Krystal, Rouge and Renamon 9 - The Grave of Lucas Reloy

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#9 of KRR

"Stupid feckin' wolf!!! I go and get raped by that asshole and he tells us this staff guy lives somewhere in the centre a blommin' city. That could be anywhere!"

Nova didn't care about Terra's moaning now, for she had to get the questions and information she needed out of this guy and quickly as it was getting dark and, if he made a break for it, he would be impossible to find.

Terra coughed and cleared her throat as she began retaining her full Scot accent, "Haggis, *cough*, haggis, *cough*, 'aggis. There we go, perfect."

Terra was confused for a moment and felt something was she had forgotten something.

"Oh right, that's it!" she clenched her fists and focused hard until two black bat wings burst from her back.

"There we go, tha's better. So lass, so ya have any clue at all where this bloomin eagle might be?"

Nova realised she was going to need help, "Terra, call Renamon and tell her to cancel her next booking because I need her back home."

Although angry, Terra knew that one job was a fair trade to getting Sally back and so she did as she was told. The cab soon stopped and the pair got out and meet up with Renamon (who was not best pleased.)

"I was half way through a blowjob when you guys called me."

She wore her bear lingerie with only a coat as warmth.

Terra smiled, "I guess that means no 'hello' hug and kiss then!"

Krystal cut in, "Look, I know where the runaway staff is; I meet up with him yesterday by accident. He lives next door."

Renamon and Terra looked at each other.

"Well, well isn't that a wee bit convenient?"

"Trust me on this one, I bet it's him."

The two were a bit suspicious but Nova dragged them next door anyway. She knocked on the door and waited quite a long time for a reply. Soon, Henry slowly opened the door in his dressing gown, rubbing his eyes as if he just woke up.

"Nova? It's a bit late for a party don't you think?"

Nova smiled at the large eagle and rubbed her hands together, "Well I just thought I'd introduce my friends to you. Renamon, Terra this is Lucas."

The eagle's eyes opened wide with fear and he made a break for it.

"Renamon, fetch!" Renamon was soon down on all fours as she arched her back and sprinted after the eagle. Through the house, through the kitchen and out the back door. Henry jumped into the air as he tried to fly away but Renamon grabbed his legs and threw him to the ground, lying onto of him, smiling and panting.

"Get off me. I won't go back their, I won't."

Nova soon joined the two in the back garden.

"We don't want you to go back....we just need your help."

The three of them rejoined in the living room as Renamon made tea in the kitchen.

Nova sat next to Henry and comforted the bird, "I need you to tell me how you escaped."

Henry took a deep breath and sighed, "I'll start from the beginning. I was only 16 but I needed a job. I was the biggest in all of my classes and I was made fun of for it. Because of the bullying and my slowly demeaning grades I decided to leave school. My mum and dad weren't pleased and they sent me into this city to live with my aunt and get a job. I spent many months looking for one but all the employers said they didn't want someone who had given up on school to work for them. However, one said otherwise. She was a very small girl, looked like a child, but she said she was opening up a new industry and she needed security. She told me the industry wouldn't be favoured by the police so I told her I wanted nothing to do with anything illegal. Then, she began telling me of this industry and herself. How she was picked on for being the smallest in her class or how she was humiliated and ridiculed. She told me the industry would be caring towards me level of intelligence and needs. I believed her. The first year was good. We were given a bed and drawers with shower facilities and suits to wear. The work was easy and the pay was good. Soon, though, she made everyone in the complex wear a sort of collar. She said it was for identification reason but with our salary we dare not question her. It wasn't until everyone was fitted with one that she told us what they were really for. Anyone who would step out of the compound perimeter would set off a timer in the collar. 15 seconds and then a current of electricity that would kill you stone dead. The 15 seconds was so that you could light a final cigarette before you die. The work got harder and we had to hold off police at the gates. Guns fights would ensue and people would die. Some would be arrested and as soon as they were in the van, the collar went off. I lost so many friends to her. She beat us when we were bad and people who mocked her would be killed. She made us watch as she did it. Soon I couldn't take anymore. I had a plan. When everyone was asleep I used my access card to gain entrance to one of the studios. One of the stars had left their latex suits behind and I used that under my collar. Then it allowed me to leave without getting shocked. I then made my way to The Goddess' office and stole some blueprints of the compound. Using them, I followed an old drainage tunnel under the compound from the times when it was an old factory. I escaped from the city and hitch-hiked down south. Eventually I found a patron who would take me in. She was a wolf called Sally and she was hiding other people. There was me, a rat and a bear."

"It was a mouse actually not a rat."

Nova turned round to Terra, "You hid with Sally? Why didn't you tell me?"

"What do you think I let myself get bum loved by a pack of wolves anyway? 'Cause Sally is a friend of Rouge? Does it matter now anyway? Hurry up so we can start planning our rescue."

