Prison Food

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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A little project I had been working on featuring a friend, Slyther.


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Prison Food

By Komatose © 2013

Featuring Slyther Crimsonclaw

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"You're kidding me? Did you just say twenty million?"

Asked the flabbergasted rookie bailiff as he strolled down a long and empty hallway accompanied by one of the veteran officers. He offered a chuckle and gave an affirmative nod.

"Yep. Seems like a waste of the taxpayers hard earned money, don't it?" Said the older male, the clinking of the metal handcuffs and ring of keys attached to the belt at his hips was the only accompanying sound, aside from the echoes of their footsteps. The younger, fresh male shook his head in a bit of shock, knowing where all of the money was going.

"I'll say so. Most of these monsters don't deserve to be clothed or fed or allowed to shower or even walk around." He said with a bit of disgust in his voice, but it was the hard truth. The largest prison in the nation was receiving even more money from the local legislature in order to maintain and care for the thousands of inmates locked away behind the walls and fences of the penitentiary. They reached a door, the elder officer opening it and both stepping through into an office, the sounds of chatter, phones ringing, and other idle noises breaking the odd silence of the hallway.

"I know, Quinn, that's what's on every officer's mind here, and probably more so on the janitors and kitchen staff that clean up after and feed them all." Quinn was a nice young fella, mid-twenties, clean cut, athletic kind of guy that was good at his job. The young Doberman was hired about half a year ago, and in those six months, there was still much of the prison he had not even seen yet, it was a small city behind fences, bars, and concrete.

"I think it's just a waste that congress won't allow more executions, damn conservatives and their beliefs that every life is important." The older, seasoned officer chuckled as he led Quinn over to his desk, Lt. Barstow printed out on a proper name plate perched there for everyone to realize this space belonged to him. The forty-some year old stallion had seen plenty in his career, hundreds of stories to share and preach about to the younger generation, but he always had a calm and pleasant disposition about him. The horse reached out to and gently grasped what seemed like a portfolio of sorts, whatever was inside was only known to him as he tucked it safely under his arm, motioning to the younger officer.

"Come with me, Quinn. There is something I need to show you." He gave a soft smile to the younger, receiving one in return along with a gentle and respective nod of the head. Barstow strode off towards the warden's private office, not too far from his desk, stopping to rap upon the door and enter, notioning the rookie to wait outside.

Quinn's mind wandered a bit, what exactly was he going to be shown? There was still so much of the prison to see, and what was planned was probably not all that exciting, but he hoped to be shown something he didn't know before. After a moment or two, the horse exited the office, shutting the door softly, portfolio still tucked away under his arm.

"Alright, we are heading down to the west wing, there are a few storage areas off that way." Barstow said with a neutral tone, starting off the journey and having Quinn follow behind, the younger male standing a good foot or more shorter than his superior. The sounds of the office trailed off as they turned down a couple more hallways, the louder sounds of rowdy and ruthless inmates ringing in their ears as they paced closer and closer to the cells, but passing by them completely to another desolate hallway. The boring and dim iridescent lights shone overhead down the long and seemingly infinite hallway, the busy sounds of the prison slowly tapering off to the sounds of their own footsteps and the idle buzzing of the lights above.

"Alright, rookie. We are heading off to storage room 103-7, I will tell you first, there is nothing in there right now but a few lights, an old sofa and table, and the door that leads to the outside." Quinn perked his cropped ears in a bit of curiosity. This sounded like an odd and boring place to be shown.

"Really? That's it? What is so special about it?" He said quizzically. Barstow just chuckled softly and whipped his tail about behind him.

"You'll find out. Though, I am going to tell you first off, what you are about to see tonight is something that you have never seen before. You probably won't believe it, but you are not to tell a single soul. Even if you did, no one would believe you." Barstow said, his voice becoming a bit more serious. Quinn continued to follow behind, sure, confidential information was something he could be trusted with, as his reputation proved, but this sounded exceedingly mysterious.

"I don't go telling secrets, you know that." He said to affirm himself, but his curiosity was getting the best of him. "You can tell me anything you want, these lips are sealed." The horse could tell that Quinn was a reliable one to bring along for this...transaction of sorts.

"Well, what you are going to witness tonight may seem illegal, it may seem...immoral, disgusting, even nightmarish, but it has become a bit of a routine." The stallion snorted softly as they came to another doorway, plucking his keys from his belt loop and fiddling with them.

"Tell me, Quinn, are you familiar with the term, 'vore'?" Quinn pondered a bit as the horse found the key and unlocked the door that would lead to the storage rooms. He shook his head, unable to recall.

"I am not has a few meanings, doesn't it?" He said in a puzzled tone as they passed through the doorway.

"Oh yeah, it does. But mainly it refers to the complete consumption of another living being, as in, eating them whole. Sometime swallowing them in one gulp, or going all bestial and tearing them up, I'm sure you've seen enough feral beast documentaries on T.V. to understand that. Anyway, in our modern society, there are a very, very few individuals that still perform these actions. It happens a lot more in tribal places, you know, cannibalism and such, but this? This is a bit different, a practice that has not been widely done since the Old Times, before the Magic completely vanished and technology and science took over." This was sounding more like a history lesson if anything, Quinn was getting anxious.

"Just spit it out already, I can handle simplification." The horse snorted with a soft chuckle and looked back to the younger male.

"Heh, you got it then. Every month or so, we have a guy come in to...relieve us of a few inmates, no too many, as too many disappearances would cause, you know, upset in the media and arise other suspicions. In other words, we pay him to eat some of the worst bastards here, and he has a bit of fun with them in the process." Quinn's ears perked up high between his cap as this came to his mind, this was...really something completely unheard of, but it didn't disgust him in the slightest.

"Wow...I was hoping something like this was going on, getting rid of more of these wastes of space is better than having them rot here for the rest of their life. Am I going to meet this guy?" He said with a bit of whimsical curiosity, Barstow nodding to him.

"Oh yeah, he is waiting for us right now in the storage room. He is a really big fella, don't be alarmed by his stature and size. This portfolio I have with me is a bit of a menu for him, filled with the worst of the worst, the ones we want gone as soon as possible. And I know what you are thinking, we get consent from any living family that if there was an 'accident', that they would not want to investigate or even deal with the inmate. You'd be surprised as to how many people sign over these bastards." Quinn glanced over to the numbers printed near the doors of the storage rooms, they were only one away from the targeted area where this stranger was waiting.

"Alright rookie, here we are. Don't worry, he won't eat you, he is probably more educated than you and I put together. He isn't some sort of hungry, brainless monster." Said the horse as he took out his set of keys once more and rifled through them, finding the one that would open the storage room. He slid it into the keyhole and turned it, looking back to Quinn with a smile and slowly pushing the door open.

There was a noticeable musk in the air as the door opened, it was really potent and overpowering. Not a bad stench or odor, but just a very masculine and testosterone driven scent. Barstow entered in first, nodding with a soft 'Good evening.' to the male inside, Quinn gulped softly and followed behind, the dim lighting inside making his eyes adjust as the glanced over to the simple sofa against the side wall, his eyes widening a bit, mostly with shock as to what he was looking at.

Quinn had seen males that large before, but it sure was not often, especially the species. The mystery man was clearly a dragon, a big one at that. The Doberman's eyes quickly scanned over the body, dense and thick with musculature rippling under the two-tone scales, crimson on the outer and a lighter shade of red on the interior. Among many things to notice was the dragon was almost nude, wearing just a very simple green vest, leaving it open to show a rock hard wall of abs, too many to count at a glance, and all setting under a massively puffed out set of pectoral muscles. The shoulders were broad and thick, connecting to the huge, powerful arms that rested calmly along the back of the sofa, the arms breadth clearly longer than the sofa as his large, clawed hands were draped off of the sides. Quinn's eyes came to the legs, just as thick and powerful as the arms, the dragon's feet bare, three claws toes in front and two in the back, an interesting foot structure. The dragon's bulge was also, just like himself, huge, swollen and tucked away into an insanely tight pair of black shorts, almost looking to burst with a couple of balls that were clearly larger than a basketball, each. The musky smell had to be coming from somewhere, the dragon had a thick black mane of fur along his head and trailing down his backside, all the way down to the spaded tip of his tail that curled along side of him, gently swaying about along the concrete floor. The young rookie took in the detailed horns, proudly displayed on the dragon's head, not to mention the impressive wings, by God, the wings were more muscular than most bodybuilders' arms!

"Hmm, who might this be, Randy?" The dragon asked the senior officer in his deep, ground rumbling voice, addressing him by his first name, they clearly had come to know each other over time. How often the dragon visited was, well, only something he himself knew. Quinn was feeling quite speechless at the moment, not sure what to even say or do, but just sticking close to Barstow for now, the horse smiling and patting the nervous rookie on the back.

"This is Adam, he is a freshblood around here. Bill is on vacation this month, so I decided to get him acquainted with our little operation. He is well trusted, I can assure you. Adam, where are your manners?" Barstow gave the Doberman a gently push in the dragon's direction, causing him to stumble a bit, but his paw was quickly grabbed by a hand that was so large, it completely covered his own as it greeted with a surprisingly delicate shake. The dragon rumbled out deeply, sending almost soothing vibrations into the air around them.

"Pleased to meet you, Adam. My name is Slyther. I do think we will be seeing more of each other." The dragon had the most enchanting eyes, a glowing viridian green, they were...beautiful. Slyther's smile was genuine, teeth pearly white and sharp as they lined his thick lips. Quinn nodded softly and tried to shake the massive hand in a friendly manner.

