Carmel Center (TF, Object, MF)

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Working in catering is supposed to be easy, but when you're dealing with hundreds of plates and dishes things can happen. Still one simply can't forget to provide some sort of dessert.

Written for FA:ssj3mewtwo as part of the story sale.

Carmel Center by Theo Winters

Written for SSJ3Mewtwo

No matter the size of the job, big or small, no matter how well planned every single thing was supposed to be it seemed like something always went wrong. This job was turning out to be more of a problem then even Daniel had anticipated. It seemed like everything was going wrong in some fashion, people were out of place, one truck was running late, half of his crew was out sick and dessert was flat out missing!

"Catering shouldn't be this hard," he said, placing one of his three fingered hands on his face, rubbing the bridge of his snout. Everything that had happened could be fixed, he had called in a few friends he trusted to help serving, the late truck had the second course and would arrive in time for it to be taken out, but dessert? That was a whole new problem. There was no indication as to where it had gone missing, calling back at the shop said it should have been put onto the truck but it simply wasn't there.

With fifty people a missing desert was a problem. He could send someone to the store and pick up ice cream, but that wasn't what the client had ordered. Cake would be too hard to get in time and the shop was mostly empty, there wasn't enough people to make a new dessert course.

He shook his head and closed his eyes and swayed his thick tail behind his legs. This was not a good day for him.

"Excuse me, Daniel?"

He opened his eyes and looked down, ease enough when he towered over everyone else in the kitchen. Theo was standing in front of him and looked a bit worried. The chubby lion was an old friend of his and had been willing to pitch in as an extra set of paws even if he looked a bit silly in the server uniform. "What went wrong now?"

"I just heard from the truck, the traffic jam is moving faster than they expected. They should be here in ten minutes."

"Well, that's some good news," the tall man replied, relaxing a bit and pulling at the collar of his shirt. Unlike the rest of his crew he was wearing a full suit which pulled a bit over the metal plate that was a part of his chest. The suit had been custom tailored to fit his size and natural armor, but he still felt odd wearing it. At least he was able to get away without a tie, that was something.

The lion shrugged a bit. "Not entirely, Miss. Cassandra wants to speak to you... and she didn't look happy."

He let out a long sigh and ran his hand over his hairless head, that wasn't good news, not at all. "Where is she?"

"Upstairs, in her office," he said, pointing over his shoulder towards the narrow stairs.

Daniel nodded slightly and started towards the stairs. "Okay, double check the seating chart, I want to be extra-careful that everyone is where they are supposed to be. The last thing we need is to sit the wrong people together," he instructed as he walked towards the stairs.

He ducked his head as he started up the narrow stairway, the old house wasn't quite built for someone like him. Then again at seven and a half feet tall, with a wide body and a thick tail, very few things were made for him. His mixed species nature, combining feline, reptile and a few others, made him very unique. He had dubbed himself a mewthree, though very few people knew what that was; he preferred it that way.

Once he reached the top of the stairs he turned and to the office door he rapped on it with his hard knuckles.

"Come in," the familiar voice said.

He opened the door and ducked down under the low doorframe. The office was just like any other office and didn't stand out in any way other then the large picture window on the wall behind the desk. Miss. Cassandra was sitting behind her desk, dressed in a pantsuit--though the jacket was hanging off the back of her chair--and a pair of glasses were resting on the tip of her muzzle. The vixen looked up at him over the top of the frames, her brown eyes narrowing as she did so.

Carefully she took off her glasses and set them on top of the desk. "So... explain."

Daniel coughed a bit and closed the door. "Something are out of my control, but dinner will go off as planned, I promise you that."

"Oh really?" the vixen asked. "And what about the missing dessert? That is hardly 'going off as planned' now is it?"

"I'm working on that. We'll have something for you, I promise you."

The vixen stood up from behind her desk, brushing down her blouse as she did so, and walked around the desk. She was two feet shorter then he was but somehow her strong gaze made him feel smaller then her. "I am paying for more than just promises."

The mewthree gulped a bit and shifted from one digitigrade paw to the other. "There will be a dessert, I can guarantee that."

Miss. Cassandra smiled and crossed her arms under her modestly sized chest. "Well, I'm sure that you do, but I'm going to have to take some extra steps to guarantee that. I'm sure that won't be a problem for you, will it?"

This wasn't part of the standard contract, but he wasn't going to argue. This vixen was a powerful client and the right word from her in the right ear could cut his business in half. He was going to make sure she was happy. "No, it won't."

