Bonds of Love (7)

Story by Neko Hoshi on SoFurry

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#7 of Bonds of Love series

and thus the stories shall speed up some a little bit o3o

Chapter seven

Bloody Tea

I open my eyes slowly seeing a bright light. I closed my

eyes again feeling the sharp pain in my shoulder when I tried to sit

up. I opened my eyes seeing Kino. I shouted out for him "Kino!" I got

out of bed going to him a nurse came in pushing me back down. Telling

me to sit down she told me that I was drugged and shot. After the

nurse left the room I walked over to Kino "Hey love." He looked at me

smiling. His shoulders and his legs were bandaged "You came out worse

than I did," I walked to the front of the bed checking how long he is

going to stay and I grin "This is funny. Kino, love your staying here

for a whole week." I can hear him groaning I go and get my clothes on. I sit

on the edge of the bed kissing him gently. I got off when I heard the

doorknob turning "Good luck Kino." I ran to the window checking how

high up we were and we were only on the first floor. The nurse came in

looking at me "Sir please sits down this instant." I looked back at

her "Um...bye." I opened the window jumping out the impact of the jump

made me fall back down. I stood up wobbly looking up to the window

where the nurse was looking out from "Take care of my boy friend for

me. BE GOOD KINO!" I ran away the hospital hearing the nurse screaming

out for me to be stopped.

Friday morning I walked into the hospital room where Kino

was being held. The nurses looked at me with sour looks "Hey I paid

for our room last night doesn't mean I'll do that again." I heard a

few curses coming from them I wanted to tell them I was gay, but

seeing I was having fun I didn't. I walked in the room kissing Kino's

cheek. He was looking better "Hey baby I see your making the girls go

mad," I laugh a bit "Before I forget." He opened the cabinet taking out my necklace "How did

you get this?" "Oh you dropped it I think when I woke up it was in my hand." I wasn't sure what happened and

how he got this. "Thank you for getting it for me." I kiss his cheek

"Hey Kino I found this cute little coffee shop called "Angel's Blood

Café doesn't it sounds so cute doesn't? I'll meet you there after

school ok sweetie. You get out thirty minutes after the usual time we

get out of college, and it's like a ten minute walk to here from

there. I'll wait for you there." He nodded his head "Ok then I love

you baby." I blushed and kissed his cheek where he whispered "I'm

going to get you in bed and rip those cloths off of you and tear your hole biting away at your body." I blushed

hard "Good luck sweetie and I love you too."

I looked into the coffee shop and then walked inside holding my sash

bag close to me. A shy boy with wavy blond hair and blue eyes, average

height looks at me "Um will you sit down please." I smiled and sat

down "Can I have green tea and a slice of that lemon cake please." "Of

course." I looked threw my bag taking out a book and a pen writing

down small notes on the side for quick notes of the Café. I looked

back into my bag and see the only thing I have is books and a few note

books. The waiter came back almost falling down "S-Sorry about that."

He put the slice of lemon and the tea down going back to the counter and

coming back placing down a slice of pumpkin pie. "Um excuse me I

didn't order the pumpkin pie." "Um that man over there ordered it for

you." He point to the man. He looked like a gothic man he was dressed

head from toe in black and had chains linked together as his belt, he

also wore black skinny jeans, with a spike caller on, his ears pierces

with a type of stone I never seen before, his lower lips were also

pierced almost like hooks, his eyes looks like sea green, and his hair

jet black. He looked at me and smiled. I looked away quickly. "May I

sit down?" I looked at where the voice came from and it was the guy.

"Sure?" He sat down "Do you like the pie I ordered?" "I haven't eaten

it yet." He got the fork and cut a small piece of the pie and placed

it near my mouth "Open up" I blushed and opened my mouth. He moved his

other hand after he fed me touching my face gently I smacked his hand

away "Don't touch me." "Tell me about your boy friend." I didn't say

anything to him. "I see so you don't know much about him at all. That

sounds just like him to keep secrets from his lover." I look back at

him "What are you talking about?" He stood up and headed for the door

"Come and follow me to find out what I mean then. Well coming?" I

looked down then back at him. "I'll be right out. Can I have the cheek

please?" The waiter came and then I gave him the money telling him to

tell Kino to finish up and then to read the book cover to cover he

nodded his head. I wrote in the book 'Going to follow this guy who

says he knows you I got twenty minutes to kill. Love you -Brian' I ran

out and looked at the man and followed him.