"Nice to meet you too...Wow, gotta say...I don't meet many people your size...mind...uh, telling me how tall you are?" The dragon grinned as he released the small Doberman's hand, and did more than just tell as his imposing, massively muscled form stood from the sofa and towered above the two officers, the wings slowly unfolding, Slyther placing his large hands at his hips and flexing out his huge pecs, his massive biceps swelling, the thick veins that ran under the gorgeous red skin demonstrating the power of the dragon.

"How nice of you to ask. Last time I measured, I stand at ten feet, three inches tall. I am sure you want to know my weight, yes? Two thousand one hundred ninety-eight pounds." He said as his hands slowly came to the vest around his massive, bulky frame, gently removing it as he allowed the rest of his body to come onto display for the nervous rookie, showing off what had to have been years of hard work, and genetics, potent ones.

Quinn was speechless, but Barstow had business to do as he patted the Doberman on the shoulder and pulled the portfolio from under his arm, handing it over to Slyther to glance at.

"Here is your menu, Sly. We have about twenty eligible inmates for you to choose from tonight. Consent forms signed and all. You know the drill, only five at a time." He said with a bit of a smile, this was sickening to most people, knowing the dragon was going to eat living prisoners...but...where was the line between morality and justice? These criminals had done heinous things to innocent people, and they would be getting their just punishment.

The dragon's large hands grasped the portfolio and opened it, pulling out the twenty some files of inmates that were on the proverbial chopping block. Quinn took his attention over to Barstow, leaning into him to whisper something out of his curiosity.

"Hey, how many times do these, you know, transactions, occur?" He asked as the horse turned his head to face him, giving a gentle snort from his nostrils.

"Well, rookie, about once a month. You see, Sly here has a really, really big appetite. He needs the biggest meals he can get in order to compete and perform. Being big is a profession for him, you could say." The older male said as he turned his attention to the dragon, glancing over the profiles of his meals for the evening, a deep, rhythmic rumble in his chest as he was clearly satisfied with what he was glancing over. Quinn thought of something, if he was going to tear apart and eat the inmates, he was probably going to make a huge mess of the place, bumping the senior office again.

"Uh, how does he eat them? Do they feel pain as he tears them apart." Slyther heard this of course, with his amazing and amplified hearing skills, giving a simple chuckle from deep down in his chest.

"Oh, I can answer that. I prefer a more ancient method, something only my ancestors have been able to do. I swallow them whole." Quinn gulped hard in his throat to the answer, how was that possible? He had never heard of such a thing, it was mind blowing, but at the same time, overwhelmingly tingling his curiosity.

"You swallow them? Alive? Don't they wiggle and struggle and scream?" It was an obvious question, but Slyther was open to them as he merely grinned.

"Naturally. It feels...quite erotic. Sensual. Pleasing. It is an art that only a very small few can perform." He said rumbling deeply in his throat, choosing the documents of the criminals he was prepared to ingest and handing them to Barstow. The horse took a look over them, nodding softly and grinning as the dragon chose very good inmates to get rid of, very pesky ones at that.

"Good choice, Sly. You are helping us out more than you think." The dragon just chuckled softly and patted his solid wall of numerous dense abdominal muscles.

"They will be put to good use, for a change." He said chuckling with the horse as Barstow took his attention to his radio, plucking it from his belt and the simple push of a button would get the first prisoner on their way. First, he had to ask, who was the appetizer.

"Alright, Sly. Who did you want first?" The dragon could not help but smile with the lovely idea he had in mind for the first prisoner, or rather, prisoners.

"Send me 12831-09 and 12832-09." He said, remembering their ID numbers so clearly and correctly. Barstow took a glance at the two profiles and gave a confirming grin and a nod, radioing to the bailiff's office for the delivery to become inbound.

"They will be here soon. Try not to make too much of a mess like last time." He said in a joking tone with a snicker, notioning over for the door for Quinn to follow him to the hallway, glancing over the sheets of paper once more before handing them to the rookie.

"Huh? I don't think I have seen these two before...then again, I am sure there are a lot of inmates I haven't seen." The horse snorted softly and nodded, the two inmates in question would meet a fitting end in the belly of the beast left behind in the storage room.

"Oh, I know these two pieces of rotten shit. Only been locked up for three years now, supposed to be on death row, but instead, they get to rot here forever. Well, they will at least leave this place today, not exactly alive, but, heh." The old horse chuckled softly as Quinn took a moment to look over the papers, reading their names and viewing their mugshots, Barstow getting into detail about their crimes.

"Dane Lomas and Maxwell Deninger, they were both only twenty-five years old, real young, stupid kind of low-lives. Been best buddies their entire lives, almost like brothers, you know? Well, apparently they spent the last few years of their lives getting into hard drugs, heroin, cocaine, meth, you name it. They knew a girl, she was quite a flirt and liked to hang out with the bad kids, like them. They wanted some sex, and she was not in the mood, so what would any good doped up young man do? That's right, rookie, rape her real good. Now, she was surely going to go tell the fuzz, so they had to shut her up. Sliced her neck open from ear to ear, right in her own home. Oh, she should have not even let them come over that night. Hold on, it gets worse. Her roommate manages to arrive right after a trip to the grocery store. She had always tried to warn her they were bad news! Too bad it was too late. They grabbed her, held her down, raped her as well, and then gave her the same treatment. Two dead young ladies, and did I mention the roommate was pregnant? Sure, she was only in her early stages, but she was going to be a mother. Would have been twins, so that was four murders all in one evening."

Quinn just shook his head as Barstow put the papers back into the folder they were in, closing it up. They soon would be handed over to the chief, and rightfully stuck into a paper shredder. Another vanishing. So strange.

"Are they even sorry for what they did?" The Doberman asked the seasoned officer. He just chuckled and shook his head.

"Oh no, they were so high on drugs they didn't even know what they did. They think they are innocent, so they feel they don't need to listen to anything we have to say. Tonight, those girls will get some vengeance."

There was a clatter and commotion off in the distance, the inmates must have been on their way to the storage area. Surely, they were angry and rowdy, wondering just where they were being taken, as it was they always asked. Quinn and Barstow looked to the door as offer Vice was bringing them in, by himself. The bull could handle most of the inmates, as he was a very imposing figure himself, but Slyther still greatly outmatched even him.

"Where the fuck are we? Where are we going? Fuck you! Hahaha!" It was all that came from the mouths of the unruly dingo and kangaroo. Lomas was the dingo, standing just under six feet tall and having a rather average build to him, he was just a chump and no threat. Deninger was taller, six and a half or so, more toned in body but had a bad attitude. The roo had quite a bad mouth on him as well, got him into far too much trouble. Vice stood tall and stoic behind the two, holding them by the cuffs as they were linked together, nodding to Barstow.

"Alright boys, settle down! This is a good evening for you two! I know you think you were done wrong, and you don't belong here in jail. Guess what, we believe you, we all do. And tonight, we are going to let you go. But don't tell anyone! This will be our secret. Vice, show them the door."

The bull nodded as he gave the two a shove towards the open store room door, knowing who was inside and waiting for them, surely salivating in anticipation as the two young men were actually buying this story they were given.

"Hey! Aren't you going to uncuff us, asshole?" The kangaroo said before they were both given a good shove into the room, Vice glancing at Slyther inside with a nod, pulling the door shut with a slam.

Barstow grinned, patting the bull on the shoulder as Vice would head back to the offices for when he was called for again. Quinn looked back to the door, his eyes a bit large and ears twitching.

"Aren't we supposed to watch?" He said foolishly, causing Barstow to let out a guffaw.

"Oh! I don't think you want to. Sly would be happy to let you, but trust me, it won't be a very pretty thing to see. Come on, I got us a little temp office set up in the next room. Coffee maker, television, couple of comfy armchairs. We're going to take a little break until Sly is ready for his next round." Quinn just glanced back to the door where the inmates were just shoved into, it would be the last time they were seen.

"Who the fuck are you?" Max shouted to the dragon in the room, Dane standing frozen in pure shock as he just stared. Slyther grinned toothily at them as he stood, looking them over and feeling happy with his decision.

"I am the one who is going to get you out of here." Stated the ten foot dragon as he loomed over the two prisoners, standing there in nothing but his tight shorts, the cloth literally about to rip from his thighs as it seemed they were swelling in the front. Max grinned, this guy was huge, he could take out any guard that tried to stop them on the way out.

"Alright, man, get going then! What are you waitin' for?" Said the roo, Dane was still a bit in shock to see the sight of the massive dragon, not to mention the powerful musky scent that was given off. Slyther just grinned, his hands coming to his hips and hooking into the waist of the tight black shorts.

"Let me get ready..." He said as he rumbled deeply in his chest, his hands slowly sliding the shorts down to reveal his massive, fat sheath and even larger balls; huge, round, and hanging heavy with his seed as they indeed, were the size of two basketballs. He kicked the shorts off, slapping against the other side of the room as his cock tip was already protruding from the massive sheath, both tips, that is. Slyther's superior breed of dragon is blessed with not one massive cock, but two, right on top of each other as the twin spires slowly started to rise from their confines, the two criminals backing against the wall and the door they had just came in.

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! What the fuck are you doing?" Said Max as Dane turned to the door and started to ram his shoulder against it, screaming for help.

"Let us out! You sick fucks!" The dingo said in a frightened whine, Slyther's toothy grin not leaving his face as he advanced, his massive cocks rising, growing, fattening and swaying in the air as he closed in on his prey.

