Space Adventure pt. 2

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#2 of Space

Well this was a fast upload. Guess I got some space stuff on the brain, plus I know some of you guys are secretly thinking "when does the yiffing happen!" Be patient you fools, and keep your paws off your crotch, cuz the ride just got fast and furious!

Cpt. Flame hurried to the lab, looking at the scientists as if he was ready for war. Lt. Dobbs, and Sergeants Hunt and Badoo followed closely behind, looking like someone made a major mess in each of their beds. The otter walked up, curious as to what was going on. The tiger showed the new orders for the security detail on board. Primary objectives were to destroy the new Drones that had risen up from the shipment on Planet Thrace, take out any nests, and kill any Queens.

"They got loose?!"

"Yes Doc, the Facehuggers got loose. I told the pilot to get into orbit so that the crew members on board wouldn't be in the line of fire. Because of the orders, my men and I are gonna take a drop ship down to the surface to try and deal with the Xenomorphs."

"Don't we have nukes on board anymore?!"

"No Doc, we don't! This was a passenger charter, meaning nukes were out of the question! What is in question is this: do you have any sort of dyes for Eva so we can distinguish her from the other Xenomorphs?"

"Eva? She... she has a name now?"

"Just answer the question Doc!"

"Y-yes... what color would you prefer?"

"White's out of the question. Blue will have to do, preferably light blue."

As the doc hurried to get the necessary amount of dyes, Lt. Dobbs stepped up, "Are we taking the Doc's own little pet with us?! Are you mad?!?!"

"Dobbs, we don't have a choice. The Ripley Report mentioned that the Ripley Clone, aka Number 8, could detect the Xenomorphs in various stages, as well as acidic qualities in her blood. I didn't want to use Eva as a tracker, but it's all we got. You three, go inform the Privates, and tell them not to act hostile towards Eva in any way."

"Yes Captain..."

The Sergeants and Lt. Dobbs hurried to go inform the Privates as the otter hurried back with the light blue dyes, handing them over in a bag, mentioning that the coloration was permanent. Flame only nodded and hurried down to the cells, getting a happy greeting from the Xenomorph. He opened the door to her cell, causing her to tilt her head.

"Am... I allowed to come out?"

"Eva, worst case scenario has just occurred. I hate to even think of putting you in this situation, but you can help us track the Drones, nests, and Queens. I have some light blue dyes that can help the men distinguish you from the other Xenomorphs."

"Cpt. Flame, I would love to help you, but... it's facing my own species."

"And I have my orders Eva. It gets you out of this cell, and lets you meet the other members of the platoon. I understand your dilemma, but your chitin exoskeleton prevents the acid from eating away at you."

Eva stayed in, hesitant, the tiger knew that she wanted out, even to stay close to him, but the thought of killing one's kinsman was always a heavy one. With reluctance, the Xenomorph slowly stepped out of her cell, looking up at the muscular tiger before her, "Paint me, Captain Flame."

He nodded and proceeded to paint the Xenomorph, making sure that it covered her in noticeable areas first, feeling her sleek shell almost intimately, almost like oiling up a lover for a massage, and she hissed her appreciation as she was slowly transformed from classic black to light blue. When the paint ran out, he stood before her, knowing why she came out to help him and his fellow Marines. She didn't want to lose her friend and teacher, hands down.

"Come on Eva, the men are waiting to be briefed."

With a nod, she followed the tiger back up to the drop ship, everyone strapped in, save for Lt. Dobbs, who was ready with his firearms. Upon being seen, the Lieutenant announced the Captain as Cpt. Flame and Eva stepped on board, worried looks coming from the Privates and Sgt. Badoo. The only one who didn't have a strange look was Sgt. Hunt, his face hidden behind his mask.

"Listen up! This Eva, the modified Xenomorph extracted from PFC Thanatos. She'll be helping us on this mission, despite the force she's helping us face are fellow Xenomorphs. She has been dyed light blue to help you distinguish her from the other Xenomorphs. Now on to the Mission and our priorities.

"We are going into combat. This is not a simulation or training. We are facing hostiles that have acid for blood, and won't think twice about taking you out. The only way they won't kill you is if you are impregnated with an embryo by a Facehugger, and we won't be near a medical wing for an extraction. Or priorities are destruction of all Drones, Nests, and Queens. Secondary objectives are finding survivors and restoring order. Now Marines, are you ready?!"


