Ogling Mice

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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felt a rustling of the blankets through his morning haze. Soren had

slipped out of bed and was moving around their bedroom. Eli didn't

move or stir as Soren got dressed and grabbed his bag. Eli was never

an early riser anyway. Besides, what was the point of making Soren

feel guilty for waking him up earlier than he liked? Eli sneaked a

glance at the clock. Was it really five in the morning? No, he

must've read it wrong. Whatever._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eli

came down the spiral stairs as he heard Soren walk through the front

door. "Heya, sweetie." Soren

reached up over the railing to kiss Eli. "Did you make some

progress today?"Eli

smiled but shook his head. "Not as much progress as I would have

liked. I keep losing steam." He finished his trip down the stairs

and embraced Soren. "How was your day, love?""Busy,"

said Soren. "I was stuck behind a desk for a lot of it. I was doing

some data entry for a while." Eli

giggled. "The horror! Did you catch a fearful glimpse of what being

an office slave is like?" Soren

shuddered. "It was harrowing. I can't wait to get back to working

with the mice. What do you want for dinner, sweetheart?" "I'd

love something... garlicy. Can't tell you why." Soren

chuckled. "I have a few ideas. Can I surprise you?" Eli

stepped onto tip toes to kiss Soren again. "Any day you like. I'm

kinda hungry though, so tell me how I can help so we can speed dinner

up." Soren

hugged Eli and steered him towards their couch. "Then stay out of

the kitchen, please."Eli,

sat down , leaning back on the recliner section. "Once upon a time

you promised to teach me how to cook so that I could help you rather

than sit here like a lazy ass while you cook for us." Soren

yawned as chopped vegetables. "I'm sorry Eli. I've been kinda busy

with work. This particular project has been pretty intense. Maybe

next week." "Do

you mean it," asked Eli. "I hate sitting here like this. I don't

need to be as good as you. I just want to help you without ruining

our dinner." "You

don't need to worry about cooking, sweetheart," smiled Soren.

"Cooking is a lot of fun for me. It's not really work or a chore

like it is for other people.""I

know that," sighed Eli. "But wouldn't it be nice if I could make

you dinner every once in while. That way you could come home to hot

food on the table that isn't out of a take out box. Just every once

in a while, wouldn't it be nice for you to not have to cook?" Soren's

response was muffled as he fished their panini press out of the

cabinet. "It would be nice, but it's not a big deal, sweetie.""It

doesn't need to be a big deal, Soren," said Eli. "It's just

something nice I'd love to do for you. I love to learn from you .

You're such a good teacher." Soren

chuckled, placing the sandwiches on the warmed press. "Really? You

mean that?" Eli

got up to set their table. He kissed Soren on the cheek on his way to

get plates. "I do. We got so close to winning in November. You had

never danced and I only started playing violin a few weeks before I

started teaching you dancing. You're a wonderful teacher when you put

your mind to it." Soren

opened the press, checking on the pepper chicken paninis on garlic

flatbread. They were wafting a salty, savory aroma. "You're so

sweet, Eli. Tell me if you like this. I sorta improvised." Eli

kissed Soren as he took a plate. "I don't think I've ever disliked

what you cooked for me. It smells wonderful." He dug in,

demolishing his food. "And staying on that topic, do you wanna

dance a bit after dinner?" Soren

shook his head. "Sorry sweetie. I'm feeling too tired right now. I

wouldn't be able to keep up with you." Eli

nodded. "They aren't running you too hard at work, are you?" Soren

shook his head again. "Nope. It's not them. But it's been a long

week." "Maybe

this weekend then," said Eli. "I might paint some more, then. I

have an idea brewing in my head." "Would

you like some inspiration," said Soren after he swallowed a

mouthful of food. "I've been in the mood to play my cello." Eli

took his plate to the sink. "Why are you asking? I love your

music." He leaned down to kiss Soren's cheek. "Thanks for dinner,

sweetheart. I'd write down the recipe if I were you." Soren

smiled in satisfaction as he finished his food. "Thanks sweetheart.

