A Real Stud

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Vanir slid his way all the way under the edge of the bleachers with a stifled yelp as his shirt was tugged up and part of his skin was abraded by the dry dirt. He muffled a curse to himself, but didn't dare raise his voice any higher than a whisper.His brow was covered in sweat as he wriggled backwards just a bit more until the shadows hid him almost entirely.The college campus was abuzz with the fact that at least two sororities had reported someone spying through their windows. And one had reported a break in. He leaned his back against the edge of the wall and grinned down at his hands and his prize. A pair of soft silken pale pink panties that he'd snagged from the Beta Delta group.They should learn to lock their doors a bit more securely in the evenings and then they wouldn't have this problem. He listened as security guards made their rounds and flash lights flicked back and forth looking for a clue as to who the culprit was.

Vanir was still a freshman in college and he still hated being here. His father had paid a small fortune to make sure he got into the best school with his pitiful grades, but he still wished he wasn't here. He hated school. He'd hated it in high school and he hated it now. No amount of money his father flung around or bribes to apply himself would change the fact he was stuck in classes nearly all day and when he wasn't he was picked on. He leaned his head back a little and fought the urge to sulk. He had two strikes against him. The first was his stupid name. His father had made his fortune writing novels on various subjects and he'd been named after the first successful one. Who the hell was named Vanir? It was a stupid name! He couldn't even shorten it to sound normal. The second strike came in the fact that he wasn't shaped like most other boys. They were either skinny and lanky or muscular and large. Well and a few fatties thrown in the mix. He wasn't either.

He was almost delicately pretty. Yeah, that's what they called him. Pretty. He had high cheek bones and soft curves to his body that made him look almost like a girl. The only thing he needed was a pair of tits and he'd be able to join a sorority himself. He had tried working out, he'd tried going to the gym, but no matter what he did he retained the same almost feminine look. Long hair was currently in style for guys, but he knew better than to touch that. The moment he had long hair was the moment he might as well toss on some drag. The boy lowered his head down to his hands and sighed against the fluttering silk of the panties. With the way he looked he couldn't even get laid or get a date or do anything of any importance. The only thing he could do was play the peeping tom and enjoy the shows he caught at random.

If he was lucky a girl might get conned into marrying him because he'd inherit what his father had, if he wasn't he'd be stuck single and looking like a girl. Worst of all was that everyone assumed he was gay. He threw the panties down as he thought about that. He wasn't gay. He didn't want anything to do with another guy and he certainly didn't flirt with them. Yet they kept sidling up to him and making suggestive little comments about where they'd like to meet him. Or if he wanted to suck their cocks. Yes, Vanir hated school and he hated nearly everyone in it. Women and men. He watched as the security guards moved off and started to creep out from under the bleachers. At least he'd be able to grab a nap before class in the morning. And tomorrow night would be the Halloween Parties that the sororities and fraternities held. Not that he'd be invited to any, but chances were he could spy out some hot girl and on girl action. Like his father always said, look on the bright side of life.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"That stupid little..perverted....PIG!"

Gwen threw the fake spider at the couch with near shrieking words that made the rest of her sorority pause and look at her for a moment. She balled her fists up and tried to control her temper by counting to ten. First in English, then in Spanish and finally in Gaelic. It didn't help the fact that she wanted to punch someone or something. She'd nearly lost five years off her life last night when she'd woken up to see a slight form crouched at her set of drawers and pulling out her panties. The fact that it had turned out to be the same trouble maker that routinely stopped by made her grit her teeth and throttle the urge to go find him. Vanir had been haunting their sorority ever since he'd come here and at best he just watched, at worst he'd try to stealthily get into a bathroom to recline in a tub in wait for a girl to find him. The boy was beyond perverted.

"Hey calm down!" Carol snatched up the fake spider to add to the decorations along the front room. "There's nothing you can do, so don't get mad."

"AUGH! I should turn the little pest in!" Gwen tossed her hair over her shoulders. "That would teach him."

"You know we can't." One of the other girls looked up from where she was nibbling on a popcorn ball. "Ancient tradition and all that rot."

"Mmmph, our heritage is idiotic. It just makes it easier for people like him to walk all over people like us!" Gwen flopped down deflated. "Are we even sure he is one?"

"Well duh, he's a pretty boy. Have you seen those big brown eyes?" Lillith, Lily, batted her eyes dramatically. "He's a regular Peter Pan."

"There are lots of pretty boys around you know." Gwen perked up hopefully, "He might just be nice looking for a boy and I could test that theory. It would be worth it if I could turn him in to security."

"Gwen, let it rest, the last thing we need to do is turn him in, get his father in an uproar and before you know it we'd be up to our necks in hot water." Carol sighed softly, "You know the rules nowadays. No fae can bring another fae into view of the authorities. No matter how perverted they are. We have to go through the Council for trespasses, but it's not like they'll do anything just because he's peeping at us."

Gwen sank back and leaned her head back against the cushion of her chair. She wanted to argue with them, but the fact was she couldn't. They had all pegged Vanir the first day he'd started school. There weren't any real full blooded fae left in England, but that didn't mean mixed bloods didn't exist. Normally they were half-bloods, but there were also ones with just a touch of fae blood in their veins. They were easy enough to spot. If they were girls they were pretty, charismatic and had a touch of magic about them. Most of the remaining fae were girls for one reason or another. The few boys were what her mother called "Peter Pans". They always looked young and almost pretty. In fact, most of their history spoke about their charming ways and how they'd lure older women into impropriety. She knew one man and he was in his fifties, but he looked like he was in his very early twenties. He was perpetually ageless the way actors wish they could be. Eternal boys, rumor had it a half-blood fae boy had been the basis for Peter Pan, hence the name.

Vanir had started school and she'd spotted him at sign up. He may as well have had a huge sign on his head proclaiming his heritage. She'd felt a bit bad for him since he'd been getting picked on, but had let it go. She thought she could talk to him later on and get to know him. Except, later on had never happened. A week later she'd found his big eyes peering at her from his window until she screamed and thus he'd started to become their weekly pervert visitor. They all had keen ears and eyes and from what she heard no one else had figured out what he was up to. He should be grateful for that. If anyone found him out he'd be up in front of the Dean in no time. She wanted to toss him at the college's mercy, but she couldn't. No fae would turn in another fae or bring attention to them. Not even if said fae didn't even know he was one. That's what stuck in her craw. The little bugger didn't even know his heritage! She ground her teeth together a bit more firmly.