"You two have quite a record, raping and killing two young ladies. Well, lucky for you, rather, me, we are going to have a little fun before we escape." He said with a growling rumble again, huffing through his snout and blowing a light puff of smoke towards the two inmates. Slyther reached forth with his muscular arm and grabbed Max by his, giving him a nice yank, which in turn, yanked Dane as he was chained to his buddy, the both of them losing their balance and falling to the cold floor, cursing in protest.

"Get the fuck away!" Max said as he tried to kick the dragon's legs, only ending up hurting his own foot as it was like kicking a solid concrete pillar. Speaking of pillars, Slyther's cocks were almost fully hard and ready, looking high above the two on the floor, reaching an unGodly length of three feet per shaft, perhaps even more. The dragon growled as he gave his groin a flex, the massive shafts swelling a bit as they bobbed and spurt forth two jets of orangey precum, spurting Max in the eye and Dane on the cheek. The dragon's shafts had a very intricate pattern on them, red lines coursing the length of each vertically stacked cock, the lines turning to form corners, almost like that of a maze. The speared heads were slowly leaking the orange draconic precum, the shafts ending at the retracted sheath with two large knots for each cock.

Slyther reached down at the two inmates, the claws on his large hands sharp as he gripped the orange jumpsuits, yanking, shredding the coverings away from the backsides of the two screaming, resisting males. He tossed the shredded jumpsuit bottoms to the side and flipped the two over to admire the virgin holes they had. Nothing special, average sized asses with nice pink puckers buried deep within, ready for some forceful claiming.

Slyther got down onto his knees, snorting another cloud of smoke as he was ready to take care of business, the two trying to kick and crawl away with their arms bound behind their back. There was no need to bust their legs, since they were so much smaller and weaker than the dragon. He just grabbed Dane by the hips and flipped him around on top of the kangaroo so that they were laying back to back, Max on his belly with a dingo on his back, the canine's soft length and balls flopping around as he tried to kick the dragon away, looking up at him with terror.

"Oh, this is going to be a tight fit..." Said the dragon as he stroked over his massive shafts, each one as thick as two liter soda bottle. Luckily, they had nice spear shaped cockheads to get nice and wedged in at first. Leaning over the two and looking down into Dane's terrified eyes with his own glowing green orbs, he lined himself up and pressed himself against the two tailholes that were trying to be covered up by curling tails. Dane and Max gave out a shriek as the dragon proceeded, leaning into them, gripping the two at their sides and pulling them closer, their holes spreading further and further, painfully, but the dragon's orange precum had such slick properties, almost like that of soap, making things perfectly slick as he pushed deeper, deeper, harder, until with a gut wrenching pop, the speared tip of his shafts made it into each hole.

Barstow and Quinn could hear the screaming through the wall, it was unsettling, a bit, but knowing what those two had done, it was just what they had deserved. Barstow sipped on his cup of piping hot coffee as he and the rookie watched some episodes of CSI on television, one of the senior officers favorite shows.

Dave and Max screamed for the dragon to stop, they could feel their assholes tearing at the sides, the smells of fresh blood mixing into the air as Slyther took the smells in, feeling the warmth around the heads of his cocks from the inexperienced holes. This didn't stop him, he pushed on further, sliding inch after inch of the many that he had deeper and deeper inside of the two murderers. They screamed, kicked, cried out in pain and displeasure, but this was all music to the dragon.

"This is your punishment...and my pleasure..." He rumbled out, giving a forceful thrust that lodged a good foot of dragon cock into each ass, making the two scream out in pain as Slyther was only at least a third of the way inside of each one. Now, he knew that if he were to hilt himself, he would kill them, quite painfully. That was no fun, he wanted them alive still. He pressed on a few more inches not even reaching the halfway point before he felt there was no more room inside of the two, holding the down to the floor as their legs kicked around, desperately trying to get him to stop, but deep down, they knew there was no way of getting him to. No matter how loud they screamed, how much they begged, how hard they struggled, their fates were sealed.

Slyther enjoyed the moments as he slowly pulled his dicks out, the ebony shafts glistening with his potent orange precum and a bit of blood, oh, such small holes being forced to take such large things. The tightness was undeniably satisfying, that was for sure. He slowly began to pump his hips into the rapists, one on top of the other getting fucked in the ass at the same time as they writhed about in pain, but also, pleasure. Not on their own will, at least, but the dragon's precum was getting into their bloodstream now, the powerful draconic pheromones making them horny against their own will, their cocks being rigid in false sexual satisfaction.

"Ah, look, you are enjoying it now, aren't you?" Slyther said deeply with growls of pleasure as the two he was inside of were actually beginning to enjoy it, the dragon's precum filling them with sexual pleasure, painting over their pain as soon, they would be moaning out, their minds overtaken like a sexual drug. It was confusing them deeply, Slyther could see it in Dane's eyes, at least, that his mind was fighting the sexual urges of satisfaction.

The dragon's massive cocks slid back and forth, the thick poles slurping loudly around the forced open tailholes, precum dribbling down to the floor as the dragon surely made it in copious amounts. The duo began moaning, wanting to stroke off their hard members desperately, but could not as Max's was pressed into the hard floor and Dane's was left bobbing and flapping about his belly and thighs. Slyther almost always did this to his meals, gave them a satisfying cream filling before they would go down and become his meal.

Quinn was surely confused to hear moaning in the room next to them, where they enjoying it? How? That was surely odd, finding it hard for him to concentrate on the television as, well, something else was getting hard, thinking of that massive dragon nude was, well, an erotic thought. He wasn't even bisexual, but, he had become curious at times, and the dragon was quite the sexual being to even look upon.

Slyther's nostrils huffed smoke down upon the two once more, clouding them in it as they were forced to inhale, only adding to their sexual bliss as they were moaning like a couple of horny little bitches now, despite the fact their assholes were a bit torn open and their insides getting moved around by nearly two feet of dragon dick fucking its way inside, and there was still plenty of cock to go, but the next inmate he chose would be able to cure that issue.

The deep fucking continued, the dragon rumbling out in his gratification for claiming a couple of tight anuses at the same time, oh, this was a fun maneuver. It was not long before Dane would moan out and tense up, firing a few good shots of cum all over the remainder of his orange jumpsuit that covered his upper body, the dingo's maw open wide as he groaned out in pleasure. Not too long after, Max tensed up and writhed about, grinding his hips into the floor as he had his own orgasm, spurting cum onto the cement surface and having it smear all over his thighs and toned belly.

Slyther took in the sexual scents of their semen, his own still greatly overpowered them but it was quite a lovely sight to watch, their orgasms causing their sore and torn anuses to clench around the dragon's massive spires. The dragon could feel himself coming closer as well, as he had amazing control over his orgasms, able to fuck for hours and hours until releasing, or, depending on the timeframe, making a deposit within a short span of time. He usually waited for the inmates to have their orgasms first, as it was quite entertaining before he filled them.

The mighty dragon inhaled deeply, his muscular chest swelling forth as he then exhaled out a deeper cloud into the room, thicker and more potent, fogging up almost the entire space around them. His twin spires were throbbing hard, swelling and wrecking the two criminals even more, the gigantic balls tugging upwards, prepared to deliver a dual payload deep inside of his meal. Slyther gave one last thrust, burying both cocks deeply inside of the inmates, not enough to bury both shafts, but nearly two thirds of each dauntingly huge cock, his hands gripping the two males and pinning them to the floor. The first bursts of his deep orange seed shot out of each cock with quite potent and powerful force, delivering a payload into the guts of the two males with what would have felt like a punch to the gut from the inside out. They both gasped and stopped breathing for a moment, having the wind knocked out of them as the dragon filled his meals up with free flowing dragon seed, looking down and watching Dane's belly swell, his golden furred torso plumping, his body rising as Max was slowly inflating underneath him. The dragon gritted his teeth and snorted out more smoke as his pleasured rumbles echoed in the room, his orange semen spurting forth from the widely spread, broken-in anal rings, pooling out on the floor under them, soaking the dingo and kangaroo's fur in the sticky, hot, potent seed.

The dragon's sexual drive was endless, he could breed and mate without stop with his extremely productive sexual drive, his libido was surely a record breaker. Max and Dane, on the other hand, were starting to feel the pain again coming to them as their bellies swelled out more and more, pushing organs around and making room for their inflating bowels as the dragon continued to ejaculate inside of them, each cock delivering a perfectly balanced amount of cum at the same time, each spurt the same size from each shaft. The orgasm lasted for nearly a half minute, that means nearly two solid minutes of nothing but cum flowing into the two, Slyther delivering at least three gallons of semen, each.

The dragon inhaled deeply, puffing out his chest once more, but exhaling clean this time, no more smoke. His hands released the two pinned to the floor, bloated bellies sloshing about as they groaned in pain, the dragon slowly retreating from them as his massive cocks pulled away slowly and wetly, the speared tips pulling free from the broken anal rings, a heavy gush of orange semen pouring free from both holes as the prisoners lay on the cement, mumbling in confusion and pain. Slyther had worked up quite an appetite, and was ready to feed. His strong arms and hands reached for the orange jumpsuits that remained on the two, pushing Dane off of Max so that they were laying side by side on their bloated bellies, looking down at the abused tailholes and thighs and asses covered in his cum. He used his claws to tear and yank the jumpsuits off, tossing them aside, going for the chain that bound the two inmates together, snapping the iron links like cheap plastic. With a long reach, Slyther grasped the key that was sitting upon the table in the room, plucking the small key from it and removing the handcuffs around the dazed prisoner's wrists. They didn't even struggle as their arms became freed, the metal clanking of the cuffs echoing out in the room as the dragon tossed them onto the table. The prison always liked to keep their cuffs, not to mention they would be quite a pain to retrieve after the inmates had digested and passed through.