I'll be right behind you." Eli

jumped up the loft stairs two at a time, eager to actualize the

visions that had been brewing over dinner. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eli's

eyes opened slowly. He had fallen asleep on top of Soren, but now he

was lying on his side of the bed. There was a small rustle of fabric

and the tiniest creak of the door. "Soren? Are you up," asked

Eli, turning over closing his eyes again. Eli

heard a snap of clawed fingers as Soren muttered, "Oh shit."Eli

looked at their clock. "Soren, it's... five in the morning? Are you

going for a run or something?" Soren

opened their bedroom door, revealing himself to be dressed in his

normal work attire. "Eh... not really. I'm, well, going into the

lab today." Eli

sat up. "It's Saturday, Soren. You know that, right?" "I

know," said Soren. "The project I am working needs people

monitoring it all day. You know that's just the nature of some of the

experiments that I work on." Eli

sighed. "Fine. Yell at Harold for me, will you."Soren

chuckled. "Why would I yell at him? He's never treated me badly."


yell at the person who scheduled you on a Saturday." Soren

scratched the back of his neck. "So uhh... you want me to yell at

me?" "What?"Soren

looked down. "I... uh... volunteered. They needed more people this

weekend and I wanted to help out." "Dammit

Soren," sighed Eli. "Why did you volunteer for a Saturday?""Well...

this whole project requires observers and not all of the normal

weekend people couldn't make it. So I volunteered." Eli

frowned. "And they're making you work on an early shift?! It's five

in the morning! Are they expecting you to start work by six?" Soren

shook his head. "No. I've just been going in early lately. I work

best when the labs are empty." "Lately,"

said Eli, "Lately? This Tuesday... it was five

in the morning. Have you been going in this early all week?!" Soren

picked at his tie. "Yes... all this week. I've just been trying to

put some extra hours in on this project." "Soren,

is this about money," asked Eli. " Have you been working

overtime? Because of the car?" "I...

It's not about money at all," said Soren. "I understand it's a

gift." "Then

why have you been working extra hours all week? Dammit this is why

you've been so tired lately." "I

just, well, like the project I'm working on. That's all, really." Eli

crossed his arms. "And what, exactly, is so compelling about your

work right now? What is it that makes yo u want to dash off to the

lab at five in the morning when normal people have a day off? Soren

was pacing now, not looking at Eli as he composed his thoughts.

"It's... when I work at the lab... when I've got my hands on

experiments testing new medicines... it's the only time where I feel

important.." Eli

scowled. "What about us? Do I make you feel important?Soren

abruptly ceased his pacing. "shit, that came out wrong. That wasn't

what I was trying to say." "Then

say it," growled Eli."I...

it's just... I feel significant,

that my work is saving and changing lives. And it feels really good."


so you go slinking off to the lab at five in the morning without

telling me what you were doing? What if I had made plans for us

today? This is the day we save to do stuff with just us. Why wouldn't

you at least bother to tell me?"Soren

stared at the floor, gritting his teeth a bit. "I... well I knew we

didn't have plans, and I didn't really want to bother you about


you didn't think I'd notice that you'd have disappeared for the day?Soren

was floundering. "No... it's just... I..." Eli

gave a growl, "Dammit Soren, just go. We can talk later." Eli

dived back into the covers, pressing a pillow over his head with a


could hear Soren shuffling towards the door again. "Eli... I uh-"Eli's

voice drifted out from under the pillow, muffled."Just go. Go have

fun with your damn mice."There

was a pause that felt like an eternity. "Goodbye Eli." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Eli

was tossing and turning for what felt like hours. It was hours. It

was nine in the morning. Four hours of blank fuming, unable to get

comfortable but still weighed down with the special tiredness Eli got

from waking up at ungodly-o-clock-in-the-morning. Eli sighed, giving

up on sleep and shuffling to the kitchen for some breakfast. It would

be cereal today, unless he felt like setting off their smoke

detector. Eli

crunched his honey oats broodily, the peaches he cut into the bowl

unable to sweeten his mood. Normally on Saturdays Soren cooked them

something tasty. And warm, too. This kind of rubbishy breakfast was

reserved for weekdays. Throwing

the dishes in the dish washer, he stared at the clock. It wasn't much

after nine. Normally he wasn't up this early. It was one of the nice

advantages of freelancing. He'd be up at ten-ish and paint till Soren

got home around seven. On weekends they'd sleep in together. They'd

always wait for each other to wake up. Waking up in Soren's arms felt

so...sweet. How he'd hold him so tenderly in those strong arms, how

Soren would rest his head on his chest, or hold him so close as they

wrapped themselves around each other. And then a kiss on the lips or

cheek as the other's eyes began to flutter.But

Soren liked this kind of cheesy, romantic stuff as much as he did.

Why was he suddenly dashing off to the lab on their Saturdays.

This was the day they both put stuff aside to just be with each

other. What was his deal? Eli

drifted up the loft during these ruminations and started something

new, ignoring his six pieces of work that were still unfinished.

