Jason's Nightmare - Part 6 [Memories of Sorrow]

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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#7 of Jason's Nightmare

This is part 6 of Jason's nightmare... this is what I did to occupy my mind, keep me from breaking down over my friend's death... anyway, this is probably the longest chapter I've made yet. Here we see Jason and his childhood friend Damion... also, we'll see why Jason has a history with luxrays (no offense BridgeToPeace, your luxray is okay).


Jason: Lucario

Sarah: Gardevoir (Jason's girlfriend; diseased)

Raiki: Luxray (BridgeToPeace's)

Damion: Zigzagoon (Jason's best friend)

Aiden: Blaziken (Jason's dad)

Natalie: Lucario (Jason's mom)

Lucius: Luxray (Rogue)

Jason had arrived in his cabin, the lucario feeling quite spent after an entire day of happenings. He immediately went for his bag where he produced a towel and headed for the bathroom. He turned the water on and enjoyed his shower.

"Why'd you do it?" a female voice asked, startling Jason.

Jason turned around to see who it was that spoke but found none.

"Your past was so beautiful, why'd you supress it?" the voice asked once more, disturbing Jason a little.

"Sarah..." Jason mumbled, realizing who it is the voice belonged to. He felt tears welling up inside him as he missed having Sarah by his side. "What do you mean 'beautiful'?" Jason asked, feeling quite bitter. "My past has been nothing but sorrow... why would I not choose to supress it?"

Just then the figure of a female gardevoir appeared before him, looking quite sad and afraid. "Jason, that is a part of life. You must learn to accept it and move on."

"I did accept it," Jason answered. "AND moved on."

Sarah stared at Jason, the fear evident in her eyes. "Jason... do you hate me?" she asked.

Rage filled Jason like lava, his impulses getting the best of him. Flames enveloped his fists, causing the droplets of water to turn to steam, and he struck the image of Sarah. "Just leave me!" he exclaimed as the image faded away.

"Jason, what the heck!?" an angry voice called out from behind, a male luxray staring at Jason in anger and confusion. "Are you crazy or something!?"

"Raiki..." Jason mumbled as he shook his head. "Nothing... it's nothing."

"Are those... flames at your hands?" Raiki asked. "You can use fire punch?"

Jason looked to his hands realizing the flames were still active. He extinguished the flames and turned the water off. "Yeah... I can use several fire typed physical attacks."

"How?" Raiki asked.

"It's... my dad." Jason answered feeling a little uneasy. "He's a blaziken. Naturally all I should've inherited was blaze kick and sky uppercut but... I inherited more than that."

"And those are?" Raiki asked, his curiosity spiking.

"Well..." Jason thought to himself. It was uncomfortable talking about his parents, let alone talking about it while he's naked in a shower with some dude he's supposed to hate. "I'm now resistant to fire attacks, I can perform several fire type moves and my kicking is unlike any other."

"That's increadible..." Raiki commented. "why don't you talk about that much? You should be proud of your talent, not many pokemon inherit so much from their parents."

"Well..." Jason moved towards his towel to dry off. "Back at Avalon, I would get made fun of a lot because of that. They'd call me a half-breed and make chicken noises when they'd see me pass by."

"And what did you do about it?" Raiki asked.

"Well, duh, I gave them something to laugh about." Jason answered as he wrapped his towel around his waist. "...their several burns and bruises."

Raiki let out a chuckle of amusement. "Heh, that should teach them."

Jason couldn't help but let out a smile. Could this be the kindness Raiki was capable of? "Raiki, why are you so casual right now?" Jason asked. "You and I both know you'd rather walk a mile of broken glass than to socialize with me."

Raiki nodded in response. "You got that right." He answered. "But Guren-chan made me promise to be kinder to you, it would be wrong of me to let her down."

"Well, I'll be sure to send her my thanks tomorrow then." Jason said with a bright smile on his face, the smile that usually annoyed Raiki... though Raiki doesn't seem to mind it now.

"Get out of here." Raiki commanded. "I have to take a bath myself. Just, stop acting crazy or I'll bind you and gag you while you sleep."

Ah, there it was, the Raiki Jason knew and hated. "Yeah, yeah..." Jason rudely answered, although he was a little glad, as he walked back to the room. He approached his bag, produced a pair of clean underwear, wore it and he went to bed.

