???: Steel Deacons

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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Robots FTW

Teslaterror's Skeletalized Species/Civilization Sheet

Species Name: Steel Deacon

Origins/Homeworld : Steel Deacons were designed by Rociel for multiple purposes: Missionaries, Officers for Cybertroopers, Spiritual guides, and Teachers

Average Height: 7'0 precisely.

Average Lifespan: They are designed to last a 1000 years before their AI degrades from age.

Intelligence Level: Steel deacons are quite intelligent but they aren't the next HAL, The Deacons posses a highly complex AI capable of Emotion, Philosophical thought, and much more. They are quite human in a way.. you ever see a pair of Steel Deacons play chess then one loses, It will quickly turn into 'Rock-em, Sock-em Robots'!

Civilization Level: Tier 5 (Capable of using Spacecraft)

Civilization Age: Non-applicable

Population: Rociel only produces Steel Deacons in batches of 1000's in case she decides to produce more Cyber troopers; Currently 1000.

Culture(s): Steel Deacons are quite the curious breed of robots, Steel Deacons who have performed the Task of Missionary and have received marks from planetary natives are well known throughout their legions, Steel Deacon #7 who was a missionary to the Arcathion homeworld was painted in marking similar to the tattoos of the scaled brutes of their elders. Scratches, paint, Stickers and such, are something to be respected as it shows experience for those who do what Rociel tasks them, whether it be getting stuck in the middle of a firefight or learning about various alien cultures, Steel deacons are very fond of these physical aspects of their journeys as it gives them a sense of individualism amongst their kin. These Artificial lifeforms tend to be respectful of the dead, They find Flame-based weapons somewhat appropriate to carry in the field of battle because they often are faced with the somber truth of death being a long ways away for them; It is common for a Steel Deacon Officer to incinerate a cybertrooper who died valiantly in the line of duty to show respect, and to prevent their cells to be recycled in the Biomass Regenerators.

Factions: The Cobalt Apostles: The Apostles are the Elite of the Elite amongst the steel deacons, They are noticed by their shining armor and blue coloration for their valiant service, They receive a heavy amount of upgrades to their body in order to be charged with the role of field commander and Grandmasters who are capable of providing the Steel Deacons orders, mainly Goals set by Rociel herself. The position of an Apostle is something that Certain deacons strive for and some will never obtain but the cobalt apostles will guide their less experienced siblings in the ways to become one.

Technology: The Steel Deacons have access to advanced technology, albeit being technology themselves, they mainly have access to weapons and various equipment outfittings like Mirage units for when they are needed to be unseen, Hazardous Terrain Modules for various extreme environments where a Steel Deacon is likely to be trapped (They don't get along with quick sand or bog earth), and various experimental equipment that Rociel is willing to sacrifice a deacon for...Don't ask about #13!

Allies: Cyber Troopers, these cloned soldiers are intertwined with the Steel Deacons, the troopers' cybernetic implants allow them to uplink with a Steel Deacon, effectively creating fireteams and Squadrons. The maximum amount of Cyber Troopers that a Steel Deacon can physically handle is 8 due to the inability to manage so much raw data, the linking of cybertroopers and Steel Deacons is mutually beneficial to both the trooper and the deacon, the deacon is capable of providing danger and scenario assessment to a cybertrooper who is facing immediate danger as well as being able to reassure a soldier who might be panicking from a distance; the part where deacons benefit is incredibly prudent, Steel deacons receive additional processing power from said cybertroopers, enabling more situation awareness and being capable of issuing orders without using a verbal response by wirelessly sending the soldier an order. The relationship between a trooper and the deacon is vital to any operation's success.

Tungsten Hunters, these little conglomerations are the Dogs-of-war so to speak, they are quadrupedal machines designed as guard dogs, scrap harvesters and general company for steel deacon, the Tungsten Hunters aren't that smart, they roughly par on the intelligence level of a feral dog but they make great traveling companions. Steel Deacons love these little Junkyard eating robots because they are particular loyal and easy to control when uplinking with one another, granted the benefits of uplinking with one of these little robotic dogs are limited but steel Deacons can control 16 of them at any given time, making them quite a dangerous force when coordinating that many units. The benefits between these two artificial lifeforms when they are synchronized is terrain awareness, Hunters can run way faster than any deacon could and cover much more ground in a shorter times

Enemies: None unless they are instructed to pursue.

Hostility: Generally friendly to most lifeforms unless explicitly attacked, they are very patient though

Physical Description: Steel Deacons are Humanoid robots that stand proudly in their form, their physiology is somewhat based off of Tyranian anatomy.

Eyes: Steel Deacons can change their Eye sensor color but it depends on the AI's personality

Hair: None

Fur/Scales/Skin: Steel Deacons apart from their armor, have unique type of skin-like armor that protects their arms,

Sexual Dimorphism: None, although some deacons opt for a feminine voice

Sexuality: Err.. Camaraderie can be quite engaging...

Reproduction: Rociel and her brain had an idea when designing the steel deacons and their AI, Why not make it so they can replicate and form an entirely new AI based from two differing Intelligence Artificial lifeforms. A lot of deacons will joke about

Fertilization: Two Steel Deacons will place their hands on a crystalline Data orb then link themselves into that orb, effectively creating a new AI although it will be at its infant stage. Once the New AI is born, it will be placed in the Virtual Training Core to prepare itself for when it obtains a physical body so it isn't as clumsy as some AI who are fresh from Rociel's mind

Gestation: It normally takes a few hours

Brooding (Average # of offspring): Depending on how much data each participating Deacon is carrying, there has been occasions where more than one AI is born from the parent

Abilities/Traits: Steel Deacons don't have much in the way of any abilties beyond their overclocking their Artificial muscles, and linking up to cybertroopers, tungsten hunter as well as various machines, their superfluous design is what keeps them running, they ARE designed to last 1000 years. Steel Deacon's armor protect them anything short of a high intensity laser beams and a cranky netherokinetic esper...