Nova returned her attention back to Henry. Renamon brought in some coffee to calm the situation down and as a sign of friendship and faith.

"Henry," said Nova in a serious voice as he sipped his coffee, "I need to know where the card and the plans are."

Henry sighed and looked away, too afraid of the consequences if he talked.

"I was friends with Sally. Me and her shared something magical together but she was taken from me. Her home was destroyed and her life partner was killed. She was taken hostage and is now being forced into a public sex role all because of me. My consciousness is very heavy and my patience is wearing thin. I need to know The Goddess' compound inside out so I can rescue her. Please don't let another suffer like you did."

Henry put down his coffee and paced around the room. He was confused about the situation and was still tormented by the thoughts of The Goddess in his head.

"Want is your plan?"

"We are going to break into the facility and rescue Sally."

"That's not good enough... She will continue with this people trafficking if we don't stop her. We need to shut off the machine for the collars and stop her. I'll do it."

Nova stood up in panic, "You can't. We will send in someone who is trained for this and, if they're caught, they might not be killed. The Goddess has a grudge against you and would kill you on the spot. We need the plans and the key card."

"I will give you the plans and the card on one condition," the room silenced as Henry spoke, "kill The Goddess."

Nova was speechless; she had never killed someone she had known before. She had shot down numerous pilots with the Fox team but...this was just murder. Even though she left a growing hatred towards The Goddess, she was still caught in a moral dilemma. She knew The Goddess; it made her more of a person than a target. But she could not refuse and agreed.

"Good, we have a deal. I wanted to forget my old life as fast as possible. I took my collar, card and the plans to the cemetery down town and buried them. The grave site is under the name of 'Lucas Reloy'. Good Luck."

And with that, the three left, knowing enough knowledge to kill The Goddess and end it all.

Terra grabbed a hold of Nova before she opened the door, "Nova, the plans and card aren't goin' anywhere. Get some rest lass, and then go in the mornin'."

Nova wanted to ignore Terra and leave post haste but her body was fading and she needed the sleep. The morning could not have come swifter. As soon as Nova's eyes were open she was out of bed and in the shower. The dye in her fur was becoming weaker and soon it will need to be renewed. She finished her shower, put on some clothes and rushed down stairs.

Terra greeted her as she rushed through the kitchen door, "Good mornin' lass, what'll it be?"

Nova looked at Terra who was rubbing her sore behind as she cooked, "What's the matter Terra, too much rough love?"

Terra snarled at the vixen and returned to her cooking.

"Well in any case yes, it is a good morning but nothing for me thanks I'm gunna find those plans."

Terra paused for a second a sighed, "Well, that makes what I havta ask a wee bit more difficult. One of me regular girls has come down with a stomach bug and can't make her appointment. Please, I need ya to go down to that Cliffton Hotel and meet a client. It's only two blocks away from the cemetery. Please?"

Nova huffed and slopped into one of the chairs, "Fine but I need some toast then."

Terra retrieved her lost smile, "Some toasts for me lovely lass comin' right up!"

"Actually....knowing your culinary skills, I'll make the toast."

The final part of town where Nova had not visited housed the Cliffton hotel. The area was nothing special and was, for what Nova could tell, quite a dump. The houses were only shacks and a lot were boarded up. This side of town was home to an abandoned port which was found on the bottom of a large plateau where most of the east side lay on top. There were large flood, control ditches that stopped the near by Frolow River from overflowing. However, the river was quite dry this time of the year and so the drainage ditches were empty and very deep. The hotel itself looked down at the port as it towered over the mish mash of housing around its base. Nova entered the hotel to find a rather disgruntled otter sitting at the front desk, reading the newspaper.


The otter did not look away from his newspaper. Nova saw he wore a nametag saying, 'If you cared, my name is COLIN'.

"I don't like being ignored now; I don't know where you come from Colin but where I come from that's a bit rude."

The otter lowered his newspaper to show of his expression of boredom and resentment.

"Welcome to the Cliffton hotel, how may I help Mrs Bitch?"

Nova ignored the snide remark and got about with her business, knowing that she was so close to getting Sally.

"I have a gentlemen waiting in room 39, he left a key for me did he not?"

The otter looked about on the desk and finally produced a small, rusted key. "It's on the 2nd floor, make sure if you cum on the bed while you sell your dignity for money, that you clean it up."

"Excuse me."

Nova turned round to see a large rabbit standing at the door.

"What you just said was very rude and I think you should apologize."

He stood in an aloof fashion with his large muscles brown pressing through his tight blue shirt. He also wore tight jeans and a sunhat.

The otter was not very impressed, pulling out a cricket bat from a shelf under the desk, "What are you gunna do?"

The rabbit approached the desk, "You can apologize now or you can apologize after I punch you in the face."