"We could get him back." Lily paused in her nibbling on her popcorn ball and grinned, "Nothing in our laws says we can't give him a bit of payback."

"Oh? And what do you have in mind?" Gwen leaned forward. Lillith's mother was a second generation fae and the closest to the original blood lines. She knew Lily knew all sorts of fascinating secrets.

"Come on, leave him alone. At least he's honest. I mean the last guy I dated was pawing at me all night while telling me he loved me." Carol rolled her eyes a bit. "If he wants to peep, close the curtains and lock the door."

"Ohh he is honest, isn't he? That's what we'll do!" Lily leapt up with a laugh, "I have the perfect idea. And he'll do it himself too!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Vanir stared at the invitation again and turned it around to make sure he'd read it right. He'd come back to his dorm after class to find a large black and orange envelope taped right to his front door. He'd glanced around and tore it off before going in to open it. At first he'd warred with curiosity and a sick sense of dread. Part of him wanted to accept the fact that someone wanted him at their Halloween party, but the more realistic part of him thought of just how many jocks, frat boys and ass holes would probably get a good laugh at him getting a fake invite. He flopped down on his bed and peeled open the envelope prepared to throw it away when he noticed that it wasn't printed on cheesy Halloween stationary or printed out on cheap paper. It was actually custom printed on heavy vellum and the ink was raised up. Perhaps it was a real invite. Then his eyes flicked down towards the symbol on the bottom of the invite and a grin curled his lips.

The Beta Delta's wanted him to come to their Halloween party. One of the sorority houses on campus that he liked the haunt and the only one that consistently left windows unlocked. It was a smaller house, but most people talked about them in the same breath as many of the older and larger houses. The girls were certainly pretty enough. He'd spent many evenings perched on a tree watching them getting ready for bed or studying. The fact that he could often slip in after dark and get a closer look or even snatch some bit of silky clothing made it all the better. Of all the places he spied on, that was the only place that had seen him repeatedly. Each time he'd run to a hiding spot or back to his dorm and waited for security to catch up with him and drag him up on charges. Each time he hadn't heard a peep. At first he'd dismissed it as them being too embarrassed to reveal how they'd been repeatedly outsmarted by a lower classman, but now he wondered.

"They probably want me." He grinned as he spoke aloud and tossed his hair out of his eyes. "I bet they even like it."

The connection seemed right in his mind and why else would they invite him to their Halloween party? He glanced over the invite again and carefully noted the time as well as the notation on the bottom that said it was a themed party and costumes could be picked out upon arrival. The last made him pause and frown. He could only imagine what a house full of girls would decide was worthy of being a costume for a guy. Perhaps he could just come in his own costume and pretend that he hadn't read the last notation. The last thing he wanted to do was be stuck in an uncomfortable outfit all night or something laughable. Especially not when they'd obviously gone out of their way to make sure he'd be there. He tucked the invitation into the envelope securely as a smile teased the edges of his lips. Perhaps he'd spend that night in their house by invitation all night. Maybe in one of their beds. He threw himself back on his bed with the smile growing wider. Visions of threesomes dancing in his mind.

Vanir stepped up the porch steps and into the orange glow that was cast by a light bulb that was covered in a plastic pumpkin mask. It jeered down at him with a large grin and he shifted a little uncomfortably. He'd taken pains to dress, shave and put on his best outfit. The shirt was a silky material that clung against him and when he turned in the mirror he'd found himself alternately pleased with it showing off his firm chest and stomach and annoyed that it made him look a bit more feminine than usual. Most clothing made him look vaguely female. If it weren't for the fact he'd look idiotic he would have tried the gangster look. At least he wouldn't look like a girl in baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt. The worst that would happen would be he'd look like a girl in drag. He lifted his hand to knock and hesitated over going back to change his clothes again. He wanted to make a good first impression, but there was no way he'd be able to change and still be here on time.

"Damnit, just do it." He mumbled to himself before knocking on the door and tensing himself up as he heard footsteps inside.

He wasn't sure why he felt so nervous. Most girls in high school had given him a glance and either assumed he was gay or ignored him entirely. The rest of them had joined their boyfriends in teasing him until he felt like his life was being turned into some sort of soap opera drama. He moved his fingers up to run them through his hair and forced them back down again. Girls liked confidence. They liked a guy who knew what he wanted and how to get it. He'd read it in a thousand books about how to get a girlfriend. The rest talked about listening and trying to be friends, but the only place that ever got him was their attempts to hook him up with one of their gay friends. As he heard the footsteps come closer he realized that he'd never actually been invited anywhere with girls in the hopes they thought he was straight. His confidence wavered slightly.

"Ohhh you're here!" He blinked rapidly as the door was pulled open with a jerk and a dark haired girl stood behind it. The hair was short and spiky, almost punkish looking while her eyes were such a bright green that he felt his mouth go a little dry.

"Uh, I gotta invite." He moved to push his hands into his pockets. He tried his side pockets and then lowered down patting against the sides of his knees trying to find which pocket in his cargo pants he'd shoved it. "I was invited! "

"I know. We didn't invite many people tonight." She grinned more and pulled the door open wider as she stepped back, "You coming in?"

"Uh, in?" Vanir licked his lips as her eyes flickered over him. Why the hell was he nervous? He'd been invited here! "Sure, um, I'm Vanir McDowell. I'm over in Tankar Hall, you know the one. By the cafeteria."

"I'm Lily. It's nice to meet you finally." She kept the door open as he took a step into the house itself and ducked his head down towards her.

The inside of the living room was tastefully decorated with pictures of former sorority members adorning the walls. The couch was a large leather looking affair while there were various chairs spread around and pushed up against the wall. Orange and black and purple and black streamers were everywhere and even wrapped around two columns that stood at the base of the stairs. Tacky dollar store decorations were all over the place. From pumpkins to overly adorable spiders that he supposed girls found scary. A large cauldron of candy rested next to the door and a table was set up, but he couldn't see any food on it or even drink. What the hell sort of party had no food or drink?! He glanced back at the girl who'd introduced herself as Lily and found she'd been joined by a taller girl. The second girl was one he recognized easily. Her long blonde hair and slightly Icelandic features made her striking and the object of a few of his fantasies. He swallowed and forced the smile to stay on his face.

"Where is everyone?" He gestured towards the room and Lily grinned even more as she stepped forward to hook her arm in his own. It was a gentle touch, but it still sent a thrill through him to feel her finger tips playing against the back of his arm.

