Luna And Thief Ch 7

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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#7 of Luna and Thief, Indigo League

Well I was like ;3;!!! I dun post fast enough! so I decided to pull a late one because I reeeaaaaally wanted to get this chapter posted (Sorry for the entirely like unscheduled leave too, sooo not cool of me) but its only 11 PM surprisingly and I'm somehow I'm tired T.T But I hope this one came out good. I proofread it barely (Side-effects from tiredness xD) so if I missed anything just be like 'Hey bro, read your stuff 'fore you post' and I'll fix it x3

Ps: Sowwy if it's short ;3; I'll make it better next time~

Luna and Thief Ch. 7 Fuzzy lights

All through the night Luna shivered. The cold waves dared to reach up and take her in their icy claws before she would snap awake and realize her nose was just touching the water, and do her best to look up. The moon was setting, if that made any sense to begin with, Luna watched the night grow even darker. She felt a sneeze Great, now I'm getting a cold. She wanted to shake the water off her pelt, feel dry land rather than her legs shaking to keep her afloat on a breaking shard of drift-wood. She was happy that the board was thick, light enough to float - it was like a tiny raft - for her at least. Luna looked left and right it felt like a weird shift in the water, Moonlights tail released hers. "Moonlight!" He slumped into the water, ending in a crash that jolted Thief awake. I knew it, all the power he used caught up to him. Luna was cursing herself, why didn't she keep paying attention to him!? There was another splash of water, Thief jumped in after him. Under the shroud of the night Luna waited, watching the rings of the water ripple by. Luna waited for hardly a second more before jumping in too; Luna could hardly swim but she needed to help somehow! Thief couldn't carry Moonlight on his own. Luna cautiously treaded the water she wanted to panic but swallowed it down; to the left of her the water broke a bit in the distance. She pawed over to them, watching Thief force Moonlights head above water - barely - before diving down to help them up. She bit Moonlight's scruff, forcing him up along with Thief. Now what?! Without the drift-wood we're going to drown out here! Luna could hardly keep her head above water let alone Moonlight's. Thief barked something, Luna couldn't hear it but instead she heard the water drowning around her ears. She was coughing up water again - Luna was going under the sea - She started to flail, trying desperately to keep above water before being drawn into the dark abyss. Thief was crying and roaring at the water - he couldn't keep Moonlight afloat with him for long before the Espeon slipped into the water himself. Thief dove in further to try for her but Luna was already slipping further into the ocean, leaving nothing. Opening her eyes for one moment she looked at the stars that fanned far above her, just beyond the cracked waves was her horizon. Tears stung her eyes the pressure tightened in her chest - she couldn't hold out much longer - she had too and she did; she breathed in. It wasn't water she was choking on, it was air. She looked around her only to see a white-line waver This... This is Physic abilities. Luna dared to look up Moonlight was clearly unconscious. Who... Who else is there? Who else could create a shield like this? Luna watched as Thief dove under the water just catching Moonlight by his neck before breaking the surface again. Thief was straining now trying his best to keep Moonlight afloat when Luna felt a presence again. The white cage around her was lifting up unfurling on the surface where Thief stopped and stood up "L - Luna?" A small hum sounded far in the distance but rippled through the water, the song was gentle and haunting. Luna looked around but there was nothing to see "Did you hear that?" Luna whispered when in all the moment the floor was gone "Luna! Thief!" Moonlight casted a shield down, he woke up to both their surprise where they landed hard against the newly bed floor. Luna watched intently. It swirled like a gentle purple mirror against the water, nothing like what she saw before. Gently, ever so gently Luna collapsed against it - she was exhausted and cold "Luna?" Thief began "Land!" Moonlight perked up, they all did when the word was yelled.


