Black Panther Love

Story by Oside on SoFurry

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A recent college graduate working at a lab has an accident and transforms into a anthro panther. Not sure how I like this story. There is a feral to anthro TF and a human to antho Tf both panther. I had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope you enjoy.

Black Panther Love

"What do you mean cylinder eleven's gauge malfunctioned?!?!" A man dressed in a white lab coat and khaki pants frantically pulled and pushed on nobs around a red flashing computer monitor. The man kept yelling at the screen but there was no one to hear his panicked cries in the brightly lit lab. It was after hours at the Genetic Chem. Company and Andy was the only one working at the time.


It had been a year since he had been hired as a lab assistant straight out of college with a degree in animal science. For as long as Andy could remember he loved animals and was always amazed by their anatomy in a scientific sense. So it was not surprising when he headed in the direction he did, learning everything there was to know about every species from DNA to mating habits. There was one species specifically that Andy loved and always had him intrigued, known scientifically as Panthera Pardus it is usually known as the black panther.

During childhood he appeared to be a normal and stereotypical brown haired white boy who grew up in a safe suburban neighborhood. But it was obvious to any of his friends and family that he had an obsession with animals. Even in middle school when their class had to dissect frogs for learning purposes he got sent home for trying to teach the class. Andy knew more about the anatomy of the frog than anyone in that classroom so when he kept correcting the teacher it didn't go over so well.

Eventually high school came around and he already knew what he wanted to do with his life. Taking all honors classes was easy for him and was considered a bit of a nerd but a good looking one at that. Even though he spent most of his time studying he was blessed with a lean body and a friendly face that had a well defined jaw line. Girls were always infatuated by his piercing blue eyes, naturally slicked back wavy brown hair and a smile that would brighten a room. Although he was good looking and had good grades, there was a shyness that prohibited him to be very social. He mostly spent his weekends with his nose buried in scientific textbooks and studying about a variety of animals. Still, he had plenty of childhood friends to hang out with on occasion, that is, until he was accepted into a well known university and left his old life behind him. Sure his loving parents were always there to greet him when he would come visit his hometown but for the most part everyone he had grown up with had all left.

College for Andy was almost the same as highschool. There was some sexual experimenting with girls and partying being done but for the most part studying and good grades outweighed his social life. There was an opening for volunteer work at the local zoo which allowed Andy to really enjoy the major he was working towards. It was simple at first like picking up elephant droppings and cleaning cages but by his third year in college he was allowed entry to the veterinarian offices. As a volunteer vet tech gave him the ability to nurture and watch over new born or sick animals. It wasn't until a two year old black panther, which the zoo keepers named him Shadow, was brought into the vet office did Andy fall in love with the species. Shadow had cut up his big paws by glass and could no longer walk. It seemed that a tourist had thrown a glass bottle into the enclosure trying to get the sleeping panther's attention. Now that Shadow could no longer run, let alone walk, it was part of Andy's job to keep the bandages clean and fresh as well as keep track of the feline's vitals and nutrition. It was the biggest task Andy had to endure at the zoo but for him it was a piece of cake.

At first Shadow was skittish around Andy, hissing and growling whenever he would change the bandages on his paws but eventually it all changed. As the panther's paws got better so did his attitude towards Andy. For the time Andy had spent with the panther it had shown and soon Shadow would rub against Andy whenever possible to show affection.

By the time Andy had graduated college and received his degree he was visiting the panther whenever he could. The zoo had no problems with it since Andy had become so well known and would allow him access to Shadow's enclosure. Andy loved it, he felt like he had a big black cat for a friend and never once had Shadow shown any hostility. In fact it was quite the opposite but since Andy had graduated it had been harder to find the time between job searching and working at a local restaurant to start paying rent for his new apartment. Sure he could have gone home but how could he leave what felt like his one and only friend at the zoo.

It was a Friday when he got the phone call from the G(enetic)C(hemical)C(ompany) that Andy applied for along with various other places. They were interested in Andy and in the phone call had mentioned something about his knowledge of black panthers. Without hesitation agreed to an interview and could hardly wait. Working at the restaurant was quick easy money but working around and for people was the worst. He only cared for animals and this hopefully new job would be the answer to being happy. The interview at the G.C.C. went smoother than ever. It seemed that they knew about his work at the zoo with Shadow and his near perfect grades only confirmed the inevitable. It happened so quickly and before he knew it he had a new job working on DNA in the feline division as a lab assistant to a Dr. Swats. At first he had very little responsibility and the days were short, allowing him to visit Shadow more but as months passed the hours increased and so did the pay. He wasn't quite sure what they wanted him to look for but basically he was given a task to single out certain strands of feline DNA and send them to Dr. Swats. Everything seemed to be perfect for Andy and his life couldn't get any better. He was headed in the direction that he wanted to and he also had Shadow to visit when he had time. Everything was running so smooth, until...

Shit Happens

"Fuck!!!" Andy yelled over the buzzing and flashing of the computer screen in front of him. There was nothing the computer could do to fix this. He was going to have to turn off the tank's system manual so without a second thought he took off down the hallway. Thoughts of confusion and panic flooded his mind as he quickly navigated through the maze of fluorescent lit hallways. Why did he decide to stay late? If anything bad were to happen, if it already hasn't, it would be put on him and he would surely be fired. His panic only led him to run even faster almost sliding at every turn. He could see the Genetics Lab door just ahead where all of the DNA solution was kept and tested.

There was a loud clunk as the door burst open with Andy running through it. The room itself was big and circular with desks placed in the center containing a couple computers and a few empty beakers. The most noticeable thing was the six foot skinny cylinders that lined the walls. There were about a hundred of them all numbered with glass covered meters that measured the pressure of the DNA mixture. The only thought on Andy's mind was to get to cylinder number eleven which in fact was the black panther DNA serum he had been working on.

Right as Andy got about arms length from the cylinder he felt something slip from underneath his right shoe. It was all it took for him to fall flat on his back and into the red puddle that had accumulated on the cheap laminate floor. He failed to notice the pieces of glass resting on the ground near the cylinder from the broken meter. It was like everything was happening in slow motion but it all lasted in a split second. The fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling were the las thing Andy saw before every thing went black.


Everything was so colorfully beautiful on the mountain. There was a slight breeze that ruffled through Andy's black fur as he took off running along an edge of a cliff. Never had this feeling of freedom and confidence ever wash over Andy. It was so invigorating to be able to run on all fours, easily passing every obstacles in the way. Paw pads cushioned every pounce and step as Andy looked behind him only to see Shadow gaining on his tail.