Bright colors, sharp angles, something that almost assaulted the

eyes. Was it money? They had found a car for Soren. A Prius, one of

the new models with some of the fun gadgets. It was a stick too, now

that they could both drive manuals. It had some power behind it, and

damn, dat gas milage. It was a nice car. Was it too nice? Soren had

that habit of trying to repay every favor equally. But they had

talked this whole deal out plenty of times. This was his

gift to Soren. The car wasn't on

a loan. It was Soren's. It

was theirs, really. But almost everything they owned belonged to both

of them, really... though Eli doubted Soren would ever part with

those instruments. But those had a legacy behind them. Eli felt

honored that he was even able to play on those treasures. But was

Soren trying to earn more so he could give something of equal size

back? He'd do that, too... But no, it was a gift. He

said he understood it. No... this was about more than money. Maybe

he was after a promotion... that might be it. He always talked about

wanting to be hands on, but what if he wanted to climb that ladder

a bit more. Try and get to a position where he was still working with

the tests but had a bit more standing in whatever hierarchy the

laboratory had. But

even that didn't make too much sense. Eli remembered when they first

started dating, after that wild night together that felt like a

dream, too good to be true. Soren would stop by after work, and he'd

talk about wanting to get out of IT. He hated being stuck in there.

He wanted to work in the lab as a scientist, not as some tech slave.

But ever since that debacle with the break in, Soren had been a lab

technician. Soren had never complained after that. He was clearly

content with whatever he was doing there. Or

perhaps... had Soren found some other guy at the lab? Could Soren be

seeing someone else. He could be going in early so he could leave

early, and then today... he didn't have to be at the lab at all


abruptly slapped himself. No. that was stupid. It wasn't even stupid.

It was insulting to Soren. How could he be cheating? Soren had always

devoted himself to him. The guilt of seeing someone else would rip

his apart. It was almost a bit unhealthy, but he always did

his best to please Eli, often before himself. He'd always ask what

Eli wanted for dinner, what Eli wanted to do for fun. Hell, even

during sex, it was always what felt good to Eli. How could he accuse

Soren of cheating when he could bet money that Soren would be right

now running through his head exactly how this stupid little scuffle

was all his fault. This was absurd. Eli's

internal monologue was interrupted by the refrain of Istanbul (Not

Constantinople) as he felt his

pocket vibrate. He checked the caller ID. It was Elly of all people.

He accepted the call and put it on speaker so he could keep painting.

"Heya, sis." Elly's

musical voice echoed through the loft, colored with a hint of her

constant playfulness."Hey Eli. How are you?" Eli

scowled at the painting. It was going in a direction he wasn't sure

he was liking. "Eh," was all he could really muster. "Eh?

How articulate," teased Elly. "What's bugging you?" "Soren's

bugging me, Elly. But you don't need to listen to me whine about my

boyfriend." Elly's

voice suddenly became harder, losing its music. "I do need to

listen. You sound like you need to vent. So I'm hear to listen if

you're willing to talk." Eli

sighed. "It's stupid really. He's just gone off to the lab today."


sounded perplexed. "On a Saturday? Are they paying him overtime at

least?" "I

think so. But that's not the point. It's just, Saturdays are kind of,

you know, our days.

And he was getting up at five in the morning to go to work early all

week." "He

did this voluntarily? That's job dedication there." "I

can't figure it out," said Eli. "I don't know what's making him

do it. I dunno if it's extra money he's after, or a promotion, or

something... I don't get it." "Did

you ask Soren yourself?" "Sorta,"

muttered Eli. "If you count asking him during an argument at five

in the morning." "Well,

what did he say?" Eli

sighed again. "He said something about how the lab made him feel

"important." Like he was making a difference with his work. And

he said that he was really into his current project." ""He

could be, you know, telling the truth," said Elly, slightly

sarcastically. "But

what's so compelling about ogling goddamn mice," growled Eli. "It's

just a lab job.""Eli,

you know how neurotic and consumed you can be over your paintings,

right?" Eli

actually snarled. "Dammit, Elly, what the hell does that have to do

with anything about this conversation?" "Everything,

stupid," said Elly. Eli could swear he heard her eyes roll. "He's

a scientist. We get attached to our work sometimes. Just like you,

but you get attached to artwork while scientists fall in love with a

bunch of test tubes or whatnot. We all have projects that are close

to us. Did you ask what he's working on?" "Well,

no," said Eli, slightly awkwardly. "It would just be Greek to me,

really. You know that better than anyone. The only way I could get

you to shut up about science was to gossip about boys with you." Elly

giggled a bit. "You never really tried. But you have no idea what

he's working on. It could be personal, or it could be a lot of fun.