"Oh, it's still very early you know. Gwen, why don't you get Vanir a drink?" The blonde glared at him and snorted before striding off with her back stiff. "She's not too happy about parties."

"Ah, oh, well I'm sorry about that?" He offered awkwardly as he let Lily draw him into the side room where the table had been set up. "So, you guys throw a party every year?"

"Not really. This year we thought we'd have one just because." Lily let go of his arm and slipped away from him. "Did you bring a costume?"

"N-no? The invite said it was a theme party and we were supposed to use the costumes you guys had." He felt his face flush a little bit as he admitted it. No other people were here. No one at all. He felt dread forming in the pit of his stomach. This was going to be some sort of trick.

"Oh! That's great! Most boys never listen to things like that. Our theme is Rocky Horror. Have you ever watched it? It's my favorite movie." The girl gave him an open grin that left him feeling even worse.

"Uhh I don't think I want to dress up like that..." Vanir trailed off and felt even more nervous. From what he could remember that movie had only a few men in it and the costumes were either embarrassingly ugly or involved cross dressing.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gwen gave her head a shake as she stalked away from Vanir and Lily with her temper barely controlled. The plan was sound, but just seeing him strolling into their house made her temper flare. She hadn't quite believed they'd be able to get him here as easy as they did. The fact that he'd walked in with wide eyes and his head twisting in all directions was almost funny if it hadn't been for the way he'd stared at her. Up close it was even more obvious that he had fae blood somewhere in his ancestry. She could see it in the fineness of his bones and the way his face was smooth and unlined. She didn't even think he had to shave that often given how smooth his complexion was. Perhaps he'd learn better manners tonight then to sneak around stealing out of girl's drawers and leering in their windows.

Carole was the only one of the three of them that hadn't agreed to what they wanted to do. She'd argued throughout the entire plan that it was wrong to lead the boy on and even more to get revenge. In the end she'd finally refused to take part in it and stormed upstairs to lock the door to her room. That suited Gwen just fine. She'd spent the last year suffering through the little pervert's constant attentions and his attraction to their house. She was pretty sure that he visited nearly every house on their row in his adventures. She'd certainly heard enough hints from other sororities of them having had problems with the pledges breaking branches in their trees in attempted break-ins.

She could hear the murmur of voices in the next room. They were soft, but one was rapidly rising in pitch. Lily would keep him distracted long enough. She rifled through the cupboards to pull out a particularly strong bottle of brandy and then dug in the fridge for a sweet mixture to swirl in with it. She wanted to make sure she could cover the taste of Lily's prized possession. A simple copper coin gone green with age. It almost looked like a penny except for the great Wyrm that had been engraved into it. With the natural tarnish of the coin it looked more like an S then a Wyrm, but Lily had been adamant that's what it was. Before she mixed the drink she dropped the coin into the opaque glass so it'd be hidden at the bottom. That little pervert didn't know what he was in for.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Vanir stared in abject horror at the silk corset that Lily held up in front of her. It was pale pink with mint green trimming running through it in a garish mix of colors that made him think of those horrible photos from the fifties. Small straps hung down from the corset and she had pointed out that they matched a pair of pale pink stockings which in turn matched the gloves. It was horrifying looking. There were even bows on it and a little throat collar with a pale green bow to match the rest. As if to be sure that wasn't humiliating enough she held a pair of soft pink panties in one hand that gleamed like silk. It didn't look anything like what the movie had had in it. He held up his hands and felt a rush of anger. The stupid bitches, did they think they'd get him all floofed up and then let the jocks come in and shove him around? He should have known better than to think they were going to actually invite him to a real party!

"No. Hell no!" He shook his head. "Screw that. I'm not getting into a set of lady clothes."

"Come on. We didn't have the money to get the real outfit and everyone loves that movie! And the character! We won't do any makeup." Lily's voice sounded wheedling which only pissed him off more.

"The hell I will! You know what, I knew from the moment I got the invite that this was a bad idea." His face flushed red, "You think you're so much better than the rest. You don't even know what you're missing! I'm a stud like no other and you fillies won't even get a ride."

"A wh-hahahahat?!" A second female voice erupted in laughter and he rounded out on Gwen with his eyes narrowed.

"You heard me. You're probably a bunch of dykes that don't even know what to do with a real man!" Vanir snapped out in a rush of anger. "I bet you're all alone here tonight because you're too damn gay to go to a real party."

"Oh my god," Lily's voice was aghast and then more laughter echoed in his ears as they both started in on him. "Seriously? We just want you to have a Halloween costume! Lesbians! Really!"

"Here have a drink, stud." The last word came with a bit of laughter as Lily tossed the outfit over the back of a chair. "And stop fuming. I'm sure you're a real stud under there."

"Damn straight!" He tried to growl out the words and snatched the glass out of Gwen's hands. "Don't forget it either. I'm not here to be made fun of."

"I said okay! Yeesh." Gwen lifted her hands in surrender and Vanir's lips quirked up in amusement. About time she realized who the real boss around here was.

If it was one thing he'd learned it was that all women needed a firm hand or they'd get carried away. That's why most of the guys ended up whipped by their girlfriends. He took a swallow of his drink and tried not to wince at the sharp sting of liquor on his tongue. He didn't really like the taste of alcohol, but he wasn't about to say anything. One drink would kill him and he'd just tell Gwen she'd made it wrong and insist on making his next one so it wasn't so strong. He glanced up at the clock and frowned a little at the time. Still no one else had shown up, and somehow he didn't think they were going to show up. That still left him wondering why the hell they'd invited him out here. He took another drink before trying to get the reason out of them.

"No one else is showing up are they?" He licked his lips and felt them pleasurably numb from the liquor. They almost tingled.

"Ahh no. Not really." Lily gave a small smile that made him irresistibly think of a cat. "You're the only one we invited."

"Why?" He took another long drink, but used the movement to glance at Gwen who kept her eyes on the short haired girl.

"Well, partly because we keep seeing you outside at night or sneaking in." Lily leaned back onto the wall and shrugged a shoulder, "I figured this was the only way you'd ever come and talk to us."

"You wanted to talk to me? Why?" Suspicion leapt up inside of him at that despite the warm feeling curling in his stomach from his drink. What had Gwen done? Tossed in the entire bottle?

"Why?!" Gwen's words came out a bit sharply, "You spend three months leering at us and you wonder why we wanted to talk to you? You don't think it's to tell you to stop it?"

"You never called security on me." He pointed out with a bit of glee before pouring back a large mouthful of his drink as Lily sipped her own. "I think you liked it. You saw me all the time, but you kept letting me come back."

