Gay Conversion Is Legal In Canada

Story by DOtter on SoFurry

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?"Gay conversion" programs are legal in Canada. Please sign a petition to make them illegal.

"Gay conversion" programs are legal in Canada. They should not be. They're cruel, dangerous and scientifically invalid. But in Canada, you can get a tax credit for donating to them, (even though at least some of these "programs" are for-profit companies.)

Please go to this site and sign the petition to make "gay conversion" illegal in Canada. --

Apparently, you don't need to be Canadian or to live in Canada to sign. International awareness and protest might help convince the incumbent Tories, (many of whom are Christian fundamentalists), that they can't get away with supporting the psychological and even physical torment of young gays and lesbians to punish them for being what they are. I understand that this isn't a Furry thing per se, but so many of us are gay or lesbian, (and even if you yourself aren't, you almost certainly know several fans who are), that it does concern us.

Also, please signal-boost this journal.