The Spyro Wars Chapter 3: A Lost Cause

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Spyro Wars

Well here is the 3rd Installment of The Spyro Wars. Sorry for it being so late, hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3: A Lost Cause

UER Colony World Desmal

July 16, 2209

1498 Hours

Dermian Apartment Complex, appt no. 23, East side of Marsha City

"Step away from the girl and the Marine you piece of shit!"

They turned around and saw a soldier standing in the doorway. He was pointing an M10 SMG right at them. He was flanked by two other soldiers. Unlike the Marines, they didn't wear shoulder pads and instead wore an insignia for the UER and underneath it read: 'AI'. They were Army Infantrymen, GIs.

"Step away from the girl you Lakador!" The soldier said again. Spyro and Cynder slowly backed off. Spyro spotted another emblem on the soldier's other arm. It was the same that he had seen on Sgt. Malarkey 5 years ago. He must have been of the same rank.

"Wait, Sergeant, we don't want to harm anybody!" Spyro said as he backed up. The Sergeant paid them no mind and he ordered the other GI to grab the girl. She was still in a trance-like state from seeing so much blood so she didn't go without a fight. The Sergeant motioned Spyro and Cynder into the corner of the room with his M10 and they hesitantly complied.

"What the hell did you things do to him?!" One of the other soldiers, a Private, asked as he kneeled down next to the injured Marine.

"We didn't! We found him like this!" Cynder said.

"Stupid Lakadors trying to trick us... I say just shoot them now Sarge!" The other solider piped up. The Sergeant looked like he liked the idea and pointed his gun at them. Hanna saw this and squirmed and kicked the soldier in the face. He screamed and she ran in-between the GI and the two dragons.

"Don't shoot, they aren't monsters! They are here to help! It's Spyro!"

"Spyro?! What the hell difference does it make if his name is Spyro! Little girl, these creatures are here to kill us all!"

Miller stirred. He was still a bit woozy, but was conscious nonetheless.

He opened his eyes to find two weirdly looking Lakadors next to a wall. An Army Sergeant had his gun pointed at them and Hanna was standing in-between them. What? Why was she there? That was dangerous! Why was she protecting these creatures? Wait, something about them... seemed familiar... Miller couldn't exactly place it but he felt like he knew them. They weren't Lakadors, he knew that much... were they... Dragons?

He seemed to know them... though he couldn't explain why. He tried to sit up and he managed to cough. He had to protect Hanna though. He crawled in front of them, much to the soldier's surprise.

"Don't... don't shoot her..." Miller managed to say. The Army GIs lowered their guns. Spyro and Cynder let out a sigh of relief and they went over to Miller and tried to help him regain his strength.

"Sarge... what should we do?" One of the soldiers asked.

"I guess we don't shoot them... whatever they are..." The Sergeant asked.

"Well if they aren't Lakadors then what are they?" The other one inquired.

"I told you... he's Mr. Spywo. He's here to help us!"

"Spyro... where have I heard that name before..."

"Isn't that an ancient video game character?"

"Ancient?!" Spyro asked, a bit offended at the statement. Cynder glared at the soldier. The soldier spotted this and backed off a bit.

"What the hell is a video game anyway?!" Spyro asked, a bit frustrated. Miller moaned.

"Fuck the video game, hey, what's your name Marine?" The Sergeant asked approached the Miller who lay on the floor next to them.

"Cpl. Shaun Miller sir..." Miller grunted as blood oozed from his wound. One of the privates pulled out a needle and injected a hormone that promoted cell regeneration. It also contained Morphine to kill the pain.

"So what is a video game already?!" Spyro was really starting to get frustrated.

"Come on I'll show you!" Hanna tugged on Spyro's foreleg and led him to her apartment. The Army GIs scanned the halls for any Lakadors. She grabbed her father's Playstation 3 and a few games. They took it to the apartment Miller had secured and they plugged it into a television. They had to use an adapter for the ancient video game console but they got it up and running.

Hanna grabbed a game entitled "The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning" and put it in. Spyro watched in awe as he watched his... as well as the lives of his friends retold in this 'video game'. Every word, every event, every fight... it was all there... and it was supposed to have been made 200 years ago...

"How... are we just a myth?" Cynder asked as she watched her actions during that time... her destruction of the dragons and the recollections that it gave her.