"Then why the hell do you think we invited you?" Gwen's voice alternated between anger and amusement, but the drink was relaxing him and he just smiled a bit larger.

"Because you wanted to see what I was like face to face." He placed his drink down as he smacked his lips slightly. They felt almost numb. Definitely making his own drink next. "I think you wanted more than that too. Two hot girls inviting over a handsome single stud like me? You do the math."

"Stud?" Lily choked a little around her drink before her eyes became sharper. "Do you really think you're a stud? You're a little on the small side."

"Of course I'm a stud. You don't need to be huge and muscled if you got what it takes! My Dad raises dartmoor ponies and they're tiny as hell, but you should see them pull a cart. The package doesn't gotta be huge to be powerful." He tipped a wink as he felt a rush of giddiness. "And trust me, this package is plenty powerful."

"Oh? How powerful, Vanir?" Gwen moved in closer and he felt her fingers dancing along his spine like an electric prickle. Excitement rushed up inside of him and he pressed into the touch.

"You gotta ride the bronco to find that out, sweet heart." He tilted his head towards her and saw her grinning even more. "Tell you what, how about you and me and your friend all slip upstairs and I'll teach you all about how a small package can hold a-Mmph.."

He lost track of his last words as another wash of dizziness ran through him. His body trembled a little bit while his skin flushed along his face. Vanir tried to move his hands towards the edge of the table to keep himself upright as he stared at Gwen. Her eyes were bright and framed by that blonde hair they seemed to almost glow. He worked his tongue slowly trying to pick up his words, but it felt swollen and thick against the roof of his mouth. What the hell was wrong with him? He lurched and snagged an arm around the tall girl's waist as he heard Lily get up from beside him. He clutched it tightly while he swayed, but tried to cover it up with by nuzzling against her shoulder. The brush of her fabric against his lips tingled as he twitched them.

"Oh dear, I think that drink was a bit too much, Lily. Our little pony stud is getting all dizzy." Gwen's voice was sugary sweet as hands moved up to slide along his back and he felt another body press against his back almost sandwiching him.

"Is that true, Vanny-boy? Are you feeling dizzy?" Her voice whispered in her ear and tickled the edges as he felt her breasts press against his shoulder blade.

"No, 'course not.." He lifted his head to answer and moved his hand back to touch her hair when he noticed his trimmed pale nails were dark and almost black. "THE FUCK?!"

He stumbled away and fell down onto the carpet with a cry as he lifted his hand up to stare at it. The nails had started to thicken and his fingers were swelling larger right before his eyes. His hands shook slightly as the first trail of charcoal grey started to slide its way upwards along his wrist and rose higher and higher along his body. Every part of his body felt strange. It was as if he were experiencing a dull ache running through his joints. The dizziness came in waves that made it hard to concentrate on what was going on, but while he reeled he felt hands sliding against his body. They were gentle and at any other time he would have been eager to feel them, but at the moment he just wanted them to leave him alone.

Had they drugged him? Was there acid in that drink? There must be! They were going to drug him and probably leave him somewhere to teach him a lesson. His body jerked as he felt a hand pull at his shirt and slowly slide it up along his upper torso. It tugged against his chest and right over his head as he tried to grasp it with his swollen fingers. Another set of hands gripped his pants and he let out a yelp of protest as his hips were forced upwards and they pulled them down along the curve of his hips. Laughter rang in his ears before a finger tapped lightly on his half hardened cock tip. Even his cock felt swollen and sensitive. That one touch had him roll his hips up with a groan before the shirt was off his head and he fell back onto the ground naked except for his socks. Those weren't left for long either.

"Ohh look he's already hard. I would have thought he had more control than that." Gwen's voice sounded so loud in his ears.

"I didn't. It looks like things are right on schedule. Go close the drapes alright? We don't need the neighbors seeing this." Lily's voice was sharper and closer. He opened an eye to glare at her.

He opened his mouth to ask what was on schedule when he became aware that things weren't behaving the way they should be. Even telling himself that it was simply the effects of the drugs, he couldn't help but feel as if he were about to be sick. His stomach rolled and twisted so he ended up curving around it and half retching. The warmth along his body changed to a prickling itch. It felt as if his entire body was covered in prickling insect feet and he batted at himself uselessly. He started to squirm trying to get at the itch that was rolling along him, but Gwen came back and forced him to hold still. His skin felt tight and he looked down in shock as he watched a spot of darkness that matched the ones on his wrist start to run along his chest where the heat was the worst. His lips peeled open as he let out a sharp cry of protest.

It almost looked like a spot in his vision, except the spot grew and spread wider as fur began to push out from his body. It was dark grey and once it started it seemed to rush over his skin like a tempest. It crawled along his chest and arms and he could feel a slight ache in his fingers. They looked so swollen that he couldn't believe he could bend them! His nails started to grow harder and darker, more hoof like, his two middle fingers began to pull together and he let out a soft sound as the skin spread between them to form one thick finger rather than two. The heavy digits curled and he couldn't even feel the first joint of his fingers! The fur coated the back of his hand as his bones ached beneath his muscles. Through it all, it was strangely erotic and humiliating as any attempt to open his eyes showed him two avid faced girls peering down at him. His shaft started to plump up in reaction to the change and a thin strand of precum splattered against his fur coated body.

He tried heaving himself up to get away, but he only managed to roll onto his hands and knees with a groan. His head was pounding and his vision showed spots. Wait, no, those weren't spots! Dapples started to appear against his hide! The grey of the skin and fur started to spill outwards to run along his chest and belly; it went all the way up towards his neck where he lost sight of it. Dapples bloomed against the grey at random until they were like large freckles over his chest. To his horror his nipples thickened and turned a deep black right before his eyes. The next shock was his neck thickened and grew larger so that he felt his head growing higher into the air. Something soft and silky brushed against him while a mane seemed to form. That word and the sight of his hoof like hands made him connect the dots. Oh god please let it be drugs! He didn't want to be a horse! He groaned out as he felt his cock growing harder, almost painfully hard as the heat and itching never stopped.

He spread his lips a little, they grew heavier, thicker as they opened and he ran his tongue over them, licking just against the edges. They almost felt loose and he went cross eyed trying to try and see what was wrong. Suddenly the sound of the girls shifting on the carpet seemed almost painfully loud. He winced at it and was rewarded with a sudden giggle from one of them. He twitched an ear to follow the noises instinctively. He twitched an ear! His tapered ear swiveled to one side on its own and the weight felt odd on top of his head. He felt a tear roll out of his eyes as he tried to move a hand up to feel but the hoof like nails barely traced it. That was enough to realize that they no longer felt normal. They had grown and pulled up higher on his head. He was left watching in horror soon saw his nose growing broader and his lips pressing out.