Who to start with? He scanned over the two on the floor, noticing that Max the kangaroo was trying to crawl away, showing he had more life left in him to survive. Slyther just smiled as he reached forward, his mighty hands and arms grabbing the nude roo by the tail and pulling him closer. Max mumbled and did a bit of kicking as he was pulled in to the ten foot dragon's embrace, lifted up and turned to face Slyther, his glossy green eyes blinking as he focused into the face of his maker.

" sick fuck..." Was all he could utter as the dragon grinned toothily, his impatient gut churning and ready to take in the filling meal before him, his semen still slowly dribbling from Max's asshole, the bulging belly sagging a bit from the once toned frame. Wordlessly, he opened his maw, quite wide, his jaw popping noisily as it unhinged, showing rows of teeth, the draconic tongue, and beyond that, the hole of his esophagus that led down to the pit of his stomach. Max shook his head, muttering and wriggling as Slyther pulled him in and shoved the kangaroo's head into his mouth, Max letting out a holler of fear as his face met Slyther's long tongue, his world going dark as the muscular throat flexed around his face and pulled him in, legs kicking about and arms struggling as they were pinned to his sides.

Slyther rumbled deeply as he closed his eyes in delight, his massive twin cocks, glistening with cum, stood tall and rigid, throbbing still as he jammed the shoulders of the kangaroo into his maw, his lips spreading as his teeth raked against the fur of his meal, cutting into the flesh slightly and staining them with blood as Max screamed, his head now in the dragon's bulging throat. Slyther swallowed hard, pulling the roos torso in further, jamming him in and opening his throat up, gulping down as Max was lifted from the concrete floor, that bulging gut pressed against the lips of the dragon, the inmate almost half gone as his legs kicked and tail flailed about. Slyther jammed his meal into his gullet, twisting and forcing that bloated belly in, semen spurting out and wetly plopping onto the floor below. Max's waist slowly passed the dragon's lips now, Slyther pulling his hands and arms back, his lips curled into a grin as he slowly tilted his head back and up, Max's kicking legs and tail slowly descending down the muscular slide, the dragon's throat bulging out with Max's outline as he contorted and twisted on his way down. Gulping loudly and swallowing down, the legs slowly vanished as they descended, the large foot paws and tail joining as the kangaroo started to curl up into Slyther's stomach, the rock hard wall of abs bulging out from behind. Max's feet were the last thing to see light as they came to the back of the dragon's throat, toes wiggling and kicking before they disappeared down the esophagus, Max vanishing from existence with a single gulp, Slyther closing his maw and waiting for the kangaroo to collect and curl up inside of him before inhaling deeply and letting out a pleasured groan.

"Next on the menu..." He said deeply with a rumble, reaching for Dane, who was too sapped of energy to resist, pulling the mumbling and muttering dingo closer. He grinned and licked the mix of blood and semen from his lips, opening his jaw up again and lifting the dingo's footpaws to his jaw, his tongue coming out to lick across them, the canine yelping softly and trying to kick the tongue away. Slyther just opened his jaw once more, taking in the legs of the male, slowly, pulling him into his throat and feeling the paws push past his throat, kicking and trying to pull free, only getting shoved down faster. Slyther wedged and jammed the dingo's hips into his large maw, Dane sobbing and pleading as he felt the hot wetness of the muscular throat close around his ankles and pull downwards, the muscular esophagus yanking him downwards. Slyther shoved the dingo into his maw harder, the lips curling around Dane's waistline, the bloated belly pushing against the lips as his own seed spurted out of the dingo's used ass and down the dragon's throat, only slicking the way for him to go down. The dragon rumbled out happily, gulping loudly and feeling his throat bulge around the legs of the dingo as he was pulled down, the male not even struggling anymore as was fed in slowly, Slyther tucking the male's arms to his sides as he guided him down his throat. Dane's foggy eyes looked to the dim lit room as he felt the throat closing around him, pulling him deeper, the warmth growing, the sounds of burbling and growling echoing as his shoulders slipped past Slyther's lips, the dragon's hands giving the dingo a gentle push down as he lifted his head up high. Dane looked upwards as his world was leaving, the view of the light dimming as Slyther slowly closed his maw and the throat muscles curled around his face, slipping down into the pit of the dragon's gut, never to see day again as all went black and he could hear nothing but the burbling and gurgling echoing into his ears, his legs curling into Slyther's stretched stomach, Max still alive, kicking, wiggling around and screaming as his friend soon joined him, together, they would meet inside of the dragon, nothing but darkness surrounding them.

Slyther grinned as he rubbed over his distended gut, patting it softly with the two forms wiggling around freely, but not for much longer. He opened his jaw and let out a deep, long belch of satisfaction, all of the air leaving his gut as the muscular stomach walls collapsed around the two inmates, crushing them, snapping bones and popping joints as the duo screamed a bloodcurdling howl from behind Slythers bulging abdominal muscles. He looked down at the bulge in his gut, seeing it wiggle slightly and come to a stop as his intensely powerful stomach acids would soon come to work, the sounds of gurgling and rumbling sounding already as the two still alive males would soon begin to stew and break down into a nutritious soup.

Slyther leaned back, looking over to the discarded jumpsuits and grinning as he slowly stood up to his feet once more, his belly burbling and sloshing about as his twin cocks stood as rigid as ever, throbbing and leaking precum once again as his extreme libido would keep them hard. He sauntered over to the wall that parted the rooms, leaning against it and delivering three hard bangs onto the concrete surface, signaling to the officers that he was ready for the next meal.

Barstow snorted as he heard the banging on the wall, grinning and reaching for the radio to signal back to Vice that the next prisoner was ready for transport. Quinn blinked as he looked over to the senior officer.

"Already? How long has it been? Fifteen minutes?" He asked the horse, Barstow just shook his head with a snort of his nostrils.

"This guy works pretty fast, no need for him to stay too long anyway, besides, wouldn't want you to get too comfortable in here waiting around for a few hours for him to do his deed." The Doberman just pursed his lips and shrugged, oh well, he just figured it was kind of fast for it all to happen...and...he sort of wanted to watch. Maybe the dragon would allow it? He shook his head again, no, that was...something he was not sure he could handle.

Barstow opened up the file on the next inmate, Clayton Wade. This guy was a real brute as he glanced over the mugshot. The rhino was a big man, standing eight and a half feet tall and having a very thick dense frame, his horns completely removed and sanded down, as was standard for all races with horns in prison. Horns were removed and claws kept trimmed, even if the inmate had to be tied down and sedated to allow it, they were natural weapons to be used to injure guards and other prisoners.

"What do we have here? Clay Wade. Been here since 1998, currently aged forty-two. Serving four life sentences after he murdered his own family. Only had one child, a daughter, Tiffany, she was eighteen. Always had a history of anger problems, smacked his wife around a few times until one night, after he lost his job, he really let her have it. Charlene was her name, she managed to fight back, stabbed him in the side a few times with a kitchen knife. Unlike her husband, she was a hippo, didn't have a horn to defend herself as well as she could have, but a well placed smack sent her tumbling into the corner of a granite countertop, cracked her noggin open and she died of cerebral hemorrhaging. Well not long after, Tiffany and her boyfriend, a nice zebra fella named Stanly, come home in time to see the bloody mess in the kitchen. They scream in horror, only to get charged by Clay. He gores the poor kid, punctured his lungs and almost ripped his heart out with that horn of his as Tiffany watched. Then he wraps his hands around her neck, bangs her head against the wall, and chokes the very life out of his own daughter as he is in his homicidal rage."

Quinn shakes his head in complete horror listening to the backstory about Clay's rampage.

"And how does he feel about what he did?" He asked, leaning in and hanging his head in disbelief.

"Hmm, he was pretty sorry later on, but his parents disowned him, entire family did after that moment. Never lost that temper! He sent about a dozen other inmates to the medical ward in his history here. That end's tonight, though."

Clay snorted as he was being walked down the long and empty hallways to the storage areas, his thick wrists bound in the durable cuffs as he looked back to Vice, who was just as tall as he was.

"Pretty ballsy of you to move me all alone, chief." The rhino said in a deep, baritone voice to the bull, who just ignored his taunts, guiding him down the halls.

"Where are you taking me, anyway? Better be a new cell, a single one. You know I don't like to share." The rhino said once more as Vice said nothing, remaining as stoic as ever as they neared the storage room where the dragon was waiting. The bull knocked three times upon the door to let Slyther know that the next prisoner was there, and he opened the door as Clay looked inside and could not see much inside, but he sure could smell something strange.

"This isn't a cell..." Was last thing that Clay uttered before the bull gave the rhino a shove, pushing him through the doorway and closing the door behind with a slam, the other two officers were then greeted by Vice who nodded to them, giving them the signal that the next payload had arrived.

"What the fuck is this place..." Clay said in his deep voice as he saw not much but smoke inside of the room, like it was on fire or something, the dim lights shining and making the cloud bright, but the smell of something was in the air, and strong, the smell of sex. The rhino snorted and tried to break his cuffs, but damn, they were strong, until something caught his eyes, two glowing green orbs in the smoky cloud, followed by a low, sensual rumble.

"Who's there?" He said deeply, becoming defensive and backing himself against the door, the large, muscular and broad male looking right at the eyes that were gazed upon him. The smoke seemed to clear as Slyther's ten foot tall self appeared from the smoke, denser and more defined than the rhino, thicker, taller, stronger, he was not afraid of the grey skinned male one bit. His massive twin cocks jutted from his groin as they pulsed and throbbed, spurting forth a twin jet of orange precum as it splattered onto Clay's jumpsuit.

