Nothing is better then Food and Sex

Story by WhopperJr on SoFurry

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* This is my interpretation of a Naga Species. There is rape, Vore, MPREG and stuff so if you have a problem with that then please don't read and flame me. Otherwise have FUN *

Nothing is better then Food and Sex


When you read a story, you are introduced into a world of magic and adventure. The Hero who faces great peril and wins. Mocks death, wins treasure, and saves the day. But not all fairytales and stories end happy. Some of he more sad and disturbing stories are often left unsaid. Maybe these are the stories that should be told. Children should be warned that monsters exist. That sometimes bad choices end badly for the hero. There is nothing that can delay death. Why is this mentioned? This is the tale of two young humans who have been forewarned that adventure is not the wisest thing to seek.

The two humans are twins, around the ages of 14 years. Tern and Tarn are both beautiful children with soft brown hair that curls just at the end and hazel eyes. The village has rumors of the local Naga clan holding great wealth. It is not secret they acquire gold and jewels. But often speculated what else was among their treasures. Like magical artifacts perhaps? These alone draw the children to risk an adventure into the caves. What would be more exciting then to sneak in and steal something? Their family is poor and the large. Often they got the hand-me downs from their older siblings. But they are going to change their destiny! The petite teens are fast and agile. In all normal circumstances they are indeed the ideal team of thieves. The prime drive is desperation so ego is not a factor.

The caves were nothing at first. Their small feet move them along the dark passage way. Yet there is blue light ahead. The walls soon have crystal embedded along the sides, light seems to be reflected from the crystals by the well placed torches. The fire of the torch is hardly normal. Tarn has seen this before when the local magician attacked using magic fire. The affect is still awe inspiring.

The teens hide in shadows as they creep the many tunnels. At times they hide from a servant or so they think he is. Moving slowly and carefully along to find themselves in at a large chamber. What their eyes behold is more then their creative minds could have imagined. The sheer wealth in this room along was dazzling. of course, this was not the treasure vault. This was merely what the Alpha wants to gaze upon on a daily basis. All this is eye candy for him.

Nasiecoyia knows there are children in his caves. It is impossible to enter their caves without them knowing. They are highly sensitive creatures. Not that the teenagers even know this. The races is highly secretive. The clan is all related to each other as siblings, cousins, etc. The strongest was the one who lead them all and the weakest are the ones who serve. Nasiecoyia can still recall the battle he fought to claim the title. How sweet it was to have pieces of the loser fed to him. Sometimes he wishes he could relive that feast.

His orders for them to let the children come this far because it is simply a part of a game. The other clan Naga watch the teenagers travel. Most of them enjoy this thing because humans, who think they are so clever, tend to gawk seeing all the pretty shinies they collect. Silly humans, who are still children, never see the servants until it is too late. Nasiecoyia watches them being brought out of the shadows.

The twins struggle as they get chained to the floor. They pause in their struggles when they see Nasiecoyia in full view. Maybe it is the coldness of his eyes that give them pause. Of his eyes as they are like snakes. Almost hypnotizing them. This Naga species is like the others with an upper human have that stops at the naval. The rest of him is a snake, his scales goldish brown like his hair. He was not as beautiful as the stories would say but was more homely and impressive built for a Naga. From the sides of his head are horns that are like white ivory.

Nasiecoyia looks upon them. These younglings are still the ideal size to be eaten. Contrary to belief, adults human and elves are not ideal food stock because a Naga likes to feel full and not bursting. It can get painful if the food is too big. But these were just right! Still. Nasiecoyia is going to check them out.

The children shake in fear as the strange Naga slowly slides towards them. His tongue is indeed forked like a snake but wide and slightly flatter then a human tongue. Tarn knew they were in trouble. No one would come looking for them here and, even if they did, the Naga might slaughter them like sheep. There are stories of Naga eating people. Tern also knows this. The idea makes him sweat. This seems to delight the Naga even more as it rips the clothing from their bodied with ease. Both are soon bare of anything and bathed in sweat of their own fear.

Tarn, " Please, let us go! We didn't mean any harm."