"Pheeshe, shtop." Vanir formed the words from his aching lips and swung his eyes up to look at the girls. "Shorry."

"Too late, you little perv. We're not doing it. You are." Gwen's victorious smile made his face darken even more. He wasn't doing this! He wasn't!

His nose broadened from a line that ran down to spread into a pair of broad nostrils, growing broader as darker fur spilled over them and his lips opened as an ache started to form in his jaws. His teeth drew inwards and his tongue felt heavier and thicker when he tried to move it to find out what was wrong. He let out a squealing moan when he felt a gape in his teeth themselves! He was losing teeth! No they were being drawn inwards! He shook his head roughly and opened his lips to beg the girls to stop again and horrifyingly a whinny erupted from his lips, loud and rasping. He moved his hoof like hands trying to cover his mouth in his horror! A large heavy muzzle rested on his face as his eyes blurred and changed. It was almost a blessing as they didn't focus on his tormenters.

An itching sensation went along his head and neck; his hair pulled up in some places and grew out in others. A long thatch of it grew down to spill along his forehead so that he was. Why were they doing this to him?! His eyes felt strange, to the sides of his head so he had to turn his muzzle slightly look down his body as his feet started to grow warmer, almost hot and he stifled another embarrassing whinny as he watched his toes thicken. Everything seemed to be happening faster. It was like a landslide he couldn't stop! The nails on his feet spread and joined together into a solid black hoof as he lost feeling. Darker grey fur rushed up making his lower legs look as if they were in stockings. That was the most disturbing part. The loss of sensation terrified him as he kicked and twitched his entire leg.

He tried desperately to move his toes, tried to flex them but he couldn't even feel it! He pushed his hooves out against the carpet, but he only got a feel for the material beneath it. It was only pressure. Another tear rolled down his muzzle. A sudden strange sensation of pressure started to build along the length of his spine and right above his ass. He tried to arch his back but the sensation made him groan as the bone shifted along his legs. His legs grew heavier and heavier until he watched his foot lengthen, the hoof at the end going farther away as his knee drew closer to his body. Making what used to be his toes his entire foot, or hoof rather as his ankle grew larger and stronger, both of them seemed strange. The joints weirdly put together so that he tried to flex them and pull them up.

So entranced and horrified was he with the legs that he missed the changes as they started to trickle and tease over his balls and hardened cock. It was only when he felt a brush of fur against the head of his shaft did he turn his attention and watch black flesh start to roll over his girth and terror welled up inside of him. His cock was hardened with strange humiliating pleasure as the dark black flesh overcame him. Yet in some spots pink splashes remained as he flexed his cock against his stomach and watched silvery precum splatter against his fur. The dark flesh didn't spread over his tip and made him squirm as another clear drop of precum bubbled up to spill down against his stomach. He was done worrying about being watched. All he could do was watch in that horror as his body continued to change and rapidly grew larger.

Vanir felt himself growing more sensitive, even the brush of the tip against his stomach caused him pleasure as warmth started to grow in his belly. For a moment he let out a hot snort and moved one hoof like hand to grasp his cock. The desire to slake the burning desire growing even as he watched as his swollen cock started to retreat. He saw a thick roll of flesh starting to form at the base of him, and licked his now thick and heavy lips. Even as he thought it the mottled length started to retreat back towards it, pulling along his belly. The sheath pulled up just over the girth of him while his balls started to grow massive just in front of his eyes. He'd been so worried about his cock he was lost in his other changes until he had to lunge upwards.

His legs were heavy and strangely shaped so that he half fell forward. He heard the girls let out a short sound as he groaned. Everything felt wrong. This wasn't' happening. His body worked strangely as it felt larger and heavier. He could feel his ass shoved up in an undignified manner behind his hips. He tried to lower them but pressure started to grow at the base of his spine as a long glossy tail spilled outwards from the curve of his haunches. The edges of it brushed back and forth against his knees while he squealed out in terror at what was happening to him. How could they do this? Didn't they know who his father was? He let out a soft groaning sob as darkness started to flood his mind. He struggled against it, afraid of where and how he would wake up. But he couldn't win. As he fell down into unconsciousness the icing on the cake was the fact he could feel his heavy dark girth swaying under his body and half out of the pouch of his sheath. As large and heavy as he could have ever wished it to be.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Oh..my....god.." Gwen's voice sounded small to her own ears as she stood partially frozen staring at the carpet in front of her.

She didn't know exactly what she'd been expecting when Lily had laid out the plans. All she knew was that the coin was supposed to draw on someone's magic and turn them into what they saw themselves as. They'd both thought it'd be hilarious to see exactly what Vanir thought of himself as, but she hadn't imagined this. It was like something out a dream as she stared over the changed young man sprawled out in front of her. There was nothing left of the pervy peeping tom that she'd been complaining about. The change had been almost absolute, except he wasn't entirely a horse. A pony, she amended to herself, he looked like a pony crossed with a human in some bizarre way. It was like a child cartoon come to life.

His head was almost delicate with a dish shaped muzzle and covered in charcoal black fur that ran upwards to fading into a softer grey. The tapered ears were held to either side of his unconscious face while his ebony mane tumbled forward along his forehead and covered his eyes. His entire body was dappled just like a pony with soft curves rather than the smooth muscles she'd expected. A tail flowed out from above his rump cheeks and the long hairs spilled down over his legs. His lower arms and legs were both dark as well, almost like stockings. Except his body was still human like, only his legs seemed bent like a pony's would be. And she'd had enough of a look beneath him to know that there was nothing human about the shape of his cock.

"Well what did you expect? He said he was a stud!" Lily glanced over at her, but seemed more amused than anything else.

"I know, but damn!" Gwen shook her head roughly back and forth before smoothing her hand down the glossy dappled fur of his back. "You know, he's almost cute."

"You know what would make him even cuter?" She glanced up to find her friend holding the silk outfit they'd teased the boy with. "Come on, we should have enough time to get him properly done up." Yes, this peeping pony was going to learn a valuable lesson about embarrassing others.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Is he waking up?" The voices came down from a long tunnel and Vanir tried to ignore them. He was so tired.