"Better... Run... Faster!" A deep voice came from Shadow's muzzle with every huff.

"You'll never catch..." Just as Andy called back he saw a flash of black fur in his peripheral vision but it was to late. A heavy mass fell upon his back and was quickly tossed into a roll into some soft grass. The weight now had his back pinned to the ground and Andy had his eyes shut closed. He was not afraid of Shadow, in fact they had been playing tag all day long throughout the vast forest of pine trees and grass fields. But for some reason he could not open his eyes for the life of him as Shadow's body weight still had him pinned.

"Andy, open your eyes." The deep voice came from Shadow once again bit it seemed a bit distant, almost a whisper. "Open your eyes Andy, wake up." He spoke now a little louder.

"I can't!" Andy was starting to become nervous. "I'm trying but I can't."

"It's ok Andy, you can trust me." The weight was starting to lift off his chest and the light breeze seemed to disappear. "Just open your eyes, I'll be waiting for you."

"Wait! I don't understand!" Andy was now in a full panic and could no longer move his body. "Where are you going Shadow? Don't leave me!"

And with a very faint "Never." Andy forced his eyes open.

A blinding light flooded Andy's vision and couldn't help but close them again in discomfort.


Was the only thing that Andy could muster out of his mouth. His body felt like he had been in a car accident and when he tried to rub his eyes there was a heavy soreness that ran throughout his body.

It took a few times to for him to open his eyes but eventually after a few weak blinks he had then open. Everything was blurry at first and it didn't help that the room was bright as fuck.

The first thing that came to view was the I.V. that hung next to the bed. There was a slight pinch where the needle was when he lifted his arm to get a better view. With the help of the heart rate machine next to his bed It was now obvious to Andy that he was in a hospital. But besides being sore he felt pretty good mentally and a bit well rested for the most part. And god was he hungry, the rumble from his stomach only reinforced the fact. He could kill for a steak but that thought quickly depleted when he heard the door knob start to turn.

A short woman walked in dressed in green scrubs, white tennis shoes and brown hair tied up in a pony tail. She seemed preoccupied reading whatever was on the clip board she was holding as she made her way over to the beeping machine. The pen in her hand started to move across the clipboard every time she looked at the screen. Andy awkwardly watched the nurse as she continued to check his vitals in anticipation of when she was going to notice that he was awake. It wasn't until she grabbed his wrist to check his pulse did she jump back a bit startled.

"Oh you're awake! Let me go grab the doctor." She left as quickly as she came in.

While waiting for the doctor Andy couldn't help but recount the dream he just had . It felt so real, the feelings and thoughts he had and even Shadow seemed all to real. Flashes of running as a black panther and Shadow chasing him kept reeling in his mind. If only that was real then he would truly be satisfied with his life. He brought his hands to his face inspecting them intently but there was no black fur.

'So it *was* all just a dream.' Andy thought to himself. If only Shadow was there with him keeping him warm and comfortable.

Trying to sit up he felt a sharp pain on the small of his back. "Gaaaahhh! Fuck!" Andy yelled when his hand brushed against some bandages. That really had him wide awake now and could only manage to lay back down. It took some time for the pain to reside as Andy tried to get comfortable once again. Upon further inspection he notice a few tiny scabs, almost like pin pricks on his right arm. It was then when the doctor walked in noticing Andy rubbing at the small scabs on his arm.

"Hello Andy, my name is Dr. Durson." The doctor seemed to be in his late forties with dark black hair and a perfect smile. His lab coat was very similar to what Andy would wear at work and there was a stethoscope draped around his neck.

'He looks like he could be in a shampoo commercial or something'

Andy thought randomly as the doctor made his way over to the side of the hospital bed.

"Glad to see that you are awake, we were worried for second. Landing on your head like that gave you a serious concussion. I was certain though that you would make a hundred percent recovery. How are you feeling?" The doctor continued where the nurse left off checking his pulse and the machine.

"Uuuuhhh... Ok, I guess. W-what happened? How long have I been out?" Andy tried to sit up again but was lightly pushed back down by the doctor.

"Easy there son, give yourself some time to wake up before we get you moving." He watched as Andy subconsciously continued to pick at the small scabs on his arm. "Those are pricks from some blood tests your company had us send to them. I normally would not allow them to do that but it's part of a contract you signed with G.C.C."

"Now open and lift your tongue." Dr. Durson stuck a thermometer into Andy's mouth.

"Ninety nine on the dot, your fever went down some as well. Oh and to answer your question you have been asleep for about two and a half days."

Andy's eyes went wide in panic. How was he to explain this to his boss let alone keep his job. If it wasn't bad enough he messed up in the lab but he hasn't been back to work in two days. It was not looking good but the doctor just smiled and gave him a reassuring look.

"I wouldn't worry too much Andy, your company has taken care of everything. They are just glad you are alright and I am keeping close contact with Dr. Swats about your

status. Now take a few big deep breaths." The doctor's cold stethoscope was placed underneath Andy's hospital gown making him shiver a little. Andy did as he was told and gave a big breath.

"Good, one more time." The stethoscope made its way around different areas on Andy's chest.

"Andy you seemed to have made a solid improvement in your recovery. Now just get some rest before we get you going. You might be able to leave today, oh and we will give you some medicine for your wounds on your back. We had to stitch you up a bit, seems you fell on some glass and it got you pretty good. As long as you keep the area clean you should be fine." The doctor made his way to the door about to leave but then turned around. "I almost forgot, I contacted your parents through your companies emergency contacts. They were on vacation at the time so I told them not to worry, that you were fine and are resting. So don't forget to call them once you leave. I'll be back in an hour to see if you are fit to go so sit tight and relax." The doctor turned but not before giving Andy a wink.

Andy watched as the door closed behind him and then stared back at the fluorescent lit ceiling. It was funny how during that whole time he could only think about how handsome the doctor was. He had never really thought of any guys that way but there was just something about the doctor that gave him a tingling warmth through his body. It was almost the same feeling as when he would visit Shadow. Was he turning gay? Maybe it was just the bump on his head but he was definitely feeling different.

Just as the doctor said, after Andy spent an hour staring off into space the doctor came back into the room with some papers. "Here you are Andy. These are your relief forms just sign and print your name at the bottom and then date."