Jason's dream was of him as a young riolu at the age of thirteen. It was at this age that the children of Avalon are trained to do combat. Their intelligence is prepared only from the age of four to twelve, after that it's all combat training. Damion, the zigzagoon who was Jason's first friend, became his combat buddy. Avalon usually had their children trained with a partner of the opposite gender, kinda like forced-marriage but with fighting, but there was an imbalance with the boy-girl ratio at Jason's class so he was paired with a guy... at least he was his closest friend.

Of course their pairing didn't go untormented. Usually, at least in the recent years, those who have been paired in combat training end up being in a relationship, at least... that's how Jason's parents met. Jason and Damion would usually be called gay as they always hung out together... and the fact that Damion leaped forward like a wild tauros the moment Jason's partner was to be decided. Of course Jason and Damion didn't mind it. After all... they did have feelings for each other... and they knew that well.

"Jason..." Damion mumbled as the two walked through the halls of the school. "do you hate me?" he asked, his eyes focused on the floor with shame.

Jason stared at Damion in surprise, he never expected Damion to ask that. "I can't answer you properly here in public." Jason answered. "But in general, I'd never get myself to hate you."

"You don't mind their comments?" Damion asked, keeping his gaze focused on the floor. "They're relentless..."

"Let them say what they want to say then." Jason said, a mischievous smile creeping across his face. "Let's just show them in combat."

Damion nodded in agreement as the two bumped firsts and prepared for training. During the first half of the day, the students were taught different combat styles. Different forms of martial arts for those physical users and different mental exercises for those who'd prefer magic. Jason and Damion both took classes in the branch of physical combat as the two weren't capable of any form of magic. Damion participated in the more traditional style of Pokemon fighting but Jason saw that as feral so he took several classes of martial arts though he placed most of his focus on Judo, Karate, and Taekwondo.

"Wow, Jason..." Damion said, gasping and panting for air, the fatigue getting to him. "How... how are you lasting this long... in combat training?" he asked. "And you took like... what, three, four, seven classes?"

Jason, although he was drenched in sweat, didn't seem tired in any way. "I dunno..." he answered. "maybe it's because I'm a fighting type."

"Well... lucky you then." Damion said. "Ugh... I don't think my body can take anymore."

Jason chuckled in amusement as he patted Damion's back, making the zigzagoon wince in pain. "C'mon big guy, I'll carry you back to your house if you want to."

"No, no..." Damion said, pushing Jason away with his aching arms. "I can do it myself."

Although Damion protests, Jason still placed Damion's arm over his shoulder and carried him back to his house. A lot of pokemon stared, some mumbled some comments, some mumbled their insults whilst other walked with them doing some idle chatting.

As they walked through the road, Damion got a good glimpse of the lake. "Wait..." Damion said as he stopped walking, 'causing Jason to stop as well. "I wanna go visit the lake first."

"And do what exactly?" Jason asked. "Skip stones on the surface? Dude, you can barely move your arms, you have to rest first."

"Ugh, fine." Damion said with a hint of protest but continued walking. Soon, they parted ways when they reached Damion's house and Jason made his way back to his house.

The dream rippled as the scenery changed. The present Jason, the lucario, found himself standing in a world of darkness as the images around him rippled and changed. A powerful flash of light engulfed the area, forcing Jason to close his eyes. When he opened them... what he saw terrified him.

He was a riolu once more, running through the halls of his house in fear and in a hurry. "Dad!" he called out. "Dad, what's going on!?"

Jason made his way outside of the house to find his dad, a blaziken, preparing for combat, putting gloves, boots and a protective vest on. "Jason, get back in the house, it's not safe here!" the blaziken commanded.

"Aiden, let him!" a female lucario, Jason's mother, yelled as she emerged from the house. "He's old enough now and the school has given a permit. He's one of the best of the students anyway."

"Natalie..." Aiden mumbled, staring at the female lucario in confusion.

"I want to help, dad!" Jason said. "Just tell me what's going on!"

Aiden looked uncomfortable, he wanted to keep his son safe and sending him to battle just isn't the right way to do it. "Fine... I guess you are capable of defending yourself." Aiden sighed. "Look, some rogues came and started wrecking the place. That's all I know."

"Rogues huh?" Jason asked. "Seems easy enough. Hold on, I'll go get my equipment."

"Jason, these rogues aren't people to be taken lightly." Aiden warned. "They're capable of raiding villages, cities even, and getting away with it. These people are strong... just... be careful." At that, Aiden stood up. "I'll be going on ahead, join the offense and drive them away. Natalie, stay with Jason no matter what."