"I think so. It's only been an hour. All of my mother's books told me that a shape shift left the person drained for a bit." Another voice. Who was that? His mind brought up the image of a spiky haired girl. Lily. That's right.

"I think if he'd have changed a little slower he'd have been drained in more than one way." The other voice replied and then laughter.

He shifted his body with a soft groan as it felt heavy. His head felt so heavy, so very heavy. He was in a strange position. He could feel himself almost sitting up, but nothing was beneath him. Instead bands of pressure pressed against him at intervals along his arms and legs. His elbows, knees, wrists and ankles all felt as if something was biting into them. He tried to twist again and instead of finding purchase he felt himself swaying back and forth. What the hell was happening? He shifted his tongue to try and form the words when he felt the gapes in his teeth. He could feel his back teeth, and his front teeth, but between them he met nothing but his gums. His mouth was almost impossibly long.

He opened an eye slowly and found himself swaying back and forth and everything seemed oddly distorted. The moment he was able to focus however he found himself staring at what he had thought was a nightmare. A perfectly dark and soft muzzle graced his face completely with soft looking nostrils that flared wide as he sucked in a breath. He twisted again and watched as the mint green ribbons that wrapped his elbows, knees, ankles and wrists twisted with the movement and sent him swaying back and forth. He was suspended from the ceiling! He raised his long neck and then froze as found himself staring at a pink silk corset wrapped around his chest. Not only that! But his arms and legs were in the pink material as well!

"What did you do to me?!" He squealed out the words and was horrified to hear a whinny accompany them.

"You did it to yourself. If you weren't such a peeping tom maybe you wouldn't be in this mess." The floor creaked and Gwen walked into view wearing a smug smile. And nothing else.

"Let me down! Let me go!" He flattened his ears back and winced as he felt the new muscles responding. "This isn't fair!"

"No, it's not." The girl reached out and lightly pulled the bonds holding him in place so that he swayed for a moment back and forth. "Come now, I'm sure you'll agree it's not all bad. You wanted to have some fun didn't you?"

"Yes, but not like th-ISS" he squealed out as Gwen's hand moved down to rub along his inner thigh and slid up to cup against silk panties. Oh god, they'd put him in girl's underwear!

The fingers curved up until he could feel them cupping his balls and the material rubbed almost sensuously back and forth against them. His nostrils flared wide as he sucked in a breath and with it came the sweet smell of a female. His heart started to beat faster as blood rushed to his face. He wanted to tell her to stop, but the long fingers glided up to gently brush against the bulge in front of the panties as it started to swell. A tremor rocked through him and he wrapped his fingers tightly around the material that suspended his wrists to stop himself from pushing up into the touch. The girl's grin just grew as she massaged and squeezed along his cock and he felt something rolling down as he hardened. A sheath. He had a sheath. Like an animal.

"Oh my, he likes that. Don't you, sweety?" Lily's voice purred in his ears as a pair of fingers slid along the curve of his chest and brushed over his exposed dark nipples.

"I, n-not like this! Turn me back! Please!" Vanir's voice came out in a sharp panting noise as the fingers on the panties suddenly gave a pull and he felt them being drug down a bit lower.

"Why would we do that? When you can be our pretty little pony!" The fingers pinched his nipples and rolled them back and forth so he shuddered.

"I'm not a pony! STOP THAT!" He twisted and the only thing that kept him from rocking back and forth was Lily's hands around his chest.

"Mmm? I don't think you want me to do that" Gwen licked her lips and pulled the panties lower until he could see his own changed cock. The tip was nearly as thick as a soda can, oddly blunt and flattened. His cum slit bulged from the flesh that started pink and mottled as it went lower.

Gwen's fingers rubbed around the tip and rolled it over the palm of her hand until he couldn't stop the groan of pleasure. His eyes widened as he watched the soft limp flesh filling out and pulsing as it inched its way along his stomach. A broad ring stood out right around the middle it and the girl's fingers trailed down to wrap around it and squeeze. His hips tensed and he helplessly bucked up into the touch as a thick viscous drop of silvery precum welled out to dribble against the silk of the corset. He wanted to keep denying it, he wanted to tell them to let go, but his body felt flushed with heat and need as she continued to tease over his girth. Lily's fingers slid upwards to grail along the curve of his neck and guided his head backwards.

"Do you want to fuck her, pretty pony?" Her voice had a sultry air as her friend ran her fingers back up to his sensitive glans dragging a whimper from his throat.

"Yes, n-not like this.." His voice was panting in his own ears. Oh god those fingers were making him feel like he wanted to pound into them.

"Of course not! A stud like you should never have her Mistress like this." Lily chuckled softly. "Do you want to do it in another way?"

"Please." The fingers clamped down around his cock tip and massaged until he could feel the slippery precum drooling out to coat them.

"You only had to ask, Vanir." Gwen's voice made him lift his head to look over her body. "Please, what, Vanir?"

He knew her nude form. He'd seen it from the window, but in person it was almost glorious. The paleness of her skin made her curves stand out against the backdrop of the room. Her breasts were plump and tipped with a rosy color so her nipples looked as if they were inviting him to tease them. Her hips spread just wide enough that it accented then dip of her stomach. And below that. Below that were the clean waxed folds of her mound. The soft lips were plump and pressed together. They were full as arousing as anything he had ever seen. Anything he had ever dreamed of. He wanted her. All of her. Her other hand moved down to gently stroke his balls and he sucked in a breath and hunched his hips. His animalistic cock slapped against his belly as he flexed it. Maybe this was just a dream or a nightmare, but what harm could there be in enjoying it?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gwen let her fingers tease around the thickened tip and gathered the precum up along the pads of her fingers to drag it downwards. Vanir was far more reactive than any of her previous boyfriends. Each touch of her hand seemed to make him buck and twist for more. His voice was constantly vibrating with groans and soft nickers that he didn't seem to be able to control. She looked up and saw Lily grin a sinful little smile as she nuzzled against his neck. They'd planned it out why they dressed him and strung him up. She didn't mind being the lure to get the pony to agree to this. The sight of the heavy mottled cock was appealing. She'd always been adventurous in her sexual pursuits and this was another conquest. They'd have until dawn before he'd change back and she intended to use that time.

"I want to fuck you." Vanir's voice was strained as she inched the panties down so the heavy dark sac spilled free against her touch.

"Bad pony!" From behind Lily's hand struck and the light willow stick she'd gotten from the back yard tapped sharply against the dappled rump. Vanir jerked in shock and his head twisted back giving Gwen a nice view of the hardened dark nipples. "A good pony calls his rider, Mistress. Now, ask her properly."