Andy grabbed the papers and easily sat up. Maybe he was healing fast, his body wasn't as sore as when he first woke up. There was a swiveling tray attached to his bed that allowed him to sign the papers while still laying in bed. There's was nothing more on Andy's mind but to get home and if he was feeling up to it, go and visit Shadow. So as soon as he was signing the papers Dr. Durson handed him two more pieces of paper.

"Now do not lose these, they are your prescriptions to antibiotics and ointment for the cuts on your back. I also added a list of instruction to keep your wounds clean with some over the counter medication that will help." After the doctor gave Andy the papers he stuck out his hand and gave him a firm shake. Then he noticed Andy still had the IV in so he peeled the tape off that was keeping the needle in place and quickly but gently took out the IV.

"Alright Andy, you are good to go. I'll have one of the nurses see you out and we have a car waiting for you as well to drive you home. I have also made another appointment in a week to see how you are feeling and check on the stitches." And with that the doctor once again gave him a wink and took off out the door and down the hall.

Just as soon as the doctor left a nurse came in with some scrubs to change into. Supposedly the fall really had ruined Andy's lab coat and khakis. The hospital had thrown the clothes away because they were all cut up and stained from the DNA solution and glass. Andy didn't mind though, he just wanted to get the hell out of there. After changing he was led outside in a wheelchair to a black Toyota Tacoma truck that was left running right at the front. Andy was confused at first but then the nurse helped him into the cab and threw the wheel chair into the bed of the truck.

"Ready?" It was the same nurse as earlier and she started to drive. "So where do you live big guy?" And then as easy as that they were off. It was the end of her shift and she didn't mind giving him a ride. Andy was very great full and did his best not to sound awkward as he usually did. Eventually after a bit if small talk they made it to Andy's apartment. The first thing that he noticed was his white Civic in his parking spot, someone from his company must have moved it for him. Luckily he had a spare in his apartment just in case if they kept the keys and there was a spare to the apartment under the carpet. He thanked the nurse over and over again making her chuckle a bit as she drove off leaving Andy all alone.

Once inside Andy noticed how bad it smelled, the trash reeked and he could smell his own body odor around the apartment. "Two days and my apartment smells like shit." Andy said to himself. Without a second thought he took the trash out and threw a load of laundry into the wash. His next task was to get himself cleaned up so he rushed into the bathroom. At such a fast pace no one would have guessed he had just came from the hospital except for the scrubs he was now wearing but that soon changed. After stripping down he kicked the scrubs aside and turned the shower on to a comfortable warmth. But before jumping in he carefully removed the bandage that were placed right above his ass. Like before, the gash stung a bit from twisting and turning his back to get a good look. There were a few scratches and one big gash with about six stitches sitting right on top of his tailbone. It was a bit difficult getting into the shower as it only made his cuts sting even worse but with a few adjustments to the water temperature it made it bearable enough for Andy to step in.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth, no longer feeling sore and his head didn't seem to be in any pain from the fall. Luckily he checked his voice messages, there was one from his parents and another was from Dr. Swats. All fears were quickly diminished after he heard Dr. Swats' message which he was told to take the rest of the week off and Andy was still to be paid. Of course he had to call his parents back which turned out to be a very long conversation but in the end they were just glad to know that he was fully recovered. They had taken a vacation to Hawaii and just as Dr. Durson had done Andy also downplayed the situation so that his parents wouldn't worry.

Andy was also able to drive to the pharmacy to drop off and pick up his prescription, fortunately it did not take to long. He was back home before he knew it but not before picking up some steaks from the store. Boy was he starving and the only thing on his mind was raw meat, it didn't seem odd maybe he just was malnourished after being out cold for so long.

After cooking up and eating his steaks raw and still bloody he decided to get some rest, it had been a long day already and for some reason he was feeling very drowsy and warm. Before hitting the sack he couldn't help but notice the cut on his back was feeling a bit numb and itchy. Andy just applied the prescribed ointment and just gave it a little scratch. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out cold.


The slight ruffling of leaves made Andy's furry ears twitch. He had his big panther body crouched as low as possible underneath a patch of tall grass. His claws dug into the dirt ready to pounce on whatever made the sound at any moment. Andy continued to stalk the figure that was slowly moving through the trees, swaying his black furred tail in anticipation. Another black panther was lightly padding his way towards Andy and was now only a few feet away.

A smile crept across Andy's muzzle. Now was the perfect time to pounce and without hesitation unloaded all the power and energy he had in his muscles and jumped. "Gotcha!" He yelled while soaring through the air. But just as he was about to land his front paws on the target, the other panther jump to the side.

"Haha! Not by a long shot." Shadow laughed while watching Andy's furred body roll across some leaves. Now that Andy was down on the ground Shadow took the opportunity to pin him, letting his weight press their stomachs together.

Shadow couldn't help but keep laughing at the defeated panther. "You know you look really cute when you are so helpless." His muzzle opened and he drug his tongue across Andy's lips and wet black nose.

Andy responded by playfully swatting his big front paws at Shadows face. There was a warmth that developed down in his groin as he could feel his member start to swell. It felt so good to have Shadow so close to him, muzzles only centimeters away, feeling the hot breath from Shadow on his cold wet nose. There was a musky scent that wafted in the air and Andy could tell Shadow was getting aroused as well. It was almost too perfect but the moment did not last long.

"Now, now. Let's not get too carried away. First you have to take good care of that tail of yours." Shadow broke the silence.

"What do you mean?" Andy was confused by the statement. Why would that cross Shadow's mind, this must have felt good to him as well. The feeling of both members sandwiched in between their soft warm stomachs was enough to get lost in a sexual euphoria.

"Just wake up and take a look!" Shadow exclaimed . "I can't wait to see it!"

"Wait! Wha...?!" Andy's eyes shot wide open.


Sharp fast breaths came from Andy's chest as he sat up in his bed. His tented boxers were all wet from pre and his dick was still hard and throbbing. There was another odd feeling, almost uncomfortable like he was sitting on something that was attached to him. Quickly his hand shot down his boxers and ran it over his tailbone.

"What the?!" Andy yelled out loud with a surprise. Instead of his bandages covering his stitches there was a soft furry appendage wedged underneath him. It scared the crap out of him when he could feel his hand grabbing on to it. He jumped right out from under his sheets, landing his feet on the floor with a thud. Wasting no time he pushed his blue wet boxers down to his ankles and turned his head to view his back side. Just like in his dream there was a thick long black furred tail protruding out of his lower back, just above his ass.