Jason's mother nodded and Aiden sped down the road and disappearing in a cloud of dust. "Come on, Jason, let's go get ready ourselves."

Jason put on a pair of leather gloves, boots and a thick leather vest. He also wore a belt, strapped onto it was a pouch of medical equipment and a sheath containing Jason's pugio. "Jason, you look amazing in your armor." Natalie commented. "You remind me so much of your father when he was younger. Although I must ask, why do you use that dagger?"

"Well..." Jason mumbled as he fiddled with the hilt of the blade. "Fighting type attacks don't work on ghost types, and considering that my combat buddy is a normal type, I had to make do."

"But can't Damion use bite?" Natalie asked.

"I like using the dagger okay." Jason replied. "Besides, I see you using the mace and dad with his brass knuckles, why can't I use a dagger?"

Natalie chuckled as she fixed Jason's vest. "I know, I know... I'm kidding. C'mon, let's go join the defense."

"You go on ahead," Jason said. "I'll go get Damion."

Natalie was reluctant, but she knew Jason wasn't someone you can convince so easily. "Just be careful okay?"

"I will." Jason said as he ran for Damion's place.

The vision rippled once more, scenes moving at a faster pace, as if Jason was viewing all this in fast forward. Jason could just barely see himself running through piles of rubble, tackling his way through petty bandits and teaming up with Damion.

When his vision cleared, he and Damion were tag-teaming against several rogues. There were dozens of them but they weren't as strong as Aiden had warned. Jason and Damion were having fun beating the rogues up. "So, Damion, where are your parents?" Jason asked as he ducked down to avoid an attack.

"They're with the defense." He responded as he jumped over one of the rogues and headbutt the rogue from behind. "I bet they'll be glad my buddy's here with me."

"Yeah, with the two of us together..." Jason said as he broke free of a rogue's hold and countered with his dagger. "...we're practically unbeatable." And with that, the last of the rogues near them was defeated.

"Such pride." an ominous voice said from the background, startling Jason and Damion. They turned to see a luxray with a powerful build. He wore a shirt torn open from the middle exposing his muscular chest. His shorts were tattered and torn and his belt had a cutlass strapped onto it. The luxray looked fierce and menacing... it terrified Jason.

"Damion... run." Jason whispered, trembling in fear.

"What?" Damion asked, looking confused. "So, Jason, what's the plan, how will we fight the guy?" Damion asked with confidence.

"No, Damion, we can't fight the guy..." Jason's voice was trembling, his legs shaking with fear. "we have to run."

Damion looked at Jason in confusion, oblivious of the luxray's capabilities. "What, Jason, we don't run from a fight--"

"Dude, run!" Jason yelled as he ran away, pulling Damion along with him.

From a distance, the luxray just stood there and laughed. "Ah, I love it when the youngsters run. Ten, nine, eight, seven..." the luxray started counting down, giving Jason and Damion a ten second head start.

"Dad!" Jason called out. "Dad, dad where are you!?" his yelling turned into cries as the fear slowly consumed him. Was this one of the rogues his dad had warned him of?

"Jason, what are you so afraid of?" Damion asked as he tried to catch up to Jason. "He's just one luxray, I'm sure we can handle him."

"Damion, please... just stop." Jason said, his voice cracking. "It's bad enough that I might die but I don't want you to get killed here."

Just then, a strong bolt of electricity fell from the sky and struck Damion down. The shock spread all throughout Jason's body causing him to be paralyzed and fall down. "Well, you two rats made a considerable distance." The luxray said with a cold tone. "When will you children learn to leave this to the adults?"

Jason's vision was blurring, his consciousness fading. He could barely see the luxray walking towards them, sparks emitting from his mane. To his right, he saw the unconscious body of Damion, a severe burn was visible on his back due to the lightning. "Da... Damion..." Jason mumbled as he slowly crawled towards the zigzagoon.

"You children are always so happy, so oblivious, so naïve." The luxray continued. "But I commend you, young roily, you were wise not to challenge me. Sadly, I'll still have to end your lives here."

"Please..." Jason pleaded, tears rolling down his eyes. "...don't."

"Sorry kid." The luxray said, an evil grin on his face and a sadistic look on his eyes. "but I'm really bored right now."

"Don't you dare touch him!" an angry voice called out as a red figure crashed from the sky causing the ground beneath it to crack, nearly crushing the luxray under the force of the sudden entry.

"Ah, Aiden..." The luxray said with a grin. "I was looking for you."

