Hunger of the Gods

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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The mood had been set with a single roar from the ocean god himself. Usually the heavens were crystal clear, it had been a long time since the sky was last seen in such menacing character, but the thick, dark clouds that made the sky dim and bleak, the replacement of calm wind with a thick, clammy stillness all pointed to one thing, a battle.


Ashley took a step back, gritting her teeth hard. Five of her pokemon had already been defeated and if she'd send out her last, he'd suffer the same fate as the others. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, but it did anyway, the god of the oceans, Lugia, was no pushover. Even so, she had started the fight, she had_to catch Lugia. She _had to make him an ally!

"This isn't over yet!" Ashley boasted as she braced herself, reaching behind her for the final pokemon in her arsenal. "Let's go, Venusaur!"

In a flashy act, Ashley spun around and threw the pokeball as hard as she could into the air. Her feet skidded to rest as her final hope raced from the gleaming red and white ball in a burst of light with a roar of its name.

"Saur! Venusaur!"

Grass and poison. Venusaur was a grass and poison-type pokemon, giving him a keen weakness to any of Lugia's psychic attacks, but he'd pull through somehow. He had to.

The battle had lasted no longer than a good ten minutes, but just as quickly as she had started it by sending her Charizard to attack Lugia midflight, Lugia had brought it to a near end, knocking out each of her pokemon in a single hit.

"Venusaur!" Ashley roared to the skies as she balled a fist tight to throw it forward. "Get ready, charge up that Solar Beam!"

"Saur!" Venusaur stomped his feet and the giant flower on his back started to glow. His body trembled and his leaves shook as he slowly took in the sun's diminished light.

With Venusaur's path chosen, the battle wouldn't last much longer, Ashley only hoped that Lugia wouldn't attack. As time passed on and the time for Venusaur's attack drew near, Lugia huffed before landing in the midst of the forest's clearing. He didn't look like he was going to attack or even defend himself from Venusaur's attack...he almost looked as though he was humoring her.

Suddenly, Venusaur quaked the earth with a few powerful stomps, then a ball of light formed in the middle of Venasaur's flower. He lowered his head to the ground, pointing the supercharged flower at Lugia.


"Alright, here goes!" Ashley took a deep breath and braced herself. "Venusaur, Solar Beam!"

With nothing more than a roar that shook the earth and the trees, Venusaur fired his attack, smashing Lugia in the chest with his strongest grass attack. As the attack made contact, Ashley's eyes lit up with joy and her hand flinched toward her backpack. Only moments later, after the attack was finished, Ashley's expression twisted into something terrified.

Lugia didn't flinch, he didn't step back or show any pain, he didn't even look like he felt it at all. With Venusaur's attack finished, Lugia took a deep breath and roared to the skies, darkening the skies once more and shaking the heavens with his ferocious sound. Before Ashley or Venusaur could prepare themselves, Lugia looked to them both with a pair of glowing blue eyes, slamming Venusaur's mind with a powerful shock that left him instantly incapacitated.

"Venusaur, no!"

Despite Ashley's call, Venusaur went down, and just like that, the battle had ended. She fell down to one knee with tears in her eyes as she returned Venusaur to his respective pokeball. It was hard for her to believe that she had lost, but even harder to believe that she never stood a snowball's chance in hell to begin with.

Just before Ashley could pick herself up, Lugia roared once more, flapping his wings with a blue glow in his eyes. For only a moment Ashley could feel her clothes being tugged at, then all six of her main pokemon and her backpack were snatched from her person.

"Hey!" Ashley called as she rushed to her feet and snatched at one of her pokeballs, barely missing it as it rose high up into the air, being controlled by Lugia's acute telekinesis. She thought the battle was over, but apparently, it had just barely begun.

Lugia roared once more to the skies before dropping the pokeballs behind him. He glared down at Ashley with a fierce expression as he closed the distance between them with a few steps.

"Human...!" Lugia boasted through his psychic ability. "You DARE attack unprovoked!?"

Ashley took a trembling step back as Lugia took another step forward. Of course, humans didn't know, but it was a taboo in the pokemon world to attack a human directly. However for legends such as Lugia, Ho-oh, and the legendary dogs, Entei, Raikou, and Suicune, it was far from ill-advised to discourage trainers through slight physical punishment.

"Tell me, girl..." Lugia continued to close the gap until Ashley was backed up into a tree, her body pressed hard against it. "Who would control the seas without"

Caught between a tree and an angry looking god of the oceans, Ashley couldn't manage a response. Suddenly, catching legendary pokemon didn't seem like such a good idea...