Andy was in shock, he subconsciously moved the tail back and forth as he watched. The new feeling was amazing though and soon the shock was replaced with pleasure. He stood there stoking and running his hands thought the soft fur of his tail. It was already so natural to him, practicing moving it left, right up and down only causing more pleasure. Giggling every time the fur brushed against his legs, it was something Andy could definitely get used to.

More aroused than ever, Andy grabbed hold of his throbbing cock with one of his hands while the other continued to stroke his tail. It wasn't until he gently ran a hand across the tip of his penis did he focus his attention to his groin. A tail wasn't the only new thing on his body. Examining closer revealed that his cock was now bright red, a full ten inches and pointed at the tip. What really astonished Andy were the small sensitives barbs that rested along the tip which gave him a shiver when he ran a finger over them. Unlike a feral feline's barbs which are hard and sharp as a claw, his were softer and duller. There was a fine pelt of black fur that covered his pelvis and down to his balls. Luckily there was a full length mirror in his room and Andy quickly walked over to it. He just had to see what he looked like with his new tail and cock, with a mischievous look he bent over with his ass facing the mirror. It was funny at first, it seemed as if Andy had a pair of black furry underwear but when he lifted his tail he could see now that his puckered black asshole rested right beneath the base of his tail. What he wouldn't give to have Shadow fill that pucker, it would feel so good. Thoughts of Shadow continued to infiltrate his mind as he kept examining his new parts. Another thing that really pleasured Andy was the feeling of the soft fur that ran along his balls and crotch. It was too good and with every grope and stroke of his round balls made his big cock spurt pre onto the back of his hand.

"Mmmmmm." Andy couldn't help but moan as his fingers traced over every bulge and vain his penis had to offer. Never had his cock been so sensitive and it didn't help that he was stroking his own tail at the same time. Every once in a while he would manage to wrap his tail around his hand which gave him an idea. With great effort he stuck his tail in between his legs and coiled the tip around his cock. The fur against his newly sensitive organ was too much and with a couple strokes with the help of his hand drew him straight into orgasm. Both of his furry balls rose and churned as jet after jet of warm semen splattered against the mirror. Even the orgasm was more intense as flashes of Shadow visually stimulated his mind.

He huffed in exhaustion, sitting back down on the bed being careful not to sit on his tail while his furry balls rested on the edge. It was the best orgasm he had in a long time and the only thought on his mind was Shadow. Normally Andy would be freaked out by such dirty thoughts but after basking in the afterglow of the orgasm only told him it was more natural than ever.

Eventually Andy's penis grew soft and he watched in awe as it slipped back into a furry warm sheath. The now plump sheath was connected to his lower stomach making his member point up instead of hang free. Just as Andy was about to get up from the bed he felt his muscles tighten on his legs and calves.

"Aaaaaaagh." Trying to stretch them he yelled out from the cramping. It didn't really hurt but it wasn't comfortable either. There was a cracking and popping sound coming from his joints and bones as his muscles began to bulge. Andy had a look of terror but that quickly changed as black fur sprouted everywhere along his legs. It happened so fast that he now had the same soft thickness of fur on his legs as he did on his ass and tail. Andy just accepted the new changes and couldn't help but smile as the popping and cracking continued. His calves shortened a bit making room for his elongating soles as his thighs strengthened with muscles easily seen underneath the dark fur. Toenails smoothly transitioned into black claws while his toes grew bigger and longer. Both pinky toes shrunk back leaving just four appendages on each foot which was a very odd sensation for Andy. His furry feet now appeared more like the back paws on Shadow only a lot bigger making it easier for them to support Andy's weight. Andy softly chuckled when a tingle came from the bottoms of his new paws. He now had black paw pads and when he pressed them against the floor he was amazed at how good it felt.

The transformation itself only lasted seconds and Andy was left sitting on his bed with a new pair of furry panther legs. He wiggled his chubby toes in excitement, slowly testing his new sharp claws out by scratching the floor and retracting them back. He instinctively stood up balancing on the balls and meaty toes of his big paws. It was so odd to Andy having his soles off the ground but with the help of his tail he was easily able to balance.

"Now I will never have to wear shoes again." Andy spoke with a bit of a chuckle while taking a few baby steps back to the mirror. It was a bit awkward at first but by the last step Andy was feeling more confident with his new legs.

He had to laugh at the sight. It looked as if he had furry pants on or better yet, only half of a costume on. Basking in his new found confidence, he modeled his new muscular legs in front of the mirror. Andy couldn't help but feel aroused, running a hand over his furry sheath and balls while waving his tail casually. Everything about his transformation was a dream come true. It hadn't occurred to him that all this time studying about animals and taking care of them that he just wanted to be one, especially a black panther. The tip of Andy's barbed penis slowly started to peek out of his sheath once again. His hands continued to massage his sheath, just the thought of being part animal was overwhelming. From every flex of his paws to the repeated sway of his tail was so invigorating, it just seemed so surreal. His arousal was growing again and Andy could have definitely gone for another jerk but the thought of Shadow still lingered in his thoughts. He missed his panther friend and with all those reoccurring dreams there had to be something more to it. Before his cock completely slipped out of its' warm sheath Andy steadily walked over to his dresser. It took a few tries but eventually he had a pair of boxers on. He had to thread his tail through one of the leg holes, feeling a bit unnatural but it had to be done. If anyone were to come across his partly transformed body they would send him to a governmental lab in the blink of an eye. Luckily he had a pear of sweats that were a bit big on him and putting them on was a task but he managed to do it without falling over. The biggest issue were his big paws.

"Damn these big feet, I guess I will have to wear shoes after all." Staring down at his paws he contemplated his options. Digging through his closet he managed to find a pair of old uggs that seemed big enough. As he put his first paw into the boot it was bit of a struggle but with a bit of a wiggle and pull it managed to slip in. The second paw was a little easier and once he had both uggs on he took a few steps to acclimate himself. He was very proud he was able to pull it off and looking in the mirror there was nothing out of the norm except for the bad fashion. Although he did look a bit clumsy in those boots while walking, he was certain no one would ask questions.

A white Civic pulled up into the zoo's employee parking lot and quickly parked. Andy stepped out of the car and took in a deep breath. The scents of so many different animals infiltrated his nostrils. He could smell the elephants, wolves, even the peacocks. It was astonishing and with a quick adjustment to his pants he was off into the direction of Shadows enclosure.

