Kitty meets Panda

Story by Xinko on SoFurry

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When Kitty first meets Panda, she has no idea that she's about to fall in love. All she knows is that her usual life of video games and solitude is about to change forever, all thanks to a card game. Is she merely just imagining everything, or has she potentially found someone to love? More to come soon!

The blankets twisted and writhed as she tossed and turned on her tiny bed. The top blanket fell to the floor in a heap, with the comforter half off the bed already. Poking out from underneath the sheets were two furry white paws and a fluffy white tail with a brown tip. From under the covers came a groan, then the sheets flew off and crumpled to the floor. Kitty sat up grumpily, shielding her eyes from the piercing sunlight that had awoken her from her three hour nap. She groaned again, lazily flopping out of bed onto all fours before slowly pulling herself up to shut the blinds. Yawning, she shook out her fur and saw her appearance in the mirror. "Yikes," she groaned to her disheveled appearance. Her pointed ears lay flat on her head, a clear sign of her sleepiness and agitation, her whiskers drooped, her hair was a tangled mess, and her normally bright orange eyes were a dull brown. "This is what happens when I stay up all night playing video games," she scolded herself, halfheartedly trying to smooth out the fur on her face and ears.

Fumbling around in her drawers, she pulled out a clean t-shirt and bra, then picked up her jeans which were thrown across her mini fridge. She got dressed, then began tackling her wild mane with a brush and a straightener. After a good 30 minutes, her hair was finally acceptable for public viewing, her brown bangs parted to the left side. She fluffed out her tail, combing out huge knots, then slipped on her sandals before grabbing her keys and leaving her dorm room. The bright sun that had awoken her so early was just as bright outside, warming her face and she squinted her eyes.

The campus was already alive with students hurrying to class or lounging in the rare sunny weather. Several dogs wearing jerseys were running through the grass, tossing a football around. A couple cats lounged on benches and walls, some napping and others puffing on cigarettes. An owl was racing to class, his book bag bouncing madly on his back as he clutched his books with one hand and his glasses with the other. He nearly tripped as he stepped onto the sidewalk, but his stride didn't break. A lone feather floated to the ground where he had almost fallen, then was swept up by the fall winds and carried away with the leaves on the ground.

Kitty made her way to the mess hall, ordering her usual tuna salad wrap with a Dr. Pepper to drink. She sat outside the Smoker's Shack, aptly named for all the students who would come to the old bus stop to smoke and hang out. Unwrapping her meal, she dug in, devouring her wrap. As she was taking a sip of her pop, she heard a familar voice call her name. Luckily, Kitty had just enough time to set her drink down before she was tackled by two large furry breasts and the cat who had them.

"Kitttehh!" yelled out the attacker. "Master!" Kitty replied, hugging her friend. The attacker stepped back and sat down next to Kitty. She was a black cat with energetic yellow eyes and two large breasts that never seemed to want to stay cooped up in a shirt. Ever since Kitty had jokingly called her Master the name stuck, so now everyone she knew called her Master, much to both of their amusements.

"Master! I've missed you!" Kitty said excitedly.

"Me too! But I've been stuck at work and it sucks," she replied, taking a sip of Kitty's pop.

They sat and talked for a while until it was time for Kitty's class. They gave each other gigantic, back-crushing hugs, then Kitty ran back to her room to grab her books before going to class. The rest of the day was uneventful for Kitty, and after her last class she was ready to head back to her room and spend her night playing video games. Just as she was coming up the stairs she ran into her friend Evan, who was getting ready to play cards with several people. "Kitty!" he said, giving her a hug, "you should come play cards with us!"

She thought about it, then agreed. Video games could wait, she reasoned. And she wanted to make new friends in her dorm, so she sat in between Evan and a panda. Across from her sat a sloth and a dog.

"So what game are we playing?" Kitty asked.

"It's called Mao," Evan replied, smiling.

"Mao? How do you play?"

"The first rule of Mao," Evan said, smiling, "is that I cannot tell you any of the rules of Mao."

Confused and bewildered, Kitty had no idea how to play. She kept getting penalty after penalty, and quickly realized that one of the rules was no talking, much to her dismay. The panda sat silently, watching as she accumulated more and more penalty cards. Kitty soon realized he was learning from her mistakes, only frustrating her more. For the majority of the game Kitty sat there, ears flat against her head in frustration, her tail twitching back and forth. She would wrinkle her nose in thought, trying to figure out the rules. Several times her twitching tail flicked the panda in his face, causing Kitty to immediately apologize in embarrassment, resulting in another penalty. She could see out of the corner of her eyes the panda smile, and found him looking at her even when it wasn't her turn. Had she not been so focused on the game, she probably would've started blushing, but the build up of penalties only served to distract and frustrate her more. Finally, she learned enough of the rules to run out of cards, penalty free.