"Let's go!"

With that, he closed the hatch and nodded for Sgt. Badoo to break from the mother ship. The raptor and the tiger strapped themselves in, Eva taking the co-pilot seat and strapped herself in, watching the horse as he worked the controls, Badoo getting chills from a Xenomorph so close. The rest of the platoon kept their eyes on her, as if waiting for an excuse to open fire.

"Sir, permission to speak freely?" Private Sahn asked.

"Permission granted, what's on your mind?"

"What if Eva turns on us?"

"Good question. Eva, I want your word that you won't turn on us and harm myself, or my Marines!"

"I guarantee it Cpt. Flame." Eva responded.

At that, the rest of the Privates sat there in shock as they entered the atmosphere, making their descent to the surface. Eva was ecstatic at the way the heat shield kept them from being fried, natural gravity taking control as Sgt. Badoo turned off the artificial gravity, some of the Privates grunting from the difference. The tiger just closed his eyes, waiting for the craft to land so that further instructions can be given.

Upon landing, everyone unbuckled and got up, to which the Captain ordered everyone to take extra magazines for their primary and secondary weapons, Eva the only one left out since she didn't have a weapon, aside from her tail and senses. The tiger made the easiest decision thus far, that the ship would be locked and they all stuck together throughout the mission. They stepped out to find they were a few kilometers away from the original landing zone, and they knew they had to walk the distance.

"Eva, I doubt any new Drones have been born, so we still got time. Which way?"

Eva pointed at the building, and they marched on towards it, knowing it'd be awhile. They could've taken the drop ship there, but it would be like diving into a pool of sharks. As they marched on, they noted that once they arrived, a Queen would be born and would be laying eggs rather quickly after finding a proper hiding spot, whereas the Drones would kill or take the unaffected to the new breeding chamber. They knew it would be hard, but a job is a job.

Once they reached the main door, Lt. Dobbs patched into the security system to identify how many people were still alive. The computer answered that several unidentified organisms were moving about, and that several faculty members were holed up in the lab. After the confirmation, the raptor opened the outer doors, everyone getting into position, with Cpt. Flame, Lt. Dobbs, Sgt. Hunt, and Sgt. Badoo at the front, with Eva staying close to the tiger.

They moved in slowly, their flashlights helping illuminate the dark building, staying cautious as they made their way in. Cpt. Flame kept his eyes open, looking everywhere for any signs of movement or oddity. The rest of the platoon just kept looking around, not having any radars with them, Eva being the only one capable of detecting the Xenomorphs. It really was the worst case scenario, since they had non-hostiles to find, hostiles to kill, and no means of detecting them other than a light blue Xenomorph that stuck to the tiger's side.

Eva stopped, hissing angrily as if in warning. Everyone halted and pointed their lights forward, seeing several Drones, hissing back threateningly. Everything seemed to be frozen in time as they all took in the options. Eva and the Xenomorphs hissed at each other for what felt like eternity before the first one leaped forward. All anyone heard was gunfire, backing up slowly as each Drone dropped from the lead being fired, Eva backing up as well to stay next to the Captain.

"THEY JUST KEEP COMING!" was all Cpt. Flame heard over the gunfire and the squealing.


At that moment, Eva grabbed the tiger and leapt up the wall, taking the Captain with her as he kept firing at the swarm. All he could think about was shooting down at the Drones, even as he was dragged up the wall, then back around to the back of the swarming Xenomorphs, changing magazines faster than he ever had in his life. Still clinging to the wall, Eva made to keep him out of the stray bullets firing throw the mass, every Marine in that slow motion sense of mind from such a rush of adrenaline.

It all seemed to go fast, then slow, then fast again as a few of the Privates were taken down and killed, either by that strange tongue-mouth or by the acid from the bullet wounds, but the Xenomorphs eventually fell, Eva slowly climbing back down with Cpt. Flame in tow, letting go before moving over to an unharmed Drone, pinning it down as Flame quickly caught that black tail, letting Eva do her thing.

"What's she waiting for? Why doesn't she kill it?" was all PFC Thanatos could ask as everyone came down from the adrenaline rush.

