
Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#1 of Lessons in Life, Love and College

Guest star Raven Hunt owned by,

All other characters belong to silverfox05 or Myself.

Recently Updated.

Comments are Always welcomed.

Late one sunny Tuesday afternoon I was driving home after a long day of work, and as I pulled up in front of my home then exited my car I walked towards the front door. I stopped briefly at the mail box to see if the mail had arrived at all, but when I opened the lid then peered inside the mailbox it was empty. So I closed the lid slowly then finished walking up the path and into my home.

After closing the door behind me I placed my keys on the small desk near the staircase, "Hello?! Mom are you home?" I asked calling out through the house. Sadly I received no response that told me mom clearly had gone out to run errands. Until I heard something moving around but, couldn't place the source of it. Sure enough footsteps could be heard from upstairs near the master bedroom.

As footsteps moved closer to the stairs followed by my mother coming into sight. Luckily it was my mother noticed I was home and was rather happy to see me. "Oh, hi sweetie I thought that was you calling, sorry washing clothes." Winny Baldric replied. The mature Red Wolf female slowly walked down the staircase towards me. Not wasting much time we approached each then gave one another a warm hug hello.

"Ah, well that certainly explains the loud humming upstairs. Oh, by the way did you grab the mail or hasn't arrived yet?" I said letting her go. She stepped back then looked to the side briefly while she thought. "Yes as a matter of fact it came by an hour ago. There's a letter addressed to you from the university you applied to." She informed. So we walked into the parlor together, where I grabbed the letter off the coffee table.

From there I sat down, discarded the envelope then unfolded the letter carefully. Once I opened the letter, read it through carefully making sure not to misinterpret anything. As I read through it a smile began to form on my muzzle. "Well, what does the letter state, hun?" Mom asked. While she stood behind the couch while eagerly looking over my shoulder. So I sat back in my seat then reached back and handed it to her.

"Here, read for yourself mom." I replied. She took it from me then began reading, until a similar smile came to her face. Not bothering waste a second she couldn't contain her excitement at all. "Congrats, hun I can't believe after three years of trying you finally got accepted." She smiled hugging me from behind. I did my best to hug her back since the couch was in-between us as she held me.

"Well I should go get my things ready and packed as quickly as possible, huh. I'd also let the guys know that I'll be moving away to college tomorrow." I said. She let me go then handed the letter back to me and walked towards the kitchen. "While you call, Marcus and Jamiee I'm going to locate some boxes. There might be some saved after we moved into this house." Mom stated.

After she walked out of sight I reached over to grab the house phone and dialed Marcus's cell. After a few seconds a ring tone began to chime on the other end of the line. "Hey Leon, what's up?" Marcus replied answering his phone. "Not, much just figured I share a little good news. That's if you've got a little time?" I stated. "Oh really? What's going on? I just got back from town actually, but I'm free." He informed.

"You know that private university I've been applying to for the last three years?" I stated trying to control my excitement. "Yeah, I thought they'd stopped taking on new students a month ago or something." He pointed out. "Apparently they did but, they're willing to make the exception for me. Since my test scores were so good." I said. "You got in? That's awesome man! I haven't got any replies from my application yet, but I'm hopeful." He said with excitement.

"Yeah, I hope you get word soon Marcus but, I'll let you know where I'm staying, once I'm settled in." I informed. "No problem dude, you'll have to tell me where when you get there." He replied. "Sure, sounds good to me, Marcus I'm gonna let you go, alright. Catch ya later man." I said. "Seeya Leon, have a good one." He said hanging up his end of the phone. "Leon, honey dinner will be done shortly why don't you go get cleaned up." Mom said from the kitchen.

"Alright." I replied after placing the phone down, I got up then went upstairs to wash up. As I entered the bathroom everything that occurred today slowly began to sink in. My life was finally moving forward and I was one step closer to a promising future. Once in the bathroom I didn't take long to wash up and exit the bathroom. As I walked downstairs I grabbed the phone again before walking into the kitchen.