"So... this all happened to you guys?" A GI asked.

"Yeah... it did... this is weird... Hanna could I... try?" Spyro asked. She handed him the controller and Spyro immediately found it awfully awkward to hold. It kept slipping from his claws and he had to have Hanna hold it and he press the buttons. It was still very difficult for him to play though... yet... every move he could do, every fight, every breath... it was all there... but how?

"Cynder... are we just made up?" Spyro asked as he let an Army GI play.

"I don't want to be made up..." Cynder looked at the floor.

"I don't think you guys are made up... maybe this has to do with something... I don't know..." Miller said as he straightened himself. He was sitting behind them watching them, but he had to rest for the hormone to take effect.

"Well one thing that I am wondering is why the power has stayed on so long..." One GI asked.

"Maybe there is a back up generator or something..."

"Or maybe there are still people at the power plant."

"That could be true... but who?"

"Wait... the Desmal Defense Facility runs off of the cities power grid... so maybe there are some UER soldiers over at the power plant keeping it running so we could power the place!"

"That's probably true! We should probably go and get them to safety... there's no reason to keep that place powered now." The Sergeant said to his squad. They nodded.

"Well wait, wouldn't it be easier to rest a bit before going?" Spyro asked. The GI looked at him and considered his suggestion. Though his expression told Spyro that he had a bit of distrust in him.

"Well we did just get here and we need to get provisions for the trip ahead. The Power Plant is outside Marsha City. We need to find a safe way out of the city first before we can get to the power plant."

"What about the subway station, it goes outside the city and it connects to the sewers which go to the Power Plant." Miller suggested as he straightened himself.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's hunker down here for a bit before going." Spyro sighed, as did Cynder. Finally they could rest. The rain outside was still coming down and Spyro wondered what this city would have looked like if the war had never come here. While the Army GIs and Hanna played the games, taking turns every time the character died, Spyro walked over to the window. This was sort of an insult to Spyro... seeing him die like that over and over again. He sighed and remembered that it was just a game... but all that had really happened to him.

As he peered outside, he saw skyscrapers and huge buildings that were only rivaled by the ones in the Dragon city of Dale back in the Dragon Realms. There were destroyed buildings, broken concrete, basically destruction everywhere. It would have been nice to see what it might have looked like before.

"Spyro? What's on your mind?" Cynder said, walking up. She was tired of watching them play the game and how much they portrayed her as the bad guy. True, she had been back then, but she was just tired of watching it.

"Oh nothing... just thinking of how Karson described the cities back in the Human Realms when they weren't piles of rubble. He said that they were beautiful."

"Yeah... well maybe there are places that still are..."

"Yeah... just like you..." Cynder smiled and kissed Spyro on the cheek. He closed his eyes and smiled as well. The rain splattered against the window and they walked off and decided to watch them play the game some more.

By now they had reached Tall Plains and Spyro watched as one of the GIs started to get the hang of the game and managed to send a group of Apes with their tails between their legs as he beat the shit out of them. It got a laugh out of Cynder to see just how pathetic the Apes really were.

It felt odd for Spyro to watch this... it hadn't been that easy to do that. He remembered actually feeling pain when an ape hit him with something. They only got to hear the grunt that the character made and a small red bar at the corner of the screen dropped as he took more hits. Spyro sighed and looked away. The rain provided a nice retreat soundtrack that soothed the purple dragon.

Cynder sat down and looked at Spyro. Spyro seemed to be looking off into space. She turned her attention to Miller who sat behind the Army GIs playing the game. The Sergeant had walked over to the kitchen and had kicked back in a chair. Another GI was watching as Hanna tried to help another beat the level on Tall Plains.

Miller however just stared off into space. He would occasionally raise his hands and look at them, his mind possibly racing in thoughts as he stared at them. Cynder looked at Hanna's hands. They seemed odd to her. Then it hit her. She had never seen a naked human hand before. Every Marine she had ever seen before now had been wearing a glove of some kind. This was the first time she actually saw the human hand for what it was. She saw the nails and the soft markings that the small girl had that were her palm print.