"She's interrogating it. From the sounds of it, she's getting less-than-admirable answers."

Eva hissed in disappointment, thrusting her tail into the Xenomorph's head to kill it quickly before wiping off her tail and moving back to the tiger's side. The tail was still wiggling in his grip, the Captain nodding to the Predator to cut it off with one of those weapons from his home planet. The acidic blood was too much for the blade, eating it down to just a nub as the tiger tossed the tail aside.

"How many did we lose?"

"Captain, we lost about five Privates." Lt. Dobbs reported.

"Alright, patch into the mainframe to determine the number of dead unidentified hostiles we got here."


"We transported fifty Facehuggers, remember? If the number's higher than forty-nine, then we know that a Queen has been busy. If less than that number, then the rest are acting as Sentries. If we have an exact number, then we can go to the nest and dispatch that, as well as the Queen."

The raptor nodded and hurried with the information gathering before downloading the tracking info into his PDA. After showing the tiger the information, Cpt. Flame nodded at a few of the Facehuggers in the ventilation system, heading for the barricaded lab. He nodded to Sgt. Hunt, who had gathered some digits from his kills as trophies, telling him to take some of the Privates and head to the lab as quickly as possible. The rest of the Marines and Eva would go find the Nest. With a nod, Sgt. Hunt activated his cloaking technology and hurried off, the few privates in his command hurrying after him with their PDAs on their wrists.

"Okay, Sgt. Badoo, glad you didn't use that flamethrower. That's gonna be useful at the Nest. Let's move, now!"

Sgt. Hunt was still cloaked, knowing it wouldn't be a wise thing since he was leading two privates to the fifth floor lab. Of course, the easiest way there would be to climb up through the elevator shaft, but the Privates were carrying too much gear to climb up, so the stairs had to be the choice. He hated taking the stairs, but it was the next best thing. His training and conditioning back home in the jungles and swamps really prepared him for quickly ascending the steps, whereas whatever training the Marines had wasn't enough to keep up with him. He reached the fifth floor quick enough, looking on his PDA for the location of the Facehuggers and how close they were to the lab.

He noticed that one of the two remaining Facehuggers were doubling back after the Honored Hunter's group, which was heading down to the basement, but the one they were after was already too close for comfort. He took out his returning shuriken and stepped into the hallway, throwing it down the hall and at the ceiling, seeing via infrared the Facehugger breaking through the grate into the lab, but not before the shuriken pierced through the shaft and impaling it. Sgt. Hunt purred deeply in satisfaction at such a successful throw, the two Privates arriving at last as the Predator disabled his cloaking device, motioning for them to get the survivors to a ship to escape. If they were truly the only survivors, then their secondary objective was complete.

As the survivors thanked them for rescuing what few there were, Sgt. Hunt motioned for the two Marines to hurry back to the Honored Hunter, knowing they all had earned their Mark. If he could smile right now, he'd be smiling from ear to ear, as the Earthling saying went. He quickly led them back down the stairs, happy to be rejoining the Honored Hunter in this Hunt.

Cpt. Flame heard some skittering from the ventilation shaft above, motioning to Eva to look at the ceiling to see if she could sense anything. At that point, he saw it bust through a grate and come right at his face, his eyes wide as he gasped, feeling it start to wrap around his face and shove it's injector down his throat. He wouldn't go out like this, not like some breeding fodder after everything he's already gone through.

With everything in him, he bit down on the proboscis, knowing that acid in the mouth was not desirable, ripping and clawing at the main body of the Facehugger, doing everything he can to not pass out and be bred like some sick host. The tail was choking off his air, he could hear everyone panicking as he struggled. It felt like everything was in slow motion, hearing hissing noises as he kept fighting to get it off of him.

After what felt like hours of fighting, he managed to pry it off of his face, pulling that tube out of his maw, coughing loudly as he struggled to breathe as the tail continued to choke him. He rearranged his hold, fighting with his own brute strength to pull that tail off of his neck, coughing alot more as he threw the thing away, getting whatever gunk it tried to spew down his throw out of him, forcing himself to vomit as several gunshots were heard.

As he wiped his chin, he realized that the hissing sound was due to his armor getting some of that acidic blood on his armor. Ripping it off with just his strength, he let out a massive roar of triumph, panting a bit as he regained fresh oxygen to his brain, calming himself down before seeing a shaking Eva.