He waved to the usual people as he passed through a few back entrances. Most of them didn't even take a second look, the ones that did were people he had never met before and were most likely new volunteers. Arriving at a big solid metal door he took his keys out, finding the only brass key on his keychain he stuck it in the hole and unlocked the door. Andy could hardly hold back his excitement, he couldn't wait to see Shadow again and it was about noon. Knowing Shadow pretty well the lazy panther would be napping underneath the trees in the enclosure.

Sure enough, as he entered the habitat he saw the panther snoozing under the shade without a care. A shiver ran down Andy's spine as he made his way towards his furry friend. The tail in his pants did it's best to sway back and forth in anticipation but before Andy could wake Shadow himself he heard a deep.

'Hey buddy! Long time no see'

Andy, confused, looked around trying to see where the voice came from. "I must be hearing things." Andy said to himself and shrugged it off. His gaze fell upon Shadow once again but this time the panther was now yawning and looking at Andy.

"Hey there sleepy head! Ready for some rubs and scratches." Andy got closet watching as Shadow playfully swatted at the air and stretched. Andy's hand found its way behind Shadows soft ears and rubbed vigorously.

'Oooohh yeeeaaah! I've been waiting for that for a while.'

The same voice rang through Andy's ears and he jumped back a bit.

'What's wrong? Cat's got your tongue? Hehe!' Shadow was staring straight into Andy's blue eyes.

"Shadow?! Is that..." Andy gave another glance around but there was no one in sight. "you?"

'Yeah silly.' A big black paw slapped Andy's leg. 'What? You don't recognize me Andy? It hasn't been that long.'

Andy had to sit down, it was just like his dream. This couldn't be right but who was he to judge after all that has happened. Obviously it had something to do with the DNA solution he fell on. But what would cause such an extreme change let alone the ability to telepathically talk to a panther.

Andy gave a small yelp when he sat down, landing slightly on his tail. "Owww! I gotta get used to that."

'Used to what? Why where you gone for so long?' Shadow looked confused or so what Andy thought was a confused look.

"Oh sorry Shadow, let's just say I had an accident a couple days ago. I'm a little confused why I am able to understand you but it is so nice to see you again!" Andy wrapped his arms around Shadow and they both began nuzzling each other. After a few minutes of cuddling and rubbing Andy sat back up and smiled. He couldn't wait to show Shadow his tail.

'Wait? I thought you could always understand me. You were always the strange one.' A growl came from his muzzle Andy could only guess was a laugh. 'You are lucky I love you.'

That only made Andy smile even more. He was taken back a bit, never having heard that from anyone other than his parents. "Love you too Shadow, but first I have something to show you!"

With a quick look around, Andy noticed they were still alone so he slid his sweat pants down to his thighs. A tail waved around freely behind Andy.

'Oh wow! You're just like me, I think.' Shadow licked his lips intently. 'And you smell good too.'

Andy hadn't really noticed it before but Shadow was right, it did smell good. There was a scent of musk in the air which smelled very similar to Shadow's, a sweet pungent tang that derived from both of them. The feelings he had for the panther were overwhelming, just staring at Shadow made him all warm and fuzzy inside. That was all it took for Andy's member to slowly slip out of his furry sheath. Now overcome with embarrassment, Andy's cheeks burned bright red as he stuck his erect member underneath his shirt.

"Sorry, I..." Andy looked away shyly. "I don't know what came over me."

'I don't know Andy, it seems pretty natural to me.' The panther looked up at Andy with his piercing yellow eyes. 'We are just animals after all. Plus, all the nuzzling and rubbing wasn't for nothing. Besides I made you my mate a long time ago.'

Shadow crawled closer, his muzzle just inches away from Andy's hidden throbbing cock and he inhaled deeply.

'Mmmmm seems like you need some help with that.'

Andy quivered as a long rough tongue lapped at his exposed furry testicles. It was coming true, all the dreams and thoughts of Shadow all led up to this moment. He didn't care if he got caught anymore, the feeling of sexual bliss was intoxicating. With out a care in the world Andy took his shirt, pants and uggs off letting Shadow go to town on his new feline cock.

"Aaaaahhhh that feels so good!" Andy was lost in the warmth of Shadows muzzle. His hands tentatively rubbed and massaged Shadow's big soft head and ears. The panther continued to lick and suck with precision, expertly gliding his tongue around Andy's pointed tip.

"Mmmmph." Andy's soft orbs began to stir, contemplating an orgasm. "This can't be real." Muttered Andy in between moans as his black fuzzy tail swayed uncontrollably. His hips started to buck sending his panther cock deeper into Shadow's maw. The sensitive barbs caused chills to run down Andy's back every time Shadow ran his tongue over them. Just as he thought the intense burning sensation of pleasure couldn't be any greater his body became enveloped in a sexual euphoria he had never experienced before in his whole life. Andy had become very light headed and his mind was very fuzzy, tingling in ecstasy with every heart beat. It was as if his animalistic side of him had taken over and Andy was now thrusting as hard as he could into the panther's muzzle. Shadow was taking every inch of member with ease allowing Andy to do as he wished to his furry panther face.

"Fuuuuck! Shadow, I'm gunna..." The pressure and throbbing was unbearable. He needed release now and with one last thrust of his hips he was sent into a raging orgasm. "Grrrrraaaarrr!" A surprising growl came from Andy as loads of panther juices shot down Shadows throat. It lasted for what seemed to be minutes as Andy's sexual rage drained with every pump of semen shot out of his feline cock. Shadow swallowed everything he could, taking in every drop of the salty nectar his muzzle could handle. Eventually they both fell to their sides in exhaustion as . Andy's ran a hand over Shadow's chest and neck basking in the afterglow.

Luckily no one had stopped by and saw the lewd sexual act. He would surely be take away and treated as a freak if anyone had stumbled upon the odd blow job. But for Andy it felt so right and only reassured the feeling by squeezing the panting cat even tighter.

That's when the same tightness as before returned to Andy's body from when he was in the apartment. There was a sensation of warmth and itchiness throughout his human body from the waist up. It was happening so fast, fur raced down Andy's arms and chest as muscles bulked with every heart beat. Four new nipples grew bellow his chest causing a gasp to escape Andy's lips. He heard a growl come from Shadow as joints and bones continued to pop and crack. Andy knew what was going on, the transformation was back and now his body was finishing the job. Having already experienced his legs and feet changing, Andy just relaxed and watched in curiosity. It was a lot more pleasurable than before as his hands swelled a bit growing black pads on his palms and fingers. Black claws extended out of his finger tips just as his feet had.