Griffin stretched in the morning he was dead tired and upset about the other night. He hardly slept because he was too busy looking for Thief and Moonlight. Griff spent the night looking all over the city and then he spent all the way into day-break looking through the forest surrounding. All he found at the end was the ocean, it was clear and gentle in the sun's light where hardly a cloud touched the sky. He fell to his knees, his hands clawed at the dirt when tears stung his eyes "Thief, Moonlight." He wanted to cry... after-all Thief was his, it was his first the one he really caught by himself. Thief was his hope. Griffin felt himself bite his lip before he stood back up "Thief!" He called out nearby the sea hoping that somewhere, wherever his Growlithe was, he would someday make it back home to him. Griffin looked back to the rubble - the fire did follow in a perfect line to the city, and Griffin was dumbfounded. He clenched his fist it sat by his side before he threw it to the sun and called out to whoever would listen. "I'll find you all!" He felt his fingers dig into his hand "and I don't care about what I have to do to find you!" "Wow..." Griffin turned with a face so red the sea could reflect it. It was one of the girls from before "Do you always just monologue like this?" "Well I..." He couldn't hide the five shades that layered his cheeks. There in silence, she was young - but at least two years older - with red-amber hair and gentle unbroken eyes. "Brad's been wondering where you ran off to, we all needed to start a search just to find you!" Griffin looked out to the sea, a calm wave crashed against the wall. Wingulls passed a cry above; rare to see them flying in Kanto. It was a gentle morning the wind pressed against the trees with a sway so gentle, songs could almost be made from the leaves. "Is that?" Griffin reached into his pocket, walking over to the cliff-side ad pulling out a yellow bandana. It was a gift he gave to Thief, but Thief almost always gave it back at the end of the days he wore it. When Griffin was younger he never took the Bandana off, not ever since his father gave it to him as a gift. "Griffin?" He pulled out a patch of fur, it was caught right at the edge of the cliff, the bandana Griffin held onto was covered in the same color hairs that he picked out. "Where does this current go?" He began, looking out to the rolling water; the Wingulls still flying softly above with a cry so tender he could be lulled to sleep by it. "It switches all through the year, right now it may be going near the Johto region. This current tends to back all around Kanto, I've even heard rumors that it can even reach Sinnoh and go as far as Hoenn." "Alright." Griffin looked back to the fur, orange to white. He knew he knew for a fact that it was Thief's. He knew it for sure.


Thief was falling in about as much love as Luna was. They both were kissing the ground and crying about how they'd never leave it again, Moonlight shook off his pelt, sea-water swung all around landing in tender drops. Like Moonlight said, they finally hit land at dawn. The sea-air swung in gentle blows across the main-land, tenderly quarreling the leaves in the sky where Luna watched most of them fall to the earth around them. Soft air began to breeze below carrying what looked to be a row of flower petals from the woods. A gradual slope stood before them, the trees were tall and Luna looked all around the small beach, other than their own paw-prints it looked as if it was untouched for months. Something blue shimmered in the morning dew "Look a berry bush!" Luna happily trotted over, they were Oran Berries - common all over - but none of them cared, they were all starving! The beach was eerie and quiet, Luna lazily rolled over with a belly full of berries to watch the clouds swim by. Moonlight stretched, his yawning caught her attention "Well I don't know exactly where we are." He dragged Thief over to her "But it does look like Johto, that current runs pretty fast so we could be stuck right in the middle of it." "Are we going to get home?" Thief whispered "Not yet... And Pokémon rules say that trainers can't just travel from region to region without special permission. It'll be a while before Griffin gets here, but I say we should try and meet Griffin in the middle." "Why can't we just get back into Kanto?" Luna asked "Because with the championships going on we'd be crossing paths with hundreds of trainers, it's almost the end of the year so they're bound to run it really soon." Moonlight sighed softly "We can't stay here though, our best bet to find more food would be in a city, and we also can get a much safer place to sleep too." "But where are we going to find a city? We hardly know where we are!" Luna started but Moonlight tenderly coo'd "We're simply going to go for a walk and find a trail. After we'll just follow along until we find a sign and we'll go to the nearest town or city." Under the soft shade of an elder tree Luna nodded her head trotting between the leaves and tall stalks that sprung from the earth, hearing a wind bellow in the trees almost to swear her name within the airy green. Thief bumped into her side and muttered a sorry in response Luna could feel his voice - the gentle tremble - he was worried and she knew that he may have been scared too. Moonlight stalked from behind to delicately focus on every branch and twig, as if to expect something... Twenty minutes passed at least Luna believed it to have been, an hour possibly passed by in place - not a single trail was clearly birthed within the tall grass- Running fingers through the leaves the sun beamed brightly against Luna's pelt she could feel her inner fire grow deep within her, a blaze of amber - maybe pink... when she closed her eyes - she was happy and childishly hopped over roots and mossy patches; Thief followed much the same further ahead "Hey Luna! Let's race!" Thief took off before she could even speak he was high energy after-all. His yellow-orange belt darted from the bushes and the tree branches before a gentle *THUMP* "Hey a Growlithe!" Luna paused in sudden mark - Thief found the route after-all. The trainer whipped out a Pokéball, Luna saw a target and spewed a hollow of flame from the woods. It was spot on as she darted out right after, snarling at a tall man in a gray tilly-hat "Another fight... Why can't they just sit there?" He slammed another capsule down "Go Zangoose! Use Crush Claw!" The tall white and red creature slammed a claw at Thief, Luna caught in with a quick attack - the trainer didn't notice that she was the one to deflect the Pokéball - but he did notice the Vulpix head-butt the Zangoose clean; it was a decent blow - enough to stumble him back. "L - Luna!" Thief cried from behind her she felt a trickle run down her face. Her head was bleeding she really couldn't tell from where; all she knew was that her eyes narrowed in, her world was in perfect focus. One false move and they may never see Griffin again, that reality hit her hard it was what Thief wanted - what he needed. She took up a stance, passing a sharp growl - almost like a roar before Griffin copied her. He was only about five times as loud the sound blaring in her ears. His roar is... amazing Luna felt the twinkle in her eye his fire may not be near hers but his voice was beyond it, willing to stand and take such pride; his chest puffed out like a morning bird singing to the rising sun. She never felt hot... not like that before, her heart seemed to race: before she chuckled and took stance growling at the Zangoose "You or any other trainer isn't stopping us! We're all going back home!" Luna felt the pride herself it seemed to rub off of Thief and shake her to the core. Her mind raced pointless thoughts but one came to her view It may be too early... but... Memories of the days rolled by she hardly knew_Griffin, never trusted a trainer as far as she could throw them (not that she could throw them far; humans are HUGE) A smile came on one that didn't want to fade, like a love-struck grin or the thought of a joke _I want Griffin to be my trainer... no. She watched the Zangoose take stance again pointless words touched the air. _I want him to be a friend. _ The Vulpix shook her head; the pain still beat it like a drum. The fire - a passion burned in her chest. She hardly paid attention to Moonlight he eyed her, stared at her with this look. Like... Like he'd just seen an old friend for the first time in a very, very long time.