Nasiecoyia, with no pity, " You should have never come here. "

Without clothing it is easier for for Nasiecoyia to see their genders. Humans can be confusing when clothed. He notes one seems to have nice hips. To understand why this makes him happy, one needs to know about their sexual nature. His clan has both male and female sexual organs, except breasts due to they don't lactate for their offspring. But they have trouble finding suitable carriers for their eggs. Often they turn to other species like humans or elves, as humans and elves were pretty enough to mate with. Once in while a desperate Naga will use a halfling or gnome but often the males/females never make it full term.

Tern protests he moment his snake like tongue flicks into his most private places. Of all the fairyales he was told, they never spoke of the monster doing this! " Tarn! " not that he can do much as he is as helpless as his brother. But Tern still yearns for his help. Nasiecoyia is almost touched. Almost.

Tarn, " Leave my brother alone! " pulling at his chains.

Tern might be a bit young maybe but old enough to carry his eggs full term. The male on the other hand will soon enough be eaten. Nasiecoyia wants to build up an appetite so he can thoroughly enjoy his snack.

The snake tongue slivers and moves in and out of his ass making him squirm and blush. The sight of Tern being molested like this both sickens and turns Tarn on. The snake like tongue toys with with a bundles of nerves inside Tern's ass. His cries of fear and shame fill with moans. The Naga's loins ached to create children of his own. Twin organs move from their protective scales as the Naga molests the boy. The boy, being held down, is unable to escape as the Naga wraps itself around his body. Tern's legs are held apart by his human like hands as his cock like organs move to the entrance of his ass. The Naga didn't care about how this will hurt him. Only the desire to plant himself into Tern's tight depths.

One is actually a penis... the Tarn can tell for he has a good visual sight. Actually he seems maybe too much for his taste. The other is not a penis. Unsure what it might be. If Nasiecoyia cared, he might have told the boy it is his vagina tube. This is how he shall implant some eggs into Tern. But Nasiecoyia doesn't give a damn about teaching biology lessons to his meal.

The Naga plunges into the boy, making him scream in pain. Infact he is so tight he has trouble penetrating. Tarn watches in horror as the Naga thrusts into Tern, making him bleed. His body responds to the rape regardless to the pain. The Naga's thrusts go deeper and deeper into Tern. Tarn gets hard watching this and hates himself for getting like this infront of his brother. If not for the assailing pain and pleasure, Tern might have been quite upset to see his brother's cock hard against his belly. His body beginning to tense more as something builds inside his gut. One cock like organ seems to swell more. No wait... there is couple of lumps in it! The boy screams anew as the lumps squeeze into his tight passage. The pleasure was overwhelming for Nasiecoyia. Tern's body is deliciously tight! Tern feels his body being invaded by the eggs. Filling him in strange way. It also sets off his orgasm. Tern's mouth goes wide as he is unable to make a noise from the sheer mix of intense pleasure and pain. It overwhelms him to point he can no longer think. His passage pulsing so hot around his flesh making the Naga erupt inside him with his sperm. This time the Naga sprayed the eggs with his seed. The Naga truly looks beautiful in mist orgasm.

Nasiecoyia pants as he pulls out of the exhausted teenager. All that sex has indeed make him hungry. But he spies with his serpent eyes the Tarn' arousal. The tip is dripping with precum already. The Naga slowly over and engulfs the organ with his mouth. No, he has yet to engage true eating. But he loves to suck the tasty filling of his snacks out first. Tarn is indeed terrified at first because he thinks the Naga is going to bite his cock off! But instead the Naga suckles his penis and balls. Warm mouth is indeed so good to feel in his aching flesh. Suckling just enough to drive him nuts. But to cum after his brother's rape? This was not something he can control. His hips buck as the mouth skillfully works him. Pleasure erupting as he shot his seed into the mouth and throat of the Naga. Nasiecoyia slurped down this bounty eagerly. It was a taste eruption! So good...

Nasiecoyia, " What a tasty young man! I want to taste more."

Tarn was still recovering from his mind blowing orgasm to understand at first what the Naga meant. The Naga bites the teenager on the shoulder, pumping venom into his body. Tern rouses in time to watch his brother being bitten and cries out his name. Tarn can hear his brother but by now the drug is moving through his system. There is one thing to be said of this Naga species: their poison is the best way to die. There is no pain. Infact his body seems to become light and numb to any pain. So relaxed he is now. There is nothing to be afraid of now. Hazy cloud settles over his mind. Happy hazy cloud. Tern watches as his brother gives him a grin. His eyes say that everything is okay. His mouth would have said such but it no longer seems to work. This pleases Nasiecoyia alot.