Without another word the vixen lifted up her hand snapped her fingers. A flash of blue light danced over her fingertips, rolling over them like water over rocks. Magic, and powerful magic by the feel of it. She gave him a knowing smile then with a flick of her wrist threw them spell onto Daniel.

He let out a yelp as it hit him, it pressed through his shirt and chest plate before sinking into his black skin. He didn't like magic and thanks to his bloodline he was very susceptible to it. Even though he couldn't feel the magic running through him, his body was starting to respond to it; in the most embarrassing way possible!

The vixen smiled and crossed her arms again. "Now, I'm sure that you will be able to resolve everything..." she said, her voice trailing off as she looked down over his body.

Daniel blushed as his pants tented out from his erection. He tried to stop it, to pull it back into his body, but it just kept growing and growing. "I'm sorry, magic sometimes amplifies..." he said, but the words were hard to get out.

She flicked her ears back and ran the tip of her tongue across her lips. "Quite the nice effect," she said, her hand reaching out to grab at his crotch, squeezing him firmly through the cloth. "Oh, very nice!"

"Miss. Cassandra, I'm not sure--"

"I am," the vixen replied with a smirk. "I believe that this will make up for any problems that might happen," she said as she squeezed his shaft again then started working his belt free and pulling his zipper down. She almost ripped open the pants, smiling as she saw his shaft straining at the boxer-briefs.

"Oh, you are quite the man, aren't you?" she asked, her thick tail swaying behind her as she grabbed his pants and underwear and pulled them down in a single motion, his cock snapping out to bounce in front of her. Without another word she dove down and sucked his shaft into her muzzle and started to suck at it.

Daniel wanted to reach down and push her off of him, but he found he couldn't. He felt himself locked in place... no that wasn't true, he could hump gently at her face, but he couldn't do anything to stop her. He found himself reaching out and gently taking her head in his hands, rubbing the fur over her ears and against her hair, making her moan in pleasure. This was a new effect on him, but not all that bad.

The vixen was eager, her head bobbing up and down as she lapped along his shaft and teasing it with her tongue. She certainly was talented, though a bit rough as her teeth would occasionally rub against the skin of his shaft. It felt good, making him dribble precum.

She slowly pulled her muzzle free of his shaft, a trail of pre connecting the pointed tip to her lower lip. "Oh, you have a great cock, I want to feel it inside of me. Lay down on the desk, I want to go for a ride," she said, making it sound sultry.

The mewthree wanted to protest that this was hardly proper behavior between a customer and a client, but instead he found himself walking to the desk and pushing the papers to the floor. He crawled up onto of it and laid down, his shaft jutting up high from his vent.

Miss. Cassandra smirked a bit and wiggled out of her pants, reveling a rather shapely set of hips and ass. She had a very nice body that unfortunately she had to hide under her clothing to look professional. Carefully she climbed up onto the desk and straddled his large body, rubbing her hands over his shirt, teasing her fingers over the fabric before grabbing it and ripping it open. The buttons broke off and flew around the room, hitting the walls and window.

"I thought you had a hard chest, but I didn't think it would be like this," she said, running her fingers over his chest place, stroking over the curves of it as she flicked out her tail and started to lower herself down against him. Her tough felt strange though, the metal giving a bit under her fingers in a way he had never felt before.

The vixen reached down and grabbed his shaft, squeezing it once before she pressed the tip up against the wet slit of her sex. Slowly she started to sink down on his thick length, whimpering as it pressed deeper into her with every moment.

Unbidden he reached out and grabbed her full hips, squeezing them with his fingers as she sank down lower and lower. She let out a low whimper as she pressed herself down until her hips made contact with him.

However he had ended up in this situation... he had to admit it wasn't all that bad. In fact it had been a long time since he had been with a woman and it felt very good. At the same time there was another feeling all over his body. It was something to do with the magic and it made him feel both soft and rigid at the same time.

Cassandra didn't seem to care, she was focused on holding him inside of her, squeezing his shaft with her wet pussy, teasing it as she started to ride him. He found himself thrusting up against her, grunting in time with her own gasps of pleasure. It was a wonderful feeling as she ran her hands along his chest as she fucked him. Eager to take all that she could.