After a while of walking he came to a stop and I stopped behind him he

looked back at me. "Why are you still following me?" "Well if I turned

around and try to run then you friends will stop me and force me to

follow and I ran walk on my own two legs than being dragged." "I see."

We walked inside a building and told me to sit down in there. A guy

came in he carried a knife two other guys came in caring guns. I sat

down and closed my eyes thinking back to the days after me and Kino

first kissed. "I only have books in my bag and a few notebooks."

* * * * * * * * * * *

It was our last year of high school. Whenever I saw him with his

friend I ran and hid behind a wall or run in the classes or bathroom.

He all ways did a double look when he though he saw me. I knew what he

was going to say he was going to say 'He didn't know what he was doing

that he was caught up in the moment.' He saw me again and instead of

looking again he decided to follow me. I couldn't make him get away

from me he followed me until he finally caught up to me. "Hey hold on

you. You have been around every time I saw you. Why you running from

me?" I didn't look at him "Because I know you were just caught up in

the moment and didn't mean to kiss me." "Then answer me this why am I

here then?" I didn't say anything and I looked up at him. "You don't

have an answer do you?" I shook my head. "It's because I want to go

out with you. Well I guess you wouldn't have known that seeing I was

always a rotten bitch to you." He touched my cheek gently and I

blushed he leaned forward and kissed me gently. I pulled away blushing

like mad. He spoke gently to me "Will you be my..." the bell rang

cutting him off. I didn't want to know what he had to say so I ran and

he ran after me. I ran faster until I couldn't see him anymore I was

near the back entrance where the weight room is at I didn't see him

around. I stopped, and l looked back just in case he was coming and he

wasn't I started walking backwards until I bumped into something. I turned to see him. I tried to

run away again, but this time he grabbed my wrist forcing me to the

wall. "Listen to me first" I opened my mouth he knew I was going to

scream for help so he covered my mouth with his hand. I heard

footsteps probably from a teacher nearby he growled and took me into

the workout room. I could hear his heart pounding he looked at me and

he pulled his hand away from my mouth kissing me so I wouldn't scream.

He took off his shirt and tried to take off mine as well. He started

kissing my neck and he whispered something in my ear I only heard

'tonight' he tugged on my pony tail, I have emo hair but I tie it back

not really wanting people to see it. It feels so good thogh with him pulling on my hair.

I lay down on my bed and took a deep breath I touched my lips where

Kino touched them with his own. I cheeked the time it was 8 o'clock.

The prom would be starting in one hour. I wasn't going with anyone and

I didn't ask anyone to go with me. There was Kino, but I don't think

he'll want to go with me. I took a shower and laid down on my bed

again only having a towel I ran my hands threw my hair I like my jet

black hair, but I never was obsessed with it like some guys or girls.