Next I dialed Jamiee's cell phone while grabbing utensils from one of the cabinets. As I waited for the dial tone to sound but, in place of a beep I heard a click instead. This told me that, Jamiee was either at work or away as I was transferred to voicemail. Sure enough his voicemail greeting spoke a short time later. "HIII! So you got my voicemail, Huh? Well if you wanna leave a message I'll get back to ya when I can, 'kay?" It said.

Once I heard the thing beep I wasted no time leaving Jamiee a message on his phone. "Hey, Jamiee it's, Leon I got some good news to share with you. The university I've been trying to get into finally decided to accept my application. In any case I'll catch you later, Bye." I replied hanging up. With that I put the phone back on the stand I sat down. Mom then place dinner down on the table for us and we ate quietly together.

Shortly after we finished eating mother decided to resume looking for all the boxes. Luckily with my help we were able to find quite a few folded up in a nearby storage closet. I took a moment to check the time it was a little past eleven o'clock at night. So we brought everything up to my room then kissed each other goodnight. As I lay on my bed wondering how lucky I was getting into the college of my dreams.

With that I found a comfy spot on my bed then slowly drifted off to sleep. The following morning my alarm clock went off around 7am, so with a light slap. So I shut the alarm function off then crawled out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. Taking a brief moment to relieve myself before turning on the shower in the tub. Next I stripped off my pj's then climbed into the tub to wash up for the day.

After fifteen minutes I dried off, returned to my room and threw on some clean clothes. Before wandering my way downstairs and towards the kitchen for breakfast. It seemed that mother had already left for work seeing as her purse, keys and car were gone. With that out of the way I finished making my way into the kitchen for breakfast. I really wasn't in the mood for anything fancy so I settle for some cereal.

After eating my meal I washed my dish then entered the living room and sat down. The phone started ringing so I grabbed it then answered it a second later. "Hello, Baldric residence?" I said. "HIII Leon! Congrats, on getting accepted!" Jamiee replied excitedly. "Hey, yourself man so I'm guessing you got my message?" I asked. "Nah, I kinda missed your call but I listened to your voicemail when I got home." He stated.

"Ah, well I'm sure you were pretty busy last night. So, yeah thanks I'm still trying to wrap my head around it." I replied. "Soooooo? When're you gonna go see it?" He asked curiously. "Hmm? I've got about two weeks to get my stuff packed and moved there. Since I don't have a whole lot to pack, and luckily the dorms are furnished so all I have to really bring is my computer, clothes, and cleaning supplies." I informed.

"Well, if you need a hand re-decorating gimme a call ok? Oh, and Marcus can probably help ya with the heavy stuff." He stated. "Yep, I'll give either of you fellas a call if I need help. Hey, pass this onto Marcus if and when you do see him. While I'm away at this school would both of you come and visit my mother. Granted I'll be calling her but, I'd like for somebody to stop by the house." I replied.

"Sure! I'll give Marcus a call later okay, but I gotta run now, catch ya later, Leon, Bye!" Jamiee said hanging up. I said goodbye then hung up the phone and placed it on the table. From there I walked upstairs grabbed the boxes then entered my bedroom. The first thing I did was turned off all the electronic devices then carefully unplugged them. Next I wrapped up the cords then labeled them for future reference.

Why should I spend several hours wondering what cord goes to which device later on? After a good forty five minutes all my electronics were all packed up, and after that was done I moved onto my clothes, then my bed, and anything thing I could think of. I did leave a few outfits out, so I'd at least have some fresh clothes handy though. As I looked at my watch I noticed it was getting close to lunchtime so I took a break.

When mom came home for lunch I decided to bring my stuff out to my car. For some reason I was grateful that she convinced me to get the station wagon. Once it was all in I closed the hatch and joined my mother back inside for a nice lunch. As I entered the house I heard my mother in the kitchen cooking something quick for lunch. "So hun, when are you planning on leaving for campus?" Mom asked.