His body wasn't the only thing making noises which caught Andy's attention. Shadow was hunched over almost in a fetal position as his spine seemed to straighten and grow. The panther's paws extended and soon had developed longer fingers and toes, growing opposable thumbs on each hand. Shadows legs lengthened a bit, his thigh and calve muscles growing bigger to allow the support of his weight on two legs. His shoulders were pulled back and grew muscle, appearing more human like. Shadow now possessed the torso and arms of a man but was still covered in soft black fur. Even the six nipples he had before prominently sit stiff on his chest and stomach. He had also grown pecks the size of dinner plates as well as a defined eight pack that narrowed as if the muscles were an arrow pointing straight to his groin.

"Gaaaah! What's happening to me?!" Shadow spoke out of his muzzle, surprising both of them. "I can talk? I can talk!" He exclaimed but was quickly distracted by the final stages of Andy's transformation.

As for Andy, he was too busy studying Shadow's changes to notice his face pushing out into a muzzle. His teeth became sharper, canines growing sharper and bigger as his lips and nose darkened to a jet black. Long whiskers took up the edges of Andy's new muzzle as the last of the popping and cracking diminished. Fur now covered Andy's entire body and it felt so good to be out in the nude, it was so natural. His senses were flooded with sounds and smells even stronger than before, his ears twitched picking up on every sound coming his way. The musk coming from the both of them was even more pungent and overpowering but Andy didn't mind at all. There were chunks of brown hair on the grass that had fallen off of Andy's head but he didn't give a shit about losing his human hair. What did he need hair for anyways? He was now a panther, or at least a panther man who could walk and talk. What a trip.

Shadow on the other hand was tripping out in excitement, using his new thumbed paws to grab and pick at Andy. Laughing hysterically, Shadow did his best to stand on his newly muscled legs. Andy couldn't help but chuckle as Shadow stumbled over to the tree for support.

"What the fuck happened?!" Shadow gripped the tree with one pawed hand and felt his new chest and muscular stomach with the other. "I'm not complaining or anything but this is crazy, and look at you! You are one sexy cat!"

Shadow was right, they were both now muscular anthropomorphic panther men with extra nipples and big furry plump packages. Andy's piercing blue eyes looked back at the clumsy panther trying his best to stay upright. Andy couldn't help but smile, noticing the big twelve inch feline cock bobbing out of Shadow's sheath. It was obvious to Andy that his newly transformed mate was now a good foot taller than him and a bit more bulkier. He didn't mind, in fact it turned Andy on that Shadow was bigger than him and very muscular, even though Shadow looked very helpless trying to walk on his wobbling legs. All he could think in his mind was to pleasure his new mate in whatever way he could but there was a problem at hand. They were stuck inside the zoo and the last thing he wanted to happen was get Shadow taken away by the government. He had to find a way out of the zoo and Andy had a plan.

Andy explained to Shadow what his job consisted of at the G.C.C and the accident that had happened. He felt that falling on the glass and getting part of Shadow's DNA solution in his bloodstream caused the transformation and when Shadow swallowed his cum it transformed the panther as well. The plan was to wait until everyone left the zoo except for the night staff. There were only a couple employees at night so it would be easy to leave the enclosure, especially when Andy still had the keys. Whenever a tourist or zoo keeper walked by Andy would hide in a manmade cave that was part of the habitat while Shadow tried his best to look like a normal panther.

Most of their time was spent talking to each other, learning everything from how humans live to what raw meats taste the best. Their conversations lasted for hours while they took turns massaging one another during discussions. Just as Andy had planned, day turned to night pretty quickly and as easily Andy had walked in they opened the door and walked out. Of course Shadow needed a little help walking but by the time they had gotten to the car Shadow had pretty much gotten the hang of it. He was a little confused how to sit in the car seat so he had to watch Andy do it before he was comfortably settled in. It was quite the site, the two naked black panther men drove down the main boulevard blasting music. Shadow was astonished by the sounds and lyrics that were coming out of the circular devices embedded in the cars' doors and dashboard. Andy had to try his best to explain the concept of music and how the speakers worked. He cracked up when Shadow attempted to dance in the car seat for the first time. It wasn't too bad for Shadow's first time but the way he waved his bulky arms and bobbed his head was pretty damn cute from Andy's perspective. It wasn't until they pulled up to the apartment did Andy's fear start to rise making him turn down the music.

"What's wrong buddy?" Shadow sensed Andy's panic and ran a gentle paw through his mates furry neck.

"Nothing to worry about, just never seen that black van before." And just as Andy had said there was indeed a black van with tinted windows parked next to a red curb. What bothered Andy the most was the fact that there were no license plates on the sketchy van.

It didn't matter though because they needed a place to stay for the night before Andy came up with the next plan. Although it wouldn't be until morning that the zoo would notice Shadow's disappearance it didn't give the panthers much time. Being at the apartment would give them a chance to regroup, plus there was still some raw steak in the fridge that Andy couldn't wait to sink his teeth into.

The stillness of the air and the yellow hue from the street lights were a bit eire for Shadow. His whole life he had been in the zoo and never expected the outside world to be so developed and dull. Where were the forests, the lakes, the mountains? It was a bit overwhelming but exciting at the same time. Shadow just kept quiet, interlocking his pudgy fingers with Andy's as he was led to the front door of the apartment. Before Andy could push his silver house key into the lock the door slowly swung open.

"What the..?" Andy tightened his grip on Shadow's hand. Something wasn't right and Shadow could smell panic coming from his mate. But what surprised Andy was his own reaction, usually being the one to flight instead of fight the opposite happened. Andy pulled Shadow through the door and entered the apartment with a low growl ready to fight any intruder that broke into his personal space. A figure appeared from the dark, dressed in a bright white lab coat with what seemed to be another man standing in the far back corner.

Shadow and Andy both showed their claws, glinting from the little light that shown in the apartment. Just as Andy was about to pounce and bite at the man's jugular there was a familiar scent that entered his sensitive nose.

"Wait!" Andy put a paw on Shadow's peck keeping him from attacking the stranger. "I know this man."

Shadow trusted Andy and retracted his claws but his muscles still stayed clenched just in case. He wanted to protect Andy at all costs and wasn't going to put his guard down for one second.