Under the hazy glaze of the mid-day sun - obscured by curious leaves that fell as the arriving sign of winter; she lay, curled around her lover. Equals by will, together by spirit; Bandit and Shadow watched the clouds roll by. Griffin was gone for the morning - ever since the fire stopped nobody saw much of him at all. So they seemed to wait, Bandit, she really couldn't act to care. Shadow was worried about him; he was anxious to see Thief again (They met only once before) and wanted to be able to talk with him; even help train him. "You know..." Shadow started and rested his head against her chest "What?" Her voice was soft; tender unlike the hoarse cold tone she generally carried out, it was the little things that Shadow loved about her. The twinkle in her eye when she seemed to be the center of attention, her undying passion and determination; in short Shadow almost idolized her, she was the alpha - stronger, faster, and smarter. The day he finally won (the way to her was through a fight) she finally noticed him, appreciated him when he could protect Logan and even started to care when he tried to get her attention. Although he couldn't stop that dark little thought, stabbing him like a pin-needle. 'What if I wasn't her first choice?' "We never... really got around about..." Shadow cut himself off watching the leaves fall above them. Around them, in a little field outside Cerulean City the air was quiet - not a stir or a sound came. "What?" She repeated the question, her tone already changed back; serious, unrelaxed. "Well about... Having a family... Of our own." Logan always joked about television said that those cheesy roles - where the guy wants to give the 'girl of his dreams' a ring when they first meet and wants to spend his life with her. He always said it was 'Hollywood stereotypes' that ruined a good relationship; where the guy is perfect: strong, smart, funny and confident all the same, even though his character is supposed to be a guy who isn't. And where the girl is just as perfect: Beautiful and willing; a tad shy - but not enough to keep her down. That desire and determination, not to mention smiling and happy almost all the time; Shadow would sit down by a TV (Or a 'Talking Box' as he used to call them) and dream and wonder and even try some of the elaborate schemes to get Bandit to notice him. Not like any of it worked often, she'd sneer and walk away or recoil 'What are you doing you idiot!?' He was lost and it really wasn't until they were split apart that he began to notice that someone as wonderful, beautiful, and simply perfect could notice him. He'd begin to smile and laugh and not let a single thing really worry him. But... She never (Not like any character on TV) ever talked about having puppies of her own. She'd never even think about it - Shadow believed that. Whenever she'd smile his heart would sigh, so he'd try to do everything to make her smile. But here, here she gave a look - not much emotion but a red line burrowing into her cheeks. A clear sign she never thought much of it before "Well... I can't say that I haven't" She pawed at the earth - Bandit only did thing like that when she was nervous, and she was never nervous. Shadow felt his 'rational mind' shatter with that. "Y - You have?" Was all he could squeeze out before she looked at him - stern, maybe embarrassed "Yes I have!" Shadow almost flinched but she simply looked back down to the ground, watching the grove she dug in the soil. "I just haven't... well I don't really know when a good time is..." She started nodding her head left and right - trying to make sense he figured. "We're both busy training, and I'm stuck with Logan's nit-wit brother." Bandit sighed and put her head to the grass. "I never actually thought Logan would be the kind of guy to try and keep his champion status, and then he started researching Pokémon and studying them and talking to scientists about new Pokédex models and types he designed." Shadow rested his head on the back of her neck, his muzzle brushed against her ear. He couldn't tell what she did; a sigh or a shiver? He didn't know. His face was burning red - he hardly understood why. "It's... things like this I want." She whispered, more to herself then anything. "Time alone, just to relax and talk and-" Shadow didn't know what he really did, or why, or how even. He simply did He gave her a kiss. They never did things like that often: being together, staying together, and loving each other's company because Logan was unknowingly between them. Hardly knew - the champion; a person so intent on studying Pokémon couldn't tell that two of his own was honestly in love with one another. The sway in the breeze caressed away the heat - it was only for a moment where Shadow pushed his nose against hers, looking into her eyes. Calm. That was the very definition of them: gentle, soft, tender, warm, loving, hers. That was what he saw, her, and in that little twinkle hidden deep within her eyes he swore that he saw a little of himself too. A coo touched the earth, the wind, and the sky. It came from him; the gentle little voice that echoed in her ear. He watched it twitch, her face turn beyond red his copied like a photograph. Three little words was all it really took.