She also saw how their legs looked like without the camouflage colored pants that the Marines always wore. Their skin was so much different from hers. She was covered in scales while they were exposed to the elements. She wondered how they had gotten so far while being so exposed to everything. A human looked like they were easy to kill while a dragon was a lot stronger and more durable. Then it hit her. The reason why they had advanced so far was because humans were more creative and they had a sense of survival that was only matched by the dragons' own will to survive. Humans may have been covered in soft, pink flesh, but they were dangerous opponents nonetheless.

She sighed and walked over to Spyro who was staring out into the rainy city. As she sat next to him she licked his muzzle which brought him back to reality.

"Oh Cynder... I didn't see you there..." Cynder laughed.

"Of course you didn't. What's on your mind?" She asked while staring deep into his eyes.

"I was just wondering... if this war has really gotten this bad... what has become of Karson and Yahade'? How many humans have been killed in this? I wish I could see my family again..."

"Well Spyro... I'm sure they're out there somewhere... Karson and Yahade' are strong and I'm sure they are somewhere where they can do good."

"Yeah..." Spyro sighed and looked at the television screen with the game still on it. They had beaten the Tall Plains level and had gotten to Munitions Forge. Spyro remembered living those moments. It was interesting nonetheless to whiteness it instead of actually living it.

He walked over to the kitchen where the Army Sergeant had taken a snooze. He sat on the chair with his head drooped down and his helmet over his face. Spyro walked sighed and walked back into the bedroom where they had the game set up and hopped on the bed. It felt even more comfortable then their own beds in the Dragon Temple. Cynder saw him do this and hopped up as well.

"Oh... this is really comfy." She said as she felt its soft fabric against her scales.

"I'm glad you like it." Spyro said as he snuggled against her. Miller watched them and sighed. It looks like he'd have to find another place for that night. The rain continued to beat down on the apartment and one of the Army GIs started to rub his stomach.

"Damn I'm hungry... any food around here?" He asked. Miller tried to get up and the other Army GIs helped him up.

"Yeah... I managed to scrounge up some food and if the gas is still on, we can whip up something." Hanna squealed in delight. She hadn't eaten anything in a few hours.

"Food sounds good... Spyro?" Cynder said as she turned to Spyro.

"Yeah... food sounds good too!" They both hopped off the bed and walked into the kitchen with the other soldiers. Their entrance awoke the Sergeant and he grumbled as he almost fell out of the chair.

Miller grabbed a couple of canned food out of his pack and started to open them and put their contents on a plate before warming it up in the microwave. Spyro hadn't see Miller do this and had already grabbed a can and tried to open it with his teeth. Hanna giggled and the sight and one of the soldiers laughed as Spyro had the can in his mouth and dug his teeth into the metal. He looked at the soldier laughing at him.

"What?!" He said even though the can was still in his mouth. Cynder joined in the laughter. The Sergeant walked over, retrieved the can from Spyro's mouth, and opened its tab lid. Spyro smiled sheepishly. He put the contents on a plate and slid it over to Spyro. Spyro, lacking thumbs, was forced to eat it like a dog would. Cynder joined in and Miller, the GIs and Hanna sat down at the table and started on the food.

When they finished, they cleaned up and Spyro burped aloud. He blushed and covered his mouth while the others laughed at him. By now, Miller could walk by himself as the hormone worked to heal the wound.

They all heard a low rumbling sound and the building shook. They opened the apartment door and walked down the halls, weapons at the ready. They went to the front of the building and saw a huge group of Lakadors about to clear out the building.

"Damn... we should get going..." The Sergeant said to his men who nodded. They all started to the back of the apartment building and Hanna kept Mr. Nunu close. They got to the rear of the building and came to the courtyard in the back. On the other side there was another apartment building. The rain fell in heavy sheets across the courtyard.

"We should go rest there for a bit before moving on!" The Sergeant said. They ran inside a covered walkway over to the new apartment building. They entered and they saw Lakadors raiding that building. It wouldn't be long before they came here.

"Alright... any of you guys know how to get to the power plant from here?"

"Like I said, the subway tunnels should lead us right there. The Subway station should be near here. It's just down a few more streets and we can get inside." Miller said as he sat down. Spyro and Cynder watched the rain fall and they felt a low rumble.