I heard the doorbell being ringed I didn't really care who it was I

looked around my room almost everything is packed up my parents were

very clear they won't have a gay child living under their roof, but

they said I could live here until I graduate which was in one week,

five more days. My grandfather Joe, or how he prefers to be called

Uncle Joe, he told me that he has a house in southern CA. And, that I

can live there and when he dies I am

going to be given everything. He knows about me liking guys and

learned what my parents were doing to me. So, he cut them out of the

will leaving me everything he had. My parents called me down I didn't

move at all or respond to them. The door opened and I closed my eyes

pretending that I fell asleep after my shower. "Really you fell asleep

when I told you I'm taking you to prom tonight?" I opened my eyes

realizing I only had a towel on. "Kino don't look." I tried to cover

myself with my blanket. "I'll be waiting down stair when you're ready

to go." "Go where?" "To the prom duh." I blushed and nodded my head. I

was now glad I rented a tux. I went into the bathroom with the tux I

brushed my hair quickly I got dressed quickly. I almost fell down

every time I took a step. I looked at myself at the mirror seeing

myself in a tux, black dress shoes, my eyes shined a different way

tonight that usual, and my hair seemed healthier than ever glowing, no

split ends or anything tonight. I grabbed my hair band about to tie my

hair back like always but I set it down thinking 'that's the old me

it's time for me to move on from them and her.' I know it will be the

most painfulness thing to do. I straightened my hair and used hair

spray to keep it in place above my weaker eye, right eye, I took a

deep breath looking at my hair it was close to my mouth. I left the

bathroom being pleased with what I looked liked I started walking down

the stairs as Kino stood at the bottom waiting for me. He had a camera

and took pictures of me as I came down he tossed the camera to my

father who only took two pictures of us one together and one picture

of Kino kissing my cheek. My father tossed the camera back to Kino. We

left the house my parents didn't say anything to me at all. As we

walked outside I saw his old beat up motorcycle. I laughed slightly

saying "Let's take my car" I took out my keys handing it to him he

looked at it and pressed the unlock button to the black car with the

internal red. Kino spoke "As black as the night and as red the passion

between us." I blushed hard at that. He opened the passenger door for

me. I grinned at him getting the keys back "I'm going to show you

something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, ok?" he nodded

his head I whispered "Ghost can I ask a favor from you?" my guardian

who I call Ghost came in front of me and Kino in his physical form.

His eyes as white as the full moon, his skin pale, body of an adult

but mind of a killer at times, he had silver hair which shined in the

night light, and he was attractive. He said yes taking the keys from

me as I slid into the back with Kino. He was scared to say the least

but he was fine with it.

Once we got to the prom everything was perfect we took our pictures

again and went inside. The night was almost a blur, but it was a good

night I can remember our last dance being a slow one. Once the prom

was over I held his hand he said he was going to take me to his place.

It was old and seemed like it was going to fall to the ground he told

me his parents kicked him out at the age of fifteen. So he lived by

himself, I felt sad for him, he looked at me and laughed "Hey don't

get sad for me they didn't kick me out cause I was gay or anything

they were fine with that they weren't fine with me. They said 'they

never wanted me to be born to start with that I was trash and should

be treated like trash' so I raised my self." He opened the door to let

me out of the car. I smiled and hugged him. He kissing my forehead. He

picked me up saying "I hope you let me...I promise I won't go hard but

no promises seeing this is kind of like my first time" he blushed hard

and I noticed his virginity ring. I pulled out my own and slipped it

on he looked at it and I also blushed hard. Once we were in his room

it looked like it's been abandoned for a while with a few new things.

"It's not much, but I call it home" "It's cute and has that feeling of

love and kindness with a bit of pervert." Some porn magazines on

the floor and some were open up to two guys making love taking off

each others clothes. He laughed a bit and took me to the bed where

our lips met again I laid down, and he got on top of me lifting my

shirt off I had my hands around his neck. He got me fully naked and he

soon took off all of his clothes. We embraced each other and I never

let go of him. He took my hand making me wipe off the stuff I

got on him he sucked on each of my figures licking them slowly. I

laid on top of him as he stroke my back comforting me I kissed his

neck and smiled. He was wrong he was gentle, but he got a bit rough

near the end though.

I finally graduated from school and headed off south where I would

live and attend college thanks to Uncle Joe. I will be studying for my

medical and law degrees. I'll choose which one to be the major and which one will be the minor degree. I packed up everything double checking if I

missed anything and when that was done I started up the car. I wanted

to see Kino before I went south. Once I got to Kino's place he was

arguing with probably was the manager. He was tossing Kino's stuff to

the road yelling at him and I knew what I had to do. I press down on

the petal hitting the brakes before it hit the manager who screamed,

and jumped out of the way even when the car stopped moving. I got out

of the car and went over to Kino "What's going on?" "That jack-ass is

kicking me out because I didn't pay the rent this month I told him to

give me some time and he just lost it and started kicking me out!" I

took a pause to think, and came up with an idea "Come live with me you don't need that baka." He growled

"Ok let me just get my stuff together." I took a mental note that he

hates being beaten.

