders. He knelt down, and passed out even before he could lower himself the rest of the way to the ground.