Panting under the sun, was it sweat? No blood? Luna couldn't tell but the trainer was long gone, returning his Zangoose and running off into the woods after Moonlight helped her out a bit. Three-on-one didn't seem all that fair but in the wild there are no rules right? It was a route Thief found, about a single-lane street size with twigs and sticks and roots that gnarled and knotted the dirt of the surface. "Hey! I found a sign!" Thief called from further ahead a big wooden arrow-like post, cracked, old with the big number *34* still legible on the surface. "34?" Moonlight perked up, his tails swirling around him. "...If we keep going north we'll end up in Goldenrod City, after that we can try going East and head for Kanto. We just need to find a way past the mountain then... but we need to do it quick - before the champion-ships start "How long is the walk to the mountain?" Luna tilted her head watching Moonlight frown - she was starting to hate frowns "Maybe three weeks by foot..." He shook his head. "Let's go to Goldenrod and find a place to stay. We can get food and be warmer and even safer in the city. Just don't bother the trainers and they won't bother us." He smiled "See that number underneath that sign?" Both Luna and Thief looked hard under the number *34* a smaller second one was etched under it. *2* "It says two?" Thief tilted his head in confusion "There's a second small one that says 4" Luna added "That means that from this point - a checkpoint, it should only take about two days to Goldenrod." He smiled and began to walk; Luna and Thief followed before he stopped - rather abruptly. Luna's nose bumped into his backside leaving her to sneeze and rub caringly "Moonlight?" They both asked watching his face turn into a smile - as if he remembered a joke "The... Magnet Train..." Moonlight was laughing by that point and booked off leaving them in a cloud of dust "What!?" They followed trailing behind him. "What are you talking about!?" Luna called, praying her words could reach past the wind deafening her ears "If the Magnet Train is running we can get back to Kanto in at least three days! It runs to Saffron City which is right next to Cerulean City!" He almost had tears in his eyes, Moonlight was happy_and Thief was beyond it when he heard the words 'Three' and 'Days' Luna felt something hook onto her. These two were really starting to grow on her. So she ran; they all did deep into the afternoon to stop for a break and continue on well into the night. The moon was fading from its full majestic ring, just beginning to become a crescent when they set up camp. Luna - exhausted nestled down in a bed of long grass where Thief hardly asked and cuddled with her - already asleep. Moonlight was already starting to drift a smile on his face so Luna put her head down and watched the stars and a few clouds that lagged on in the night thinking. _That her prayers, her wishes and the things she cared about seemed to be coming true.