"That... was too close Cpt. Flame..."

"We still have a mission to complete. Everyone got that?!"

They all nodded as Sgt. Hunt as the other two Marines arrived, getting filled in quickly as they continued their descent, the Predator stunned at this news. No one, except for the Ripley Clone, was able to remove a Facehugger after a successful wrap, and here, Cpt. Flame did it with just his own strength. They all pushed deeper, knowing what lay ahead of them, Eva staying close to the tiger in admiration, but also with a bit of fear at the brutal strength he was capable of.

As they neared the basement, Eva started to slow, as if she knew something bad was happening. Silently, the Captain motioned for Sgt. Badoo to come up and ready that flamethrower. After a few test fires, which sent shivers up Eva's shell, the horse led the platoon down further. Everyone was tense, unsure of what might transpire. Would they walk into a nest, or come face to face with a massive Queen.

They finally get to the bottom floor, their flashlights showing dozens of unhatched eggs, with intended hosts stuck up on the walls. Cpt. Flame let Eva go, to determine if they were impregnated or not, and free the ones that didn't have an embryo. The light blue Xenomorph made quick work, finding that they were all impregnated and rushing back.

Flame let out a heavy sigh, looking at Sgt. Badoo, "We can't risk it... bu-"

Just as he was about to give the order, they all hear a shrill cry as they look over, seeing the Queen detaching herself from the massive egg sac. Cpt. Flame knew that the shit had hit the fan before, and it was about to hit the fan really hard. He raised his rifle up, seeing he was down to his last magazine, and started firing, getting everyone but Eva and Sgt. Badoo to fire with him, roaring out loudly in his aggression, trying to keep it back.




With that, the Predator activated the bomb, giving them a decent amount of time before throwing it into the nest. The platoon rushed back up, Cpt. Flame keeping an eye on his PDA as he led them all down corridor after corridor. He knew time was running out, and the loud crashing sounds behind them was not making it easier. The tiger led his platoon out of the complex onto the secondary loading dock, making a bee line to the last ship there.



They all piled in, Eva taking the co-pilot seat again, helping the horse with the take off procedure as the loading hatch closed, the Queen was right on their heels as she came crashing through the dock doors. They all held on as they heard a deep thud. Just as Flame was about to shout for them to go faster, the shockwave hit the ship, throwing them far away from the blast, crashing the ship hard.

The tiger groaned as he came to, coughing a bit as he moved to sit up. He heard other voices as his vision came into focus, calling for them to sound off. He heard seven voices and groaned, kicking open the hatch and crawling out, calling for them to get out. He saw his Lieutenant, his Sergeants, Private Sahn, PFC Thanatos, PFC Crow, and Eva crawl out and lay in the ground next to him.

"Fuck... sit rep Lieutenant..."

"Captain... survivors rescued, Drones killed, Nest destroyed, Queen unknown, but expected to be severely damaged. Total losses, nine Privates. All things considered... Mission Accomplished..."

"Well... I'll take this over Mars any day..."

Lt. Dobbs tried to laugh, but held his ribs from the pain. Cpt. Flame sat up, panting heavily as he looked in the distance, surveying the area before checking his PDA, finding it busted from the crash. He used the downed ship to help himself to his feet, feeling his sticky blood matting his head and chest. As he looked over on the other side of the ship, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"Marines, Eva, come take a look..."

As they crawled and slowly made their way over to him, they couldn't help but smile, Eva having some cracked in her shell, thus standing away from everyone for their safety. They had crashed right next to the drop ship. As they all made their way to the drop ship, Cpt. Flame heard some shuffling in the dirt, looking over to see the Queen starting to wake up.

"Fuck... I'm not losing anyone else today!"

He pulled his sidearm and started firing right into the Queen's head, growling from how much trouble she caused them in such a short amount of time. After emptying his clip, the Queen ceased to move, allowing him to holster his pistol, shuffling back to the ship, seeing Eva carefully moving to the co-pilot set next to Sgt. Badoo. After everyone strapped in, they took off and headed back to the Mother Ship, Cpt. Flame picking up a backup PDA and sending back the report in a video file.