Some experiments are more than just 'ogling mice.'" Eli

sighed. "You're right. I guess I was just miffed at not being able

to spend my Saturday with him. And being up at five in the morning.

But why'd you call Elly? What's up?" Elly

sighed. "Well, I really wanted to talk to Soren." "What,

were you bored and felt like teasing him," joked Eli. "Maybe,"

tittered Elly. "But I also had some questions for him on

biochemistry that he might be able to answer. The internet has been

very unhelpful lately, and he might know something my textbook isn't

telling me." "Well

you'll have to call tomorrow," grumbled Eli. "he doesn't answer

his phone unless he's on break when he works." "Well,

sorry to bug you," said Elly. "I'll have to save those problems

for tomorrow I guess. Say hi to Soren for me. And chill out a bit.

Just ask him about what he's working on or something. Show a little

interest and he might tell you why he's going on every so often. I'll

talk to you later." "I'll

do that. Bye, sis."Eli

hit the end call button, being careful not to smear paint on his

screen. He sighed. Elly was probably right. Maybe he'd ask tonight.

Right now they just needed a little space. Well, that's why he shooed

Soren away to the lab anyway, so they could both think on this thing

separately. But what was there really to think about? All he was

really doing was getting jealous of some mice. They seemed to be

getting more attention from Soren than he was lately. But that was

wrong. Soren was just the same as always, coming home, cooking them

dinner, finding something fun for them to do afterward. Then they'd

go to bed together. He was just being petty, really. Eli sighed,

returning to his new painting. With a few touch ups this might

actually work... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Soren

came in the door at ten o clock, putting his jacket and bag on the

hooks near the door. Eli looked up from the screenplay that Alexis

had sent him. "Hello, Soren." Soren

reached back to scratch his neck. "Hi, Eli. Did you eat?" Eli

nodded. "I did. I just finished the lasagna. I hope you don't

mind." Soren

shook his head. "I wrapped it up for you in particular. That recipe

does not travel too well." "Well,

thanks for wrapping it for me. Did you have fun with your work


said Soren, "We went to Silvia's. Thomas carpooled with Lester, but

Thomas wanted to go early, so I took Lester home." "I

know," said Eli. "I got your text. It's fine. I might go to bed

soon. I did a lot of painting while you were gone." "Did

it go well," asked Soren, tentatively. "I hope it did." Eli

frowned. "It was... OK. I got blocked after dinner." Soren

nodded. "Well, show me if you want. I might go to bed soon, too."


put his nose back in his screenplay. "That's fine. I'll be there

soon, I expect." Soren

walked to the bathroom, running the water to brush his teeth. Eli

waited for Soren to finish before heading to the bathroom himself. He

felt like a shower. A long one. He sighed as the hot water ran over

him, wiping his wet bangs out of his eyes. What was the point of his

delaying? This mess was his fault, really. He stewed in the hot water

as he washed himself. He wasn't even able to think straight. Eli shut

off the water and toweled off.Stepping

out of the bathroom, he saw the shadow of Soren on his side of the

bed, curled into a ball. Eli's heart sank at this. He was closing

himself off. Eli whispered to the ball of covers, softer than soft,

"Are you awake, Soren?" "Yeah."


paused, bowing his head. He sat on Soren's side, sliding into the

niche that was formed by Soren's elbows and knees. He turned and

reached down to rub Soren's shoulders. "Sore, I just wanted to tell

you... no matter what, I still love you." Soren

tensed under Eli's gentle touch "I- what?"Eli

ran a hand down Soren's back. "I'm sorry. I blew the whole thing

out of proportion. It's my fault we fought. But I'm sorry, and I love

you no matter what."To

Eli's surprise, Soren sat up in a whirl of blankets and embraced him,

wrapping them in soft fur and strong arms. "Oh, Eli. But... This is

all my fault really. I mean, I was the one who was going to work at

five in the morning. I was going in on our Saturdays." "There's

nothing wrong with that. Not really," said Eli, pressing his face

into Soren's chest. "It's just... you work so hard. All the time.