The otter swung. The rabbit caught the bat. One punch was enough to send the otter over his chair and smashed up against the noticed board, blood pouring from his nose.

"I did hear an apology..."

"I......I'm sorry...."

The otter's voice now small and shrill.

The rabbit then turned his attention to Nova, "I am terribly sorry about that, not all of us here in Urios city are like that."

"It's no problem, thank you for standing up for me."

"You did not deserve that. My name is Rio by the way."

"Nova, charmed to meet you," she out stretched her hand and he gently kissed it, bowing as he did.

"It was nice to meet you but I have to get to my client."

"You too. See you around."

Nova turned and walked away with a smile and a bit of a crush. She soon got to the door of the room and prepared herself for her client. She made her way inside and into the main part of the room.

There, on the table was a bottle of champagne, "Hello zere."

Nova turned her head to see a dark figure sitting in the corner of the room; however the corner was too dark to make the figure out.

"Help yourzelf," his accent was strong and very growling.

Nova poured herself a glass of champagne.

"I only enjoy zee finest girlz even though I expect very little. I vill zit here and enjoy zee show vile you danze und strip. Zimple no?"

Nova finished her glass of champagne, "Yes, very zimple!"

She made her way to the bed opposite the figure and began to dance in between the poles. Her shirt was the first come off as she flung it across the room and began dancing, swaying her hips in the figures direction. Soon her jeans followed and all that was left was her black bra and panties.

"Now mount zee bed and danze zlowly."

Nova did as she was told as she played with her breasts and bite her finger. Her bra soon fell and she began toying with her nipples, showing passion as she caressed herself.

"Let'z zee more of you." Nova responded to the wish as she lay on her back and began to play with her pussy, her juices flowing onto her hand. She probed herself with two fingers and rubbed vigorously inside herself. She was closing in on a climax as she arched her back and elevated herself so her client could get the best view.

Suddenly the figure stood up, "Cloze your eyez and zcream my name. Scream Zerge."

"Ooohh Serge. Serge! Yes, God yes, Serge."

Her orgasm was loud and messy.

She slowly sunk back down into the bed as she continued to feel herself, "Serge......Serge..."

"Zats right my little vixen. Zerge, Zerge."

Both chanted him name passionately as they drifted into a sort of spell.


Nova suddenly broke from the spell, "Wait, what did you say?"

The figure embraced Nova in a passionate kiss but, at the same time, revealing their identity. Nova knew that kissing style. Very deep and exploring with the tongue, clinging to the cheek walls until it could make a rush down the throat. She opened her eyes to see the golden kitsune staring back at her.

She pushed Renamon off her as Renamon burst into laughter, "Serge! Ha ha ha I can't believe you fell for that! You were like 'Ohh Serge....Oh yeah Serge! Classic!"

Nova sat on the floor in sheer embarrassment, "What are you, a pervert? You've been wasting my time."

"I don't think so, you seemed to enjoy yourself! Come on, get your clothes on and let's get to that grave. Ha Zerge! Ha ha ha."

Renamon continued to laugh as she made her way out the door. Nova was left with whatever scrap of dignity she had left as she put on her clothes and followed her outside. Soon the two were outside the gates of the cemetery with their shovel in hand.

"Which one was it again Nova?"

"Lucas Reloy."

The pair began to search the cemetery carefully as Nova read the graves out aloud.

"Martin Scorso, Nova_lon, Timothy Allen, Sonic Fox, Firefox1234, Fredric Hatten, Malady Malloy, jimmasterworm......I can't find him."

The cemetery wasn't that big but the search was taking a long time. Finally a grave caught Nova's attention. It was placed in the corner of the cemetery under a large, dead tree. It was nothing special and was very uninteresting. As she came close she could read the weathered inscription, 'A lost life brings forth a new one. R.I.P. Lucas Reloy.'

"Renamon! I found it!"

Nova began digging frantically with the shovel, not being able to contain herself. Renamon soon approached her side and waited patiently.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for you to get out of the way."

Nova was confused but she moved away anyway. Renamon placed her hands to the ground and began to scoop and dig at a lightening pace. Deeper, deeper and soon a box was uncovered. It was a small wooden box with an intrinsic carving and a smoothed finish. Nova carefully removed the lid and found a rolled up blueprint, a key card and a broken collar.

"Perfect, let's get this back to Terra."

Terra unrolled and placed the on the wall of the office.

"Perfect. If the layout hasn't changed then this'll be a piece a cake."