"Oh, just me. I am going to get you out of here." The dragon said with a rumbling chuckle as he strode over to the rhino and grabbed him by the collar of his jumpsuit, giving it a hard tug and ripping it right from his torso to expose the meaty pecs and solid belly of the rhinoceros, his hands quickly going for the pants, yanking them and tearing them away as Clay was still in shock.

The rhino finally reacted as his clothes were ripped free from his body, standing there nude as his fat, uncut cock and balls sway freely. He snorted and charged the dragon, leaning in as if he still had a horn, slamming his head into Slyther's chest, only ending up getting slapped by the twin cocks, precum smearing into his hairy, thick grey skin. The dragon just grinned as he was headbutted, his massive pecs swelling as he flexed them and took the hit, not even harming him at all as he rumbled out deeply. The rhino started to kick at the dragon's legs, snorting and cursing but not even harming the massive red dragon, who merely reached out and grabbed the rhino by the shoulders and looked down to him.

"Shhh...We will have lots of fun..." He said as he inhaled and started to blow out his alluringly blue smoke into the nostrils of the rhino, who gagged and coughed and choked on it as he took a blast of it right to the face.

"What the fuck did you do, who are you?" He said, coughing and sputtering between each word as his body started to slowly relax. His eyes slowly turning a bit red, almost like someone intoxicated on marijuana, his tense muscular body slowly relaxing as he just stood there, gasping and wheezing for air as he had quite a confused expression now, his mouth and thick lips agape.

"There, now you are more calm." Slyther said with a deep, pleasured rumble in his voice, pulling the rhino closer as the dragon shook his head and leaned in a bit, tilting his head to the side and shoving Clay's nostrils into his thick mane that covered the back of his head all the way down his back. The rhino huffed the dragon's scent, taking in the deep, potent scent, quite arousing, as the rhino's cock began to stiffen quickly, rubbing against Slyther's heavy and productive testicles.

Clayton's eyes roamed over the dragon's solid wall of abdominals and over his rock cut lats and pecs, his gaze entranced as he had fallen victim of the dragon's hypnotic and seductive musk, quite easily, just as the dragon had intended him to. He was not fully under Slyther's spell, as his mind was recalling something, this dragon was not unknown to him, he knew he had seen this titan somewhere before. Then it clicked in his mind.

"'re Slyther...I can't forget a body like that...You're a lot bigger in person than on TV..." Clearly, Clay had been paying attention to the bodybuilding competitions on the sports network, NFSW. Slyther mostly entered in the posing and physique competitions, having won himself quite a hefty amount of trophies and monetary rewards, his mass and definition was surely something to stare in awe of. Clayton had never been one to be attracted to other guys, but with the dragon's enchanting musk filling his lungs, his defenses were lowered. The dragon just grinned and reached in to pat the rhino's cheek.

"Mmm, right you are. You are going to do me such much good by helping me get even bigger." He said with a purring rumble as the rhino just nodded softly. The dragon's large hands reached for Clay's shoulders and gave him a sturdy push down to the floor and onto his knees, the muscular pachyderm resisted some as he snorted deeply as he looked up and could only see those massive double cocks looming over him. Slyther grasped the lower of his twin shafts and slapped the rhino across the face with it, making him snort a bit angrily as the orangey precum got onto his lips and some into his mouth, the taste of it was, not bad at all, and just like it had worked on the two digesting away in the dragon's belly, it was making the rhino feel slightly pleasured as his own cock, jutting out damn near two feet from his thighs throbbed and rubbed against the dragon's leg.

Slyther licked across his lips as he forced the muscular rhino about, getting behind him and shoving the bound male to the ground, Clay landing on his beefy pecs with a thud as he snorted and groaned in frustration, wanting to resist but the dragon's allure taking most of his will power. Slyther slowly kneeled to the floor behind Clay, looking over that thick, wide ass the rhino had, covered in black, coarse hairs. Two large draconic hands reached forth to grasp and knead into that thick ass, groping and spreading the cheeks to see the ebony pucker located deep within, the heavy balls hanging below as the rhino was on his knees and bent over, vulnerable, best to hurry and strike before Clay would become resistant.

The massive dragon took his twin cocks by the heads and aimed them at the target, the rhino's ebon pucker. Leaning in, grinning toothily and snorting a soft cloud of smoke, both spear like shafts pressed against that anus, precum oozing forth and rubbing against it, slicking it up with his vicious pre-seed.

"Oh Clay, you are a perfect size...I think I will be able to fully embed myself in you..." He said with a lick over his lips as he gave his hips a hard shove forward, both tips pushing hard against the rhino's large hole, the large male giving off a deep groan of satisfaction, his muscular form shifting and trying to move, the shackles that bound the wrists straining as Clay tried to break them again. Slyther had no intention to go easy on the rhino as he forced them in harder, pushing and causing the rhino to let out a holler of pain and anger, but it did nothing to deter the dragon as he managed to force both of his cockheads into Clayton's virgin hole, the slick preseed having made the way inside easier for both shafts.

Slyther rumbled deeply in his chest as he looked down to see both of his cockheads jammed into the rhino's hole, he could feel the tight pressure around them, only making his precum spurt out even faster and in more abundance. He leaned in, slowly feeding both of his shafts into Clay's insides, pushing more and more in and not stopping for anything, not matter how loud the rhino screamed, two large hands coming to his shoulders to keep him in place and pinned down.

Clay's anus didn't give in as easy as the other's, surprisingly, keeping from tearing and proving quite durable for such a daunting task as the dragon penetrated him. The male's muscular body tensing up as he tried to force himself up, but the dragon's immense arms slammed him back down. The twin spires pushed on further, sinking deeper and deeper into Clay's large body, Slyther growling in pleasure as he looked downwards to see his shafts halfway inside of the rhino, surely, plenty more room to go. He was not going to stop, not this time, giving a hard jam that caused Clayton to scream out in pain and struggle, the dragon leaning on top of him, pinning him down and quickly jamming the rest of his cocks' length inside, all the way to the knots as the knocked onto Clay's backdoor.

"Mmm, do you feel that inside of you? Three and a half feet of double dragon dick is inside of you now. Bet you never felt that before, have you?" He said with a teasing rumble, snorting out another puff of smoke as he could feel his monstrous cocks throbbing hard within Clayton's wide spread insides.

The rhino snorted as he tried to push himself up from his kneeling position, but Slyther overpowered the rhino, easily weighing more than twice what he did, and yet he could feel the tension and pressure pushing back against his massive arms. It was quite refreshing knowing Clayton's strength would soon join to his own. The dragon slowly pulled his shafts back out, feeling the insides of the rhino brush past them, ample amounts of preseed had leaked inside, leaving things nice and slick for him to shove them back in again, his heavy balls slapping the rhino's muscular, hairy ass.

"!!!" Clay snorted and uttered as his muscular form did it's best to resist the dragon's lust and sheer weight pressing down onto him, his back and shoulders straining as sweat began to bead up on his thick grey skin. Slyther just smiled as he got into a good rut, sliding both of his giant cocks in and out, the squishing and sloshing sounds getting louder the more he thrusted into Clay, the tightness of having both of them inside together giving him much more pleasure than the last duo.

"Oh, I will get off alright, inside of you. Then you will be inside of me." He said as he rumbled out with pleasure, the vibrations echoing even into the rhino's chest as heavy, basketball sized testicles slapped against Clayton's ass over and over. The preseed was taking it's effect within, causing the rhino pangs of intense pleasure the more it saturated his insides, his own dick throbbing between his thighs, slapping against his muscular belly as he began to moan out deeply with forced pleasure.

Slyther's glowing viridian eyes looked down at the rhino pinned under him, his ebony hole spread wide and leaking precum from the small gap between his shafts as they slide in and out in a repetitive and quick motion. The dual knots at the bases of both cocks slammed hard against Clay's hole on each pass, the dragon contemplating burying them at the last moment to really stuff the rhino full of orange cream filling, the thought got a broad grin from him. Clayton grunted and groaned as his head was forced to lay on the cement, his cheek pressed against the cold floor as he drool uncontrollably.

Barstow finished off the last doughnut as the episode came to it's end on the television, luckily, another one was next! Quinn's ears were perked up nice and tall as he listened in, there sure was not as much screaming in pain and horror as there was the last time for the dingo and 'roo. He glanced over to the horse as the officer sipped from his coffee mug.

"Hey, do you have a record as to, you know, how many people he has eaten?" The horse licked some powdered sugar from his lips as he pondered the question softly, it was on record, but he had forgotten the exact number.

"Well, let me think...He does this monthly, four or so inmates at a time. This is the third and a half year we have been working this deal with him... so I'm going to say close to two hundred inmates." Quinn was quite shocked to hear that staggering number, that is more than many mass murders in the nation's history!

"Two hundred? Wow...It's a good thing the media does not know about this..." The horse just snickered as he offered a wink to the rookie officer.

"Congress has us protected, under the table, of course. Money is being saved with each inmate that disappears, since each one that vanishes is in for life sentences only. Not to mention we only get rid of the worst ones, there are plenty of compliant and sane inmates in here that really should be let back out since they have paid for their crimes, but redemption is not easy in the Law's eyes." The young Doberman nodded softly, it was true, some inmates really have turned around and would make good working citizens, but the crimes they committed will forever be stained on their paws.