"I didn't think so..." Lugia lowered himself to the ground and took a deep breath, taking in Ashley's scent before twisting his expression into a grin, unaware that the thought of Ashley's punishment had surfaced his usually hidden member.

Lugia slowly closed the distance between himself and Ashley only inches at a time, then he opened his mouth. With a truly dark, devious look in his eyes, he let his tongue loll out of his mouth. He gave her a slow, gradual lick from her ankles to the very top of her head, then he rolled his tongue back into his mouth to savor her surprisingly delicious flavor. Not a second later his tongue was back down to her ankles.

Absolutely frozen, Ashley couldn't do anything but tremble as Lugia let his enormous tongue wrap around her legs sensually, coating her with his thick, sticky saliva. He continued up her body, letting his tongue snake under her skirt and grope her buttocks, she could barely manage a squeal as he pulled away and continued to her arms and breasts. In a final motion, Lugia raised her chin with his tongue, trading her flavor for his abundant saliva before pulling away, spreading her sweet, tart taste up to the roof of his mouth.

"You smell delicious, girl." Lugia smacked his lips before leaning forward again, "appetizing..."

Lugia took a deep breath through his nose onto Ashley, sending a chill through her body. With that, she dashed to the side before dashing off into the woods, obviously stricken by an uncontrollable terror.

"Ah!" Ashley screamed to the skies, "don't eat me!"

At first, the plan was only to give her a quick scare, enough to convince her to never return...but the way she tasted and the way she trembled on his tongue. There was something...arousing about it, something that he had to experience once more.

Lugia took flight with a grin, his enormous limp member had fully shown itself, lingering in the air as he watched Ashley race through the small forest with no clear direction. It had been a long time since he'd been so excited, it was almost hard for him to wait until Ashley would leave the forest so he could finally drop from the skies to cut off her path.

While Lugia loomed over head, Ashley's mind raced as she twisted and turned through the forest. She didn't have her pokemon, she didn't have any repellants, she didn't even have a spare pokeball that's he could throw, just long enough to keep Lugia still for a moment. With every step she took, her mind chanted to her, "I never should have done this...what have I gotten myself into?"

Ashley stopped running for a moment and pressed her back against the closest tree she could find. The only sounds were those of her own breathing and the natural wildlife. The air was still and thick with anticipation. She didn't want to catch Lugia anymore, and the last thing she wanted was to be eaten.

Ashley looked around, then up to the skies, trying her hardest to keep herself out of sight. As her sight shifted to scan the heavens, her heart started to slow down and her breathing returned to normal; Lugia was nowhere to be found. It seemed too good to true, but if there was even a chance to get away from such a legendary beast, she had to take it.

Suddenly, Ashley pushed herself away from the tree and dashed toward the edge of the forest. Her breathing picked up again, her heart started to race. Everything became a blur as her legs carried her as fast as they possibly could. Suddenly, in the midst of her mad dash, she left the forest and made her way into a plains-like clearing. Still, Lugia was nowhere to be found and her tired expression curled into a smile. Free? Was she finally f-

"Ah!" Ashley yelped before falling down and skidding across the ground. She panted hard before rising up to her knees to pick herself up, an accomplished expression painted on her face. Everything was going to be alright, she convinced herself...and then there it was...

"You didn't hurt yourself..." The ground abruptly shook and Ashley turned over to see Lugia standing over her, if his erect member would have cast a shadow, it surely would have covered her. "Did you...?"

Once again, Ashley found herself at a loss of words. She was out in the open and Lugia was looming over her with the same expression as before. No words could describe the sheer twisting in her stomach or the chill of fear shaking her arms and legs. Unable to run or hide from such a powerful pokemon, Ashley quickly found her options depleting.

It had been years since a human was bold enough to attack him the way Ashley did, and it had been even longer since he felt the overwhelming pleasure of punishing one. However, in all of his years, he'd never once considered eating a human, or even other pokemon. The idea had him noticeably excited, twisting his usual calm, commanding expression and majestic appearance into something to be feared.

"N-No wait..." Ashley scooted back as Lugia lowered his body to the ground, staring deep into her eyes from only feet away. Unable to think of anything she could say to justify attacking one of Johto's gods she could only whimper as Lugia inched forward.