"But, I.." The pony fumbled and suddenly his face darkened until the dapples stood out against the dark grey with his blush. "Please, Mistress." He mumbled.

"There's my good pony." Gwen rewarded him with a gentle pull of her hand from the tip of his sheath all the way up to his cock head.

"He is a very good pony, I wonder if he's ever been ridden before." Lily looked up and shifted. "Perhaps I should help steady him."

"I think that's a good idea, he might be a skittish mount." Gwen pretended to purse her lips as she tickled her fingers right over his tip. The pony's face grew darker in embarrassment. "Why don't you brace him from behind so he doesn't throw me?"

"I was thinking the exact same thing." Lily's voice was slightly husky. The pony's body hid her nude friend's body from view, but she knew what was there. Gwen had always thought the strap-on a friend had given her was a gag gift. It was amusing that it could be put to such a unique use.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Vanir felt as if his entire body were on fire again. It wasn't with changing his shape; it was flooded with lust and desire. It wasn't the first time he'd been teased or even had sex, but his body was near trembling with need. He barely heard them talk, save they spoke of him like an animal. Some part of him was stung with the words and he could feel a hot blush rush to his face. But that didn't swerve his resolve. Oh how he wanted this. He wanted her! The touch of her fingers on his shaft just kept him eager and when they moved away he let out a whimper of protest and tried to jerk his hips up only to feel himself sway a bit more. Gwen moved away from him and his eyes frantically followed her, willing her to come back and return to touching him.

"Easy, old son, easy boy.." The voice was soothing in his ears as fingers brushed against the curve of his cheek. It was the soft tone he'd heard his father use with one of the horses at home. That more than anything else almost unfogged his mind, but then Gwen returned.

He tried to twist his head to watch her. She bent over next to him and pushed something heavy across the floor. It groaned as it caught against the floor boards and he couldn't even must the will to be curious about it. Never in his life had he felt as unhinged as he did now. He'd do anything, say anything, just to have his need taken care of. He could feel his cock flexing and slapping against his stomach. The hits against the silk of the corset were almost pleasurable as he tried to arch his back upwards to grind against himself. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he control himself? He was acting.. Acting like an animal. He would have wept if he could have thought beyond the curve of Gwen's ass as she bent over and shifted something.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gwen stood up after placing the heavy oak coffee table beneath the pony. It left just enough room for a tight squeeze, but she didn't think Lily would mind. When she glanced at Vanir she found the liquid brown of his eyes following her movements like a dog might. Despite the fact she'd removed his hand his shaft was still hard and pulsing against his stomach. It was almost flattering that he was so incredibly desperate for her. She moved her hand up to gently brush just beneath the thick glans and heard him groan as Lily started to shift behind him. It was a good thing they hadn't put him at a high level or she'd worry she wouldn't be able to slip onto his lap. She moved her hand away from his cock to press it flat against his chest and shifted her weight.

"What does pony want?" She breathed out as she slid her leg up until her knee brushed along his stomach. The pony jerked and his eyes showed a ring of white around them.

"Y-you, Mistress." The sound of his voice panting it out was far sweeter than any ex's proclamations of love. She licked her lips as she let her leg slip over his waist entirely as she moved her other foot up to step onto the coffee table.

The side of her foot brushed against Lily as the other girl slipped beneath the pony and thankfully the added weight kept her from tipping the furniture. It wasn't the perfect height, but it was enough that she could straddle his hips and place her weight on the coffee table rather than his bound body. The moment she straddled him, he suddenly leaned forward and tried to rub his muzzle against her bare breasts. His lips strained as she moved her hand down to grip right at the base of his cock and gave a light squeeze. The curve of his hips were cupped up against her body as she pulled the thick tip downwards to brush right against the soft bareness of her folds. A thick splash of precum caught against her outer lips as she leaned forward and used her other hand to stroke his cheek.

"Who's a pretty pony?" She whispered softly as the tip started to spread her outer lips open.

"I..I am, Mistress.." The voice was barely human, the words thick as the slightly glazed brown eyes stared at her. "Please, please...please, Mistress..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

The words were ripped out of Vanir's throat before he could stop them. He could no more stop them then he could stop the pulsing desire that flowed through his body. He wanted his. Needed this! Everything in his body was flushed with desire as her weight pressed down on him. The tip of his cock found her warmth and he stifled a whimper. He wanted to grab her hips and force her down, but as he jerked them he only rocked slightly before her weight steadied him. He couldn't even grasp at her or control how she took him. The weight grew and he felt his tip pushing into the opening as her body bore down on him. The tight passage spread open until he felt his drooling precum spilling into her body and his muscles quivered slightly. Oh god, it was tight, it was almost too tight. He threw back his head and whickered out suddenly not caring about how it sounded.

He felt the pressure and sudden pop as his glans was pushed into her body and the silken muscles contracted around him. It was hot and tight. The smooth walls stroked him until he nearly hovered on the edge of losing control right there without even getting a thrust in. The only thing that stopped him was a sudden push against the underside of his tail. It was so foreign. So utterly out-of-place that he didn't know how to respond until something cool and slippery pushed harder. His dark pucker was forced open slightly as something started to push into his ass. He squealed out and kicked in shock that only drove another inch inside of him. His eyes snapped open wide and he twisted his head only to feel Gwen push her hips down as another inch of his mottled cock sank inside of her.

"S-stop..." He managed to make his tongue work long enough to form that word.

"You don't want me riding you?" She tilted her head and squeezed around his cock until another thick drop of precum welled out of him.

"Yes, yes, please, yes." Vanir heard the words as if someone else had said them. He couldn't even take them back, not even as he felt the toy pushing into his anal ring inch by steady inch.

"Good, pony." The words made him shudder as he tried to clench his ass tightly enough to stop the strange sensation of being penetrated.

No matter how foreign the sensations going on behind him were, he couldn't ignore the feel of the walls spreading open around him. The wetness was pushed out around his girth until the mottled flesh and spilled down around the base. He could almost ignore the wet feel of lube being shoved into his pucker as Lily's hands moved to wrap one around the base of his mane and the other forcefully gripping his tail so he couldn't clamp it down. His muscles protested and squeezed as each inch was edged into him, but no matter how he struggled he couldn't get away. He wasn't even sure he wanted too. Not with the rolling push of the hips that drove down against him until he could feel the medial ring pushing against the softness of her outer folds. Forcing them in on themselves as Gwen let out a soft moan and rolled her hips back and forth.