And it makes me worry. I wish you'd take a break some days. And I

wish you told me that you were getting up early like that."Soren

kissed Eli. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I didn't want to bother you at

five in the morning. I didn't think it was a big deal at the time." Eli

ran his hand across Soren's cheek."It isn't a big deal. I

just wish you would have told me. But mostly I... I just wish you'd

take some time off. Even when you have time off, you spend it with

me, or with friends. I can't remember the last time you took time for

you. I really wish you would just... relax."Soren

held Eli close, resting his muzzle on a shoulder. Eli could feel soft

pressures on his shoulder as Soren spoke. "I'm sorry, Eli. I guess

I got overzealous when I got assigned to this project." Eli

closed his eyes as Soren held him. "Soren, I know you love your

job. And there is nothing wrong with that. You love your lab work as

much as I love to paint. But I just don't really understand... what

about this project is driving you so much?" Soren

scratched the back of his head. "I uh... never did tell you what I

was working on, really... did I?""No,"

said Eli. "I generally don't ask. You know I can't wrap my head

around that kinda stuff."Soren

sat back down on their bed, letting Eli slide on top of him."Well,

did I tell you how Grandma Jeanne died?"Eli

rested his head on Soren's chest, repositioning himself to wrap his

arms around Soren's shoulders. "Didn't you say it was pneumonia?"


nodded as he rested his hands on the small of Eli's back. "Yes. It

was... kind of stupid really. Grandpa Gregory was a chain smoker. And

you know, even fire types can't breathe that crap in for thirty years

and get away with it." Eli

nodded gravely. He wasn't a doctor, but he didn't need to be to see

where this was going. "So... she got a cold or something, right?"Soren

closed his eyes for a moment. "Yeah... she was so healthy and fit.

It didn't seem like a big deal even when it dragged on a bit. She was

just the type that didn't get sick. And when she did go see her

doctor, it had... progressed. It was something that younger lungs

could have handled. Or maybe some healthier lungs. But it just...

consumed her really." Eli

raised his head to see tears leaking from Soren's eyes. He held Soren

tighter, letting Soren gather himself. "Oh, sweetie," was all he

could say."It

hurt to see her so... diminished. She was so vibrant before she got

sick. And then in a matter of weeks she was stuck in a bed with

oxygen tubes... and... and..." Eli

wiped a tear from Soren's eye. He tried to say something. Three of

his own grandparents were dead. But what could he say? Sometimes a

cuddle was enough. At least he hoped it would be enough. "It

was so greedy of me," said Soren, talking into Eli's shoulder. "I

wanted her to get well because, you know, I loved her and didn't want

to see her sick. But there was a more personal reason. I told you.

She was my safe haven, away from my stupid family's drama. Their

fucking inane bibles and manners and politics. And that they refused

to talk to me unless I broke one of their stupid fucking rules. I

could go to Jeanne's whenever I wanted. I could play music, I could

cook with her, I could just do my homework or talk to her without

having to be in that damn house. And I lost that when she was sick.

All I could do was watch her get sicker." Eli

held Soren as they lay in their bed., "Sweetie, I'm so sorry. But,

I uh... how does this pertain with your job? Are you working on

something that treats pneumonia?""Well,

yeah," said Soren, smiling through his tears. "I mean... I know

medicine has progressed in the last decade, but still. I have the

chance to rescue someone from going through... that. It's stupid and

sentimental, but the drug specializes in combating the illness in its

more progressed states. I guess I've gotten a bit too into this one."Eli

lay his head back on Soren's chest again. "I understand,

sweetheart. But, Soren, please, there's more to life than work. I

know it's important, and I know you love it, but for god's sake you

went to work right after you got in a car wreck. You're going in at

absurd hours and working overtime. I know you're doing it because you

love your job, but please, sweetheart, you aren't the only person in

that lab."Soren

sat them both up, kissing Eli, lingering for a while before

whispering, "Eli, sweetie, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was

bothering you. I don't have to spend so much time there if you don't

want me to." Eli

growled in pleasure as he felt slightly rough lips brush against his

own. "Soren, it's not bothering me. It's worrying me. I

don't care if you work early or late every so often. You and I love

what we do and that's wonderful, but please, Soren, take a break

every now and again. Soren

smiled. "I promise not to go in Saturdays, OK? I'm sorry for all

this mess." "I'm

sorry I blew all this up," said Eli, rolling off Soren onto his

side of the bed. "You can go in for extra time if you want to, but

every day is too much. You deserve some play with your hard work."Soren

grinned as he swamped them both in the blankets, kissing Eli along

his collarbones. "Does that mean I get to play with you?"Eli

reached for Soren and kissed him on the muzzle. "Any day we want,

sweetie. I love you."