Clayton was slowly becoming more tired as the dragon ravaged his insides with both massive cocks, the rhino's body glistening with sweat, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled each breath deeply. He was feeling a distinct mix of sensations, pleasure from the dragon's cocks rubbing over his prostrate along with the pheromone laden fluids steadily flowing from the spear shaped cockheads. And, not to mention, pain from the immense dual cocks buried deep inside and thrusting about. As well as warmth, almost like his insides were full Bengay, a tingling, intensely heated sensation from the dragon's potent orange precum.

Slyther had near endless stamina, and he was waiting patiently for the rhino to have his last orgasm before he would fill up the large body of the male pinned under him. Clay could feel it coming, his hard, thick cock slapping against his muscular gut and thighs as the tingling, burning sensation in his loins reached its peak. He snorted loudly, arched his back and reered up as much as the dragon would allow him, still being pinned down under arms thicker than great trees.

"Hrrrrah! I'm gonna cum! FUCK!" He bellared out into the storage room, his voice echoing off the bare walls and back to the dragon smiling above him, watching down intently as his hips gave a few great bucks into the rhino, pushing him over the edge. Clayton's cock fired off a massive first burst of seed, so hard and fast that it splattered all over the cement floor before them, Slyther was impressed to see just how far the first burst jettisoned out, reaching a few feet in front of where they were kneeled down. Well over a dozen ropes of seed ejaculated out after, and Slyther could feel the rhino's insides clench down tightly around his cocks, squeezing them with a lovely amount of pressure that felt quite heavenly.

The dragon took in the aroma of the rhino's semen, it was quite a powerful musky smell. However, his own soon covered it up once again, giving it only a small moment in the spotlight as Clay's orgasm was slowly ending, the last spurts of seed oozing from his swollen ebony cockhead. Slyther was ready for this moment, his balls churning and ready to fill his next meal as he pulled back quite a bit, then gave one powerful thrust inward. Clayton screamed out in pain, his anal wall finally giving in and breaking as the dragon's engorged knots forced their way in, both of them at the same time, almost breaking the rhino's dense pelvis as the two bulbous melon sized knots were buried within.

Slyther closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the tie with a big, muscular ass. It was not very often he got to bury both of them in, but Clay was just the size for doing so. Then the flow came, the dragon's massive nuts pulling upwards and releasing their pent up cargo, the cocks swelling a bit inside of the rhino as a sheer fountain of orange seed ejected forth from the massive shafts. Clayton's muscular frame flexed and twisted as he felt his stomach bulging forth, the deep pain and pressure causing him to grind his teeth as he was slowly inflating like a muscular grey balloon. Slyther rumbled out in deep pleasure as he filled Clayton's bowels, the huge knots keeping all of the seed inside with very little room to leak as they had formed quite a seal. The rhino kicked and screamed deeply, trying to lift himself up but only being pushed down by Slyther's massive arms and weight once again. The rhino's belly was growing, pushing out and swelling, forming quite a pot belly, perfectly rounded and spherical, covered in thick black hairs as ugly stretch marks formed, signs that the rhino's belly could not handle much more.

The dragon had pumped another copious load of a few heavy gallons of his seed, his flow tapering off as he rest there to take in the moment of stuffing another meal, ripe for consumption. Slyther's deep, rhythmic rumbling was so very loud, like an amp turned on and a single string plucked from a bass guitar. The dragon opened his eyes again, his hands grasping and kneading into the broad shoulders of the defeated rhino, who protested and groaned in pain as to how far his belly had pushed out.

"Mmm...such a strong, durable body...You are going to go to such good use, compared to rotting away in here..." He cooed out to Clayton, his hips pulling backwards as the rhino groaned and hollered out in pain once again as his anus was being spread wide open once more, this time, slowly. Slyther's knots would surely not deflate as he tugged and yanked on them, finally getting them out with a satisfying pop, a deluge of his orange seed flowing out from Clayton's broken anus like a flowing faucet. The dragon grinned as he slowly pulled out both of his massive dicks, the entire lengths glistening and slick as he removed them, the rhino panting and groaning in discomfort as Slyther reached back to the table, taking the key the set there when he unbound the last two inmates, who were now fully digested inside of him.

He slowly undid the binds, freeing the rhino's massive hands and thick arms, the solid steel placed upon the table with the smaller pairs, the key set back down as well. Clayton could feel his hands freed, the pressure from the cuffs gone, and he still had some energy left in him. He quickly turned his shoulders and glared at the dragon, swinging his body around and launching a closed fist towards Slyther.

The dragon grinned as the fist was coming in towards his snout, and it landed, dead on along his jaw. The punch didn't phase the dragon as he tilted his head to the side, it wasn't enough to bust a lip or chip a tooth, in fact, Clayton groaned in pain as he had a rather deep gash along the back of his hand, having nicked one of the dragon's fangs in the process as crimson blood gushed from the wound. The rhino still had once good fist, and he was going to try again. He launched another punch towards Slyther's snout, aiming for the nostrils this time, but the dragon just opened his maw, a smile curled on his lips as he bit down.

Clayton bellared out in pain as the dragon bit down on his forearm, teeth sinking into flesh with pressure compared to a bear trap, and that was only just a little bite. Slyther didn't want to bite the rhino's hand off, no, that would be a little grotesque, even for him, he preferred to keep them whole as they went down. The dragon merely reached out to the other bleeding hand, grabbing it and bringing it to his lips, his other hand grasping the elbow of the arm trapped in his jaws. Clayton's nostrils flared and his teeth ground as the dragon opened his jaws wide and pulled the rhino by his arms closer, blood trickling along the dragon's tongue as Clay could feel his fingers touching the back of the dragon's throat, his massive, thick forearms taking up the dragon's maw entirely.

Slyther's massive hands gripped Clay by the shoulders and pulled him in closer, the rhino's eyes going wide as he felt his arms sliding down the dragon's esophagus, watching as his meaty, thick arms came together, squeezing his pecs together tightly as he was brought in deeper, there was no way this could be happening, what the hell was this dragon doing? Slyther could taste the blood trickling down his throat from Clayton's wounds, it was such a lovely accent to add to the rhino's sweaty and hairy grey skin.

"The_fuck_ are you doing to me?!" The rhinoceros blurted out loudly in his deep, bassy voice, snorting loudly and trying to pull back away from the open jaws of the dragon, but Slyther had a powerful grasp on his meal, the kind that was not going to allow him to escape easily. The gaping maw of the dragon came closer, but the rhino resisted the encroaching throat by bucking his head upwards, attempting to stab the dragon through the roof of his mouth with his horn...if he still had one. Since all dangerous body parts that can be used for weapons, horns, antlers, claws, were kept in check and filed down, Clay only ended up scratching his snout and brow on the row of sharp teeth, snorting out with a holler as the fangs raked across his skin and caused more blood to trickle down.

The rhino's adrenaline was picking up again, causing him to thrash about, his muscular arms and neck flexing as he struggled, snorting and screaming deeply and only ending up hurting himself even more, causing deep gash wounds across his arms and head as Slyther allowed him to struggle, pulling him deeper as soon as he could, the throat bulging out with muscular, hairy forearms as the shoulders were nearing the jaws. Since Slyther's teeth had already done a good deal of damage with the rhino's struggles, he twisted his neck from side to side in order to get his unhinged jaw to spread around the broad shoulders, Clay's vision marred by blood in his eyes as it was all going dark quickly.

Slyther's gut groaned out loudly as he pulled the rhino closer, his throat muscles swallowing lost blood to mix into the stew inside of his stomach as he drew Clay in deeper, his teeth scratching along the broad back and powerful chest of his meal, the dragon's tongue pleasurably licking that hairy, sweaty chest, running between the meaty pecs and tasting them as Clay's upper body was crammed into his wide spread jaws. The dragon had no intention of stopping, the rhino's chest heaving as he still struggled, his legs kicking, arms flexing deep in the dragon's throat and his meal huffing and hollering loudly, the sounds muffled by Slyther's muscular throat.

The dragon growled out in deep satisfaction as he pulled Clay in, tongue rolling over that thickly rounded gut of his meal, the skin so rough along his wet tongue as he engorged himself. His throat was swollen with the form of Clay's head making an outline, the jaw of the rhino still moving behind the scales as he still screamed out in terror, only ending up spending what valuable breath he had left. The rhino still had strength in him, not wanting to give up even those it was clear that there would be no turning back from this point, halfway inside of the dragon's hungry throat.

Slyther figured it was time to let gravity help him, reaching down, he grabbed the huge legs of the rhino, each hand grasping a meaty calf as the dragon slowly leaned back, his muscular neck and shoulders bulging out widely as he lifted his head upwards, helping the rhino up into the air as those legs kicked and struggled. The predator groaned loudly, his swollen pecs flexing outwards as his neck swelled even larger with the shape of a rhinoceros sliding down. Slyther's wet tongue licked along that meaty body, coming to the now flaccid cock and dangling balls of the prisoner, jostling them around and cleaning them of any remaining seed that had coated them, the same tongue sliding between and around the thick thighs, cleaning his own seed as it gushed from Clayton's used and now loose asshole, the pressure being pushed onto the rhino causing his spent ass to gush out the copious amount of dragon seed inside of him.

The dragon's entire chest and his gut were now glistening with his own orange cum as it flowed freely from Clay's abused and broken asshole. The rhino's meaty waist was slowly being swallowed down with the aid of gravity, the legs becoming pinned together, huge thighs spreading the dragon's lips wide as the rest was easy as cake. Slyther's large hands rubbed his throat, feeling the huge and satisfying meal slide down his throat, the struggling feet getting closer and closer to their destination, the calf muscles passing the lips until two large feet were all that remained of Clay. The dragon's hands groped over the large feet, tongue licking over them and over the toes as he opened his jaws wide and allowed them to become pulled in, the esophagus hissing out deeply as they vanished from sight, Slyther cracking his jaw and adjusting it to close it properly once more, tasting the sweat, seed, and blood on his tongue.