"Lucius..." Aiden growled, flames erupting from his wrists in anger. "Jason, are you alright?"

Jason, recovering from his paralysis, tried his best to get up. "Yeah... I think so... argh!" he exclaimed as he fell to the ground. "My... my leg..." Jason reached out and placed his hand on the huge gash on his knee, blood pouring out like a leaking faucet.

"Lucius, you little bastard..." Aiden growled as he faced the luxray.

"Are you sure you wish to face me now, Aiden?" the luxray asked. "Last time we did combat you fell almost instantly like your little boy over there."

"He's not alone this time." Natalie said as she arrived.

"Natalie, go take care of the boys." Aiden commanded. "They need your presence more than I do."

Natalie protested. "But... Lucius is..."

"Natalie, I can handle it." Aiden answered.

"Damion, Damion wake up!" Jason cried out as he shook Damion's body in his arms. "Damion!"

"Natalie..." Aiden called out.

"I got it." Natalie said as she approached the unconscious Damion. "Oh, dear... don't worry Jason, I'll deal with Damion, go patch yourself up."

Jason nodded as he reached into his patch and pulled out a sterile bandage and wrapped it around his leg. Natalie used her aura to speed Damion's healing but signs are looking grim. Damion's condition was slowly getting better but Natalie knew Damion wasn't going to make it.

"J... Jason..." Damion called out weakly.

"Damion!" Jason approached with much joy. "You're awake... oh no..."

Damion was bleeding heavily, he was losing too much blood to make it. "Mom, heal him, please!" Jason pleaded as he sat next to Damion to patch him up. "Don't worry, it's gonna be okay! Just hang in there!"

"I'm sorry... I was too proud of us..." Damion said, his vision blurring.

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk like that! You're going to make it!" Jason scolded as tears began rolling down his eyes.

"I... I just wish we had more time together..." Damion continued.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Jason yelled, trying his very best to stop the bleeding. "MOM!?"

"Jason..." Natalie said softly. "I'm sorry, but the lightning hit him directly severely shocking his heart... it's a miracle he's still alive."

"SHUT UP!" Jason yelled, anger and fear consuming him. "Damion, you ARE NOT going to die on me! Just hang in there!"

"I... love you, Jason." Damion said... with his dying breathe.

"No... no, no, no!!!" Jason yelled as he shook Damion's body. "Mom, do something!"

"Jason, there's nothing we can do." Natalie said, hugging Jason in her arms to comfort him. "I'm sorry, son... but there's nothing we can do now."

Anger began to boil inside Jason, anger towards the luxray who did this. He could feel a fire burning up inside him, everything around him seemingly slowing down.

"Ow!" Natalie exclaimed as she let go of Jason. "Jason, what's wrong with you?"

That 'fire' burning inside Jason turned out to be actual flames. His father being a fire type gave Jason a partial fire affinity. Jason seemed to glow as his fur was slowly heating up creating the illusion of flames. Jason unsheathed his pugio and gripped the hilt tight, his eyes locking into the luxray.

Aiden and Lucius were locked in an intense combat, flames and sparks flying in the air. Jason locked his eyes on Lucius with the intent to kill. He gripped the hilt of his pugio and ran towards Lucius at full speed leaving sparks of fire in his wake. Once he was close enough, Jason leaped into the air and stabbed Lucius at the back.

"Argh!" Lucius screamed in pain as he shook Jason off of his back. "Guh..." he reached for the dagger stuck in his left shoulder blade, paralyzing his left arm, rendering it useless. "You annoying little bitch!"

"Eat this!" Aiden yelled as he landed a blaze kick to Lucius's chest, sending him flying into a wall. The crash drove the blade deeper into his shoulder sending severe waves of pain through Lucius's body.

"Guh... you'll pay for this kid!" Lucius threatened. "Mark my words." And at that, he fled.

"Come back here!" Aiden yelled as he was about to pursue Lucius.

"Aiden, wait." Natalie called out as she grabbed Aiden's hand. "Jason needs us now more than ever."

Jason slowly walked towards Damion's lifeless body, his heart slowly shattering with every step. All the strength Jason got had just faded, leaving his whole body sore and aching. He slowly knelt down beside Damion and cradled Damion's head in his arms and started to cry. Aiden and Natalie slowly approached Jason, but kept their distance. They knew all too well that Jason needs a few moments alone.

"I love you too Damion..." Jason whispered softly at Damion's ear. "... I love you too... Why... why'd you have to go? Please... please come back... I... I need you."