~ ~ * ~ ~

She wasn't a virgin. Gwen had never claimed to be one and she enjoyed sexual pleasures. She enjoyed them with herself or with a partner, but for the first time the two seemed combined. The pony cock was textured and strangely formed so that it tugged along her tunnel and rubbed her in places that made her buck her hips downwards. She was aware the first moment that Vanir had been penetrated, but if anything she felt his shaft hardening even more within her grasp. She moved her hands down to grip his shoulders and dug her fingers into the soft flesh as she concentrated on slowly edging the cock inside of her. It was almost too large and the blunt glans had almost been painful first pushing inside of her. Now the veins and thick flesh only sent shudders of pleasure through her.

Her own wetness joined with precum that was liberally spilling inside of her. It seemed almost feverishly hot as ribbons of it splattered her passage and then when she pushed down she could feel it being forced out of her again. Her legs tightened on his hips as she pushed even harder and felt the medial ring being shoved right up against her folds. The tip of him throbbed inside of her and she felt his hips twisting in an effort to thrust inside of her. Her fingers dug in tighter against his shoulder to brace herself before she gave a sudden hard thrust down. Her cry of pleasure was echoed by an animalistic squeal as the pony jerked against the restraints and his cock spasmed inside of her.

The medial ring slid along her passage and grazed right over her g-spot making her suck in a rough breath before letting it out in a shudder again. The tip of him rubbed along her cervix as she pulled backwards letting a few inches slip free before she drove down again. A hot rush of breath teased over her breasts as the little stallion tucked his chin so his neck arched and she heard the hit of flesh on flesh from below him. Instead of continuing to take it slowly she rolled her hips in a series of short thrusts that bounced against his hips. His cock pushed in with a lewd slick sound before sliding out, the steady feel of his girth pulling inside of her made her close her eyes and simply concentrate on the feelings.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Vanir didn't know if it was the best or worst sensation of his life. Lily's hips slammed up against his own so he intimately felt each inch of the dildo pushed inside of him. The texture of the toy pushed along something in his passage that made his balls clench and he pulled his chin down tight as he tried to slam up against Gwen. Her body spread around him and seemed to suckle around his mottled cock. The scent of her filled his muzzle until he felt as if he were being whipped into a frenzy. He forgot everything, every protest, every fear, all he knew was his rider driving against his loins and the sensation of his balls being pushed up snug against the curve of her soft ass. It made him struggle harder against the restraints trying to fight them off to he could thrust properly.

Her weight bounced against him and each time she pushed down Lily pushed up until he could feel the lubricant being shoved deep inside of him. Her hips pushed snug against his and her naked body brushed against his chest. His mind was filled with the scent of female, female, FEMALE. He squealed out and started jerking his hips back and forth as much as he could and darted his head forward. He wanted to hold her with his teeth. He wanted to grip her shoulder while he bred her! He wanted her! Everything about her! His entire body trembled as his cock started to throb and the constant teasing over his prostate had his balls tensing up and pulling up snug against his inner thighs. He was blind to everything, even the fact he could feel himself near frothing in lust.

Gwen beat him to the mark first. Her body suddenly drove down against his hips and her hips shuddered before he felt her silken slick walks contracting around him. Her body trembled as each ripple sent him closer to the edge while Lily never paused. Her hips constantly pounded beneath him and thoroughly penetrated his tail hole. He felt his cock tip swelling and the walls stretching around him as his cum slit pushed out and it mushroomed wide. The first pulse of pleasure ran through him to the feel of the dildo's thrusts growing faster. The pony screamed out his pleasure as a hot flood of his seed erupted from his tip to splatter inside of his rider. His body trembling, shaking, twisting as he rode out the blinding pleasure.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gwen didn't know what she had been expecting as she pushed herself down to hilt the pony inside of her. She could feel Vanir's body still jerking, both from his own muscles and Lily beneath him and then she felt his balls draw up tight along her ass. His cock tip swelled open and for a moment it almost felt as if she wouldn't be able to contain him. Her walls clutched around his shaft before she felt a sudden hot ribbon of seed spilling out of him. It came out with enough force she felt it hitting against her cervix. She pushed her hips down and purposefully ground against him as Vanir's head was thrown back and an equine scream reached her ears. Each pulse and flex of the mottled cock sent a new ripple of pleasure through her. The medial ring ground and rubbed along her passage when she shifted her hips slightly.

She rode him until he went limp beneath her and relaxed against the bonds around his arms and legs. His head leaned back and she watched as his corseted chest rose and fell rapidly. She wasn't much better; her breathing was just as ragged and shaky as each aftershock of the cock twitching made her grind her hips down against him again. The tip of him remained swollen, but she could feel him starting to soften inside of her body and pull backwards. A thick trail of heavy seed was being left in its wake. She finally shifted her weight and pulled her hips up until the pony let out a whimper. The tip of him popped free with a lewd noise and spilled a trail of seed down over his cock and towards the darkness of his balls.

"There's my good pony.." She whispered and ran her nails lightly along his chest. The dazed Vanir raised his head and his brown eyes didn't seem to focus right as he blinked at her.

"I'm next. And while I'm busy I think our pretty pony should clean his Mistress after she gave him such a nice ride." Lily's voice was muffled and she felt Vanir jerk slightly. Oh what a Halloween it would be.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The next morning a red faced and awkwardly walking boy exited the Beta Delta house. He didn't talk to anyone or say anything the entire way home. Embarrassment, confusion and humiliation were written clearly on his features despite the rumors that he'd spent the night at the sorority. By the next week tales of the screams and moans that came from the house became a sort of legend. The slightly feminine young man found himself elevated to the height of both mystery and sensual adventures when it came to the co-eds. By the end of the month he was getting several invites a week to spend the night at various houses. It was like something out of his most desperate dreams.

Despite his luck and new won reputation, there was one thing that changed that he never admitted to anyone. Not even when many asked and pleaded. No one knew what had happened at the Beta Delta house. What they did know is nearly every weekend he could be seen slipping out after dark and pounding on the door. He never left until after dawn, but by the noises that came from the house it was obvious it was for good reason. Some girls even offered up substantial bribes to be allowed to visit the Delta house on those nights. No one was ever admitted. Vanir's life had seemed to make a turn for the better as far as college life went. Strangely enough no one even picked on him when he started wearing a thin silver collar around his neck with a single charm hanging from it. A freshly cleaned copper coin with a Wyrm designed into it.