Slyther's twin shafts were still hard as steel, throbbing and leaking more precum even though they had a glistening gleam of seed with a hint of blood on them, the dragon rubbing over his gut, the muscular abs bulging out from the rhino collecting and balling up into his gut, still wiggling and making weak muffled grunts and groans. Surely, Clay was being treated to soupy bath inside, acids and remains of the first meal coating his body and filling his lungs with the stench as he screamed in pain. The dragon rubbed over his distended belly, the scales stretching over his form as he gave a low and satisfied rumble. Content with how heavy his meal was, the dragon realized now that standing was even starting to be a bit of a challenge.

His giant tree trunk thick legs shuddered as he once again rose to his feet, the belly sagging a bit and groaning loudly as he held onto and caressed his swollen gut, his throat rumbling and Clay still wiggling about inside. He smiled, licking across his lips with a grin as he slowly lift his head up, opened his jaws again and let out a room shaking, deep bassy belch. The sound was so loud as air pushed from his stomach, the lining of his organ closing in and crushing Clay inside, the rhino letting out a last painful scream before he would remain still and stay that way for good.

Officer Quinn quickly glanced at the wall as it shuddered, the belch audible through the wall. He glanced back to the elder officer and was glared back at by him. "Guess that means he finished him off...Impossible, how could he swallow someone that big?" He asked the older officer who just shook his head. "Dragons, one of few races that can still harness powers of the old days, before the Collapse." Quinn pursed his lips, that was all just history and hundreds of years in the past, the days of was hard to believe with current times.

Quinn then blurted out a bold statement. "I want to watch him." He said, Barstow's eyes opening rather wide at the remark. "You...well, I suppose everyone gets curious. I've watched him once was...well, it was unlike anything I have seen before. Can't say I'd want to do it again any time but...You can ask him to leave the door window open for you." Barstow had no problem with letting the young officer watch, he did himself years ago when Slyther became a 'customer.' It was a bit too much for him to witness, having to stop halfway through and go back to sit down and clear his mind. The young Doberman made up his mind, and he wanted to witness this, he was sure of it. Just then, the radio call came in, it was not Slyther, but it was Vice.

"Barstow, come in." Said the deep voice of the bull as the horse grabbed the radio and answered it, curious as to what the other officer wanted.

"I'm bringing in a trouble maker, we agreed he needs to go. Perkins." Barstow's eyes went wide as he snorted softly. "Perkins...figured it would come down to this as soon as the moment came up..." The older male looked back to Quinn. "I don't think Slyther will mind this little change up on the menu, but this bastard needs to go." Quinn was curious to know about this inmate, since he was not fully familiar with him, waiting for Barstow to go on.

"Dennis Perkins...great white shark, thirty two years old, piece of shit gang garbage. His street name was "Dickz", as you can imagine, like most of his kind, he has two of them. And he is always using them, if the fucker is not jacking off he is trying to rape another inmate. Since he has been here, that was four months ago, he has raped twenty seven other inmates, half of them were partially willing, but that is beside the point. He is locked away on a life sentence, after a little gang banging on a rival gang member, he took it upon himself to rape the dead body, leaving it easier for us to find out who did it. Caught him about a week later trying to use the victim's credit card, not very bright. He smiled the entire time of his trial, lewd, disgusting sex crazed maniac...he already raped someone tonight, more of a good reason to toss him." Quinn surely wanted to see what was going to happen now, getting ready to leave the room as he turned back to the senior officer. "I'll come back if it's too much for me." Shutting the door, Barstow sighed. "Good luck, kid...don't get traumatized, now."

Vice had the shark in cuffs around his arms and a chain between his ankles, the shark had a grin on his face as he snickered. "What, taking me down to some secluded place? Can't resist me, can yah? You want me to fuck you good, right?" He said as Vice socked the shark in the shoulder, making him stumble and laugh like an idiot as they got closer to the room. Vice saw Quinn waiting down there for him, snorting softly.

"Oh man! You want me to fuck both of you pigs then, I got two dicks, gotta use them!" The bull punched him again, only making the shark snigger as they approached Quinn.

"Officer Quinn. Check on Slyther, I don't want to let this piece of shit go too soon." The shark cursed at the bull, the aquatic asshole's long tail also chained so that it could not swipe around and hit anyone. The young officer knocked upon the door softly and called to him.

"Ahem...Slyther? Are you ready?" He said with a bit of nervousness in his voice as there was a deep rumble from behind the door, and then it opened slowly, the giant dragon looking down at the young officer with a grin, having cleaned himself up a bit. The pungent smell of semen and blood poured out, Perkins' twin cocks started to harden already at the smell, since they both were erotic for him, he seemed pleased. Slyther looked at the near seven foot tall shark with a curious rumble. "Hmm, this is not my request..."

Quinn nodded with a nervous look. "Ah, yes, sorry about that but we have a problem we need you to get rid of...he has been a pain for us..." The dragon grinned at the shark and licked across his lips. "Very well...I will just have to wait until next time. Bring him in." He said deeply, but Quinn stopped him before shutting the door.

"Ah...Mr. Slyther...I have a request..." The dragon glanced back from the door and rumbled quizzically. "Yes, officer?" He said deeply with a soft grin. Damn, Quinn was feeling a bit warm under the collar now.

"May you this time?" The dragon grinned even wider as the little window on the door slid open with a clack, almost instantly. "My pleasure." Slyther said with a low, bassy rumble. It was then he stepped back and Vice shoved the disgusting shark into the room, Perkins almost tripping over himself as he was shoved in, the door slammed. Vice looked down at Quinn, lifting his brow with a curious expression.

"Heh...Curious too, huh?" Said the large bull as he reached down to pat the young officer on the shoulder. "Don't make a mess on the door like I did." With that, the bull turned to walk away and head back to the offices. Quinn's cropped ears perked up as he was about to say something...but stopping to pay attention back to the room, the small window calling to him.

"Whoa! WHOA! What the fuck is going on here?" Perkins said loudly as he looked over the huge dragon, his orange jumpsuit already having twin tents in it as his dicks were hard and throbbing along his thighs. "You're a big fucker! I can fit both of my cocks into your ass, I bet that's why I'm here." He said as he struggled with the bindings, seeing other cuffs and key on a table nearby. "Let me free dude, let's fuck, and then you can get me out of here."

Slyther licked across his lips, stepping to the shark, grabbing him by his jumpsuit and shredding it from his meal, showing the sharks rather muscular body. He had well cut abs, meaty pecs, thick, foot long cocks bobbing up and down, spurting milky pre onto the cement as the dragon ripped the clothing away from him in an instant. "Can't even wait, can you?" The shark said with a haughty snicker, thrusting his hips to make his twin cocks slap against his own abs and thighs noisily. "C'mon, dude, start sucking them, I'm sure you can fit them both into your big ass mouth...damn your dicks are HUGE, man, what do you feed those fuckers?" He said with a toothy grin. Slyther just grinned right back.

"Fuckers like you." He said as he reached to his top cock, holding it behind the head and then his other thick and meaty arm grabbing the shark behind his head. The muscular shark shook his head, his teeth showing. "Oh no! I ain't gonna suck it!" He said loudly as he tried to pull back, his chains rattling and clanking loudly.

"Nope, it's going to suck you." He said as he pulled the shark in fast, slamming his head against the head of his own cock rather forcefully. To Perkins' surprise, everything went dark and it was like a bag had closed in over his head, the slurping, slippery sounds all he could hear from his earholes as he screamed out loudly in shock.

Quinn gasped and pushed his face onto the door. Slyther had shoved the sharks head INTO his cock! The urethra of the massive three foot pole was spread around the head of the shark and orange precum leaking from it, dribbling along the muscular ripples of the inmates back, the lower cock of the dragon leaking equally. "Impossible..." Quinn said as he suddenly felt himself...becoming quite aroused...

"Mmm...nice and smooth skinned...perfect..." Slyther said as both hands went to grab Perkins by the shoulders, his cock head swollen with the shape of another head inside, the shark struggling as his shoulders were fed into the stretching head of the dragon's upper cock. It was spreading so wide, like elastic, it surely was quite a few feet in circumference to encompass the broad shoulders of the great white, but it was taking him in! The precum was so slick, the orange fluids coating the dragon's cockmeal as he pulled him in, thrusting out so that the shark would slide in deeper, his cuffed arms pinning along his muscular sides. The dragon peered over to the small window, seeing the eyes upon him, grinning at the dog with a wink once more.

Perkins' muscular shoulders wrenched side to side as he tried to back up, but only becoming sucked in deeper, his swollen chest puffing out in an attempt to get the dragon to stop, his arms trying to shift but only being pulled in deeper by the hungry dragoncock. Slyther now had the shark in down to his solid eight pack abs in the front, the large dorsal fin becoming pinned down and folding the side, making a nice bump in the urethra of the upper dragon dick. Perkins was filling it out nicely, the dragon groaning with pleasure as his cock throbbed, the veins thickening as he closed his eyes to enjoy the sensation for a moment. He reached for the tail of the shark, yanking at the chain to snap it and let the tail flail around freely, pulling in his meal closer, the waist and hips nearing the widely spread ring of the urethra.