"What the hell was that?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Probably a building collapse or something. Let's go see if there's anything useful here that we can use." The Sergeant said. They nodded and walked down the halls. As they went, they inspected apartments and found many empty, but one caught their attention. As they entered, they found a whole family... dead... their bodies strewn across the living room in their last moments. Little girls lay on the couch, their gaze fixed. The mother and father were also present, the father sat against the wall, dark energy marks present on his chest. A pistol lay on the floor next to the father which suggested that he tried to defend his family until the end. The mother was next to her girls, comforting them. The soldiers gawked at the sight.

"By the ancestors..." Cynder said as she looked at the scene.

"What happened here?" Spyro asked in a low quavering voice. This was a horrible scene! He had seen atrocities committed when he fought the Dark Master... but this was a horrible scene! A whole family... murdered like this... he was sure this sort of thing happened regularly, but this was astonishing! He had once considered the Lakadors friends... but this was just too much.

"Damn Lakadors... if only we could have come sooner..."

"So this sort of thing has happened before?" Cynder asked in a fearful voice.

"Just about... there have been some stories about Lakadors committing mass murders like this." Miller explained. As they walked around and inspected the carnage, they heard a sound from another room. The GIs had their weapons at the ready and Spyro and Cynder were ready to pounce. As the GIs kicked the door open Miller and the Sergeant moved quickly into the room and scanned the area with their rifles. Nothing. As they lowered their weapons, Spyro smelled something in the air... a scent coming from... the closet?

Suddenly, the door swung open to the closet and out came a teenage boy and a girl who looked like she was 18. The girl held onto an ancient M16 Assault Rifle and the boy, who looked to be 14, held onto a baseball bat. The girl brought her rifle to bear but lowered it when she saw humans looking at her. Her response changed though when she saw Spyro and Cynder. The M16 was immediately pointed at them and Miller and Hanna hopper in her way.

"Hold on there, they're not here to kill!" Miller said. Hanna gave a nod to what he said. The girl and boy both looked dumbfounded. The Sergeant helped them to their feet and made her point the M16 at the floor.

"What's going on, have we won?" The boy asked.

"No... far from it." A GI piped in.

"What's your names and what happened in here?" The Sergeant asked. Cynder sighed. She was really tired of having guns pointed at her.

"Mine's Crystal and this is my brother Jake." The 18 year old explained. Jake gave a shy nod. He was staring at the dragons.

"What were ya doing in there?"

"We were hiding... from the Lakadors. They came and attacked our family and our father told us to hide in here while he got the rest of the family in here. That's when we heard the gunshots... I grabbed daddies M16 from the trophy case and me and Jake hid in here since."

"Well the Lakadors are gone now. It's safe, but we have to keep moving. You guy's will hafta tag along cause there are lots of Lakadors headed this way."

They both gulped. Regardless, they grabbed some of their belongings and put them in backpacks. The Army GIs watched the door. As they finished, they went into the hallway and ran down the staircase to the lower levels. All along the way they scanned the rooms with their rifles.

As they went down a corridor, a Lakador pair rounded the nearest corner and spotted them. The GIs and Miller fired at them immediately. The lead Lakador was cut down in a hail of bullets. The other fired off a burst of dark energy which caught the Army Sergeant in the chest. He fell over motionless as 5 spheres of dark energy boiled away at his skin. They had to ditch him as several Lakadors rounded the corner and fired.

Spyro and Cynder spat fire balls at the creatures and the remaining GIs fired their rifles. Crystal fired her M16 from the hip while Jake escorted Hanna out of harms way. They managed to fall back to the basement stair well. Miller knew that some of these apartments connected into the sewer system for maintenance. He hoped this was one of them.

"Down the stairs!" He yelled. They didn't waste a moment as they ran down the stairs and into the damp dimply lit basement. Miller used his flashlight and found the door into the sewers. He opened it and an unpleasant smell filled the room. He coughed and motioned them inside. With disgusted looks they went in. Spyro and Cynder were on the verge of throwing up. This place reeked!

"Ah damn, is that crap floating in there?" One of the GIs commented. The two teenagers coughed and Crystal threw up into the muck. Spyro looked away and Cynder gagged. Miller gagged himself and looked on ahead. They had to move via sewers now and if they didn't move fast, the Lakadors would find them. This was not their lucky day...

End of Chapter 3

I know, I know... it's been a month and I said I wouldn't wait this long but I am suffering from lack of motivation and lack of typing time. I wanted to at least submit something before the end of today and I don't like to keep you guys waiting... makes me feel like an ass.