He didn't have much stuff only a week supplies of cloths and gay porn

magazines. He looked back at the manager and spoke to me "I'm sorry you

had to see that. Just people who are like jack-asses I just can't stand

them." I hugged him tightly and started the engine again and we headed

to our new life together.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I took a deep breath again. It's been one

week since these people kidnapped me. My caretaker came into the room saying

"Are you doing ok?" "Can I have some

tea?" he nodded his head ordering one of the two guy who where in the

other room to get the tea. He came back and I drank it quickly taking

a deep breath.

I knew what I had to do. I overheard them the other day saying that

once they get Kino that they'll kill us both. My caretaker left the

room, but I could see Ghost floating above him ready to take his body.

"Now!" I stood up quickly hearing screams

from the other room, and blood was splashed on the ground. I stood near the door when the caretaker opened the door. I

smiled "We have to kill them all?" "This is only a small group a

fraction of a sub group that wants to get rid of you two and those

group of vampires that you use to be with and loved." I nodded my head

"Well I got to at least get rid of these people so we can escape." I picked up a gun as a

group of five came into the room. Ghost still possessing my

caretaker sliced right threw them cutting their necks with the blade he carries on him. "There are only ten more guys left here." "Got it let's go."

I looked at the person that looked like the head of the medical group

here. I walked up to him as Ghost said "This one here is bleeding and

has been attacked we need to keep him alive remember bosses orders."

He nodded his head. He came close to cheek me out. I shoved the gun in his mouth firing quickly without a second thought. I washed the blood off my face. I looked back at

Ghost who was still in the his body. "Where next?" he pointed foreword.

I closed my eyes changing souls to James my second soul, selling my

soul to get James is useful I suppose. When me and James trade places

I can still hold some control of my body but barely.I clenched my

knuckles and ran in shooting the guards heads near the door. Ghost sliced three guys' heads off

nether one of the people knew what to do. They fell down on the

ground. I kicked one guy's head taking aim at the one next to him shooting quickly.I looked back where I heard someone clapping. It was the one who

told me to come and follow him, Ghost ran straight towards him the man

placed the gun on his head using his other hand to pull out a gun that

he used to shoot both shoulders making his arm

unusable. He grinned Ghost knew what was going to happen next so he

jumped out of the body. "M-Master don't kill me please." He kept

begging as the leader fired making him fall to the ground the bullet

easy seen where it was shoot at. "Impressive. Mind control I think.

Controlled the person who cared for you so it is an easier. Might as well..." he appeared behind me covering my mouth I

couldn't move "give up and give in to me." He

touched my ass I couldn't move I was running out of air.

When I woke up I was strapped down fully naked as the man who

kidnapped me came in. "You cause a large

mess killing all my men. Maybe that's why your boy friend been around

for a while or because he loves tight asses." I shivered as I felt his

hand on my ass. He came over to me strapping my head down blind

folding me. "Kino will kill you if you rape me!" "Well your boy friend

isn't here is he?" I felt a blade cutting down my legs. The warm blood

sliding down my skin. I screamed out "KINO!!! KINO!!! SAVE ME!!!"


I growled I felt so weak they took Brian right under my nose.

It's been one week since they took him I was pissed I couldn't do shit

to help him I punched the wall accidentally make a hole. "Fuck!" I

wrote down what else I need to fix or get replace I felt kind of

guilty break almost everything in the house. I couldn't even go to

class without a new rumor about Brian. Saying that he left me. I growled louder punching a door it fell down shortly

after. I growled at my weakness, adding the door to the list. It was

getting dark so I decided to go and get the new vases, dishes,

windows, chairs, table, T.V., and other stuff. At least no one will

bug me when I had to get the new stuff. I took a deep breath this

reminded me about the week after our first time. I got edgy really edgy.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I got rough on him but I loved it his body

got tense when I forced myself into him. He grabbed a vase telling me

to let go. I didn't listen to him so he smashed it on my head making

me let go and he ran into the living room I chased after him tackling

him down. He let out a scream I felt his nails digging into my back

trying to stop me I could feel my blood coming out of my body. I heard

a loud bang at the door. It was the police they came seeing someone

probably got worried when Brian screamed and shouted to let go.