One of the Naga's servants bring forth a blade as the other unchains the male. Nasiecoyia loved this part. The servants hold out the arm of Tarn. The Alpha male looks over the stretched out arm like one inspects a cut of beef. His hand moves over the shoulder where the arm fits into the joint. Yes, this is the mark. Without a moment of hesitation, Nasiecoyia strikes at that point. He is cleaving the arm from the body. Blood flows as Tern screams. Tarn feels no pain but strange to see his arm removed. The servant slaps a strange salve over the gushing wound making the bleeding stop for now. No need to waste too much precious blood. The alpha Naga has the servants hold out the other arm as well. So beautiful... so he again cleaves the arm from the body. More blood gushes from him for a brief time. Tern is pale now. Not that anyone cared.

Nasiecoyia begins to eat the left arm. Slides the fingers into his mouth. His tongue rolled and slide over the finger as they easily pass by to slide into his throat. Wrist was next to slide down his throat. How his meat just tasted soo good. This was merely small part of the boy and Nasiecoyia's drool is sent trickling from his unhinged jaw from the deliciousness. The forearm slides down the mouth followed by the elbow. The rest of the arm is soon followed by final taste of the stumpy end. Tern can see some of the outline of the arm as it is swallowed. It moves in an eerie way, creeping way down to what he thinks is the stomach. The right arm makes a grand encore for the three. For Tarn, who is in a drugged fascination, this was indeed a funny sight to see. His arm disappearing into the mouth of this Naga creature.

Nasiecoyia, " Now it is time to eat you, my dear boy. "

Tern, " No please! "

All his pleading falls to deaf ears for the Naga find this great sport to watch, for Nasiecoyia is enjoying his meal too much, and Tarn is simply unable to care. Nasiecoyia unhinged his jaw, as he brings the boy's head to his mouth. Tongue comes out to lick and help guide the head past the teeth. Tarn finds this fascinating. Seeing its mouth this up close. Seeing the throat this up close. Tern watches in horror as the jaws easy seem to take his head all way through. Can even see when his head enters the throat. His face seem pressing against the elastic skin. The Naga shifts some as Tarn's throat was in his mouth and he must adjust for the shoulders. The tongue still slurping and licking across the flesh. Taking in every inch. His taste buds are exploding! The boy is so yummy that Nasiecoyia feels he was gonna die from taste overload. The shoulders are indeed tricky for a teenager his size but pass his jaws. It is much easier without arms getting in the way. Tern cries as he can only watch as his brother is devoured. Tarn finds it is harder to breath. The space seems very tight. Infact, when the jaws take in his ribs, he finds it harder still. The Naga slurps more of the boy's chest down into his throat. His muscles tighten around the chest, not allowing the ribs to expand for breath properly. One can hear sound of ribs cracking. His face turned to the side but Tern can still see his body through the elastic skin. Tarn still is able to care for even the fact he was suffocating. But it was so warm and moist.

The mouth slurps down the stomach. Tongue still eagerly covering as much flesh as Nasiecoyia can. Inch by inch... till his hips are being slurped down. Even the thighs are amazingly yummy! How he pauses a moment to enjoy this before pushing down. Moving the legs so the knees are disappearing. Calves and feet are the only things left. Nasiecoyia pushes the feet into his mouth. Toes swiftly vanish from sight as the brother gasps out a cry. He can hear bones snapping as the muscles constrict around the teenager. Tarn can feel something breaking in his body. Too dark to see anything now. Doesn't even see the entrance to the stomach chamber. His body moves into the only slightly more open space. His body making an interesting bulge as the stomach juices splash all over him. The stomach diligently begins to absorb his flesh.

Tern watches the lump known as Tarn twitches and moves in its last spasms. He can only take comfort in the fact Tarn felt no pain. But Tern on the other hand is still in for more pain. The Naga, who is satisfied with his sex and food, lays down to sleep. Knows soon the boy will lay his eggs and he once again shall feast upon the delightful flesh of a young human. But for now there is dreams of past meals to be had.

The End.