"This is Cpt. Flame, reporting on the latest mission. Secondary Objective: Rescue unaffected survivors: complete. Primary objective: eliminate hostile Xenomorph Drones: complete. Primary objective: destroy Xenomorph Nest: complete. Primary objective: eliminate any Xenomorph Queens: complete. Casualties: multiple civilians and nine Marines. Additional notes: complex destroyed, remaining Marines injured and in need of medical attention. Recommend that Private Sahn, Private First Class Thanatos, and Private First Class Crow be promoted to Sergeants. Recommend that Sergeant Hunt and Sergeant Badoo be promoted to Lieutenants. End of report."

As he finished the report and sent it, they docked, Sgt. Badoo already having alerted the medical team and the scientists to tend to the Marines and Eva respectfully. As they were carried away in stretchers, Flame got a ping on his PDA, signifying that he got a response, but he was too tired already from finally able to relax. The last thing he remember seeing was the medical team giving him a shot to knock him out.

He woke up, groaning loudly at how sore he was, sitting up already as the medical team clamored around him, telling him he needed to stay down. After waving them off, he checked his PDA, getting a video log from his Major. He opened the file, still feeling groggy from the drugs still coursing in his system as he hit play.

"This is Major Frost, responding to the mission report from Captain Flame. Excellent job Captain. We already know about the modified Xenomorph who was with you. We were alerted to this after you left in the drop ship to begin your mission by the scientists responsible. Though we wish you could have saved the complex, you completed your mission very well. As requested, Sergeants Hunt and Badoo will be promoted, as well as Privates Crow, Sahn, and Thanatos to be promoted to Sergeants. We also wish to properly induct this 'Eva' as an honorary ICE Marine. Get well soon Captain, we have more duties ready for you."

He smiled softly, rhino having done more than expected already, but wanting to induct Eva as a Marine? That was just icing on the cupcake for him. He laid back in the bed, glad that it was elevated as he set the PDA back on the nearby table. What he and the rest of the Marines needed right now though was well earned R and R. He was just glad that it wasn't another Mars fight as he relaxed a bit more.

He heard the door open as the little mouse scientist walked in, smiling softly as she drew in close to him, "Well, I'm glad to see you on the mend soldier. Don't worry about Eva, she's already recovered, and wanting to see you so bad."

Upon this news, he saw Eva slowly walk in, her shell re-dyed and no sign of scarring from the crash. After the tiger gave the Xenomorph a smile, she bound over to him, nearly pouncing on top of him as she nuzzled him affectionately. He just smiled at her, caressing her elongated head as the rest of the Marines came in, the Predator actually having taken off his mask as a sign that he deemed the situation safe once more.

"Well Marines, I think we earned some R and R after this mission. I just got a message from the Major, so stand up straight soldiers! Sgt. Hunt, you have been promoted. Sgt. Badoo, congratulations, you are promoted. Privates Crow, Sahn, and Thanatos, for excellent execution of orders during the last mission, you are promoted. Eva, Major Frost has something planned for you. Congratulations Marines, now go and rest up."

"Thank you Sir! Yes Sir!"

As the new Sergeants and Lieutenants filed out, Eva stayed there by his side, hissing softly as she cuddled to the tiger, just happy that he's alright. Cpt. Flame was more than happy at how everyone recovered. Then he got a ping on his PDA, finding that it was another message from the Major. He could only chuckle as he opened the file.

"This is Major Frost with a new mission to Captain Flame. Your new mission is to relax and take a good breather. I'm certain you'll need it, since when the USS Smallpox docks on Planet Grant, you will be giving medals and official promotions to your men. I'll see you when you get here Captain. Rest easy."

He only nodded with a smile, getting up with the help of Eva as he walked to his quarters, wincing from a pain in his right thigh, not even taking his pants with him as he rear was left open in that hospital gown. Though not many would look anyway, the tiger knew who would be glancing every now and then. Many would chastise him for wanting to be close to a Xenomorph to begin with, but he wanted to be closer than just good friends with Eva.

As he stepped into his quarters, he carefully laid down on his bed, groaning at how soft it always was, easing some of his soreness. He heard his door close as Eva slowly walked to him, slowly laying on top of him with a soft, yet happy hiss into his ear.

"Don't think you'll be going to sleep anytime soon Captain... I want to show you my gratitude for trusting me."