"What is it, girl...?" Lugia reached forward and pinned Ashley to the ground with a single digit on his peculiar hand. "You're not scared of me, are you?"

Lugia let his mouth hang open and he let his tongue roll out of his mouth. He covered Ashley's entire body with a single drop of his saliva, then he licked her clean as she raised her arms and kicked her legs in detest.

"No! Don't! Get! Ack-!" She interrupted her screams with a few coughs and a huff. "Get away from me...!"

Ashley's struggles were all in vain, they didn't slow him down in the slightest or deter him from groping her sensually with his tongue, pressing her breasts together and caressing her neck. It almost seemed to please him, and please him it did.

"That's it..." Lugia quietly moaned over Ashley's body before replacing his finger with his tongue, wrapping it around her and slowly lifting her off of the ground. Ashley screamed and struggled in detest, but it only made Lugia's body hot, it made his cock throb like never before.

"Stop! I'm sorr-!"

Suddenly, Ashley was inside Lugia's mouth, slipping and sliding around on his tongue and falling into pools of warm, goopy saliva. The experience was unlike anything she'd ever felt before, and to her it was far from pleasant, but for Lugia, the opposite was true.

The chase, the struggle, it was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. It sent ripples of dominance and pleasure through his body, it made his cock throb unlike ever before.

As Ashley squirmed in Lugia's giant maw, pounding on his tongue in a desperate attempt to get free, Lugia leaned back against a nearby tree and took hold of his enormous tapered cock. For the longest time, the best thing he'd ever felt was Ho-oh's feathery body, her slit tight around his member, but this...

Lugia took a slight breath, giving Ashley a breath of fresh air as he started to fondle himself with a single hand. The underside of his fleshy off-pink member was slippery with his crystalline precum and its wide, bulbous base was sensitive, more than ever before. He had been aroused long before he knew it.

"Unngh..." Lugia moaned in a low pitch as he let his hand rediscover his cock, then he gave it a firm squeeze near its middle. "Mmm..."

Lugia shivered and moaned quietly to the sounds or Ashley's desperate scream's and struggles. His body trembled all over and his member throbbed hard in his harsh grip. He'd hardly done anything but touch himself, even so, his release was close, and from the feel, it was going to be huge.

"Please! Just let me out!" Ashley desperately called starting to feel herself becoming dizzy. She called out a second time in vain, then she could feel a strange force pulling her toward the back of Lugia's mouth. Was he-!?

"D-Don't eat me!!" Ashley called as she fell to her knees, finding herself slowly being sucked backward until she finally fell down into Lugia's throat. Despite her desperate clawing, she stuck to the back of Lugia's throat and slowly started to slide down with no hope for escape.

With Ashley's fate seemingly sealed, Lugia relaxed and took a deep breath before sighing as he started to stroke his cock. He let his hand slide down his cock and fondle its bulbous base, then he took in every detail of his thick, narrowing member as he rose up to its tip.

"Ah! Nngh!" Lugia clenched his teeth as his body burned up. The digits on his feet curled and his free hand gripped the tree behind him hard as he masturbated, almost frantic to relieve himself. The feel of Ashley's struggles, her desperate pleading for help, the look of fear and hopelessness in his eyes had become his ecstasy.

In the midst of his pleasure, Lugia couldn't help but note a problem. After Ashley's punishment, how would he feel the sensation of devouring an unwilling prey again? H-

Lugia growled as his insides clenched up and his loins tightened. He gripped the tree even tighter than before, hard enough to leave a handprint, then he suddenly came, pumping his plentiful seed up into the air to watch it splash on the ground. With another loud growl and a moan to the heavens he came again, pumping his seed into the air and covering the ground with his glistening goop. He finally finished up with a growl to the skies, letting thick beads of his cum roll from the tip of his shaft down to the bulb at the base of his member, where it dripped onto the emerald grass under him.

The scenery was wrought with proof that Lugia had enjoyed himself, he only completed the masterpiece by lowering his head, hurling Ashley softly onto the ground just beside the numerous pools of his seed. Nothing less than satisfied with the past hour, Lugia grinned as he played with his limp member, looking down at the unconscious Ashley.

For a moment, he wasn't exactly sure whether it was safe to leave her in the middle of an open field, but an idea suddenly struck him. Why wait for another human to foolishly challenge him when he could simply capture this one?

It took nothing more for Lugia to convince himself. He enveloped Ashley's body in a light blue, telekinetic glow then he looked in the direction of his home. "Just wait...I've great plans for you..."