"First thing in the morning, see if I leave early enough I can avoid traffic." I replied. "That's good, just be careful when you go okay?" She stated. "No, problem mom I know better than to start messing around." I said. This strange look came to her face as she set lunch down on the table. "I know hun but, college isn't like high school, there's a lot more going on than you realize." She pointed out.

At that moment my mind stopped in its tracks contemplating what she meant. "Well, just so you know, that sorta stuff went on in high school too." I informed her. "True, it did but, just picture a normal high school Friday night party times a thousand." She remarked. As I thought about what she said the images going through my mind weren't pretty. Somehow I really wasn't really shocked, but more like numb to the info.

Mom had to head back to work so I started doing stuff around the house. Once that was taken care of I finished loading my car then lounged around the house. When mom came home and entered the parlor I had just put the tea kettle on the stove. The moment it started whistling I got up off the couch then brewed us each a cup. We talked for a good while before she got up and made dinner for the night.

After dinner mom did the dishes while I folded the last of the laundry and put them away. After putting them in the linen closet I went back downstairs and watched TV. Mom joined me shortly after, and she ended up leaning against my shoulder after about an hour. When I looked over at her she had fallen asleep so I carefully laid her down. From there I covered her with the blanket hanging over the back of the couch.

Gently lifting her head up, I placed a small throw pillow under her head. Next I turned the TV off then switched the living room lights off and quietly went upstairs, leaving the hallway light on before walking into my bedroom for the night. As I sat in my bed I listened carefully to see if mom would come upstairs and go to bed. Sadly not a peep from downstairs, she must have had a really hectic day.

I crawled under the sheets, found a nice comfy spot and slowly drifted off. Around 4am the next morning my alarm clocked trumpeted causing me to wake up, from there I jumped up in bed then stretch all the while the device continued to blare. Once my mind had finally caught up with the rest of my body I slowly crawled out of bed then walked over to the alarm clock, turned it off, then unplugged it.

After tossing it in the last box I needed to bring with me up to the university the next place I went to was the bathroom down the hall for a quick shower. When the shower head came to life, I kicked off my boxers and walked inside the tub. As the semi luke-warm hit my fur I became more aware of things going on and twenty minutes later I stepped out of the bathroom, dry and fully dressed upon exiting.

I walked back into my room to grab the last box off the floor then left my bedroom. As I walked downstairs then walked out to my car parked on the street. After the box was packed into the back of my car, I went back inside to check on mom. If only to wake her and say my goodbyes, since I didn't want to leave without telling her. She'd tan my furry wolf/fox ass raw if I didn't wake her up to say goodbye.

As I went back inside and entered the parlor my mother was still sleeping soundly, so I kindly rubbed her shoulder till she roused from her sleep and looked up at me. "Hmmm hi baby, what's going on?" She mumbled half asleep. "I'm leaving for campus now so I wanted to make sure you didn't wake up to an empty home. Knowing that you'd have my butt on a silver platter." I replied softly.

She stretched out then sat up straight on the couch. "Oh, you know for a fact I'd have your ass." She stated sounding motherly. Mom stood up a short time later to give me one last hug and a kiss. With our final goodbyes I walked out to my car, while she went upstairs to bed. This way she could get some more sleep on something far more comfy. At least try to after sending her only child off on his way to the university.

As I looked up to her bedroom the light came on then closed the blinds. When the light went off that told me she crawled into be and probably went back to sleep. Before I left for the university, I double checked all my stuff to make sure it was secure. Once everything was in order, I walked to the driver's side and hopped in. I fired up the engine and waited allowing the motor warm up before driving away.

Driving down the street I took one last good look around the small neighborhood. Seeing as I wouldn't be coming back home until some time around late December for winter break. As I reached the off ramp to the highway I waited for the lights to change. Before jumping onto the highway, it would be a good while before I reached the city. Where the university was located and I hope, things won't be crazy like mom warned.

To be Continued.