"Dr. Swats?" Andy called into the dark. The outline of the man came into view. The doctor still had his lab coat on and smelled of blood. 'He must have just came from the lab.' The quick thought ran through Andy's mind.

"Yes, Andy I assume. My have you changed." Dr. Swats had a big smile on his face not showing a hint of surprise at the site of the big panther that was now Andy. "I am not here to harm you or take you away, whatever thoughts you might have I am in fact here to help. And who might this be? Your beloved panther from the zoo?" The doctor squinted his eyes at Shadow trying to get a better view of the magnificent creature.

"How? How did you know this was going to happen? This is just insane. What are you going to do with us?" Andy was still a bit on edge. It was his first human interaction after the last transformation and it was still a bit unnerving. Although he sensed Dr. Swats was being genuine it still was rattling for the panther and sensing Shadows confusion and fear was not helping.

"First why don't you come in and close the door, we don't want any body seeing you now do we."

Reluctantly Andy and Shadow did as the doctor asked and closed the door behind them. Andy's furred finger flicked on the light switch to see who the other man standing in the corner.

"Boys, I would like you to meet Mr. Finely. Andy, you should recognize him as the owner of our company." Dr. Swats continued.

The man was a lot older with grey thinning hair and in a very expensive tuxedo suit. Strong cologne stung their nostrils as he made his way across the room towards the two panthers. He stuck his hand out waiting for a handshake in return. Tail waving anxiously, Andy took the mans hand in his paw and shook it. Shadow watched, never seeing such a strange greeting and did the same as Andy had. He might have gripped the hand a little too strong because the old man pulled back and winced in pain.

"Sorry." Shadow apologized and flattened his ears back in embarrassment.

"Hahaha." A deep croaky laugh came from the old man. "I must be getting old. You can call me Mike. Mr. Finely makes me feel old anyways." Mike had a warm smile that reminded Andy of his grandpa that had passed away many years ago. Both felines were a lot more relaxed now and were even smiling back at the two men.

"Nice to meet you Mike. Ummm..." Andy's heart skipped a beat when he had remembered that he and his mate were both still naked. For Shadow though, he was used to it but Andy was a bit bothered. "Do you want us to put on some clothes?" Andy asked shyly.

"No, don't be embarrassed. I think we are mature enough. We are doctors and scientists by the way." Mike gave Andy and Shadow a reassuring smile. "I am impressed how you both turned out though, very impressed." He eyed the panthers up and down studying every fur and muscle.

"Now like I said, we are not here to harm or expose you boys. But we do not have a lot of time. For one, Mr. Finely is missing a very important dinner to be here and will need to get back soon. And two, there will be a lot of investigations done by the government after they find out who took Shadow from the zoo." Dr. Swats now had a very serious look on his face. "We took blood samples from you Andy when you were at the hospital, what we found was astounding. It is the companies ultimate goal to create a serum like the one that change you. For the most part we have not been able to recreate what has happened to you. One day we will get to that point but back to the problem at hand. We found that your DNA was slowly merging with Shadow's DNA. It was only a matter of time before you would transform part way into a panther. So I am assuming your DNA some how entered Shadow's blood stream. I am not going to ask questions."

Andy grinned at Shadow mischievously.

"Basically..." The doctor continued. "the same thing happened to Shadow as it did to you, meaning you are practically the same person or should I say species. So in conclusion, as I said before we are here to help. It will cost a lot less money and effort if instead of trying to explain this to the FDA, we just handle this behind closed doors. We have a secluded cabin out in the woods, not a soul for miles. You can hunt, relax, eat..." Doctor Swats paused, blushing a bit. "and play with each other. In return we will check in on you once a month for blood tests and eventually, show you to the world but that's not for years maybe even decades. We will handle the media about Shadow's disappearance keeping your name, Andy, out of the papers. You will have access to a phone so that you can call your family at any time. It is not a prison, you will have the ability to leave at will. It's worth a shot and I am only asking. What do you say boys? We do not have much time."

It sounded too good to be true, no more worries and live life as a free animal. That's all Andy and Shadow wanted in life, to be free and with each other. There was no hesitation as the two panther's simultaneously responded with a "Yes." as they held each other's paws excitedly.

"Well then, good luck boys. I'm off too my previous engagement. I will see you soon." Mike walked out the door in a hurry waving with out looking back.

Now it was just the three of them left in the apartment. Andy and Shadow were handed yellow raincoats to cover most of their bodies before taking off in the black van. Fortunately Andy remembered the raw meat in his fridge and snagged it so that they would have a snack on their long journey to their new home. There was no emotional connection to the things Andy was leaving behind, it was easy for him to let go, especially with his mate by his side. Andy was amused by the way Shadow acted in the van, watching buildings and trees pass by from behind the tinted windows of the van like an excited dog. It was too cute, Andy couldn't help but stroke the waving tail of the curious panther who was looking out of the car window.

It was a long ride and after a few hours the doctor had two snoring and purring panthers slumped over each other on the back seat of the company van. The Doctor just smiled at the two love birds knowing they were going to be in good hands and he would also be able to conduct his research without hassle. Now with two specimens like Andy and Shadow, it would make reaching the goal of supplying a similar DNA serum to the world a lot closer. Soon the world would have people with different animal characteristics such as tails or ears if the wanted. A whole new world was about to be created and the two sleeping panthers were the key.

Eventually the van made a halting stop on a thin dirt road lined with giant pine trees that had to have been thousands of years old. It was just trees and valleys as far as the eye could see just like Andy had dreamed of. As soon as they stepped out of the van the panthers were ambushed with millions of natural smells and sounds. From the piney smell to the crackling of falling leaves, all these new senses fueled the boys' excitement. About a quarter mile up a trail and in a clearing was a two story wooden cabin glinting in the sunlight. They followed the doctor up the trail both waving their tails wildly. There was a big wooden carved door that stood as the front door with many windows that faced the forest. Doctor Swats gave the tour of the cabin, walking them through every room in the cabin. Andy noticed that every wall and floor was made out of brightly polished wood, easily sliding on his paw pads when he wasn't being careful. They were going to need some pieces of carpet if they were going to be living here. There were two bedrooms, each the same size as the other which was huge but only one had a patio that faced the sun setting behind the mountains. Both bedrooms had couches, bathrooms, walk in closets and king sized beds that sat underneath a giant window. The kitchen was the perfect size containing all the necessary tools to cook and clean but Andy had a feeling they would not be doing a lot of cooking anyways. There was even a fridge filled with different types of meats that made Shadow and Andy's mouth water uncontrollably. There was a lot more to explore but all the traveling exhausted the hell out of the yawning panthers. Doctor Swats was pretty tired as well and decided it was time to leave. He took his time saying good bye and before long had taken off down the dirt road creating a dust cloud behind him before disappearing around a bend.