"Don't I win?" Kitty asked, looking at Evan expectantly.

"No, unfortunately one of the rules of Mao is that girls cannot win," Evan replied, laughing and giving her a penalty for talking.

"What!" she cried, her paws coming in front of her face as her eyes narrowed and her ears twitched from anger. "Why would you ask me to play a game I can't win?"

"Because I didn't think you would win!" Evan said, laughing. "I promise the next round we won't play by those rules."

"Meeehhh!" she whined, frowning and pouting, crossing her arms in front of her chest and slumping her shoulders. She looked down at the newly acquired penalty cards and said in a pouty voice, "I don't wanna play another lame game!" She stuck her tongue out and her ears fell back against her head. The panda laughed and said, "But we're having so much fun watching you make mistakes! You should keep playing with us!"

"I beat you all fair and square but I can't win because I have boobs?" Kitty replied, turning her pouty face him.

"Yes, because the game was made by a Chinese dictator and girls weren't allowed to play," he responded, playing his card.

"Well it's a stupid game because I beat all of you," she answered, sticking her tongue out and playing a card.

Three more times that game Kitty went out, but always had to be given another card. The panda next to her would laugh and smile when she went out, to which she would respond with sticking her tongue out or fwapping his face with her tail. It would only make him laugh or smile harder, but her defiance of the game's rules and her dislike of being beaten put her in a competitive mood.

Finally Evan won the game, allowing it to officially end. The other boys playing wanted to get food, so they all decided to head to the mess hall for a quick bite to eat. Kitty was still complaining about not winning, but she settled next to the panda as they walked and fell into conversation with him. He told her his name, but she laughed and said, "I'll just call you Panda because it's cuter!"

He wrinkled his face in disgust at the idea, making Kitty laugh. "Cheer up!" she said, poking him in the sides. He threw her a glace that said, Did you really just do that? Kitty's playful instincts had kicked in by that point, so whenever he was caught off guard she would playfully poke him in the side or fwap his face with her tail, giggling as she did. She just assumed her massive sugar consumption from earlier had finally given her a burst of energy, and didn't think too much into it. But she saw him grinning more often, and found him staring at her even when they weren't talking.

Finally as they were sitting down to eat she got a good look at him. He wore square rimmed glasses and had a polo shirt on under a red Aeropostle hoodie with white jean shorts. His hair was spiked up in the front and his face fur was smooth and short. When he smiled his eyes would twinkle and his black eye patches would turn into elongated ovals, revealing dimples on his cheeks. His voice was deep and his laugh was hearty, it would always make Kitty giggle along with whatever he said. He had a crude sense of humor, much like her own, and would often make jokes about males being better, which she found amusing. He stood well above her, her ears reached up to his chin.

On the way back to the dorm the air had grown cold, and a bitter gust of wind caused Kitty to shudder, her hair standing up on end. Without her saying a word, Panda slipped off his hoodie and put it over her shoulders. The hoodie was gigantic on her, but the warmth was welcoming and she slipped her arms in and wrapped it around her, purring from the warmth. She gave him a big smile and tickled his chin with her tail before snuggling it inside the hoodie for warmth. His smile was so cute and warm she felt her face blush, to which she quickly pulled the hood over her head, hiding her betraying ears. She knew he could still hear her purring though, which she assumed was the cause for his laughter.

Once they had gotten back to the dorm, they continued to play cards, Kitty sitting next to Panda. She still kept his hoodie on, rolling the sleeves up so she could play. She quickly became absorbed in trying to win, and her frustrations resumed when she learned the rules could change according to the winner. The card games lasted well into the night, until finally Evan wanted to go to bed. Kitty found herself yawning and agreed, stretching out her back. She said goodnight to the boys and gave Panda one last farewell poke in the side before going to her hallway. Halfway to her room she realized she was still wearing his hoodie, to which she sheepishly grinned and agreed she'd return it the next time she saw him.

She entered her room and got changed for bedtime, lazily reassembling her bed before climbing under her messy sheets. She pulled her stuffed animal, which happened to be a panda, close to her, snuggling with it before blushing bright red. The irony made her laugh, so she turned out her light and held her panda closer, smiling. "Goodnight, Panda," she whispered, closing her eyes. She was still wearing Panda's hoodie.