Rouge finished writing on a piece of paper and stood in front of the others, "After studying the plans I have decided on a way to rescue Sally. I have decided to go on this mission as The Goddess used to care about me and maybe, if I'm caught, I won't be killed. Firstly, I need to make my way through the compound without being seen. There used to be transport tunnels that ran through the compound and down to the docks. However, the tunnels down have the docks have caved in and are unusable. The only access to the tunnels is in the field generator room in the north of the complex and Miss S' and Miss B's bedroom here at the easy access south wall. If I remember correctly, on a Sunday (tomorrow), The Goddess will have her own personal time with her pets at 5.00pm. I will use this window of opportunity to make my way into the tunnels and through to the generator room where I will place the charges. I can then use the air ducts in the generator room to make my way into the slave dungeon and free Sally. As soon as I have freed her and made my way to the roof, I will glide over the wall with Sally, using the charges as a distraction. I will rendezvous with all of you at the old port, pier 95. Is the plan clear?"

The team nodded and started to disperse. Nova decided to get some early shut eye until Terra stopped her.

"Nova, can ya do me one more favour?"

"What another one?!?"

"Oi! I got butt raped for ya rememba?"

Terra sighed in resentment, "Fine, where's the job?"

"The old cemetery Renamon and ya were at today. The name's 'Client S'." Nova realised the 'S' stood for 'Serge'.

Renamon as usual... Nova grabbed her bag and was out the door. The night was closing in fast and visibility was fading. The drive felt much more ominous.

"Could you wait a minute or two, I just need to pick up a friend."

"Sure, but the meters running."

Nova got out of the cab and made her way into the cemetery.

"Renamon? It isn't funny, I know it's you."

As she moved through the darkness, she saw the figure of what seemed to be a grave keeper digging a new grave.

She approached the figure, "Excuse me? Have you seen a golden fox around here?"

The figure said nothing as it continued it's grave digging.

"Excuse m..."

Nova peered over at the tombstone which read, 'Krystal the slut, when will she die?'

"Long time no see Krystal."

Nova knew that voice, that deep voice. It filled her with cold dread and fear, a voice that ripped the winds and haunted her dreams. The grave keeper turned round to reveal Miss S standing there with a smile on her face. Nova turned to run but she found Miss B blocking her path. A shovel smack round the face was enough to throw Nova off her feet.

"Why did you run from us you little bitch?"

Nova rolled her head in agony and confusion as she began to bleed from her nose.

Miss B soon entered the fray, "Why are you all red huh?"

Nova had nothing to say to them.

"The Goddess doesn't like the colour red...unless it's blood."

Miss S pulled out a bucket of ice cold water and some hard brushes and the two began scrubbing her. They began to rub her raw until the dye leafed from her fur. Soon, her natural colour of blue shone through.

"There we go; our blue little princess is back."

They both stood up to survey their work.

"The Goddess said if we find you we should bring you her. She also said if he hurt you then we will be punished."

Miss S showed a menacing smile, "I think we should beat you to a pulp and then you can bring yourself in."

Nova coughed the blood from her mouth and ignored the pain of her sore body, "How did you find me?"

Miss B smiled and called out into the darkness, "Bro, come here."

Suddenly, a third figure made its way out of the darkness. It was Rio.

"Glad I could help sis."

He smiled and stomped on Krystal, smiling in her pain.

"Right come on, enough chatter. Let's give this back stabbing bitch a fucking good kicking."

The next 5 minutes proceeded with blows from the shovel, vicious punches and large kicks from Miss B. At the end of the massacre, Krystal's head was bleed, her right arm was dislocated and she had a concussion.

"Don't wanna break any bones; The Goddess wants your body straight away!"

The two carried the battered and crying vixen back to the cab. They slung her in the cab and talked to the horrified cabbie.

"Now, where did you pick this slut up from?"

The cabbie hesitated and began to sweat, "In the middle of the financial district uptown."

The pair gave him an awkward look and Miss S leaned into the cab and spoke to Krystal, "We have a lot of spies on the streets so we'll find you sooner or later".

"I'll get you back to your home, don't worry."

Nova could barely hear his voice as she tried to thank him through her weak voice as the cab drove away from the two. The knock on the door woke up Terra as she made her way down stairs to answer the door.

There stood the cabbie with Krystal in his arms, "She was beaten up pretty bad."

Terra rushed the cabbie into the shop and up into Krystal's bedroom. Terra paid him and he was off. Rouge and Renamon decided to explore the source of all the noise and where shocked to find Krystal, bruised and bleeding on the bed.

"Krystal... Lass can ya hear me?"

Rouge placed an ice pack on her head as Renamon removed her blood soaked and ripped clothing.

Krystal forced her body into communication, ".....Miss S......and....Miss They.....they had a spy....from the.....hotel.."

Terra looked at Rouge in panic, "Krystal, do they know about this place?"

Krystal faded out of reality as her vision blurred.

Terra began to become paranoid and shook the vixen, "Krystal is our plans compromised?"


Renamon stood up and punch the wall.

"DAMNIT! DAMN THEM! If I hadn't have played that trick she would have never been seen."

Rouge comforted her and calmed her rage. Terra spent the night by Krystal's side to make sure was safe. She said with her the whole night.