"Yes...struggle for me..." The dragon said as orange precum was coating nearly all of the sharks lower body, the twin cocks, still hard and throbbing, were spurting milky pre as they slowly became pinned down and pressed along the huge thighs of the shark, pressed together, wedged tightly against the heavy shark balls as they were pulled into the hungry urethra. Slyther wanted to impress the spectator, so he reached down with one hand, shoving it deeply into the shark's asshole under his tail, Perkins screaming out in pain, but a bit of pleasure as well since the shark was not being ripped apart by the giant dragon cock like the others. The other hand of the dragon came to the underside of his upper cock, pressing along the twin bulges of twin shark cock and rubbing along their outlines, a few inches of them still protruding out as he stopped from taking the shark in deeper.

Rumbling deeply and enjoying the sensation of the shark struggling as he fingered him roughly, Sly shoved a large digit down to the knuckle, wiggling it around inside as it was pinned in deep between round shark ass cheeks under his tail, the other hand rubbing the bulging cockhead underneath, right along Perkins' throbbing cocks, delighting himself as he could feel and hear the shark enjoy this. Surely, the shark had swallowed enough precum and was starting to feel the erotic side effects, losing his mind to pleasure and wanting to be pleasured as his dicks were stroked and his pucker fingered.

Quinn was panting softly as he watched this go on from his perspective, the dragon was pleasuring the shark one last time. Slyther continued this for a good few minutes, until finally, a couple of blasts of Great White seed fired backwards, almost looking like they had come out of Slythers own cock as the shark came one last time, his muscular body tensing up as the nice ropes of his seed splattered along his legs and the floor below. The shark's muscular body was making a perfect outline from the waist up inside of the dragon's monstrous cock, which started to move forward after the shark had a final orgasm. Slyther's cock was sucking the shark in deeper, the tail pinned between the legs as that round ass vanished past the threshold, the hard shark cocks still an outline on the underside as they slid on down deeper. Perkins' was surely reaching the nuts now as he was being swallowed alive by the dragon's upper cock.

The thick legs and tail, perfect for swimming, where now being slurped up and swallowed like giant strands of spaghetti, the head of the dragon's cock the hungry maw. Orange precum coated those legs as they were taken in, the calves flexing as they neared and were pulled in, the feet and foot of the tail all that was left. Slyther took his time with these, rubbing over the large feet and along the shape of the shark's tailfin as he softly pushed them in, his cockhole giving off a loud hiss and spurting a bit as the air inside of his dick from the gasping shark pushed out next, precum drooling copiously like a broken pipe. The nutsack of the dragon was swelling, the shark curling up and collecting there as he was struggling inside. Perkins had the right body, smooth flesh and fins for swimming, so he was able to move around easily inside, his arms and legs kicking as the giant dragon cock slowly returned to its natural shape and form, oozing and leaking roughly as the dragon fingered his cockhole, tugging the urethra open and toying with his own shaft.

He was not going to ignore the cop outside.

"Come on in, Officer Quinn, join me." He said with a luxurious rumble, licking along his lips as he glared at the officer outside the door, peering through the small window back at him. Quinn stepped back with a gulp, the hard-on in his suit pants hard to deny as his shaky hands reached for the door.

"Wait...he's gonna eat me..." He said softly, but he opened the door anyway and slowly stepped in. There was so much orange seed all over the cement floor, spots of other clear white cum here and there, as well as the smell. It was so pungent and strong it burned the Doberman's nose. Slyther smiled, his tongue snaking out to wiggle at the young canine.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, I am not going to consume you, officer...I want you to enjoy yourself with me...go ahead, take your pants off....pleasure yourself as I do the same." The giant dragon looked back, there was a chair large enough for him to seat himself on as he did, his form making it groan and creak, the overloaded nut sack wiggling with the shark inside as it touched the floor from where he was seated. Slyther had his legs spread nice and wide open, running his hands over his belly first, still a bit bloated from the rhino, gurgling and churning loudly.

"I am glad to see you're interested, young man..." He said deeply with a bassy rumble, Quinn slowly undoing the belt around his waist and undoing his fly, opening it to show a nice white jockstrap on underneath, his pants slowly dropping to his knees as he sat down on a sofa across from the dragon, his cheeks flushed red as he looked the titan over, his belly swollen, his nut sack touching the floor as Perkins struggled inside, still groaning, making the balls wobble and wiggle as he could hold his breath for quite some time, but the overbearing sounds of those nuts gurgling and groaning proved that the transformation was beginning, with or without the shark's expiration.

Quinn slowly pulled his jockstrap to the side to let his rock hard erection flop out, a nice sizeable eight inches of uncut ebony meat, he pulled the foreskin back to show a moist pink cockhead as he slowly stroked himself off. "Mmm, not a bad size for a little one like you." Said the massive dragon as he in turn reached for his dual cocks, starting at the knots, massaging them and kneading in the fat bulbs of throbbing flesh. He let out a deep, room shuddering contented rumble as he watched the young officer please himself to his form and the actions he had just done that evening.

Quinn finally spoke out as he slowly stroked himself off watching the dragon do the same. "What...what's gonna happen to him in there..." He said, mentioning the overloaded ball sack that was no longer kicking or struggling, but throbbing and groaning loudly like the sound of a hungry stomach, the shark inside was slowly being broken down into a more useful substance. Slyther's large hands stroked along each of his shafts, working each huge member over and over, his nostrils flaring and his body relaxed in the chair.

"He is going to become my seed soon enough...Mmm...the sensation is...delightful..." He rumbled out, closing his eyes and starting to run his hands over his cocks at a quicker pace now. Precum was oozing from his cockheads, pooling at the already soaked floor below. Quinn jerked himself off at the sight of the dragon's immense balls churning and slowly reforming into two spherical shapes held within the giant red sack that they were confined to. The shape the shark made was completely gone for now, the flow of orange precum was growing, picking up and leaking like a hose now as there was so much more seed to spare within.

Slyther groaned out loudly, the sensation of burbling, churning seed inside of his giant nutsack was overwhelming, his musk thick and strong in the air now as he kept on an eye on the cute little officer as he pleasured himself, his large hands gripping his dicks tightly, pressing them together as he rubbed along their great lengths. The dragon's chest was rising and lowering quickly, his balls, the size of a bean bag chair each, slowly pulled up closer to his body.

Quinn's flushed cheeks matched his panting as he huffed and watched the dragon, the smell of his musky body and cum was so strong that he could not help himself, it was overpowering. The Doberman threw his head back as he threw himself into a hard double fisted stroke on his cock, his legs spreading and kicking as he started to whine and moan out loudly, his uncut cock head fully exposed as he pulled the skin back and fired off a few good blasts of his white cum, it splattering along his thighs and the sofa as he shot off about a dozen good blasts of it. It sure helped that he had not had the time to touch himself in a few days, hopefully impressing the dragon.

Slyther grinned and let out a deep contented sigh as he saw the Doberman cum, it was such a nice sight to see those smaller and weaker than him enjoy the vision of his massive draconic body, especially during or after consuming others. The dragon could feel the overbearing, spine chilling orgasm reaching its climax with himself. He threw his head back and let out a powerful groan of bliss, his body making the foundation rattle with his bassy echo as his hands grasped his knots and squeezed them heavily, his cocks swelling as the balls pulled up, ready to let loose.

Quinn opened his eyes wide...wait...the cocks were facing him! Oh shit! This...FUUUCK!! The dragon roared out as his cocks stood tall and rock hard, the flow of precum stopping as the swelled and the urethras opened up wider, firing off a dual firehose of orange cum in the officer's direction. Quinn had no time to react, it was too late.

Slyther hosed the area down with gallons upon gallons of heavy cum, the orange semen splattering the wall, the floor, the sofa, and most of all, officer Quinn. The Doberman covered his face but it was too late, his uniform was ruined, his body coated in thick orange glue as it got into his mouth, and just about every other orifice, luckily, he covered his eyes. The blasting of dragon cum lasted for nearly a minute, gallons of thick and raw orange seed pooling on the floor and collecting in the drain in the center of the room.

Finally, the giant twin monster dragon cocks came to a slow trickle, spurting and oozing out softly as the semen plopped upon the ground noisily, messily splattering like orange pudding. The dragon huffed and groaned in bliss, feeling the erotic afterglow overtake him as he ran his hands all over his belly and play with his huge, solid chest.

"Mmmm...oh, that was so wonderful..." The dragon had not completely expelled all of Perkins, there was enough left in his balls to make them still appear larger than when he had arrived, proving he would be saving another load for whoever his next partner may be. He ran his hands along his cocks, squeezing them from knot to head, and the urethra spread open as a pair of handcuffs fell from the top, and a chain and leg links fell from the lower, splattering with a metallic clink on the floor.

Quinn was...well...horrified. He had never imagined in his life that he would end up being covered in so much semen...especially semen that used to be someone was...disgusting, but at the same time, it was erotic, sexy...and it did turn him on to an extent as he was forced to swallow whatever dragon seed entered his muzzle.

Slyther grinned with deep satisfaction, it was such a perfect evening at the prison once again, he could not wait for his next visitation next month, and he had only just finished this day. Leaning back, his muscular arm reached for the radio and pulled it to his maw with a low, deep rumble.

"Mmm, Officer Barstow. I think Officer Quinn is going to need a shower and a change of uniform...not to worry, he is unharmed...but his curiosity is well satisfied." There was a grumbling groan on the other end as Barstow confirmed the message. Quinn just leaned back with a sigh, his head squishing into the semen covered back of the sofa he was seated on.

"Yeah, you could say that again..." But then a smile curled to his lips. He looked forward to next month's feeding.