I didn't care what they were saying I kept slamming Brian's ass he let out a small

scream. "Open up or we'll break down the door!" I picked up Brian

making sure I was still in him. He pressed his hands on the glass,

where we cheek who was at the door, but I forgot Brian had my blood on

his hands which didn't look good for me when I opened the door. And it

was my turn to get tackled down they pointed a gun at me saying I have

the right to be silent. Brian shouted "No stop he's my boy friend!" he

pushed one of the guys out of the way he and blushing hard. He never

liked being naked in front of other people. The police then understood

what we were doing and they blushed and apologized running away from

the house. I grinned and laughed "And here I thought you were going to

let them take me." Brian slapped me across the face and pouted. I went

over to him kissing his neck he blushed and held me tightly. I told

him that I get horny when I'm around him and I want to be in him badly.

He understood and always let be with him in the same bed each night.

* * * * * * * * * * *

As I drove around I saw something always up ahead it

seemed like a shadow like from before. I didn't think. I just did what

I had to do. I followed the shadow. It's was weird though it waited for

me then left until I caught up to it when it wanted me to take a turn

it would point to the direction.

I came to a dead end and the shadow was gone. I cut off the

engine and stepped out I looked around I didn't see the shadow I was

following. It wasn't behind me or anything. There was only one door I

decided to go inside I heard Brian's scream he

was deeper inside "KINO!!! KNIO!!! SAVE ME!!!" I could feel my blood

boiling inside of me. Some ass face was touching something that

doesn't belong to them. "Ghost I know you can hear me so lead the

way." All the doors closed I could hear the person from inside saying

"Who the hell is there?!" Slowly one door opened up I could hear others

opening up also. A sword floated and went to me I grabbed it knowing

that Ghost wants me to kill the person. As I ran quickly I saw dead bodies all around the entire place smelled like fresh blood a smell I will never get use to. I didn't open any doors I followed the open ones. I saw

Brian and a guy unzipping his pants "You better shut up no one is

going to come now it will be too late." I clenched my fist point the

blade for him walking slowly "Any final words, because after I cum in

you I'm going to kill you." I slide the blade into his spine it felt

weird the blade sliced right threw his skin as if it was butter I pull

the blade back, and tossed his lifeless body to the wall which left a

blood stains. I looked over at Brian. I started blushing and got hard

the first thing that crossed my mind was 'get in him'. I could feel my

it pressing on my pants wanting out. I unzipped my pants taking it

out. Brian's legs were all ready spread out might as well. I shoved myself in. Brian

moaned he enjoyed it.

After I was done I started to unstrapped Brian. He didn't

move at first he was still panting. He stopped after a while. He only had

his blind fold on I went over, and started to take it off him "I knew you'd save me." I looked at him and kissed him. I picked him up as the sword I used began to float I can only imagine ghost was carrying it. I opened the passenger's door and lied Brian down he had cuts on his legs, on his chest, and his back. I

opened the trunk for Ghost to put the stuff in. "What

happened in their Ghost?" Ghost took his physical form and looked at

me with his white eyes they were always so cold. "I killed them

all." He said it so calmly that it gave me a chill that ran down my

spine. "Got it." I cheeked on Brian he looked so defenseless how can

he have a guardian like him a killer. It made me wonder if I have a

guardian like that. "You don't only he does. He traded something by

accident and I was dragged here to protect him." He could read my mind

great. "I will protect him until the day I die." When I turn to look at Ghost again

he was gone. "I swear to you I will protect him and love him to the day we die."