Andy and Shadow had found themselves laying next to each other in one of the king sized beds staring up at the wooden ceiling. "So, what do you want to do next?" Shadow asked Andy.

"I've got an idea." Andy rolled his furry body over, resting his ass on Shadow's muscular stomach. "Now it's my turn to satisfy you." He bent down, inching his muzzle closer and closer until their noses touched. Andy took a whiff of Shadow's sweet breath before tilting his head and slightly opening his maw. Shadow was a bit confused by the action but went with it, allowing Andy's tentative tongue to enter his warm mouth. Andy pushed his tongue deeper into his mates mouth, running it along Shadow's own rough tongue and tasting his delicious saliva. Shadow now understood, like so many human tourists he had seen before pushing their lips together in front of his enclosure. It wasn't the best kiss in the world but Andy was surely satisfied. Shadow on the other hand was in bliss, the feeling of both tongues caressingly dancing back and forth was definitely a pleasurable experience and it showed. A light pressure pushed against the base of Andy's tail making him look back. Shadow's barbed feline cock was already throbbing and dribbling pre pressing hard against the underside of Andy's tail.

"Mmmmmmm." A moan escape Shadows muzzle as Andy rubbed the bright red cock gently between his finger pads. "That feels gooo..." Shadow was interrupted by Andy who stuck his tongue back into Shadow's open muzzle. They continued to kiss passionately while Andy's stroked and massaged Shadow's pulsing cock, collecting a good amount of pre on his furred fingers. Andy's own pointed cock was already at full mast leaking it's juices which continued to puddle onto Shadow's furred chest.

He could no longer wait, Andy needed to pleasure his mate, he wanted Shadow inside of him. By sliding back a bit, the tip of Shadow's twelve inch penis now rested on the edge of Andy's pucker. Andy took the pre from his damp furred fingers and lubed his asshole until it was nice and wet. Their lips broke apart as Andy rose his tail and guided his mates tip past his pucker's ring. Shadow moaned, his cock driving in deeper and deeper inside of Andy. It was almost too tight, Andy clenched his jaws, bitting through the pain as Shadow gasped from the warmth the tight rectal walls provided. It was not long before Shadow's entire member was now throbbing inside of Andy's furry behind.

"You ok?" Shadow broke the silence between his moaning and gasping. He could see a slight bit of pain in his partners face and it made him worried.

"Mmmmmph, yeah. You're just..." Andy adjusted his hips. " big."

Shadow tried to relieve the pain by massaging Andy's ass cheeks and thighs with his paws. Andy just kept running his fingers back and forth across Shadows chest waiting for the pain to reside and eventually it did. It was slow at first but soon Andy could feel a pleasurable warmth develop on his prostate and along the walls of his rectum causing his own cock to throb even harder. Andy began rocking his hips gently, letting Shadow's cock slide around a little with every motion.

"Oh god, your dick feels so good." Andy was no longer subdued by the pain and was now rocking his hips vigorously. He could feel the barbs inside of him gently rubbing along his prostate. Luckily the barbs were just like Andy's penis barbs; dull, soft, and very sensitive. Andy's prostate was like and itch that needed to be scratched and Shadow's big cock was doing the job. Just the thought of having his mate inside of him was amazing and it had Andy clenching his ass as tight an hard as he could around the girthy pointed cock. The heat from Shadow's cock only grew stronger inside Andy who was only left to plead for more. Once again Andy's animalistic side took over and was now bouncing his ass up and down slowly, taking in every inch from the base to the tip. Round furry balls repeatedly slapped against Shadow's muscular lower stomach between each groan and huff that came from Andy. A growl escaped Andy's muzzle as he dug his claws into the furry chest in front of him drawing blood. Shadow hissed lustfully back, wrapping his fingers around the red pointed cock that bobbed in front of him.

Shadow couldn't handle it anymore, the pressure in his big furry balls was bringing him the the brink of a climax. It was just so tight and warm that he had to do his best to hold back his orgasm. His fingers pinched and twisted Andy's various nipples with one hand as the other continued to pump Andy's cock. Shadow didn't want to yet but it was too much, his balls ached for release and there was nothing left to hold him back. "Aaaarrrowwrrr!" A feral panther growl filled the room as hot sticky panther seed flooded the inside of Andy's asshole. Shadow's paw clenched harder around Andy's dick, tightening his grip with every burst of extreme ecstasy.

The instantaneous heat that erupted from Shadow's cock was all Andy could bear. His prostate was already pushing his cock onto the verge of orgasm. It took one last bounce of his ass and a stroke from Shadow's paw and it was all over.

"Gaaahhhhh!" Andy's body quivered as he came, shooting his creamy load all over his mates muzzle and chest. It was like jet streams that never ended and soon Shadow was drenched in Andy's musky seed. Both orgasmed together for what seemed minutes, each rubbing their paws on one another lovingly. Andy gazed deeply into Shadow's glowing yellow eyes in silence. There was nothing left to be said, their eyes said it all. Andy had to laugh a little at the sight of Shadows semen covered face, leaning down he gave a tentative lick across Shadows chest and nipple.

"Let's get ourselves cleaned up." Andy smiled back at Shadow. They took turns lapping the cum off each other's bodies and muzzles before returning to a passionate kiss.

They laid together for hours basking in their after glow, arms and legs intertwined and tangled in the stained sheets. The room now smelled of hot musky sex and it didn't bother them one bit. It already felt like home and Andy was ready to spend the rest of his life with his mate. Shadow just couldn't believe how fortunate he was to have someone like Andy as a partner and finally being able to show his true affection and love for the other panther. Shadow was filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and love so he turned to Andy after hours of light purring and silence.

"I love you Andy." His wide tongue suck out and lapped it across Andy's muzzle.

Andy smiled back lovingly. "I love you too Shadow."

The rest of the day went just as any other normal day they now spend at the cabin. Who knows if they will ever come out into the public and if they did, what would happen? All that mattered was the love the two panthers now shared with one another.

The end.