Her hands kept rubbing over his chest, teasing at the edges of the plate, rubbing where it joined his black scales. It seemed to be growing softer under her touch, bending and rippling against her fingers, almost like it was merging into the flesh itself. it was a pleasant feel, almost warm in his skin.

When she pulled her hand back the tips of her fingers were covered in something thick and black. It clung to her fur in thick fat drops and started to roll down her finger. The vixen looked at it with a curious eye, then lifted it up to smell it. Her eyes went side and stuck her fingers in her mouth, sucking on them for a moment. "Oh, it's chocolate. You're covered it dark chocolate!" she says with the excitement of a cub.

Daniel lifted his head, looking down over his chest. The black of his scales looked different then they should have. There was a shine to them, glowing warmly and with a glow of magic. He looked back up at the vixen and licked his nose. He could taste the chocolate as well. It was strange, he wasn't just covered with chocolate it was something deeper, but as the flavor washed over his tongue he found himself smiling.

She leaned forward and kissed him firmly on the lips, her tongue slipping into his muzzle and swirling around. He started to kiss back, unable to help himself even as the strange feeling grew stronger by the moment. His tail started to thump on the desk, but the sound was wrong. It almost was like his tail was hollow.

The vixen kept up the kiss as she rode his cock, the taste of the chocolate swirling in his muzzle. The longer they kissed the stronger the flavor became stronger and bettered defined. It wasn't like any chocolate like he had before, it was bitter though still sweet with a hint of something else. It was his own taste of his natural musk, and it tasted wonderful mixed with the chocolate. He wasn't just covered in it, he was starting to become it! Daniel let out a grunt of surprise against the kiss, trying to gather up his will to push her off of him, to stop the changes while he still could, but he simply couldn't do it. He couldn't push her off his shaft, or break the kiss, or do anything that wasn't related to fucking her as his body continued to change.

Her fucking of him started to pick up speed as she broke the kiss, gasping for breath and licking her lips. "You taste wonderful," she said, her white blouse smeared from his chest. She looked down at it then pulled her blouse off, throwing it to the side. With another turn of her hand she took off her bra and let it slide down her arms before she dropped it onto the floor. Her perky breasts bounced as she rode him, rocking her body as she pounded her hot twat on his cock. Gasping in pleasure she reached down to grab his hands and then lifted them up to press at her breasts.

Daniel started to paw at them, teasing her nipples with this thumbs and leaving streaks of chocolate behind in her fur. It was thicker than before, soaking into the white fur and staining it black. His hands were looking strange as well, the texture on his scales were fading away, becoming less individual segments and instead become a single flexing piece of chocolate. The worst part was that it felt warm and good.

She kept riding him, slamming herself down against his hips. Each time she came down on him the room was filled with a wet squelching sound. The heavy juices of her pussy was running down his shaft and over the vent on his crotch. It was mixing with the chocolate and dripping onto the wood surface of the desk.

By now it seemed that every part of him was changing, pushing deep inside of him, through him and down across his arms and legs. It was an amazing feeling and the sex was just making it better. He tried to fight it, but it no use; instead he kept rubbing her breasts, teasing her nipples as she rocked faster on him. He was getting close, he knew it, his lust and magic starting to intertwine, to rise up higher and stronger with each other.

Cassandra rocked down on the mewthree, gasping out as his shaft pounded against him. Each gasp was growing louder than the last until she finally let out a scream that shook the glass of the picture window in its frame. She then slammed herself down against him and climaxed hard.

The force of the orgasm ran through his body, making him cry out as he came as well. It rushed out from his internal balls and out his shaft, blasting into the vixen hot and sticky. More sticky then any time before. It flood into her, making her scream out a second time as she shook from the joy of it all. The pleasure overwhelmed him, backing his eyes roll back as he let out a long low whimper and let it take him.

His orgasm feed into the magic which wrapped around him, pushing tightly around his body. He arched his back and let out a cry of joy as his body froze in place. It was a strange feeling, his whole body was rock solid... yet it wasn't quite as solid as all that. It was a strange feeling, but not a bad one.

With pleased gasp the vixen rolled off of him, stick brown cum rolling out of her cleft and down her legs. She paused and looked at it for a moment, then slowly collected some on her finger, giving it a taste. "Oh, you cum caramel," she said with a laugh.

Daniel looked up at her, unable to say anything. Though a part of him wondered how he tasted.

Slowly she stroked a hand over his chocolate chest, teasing it with her fingers. It was rock hard now and small curls of it collected under her claws. "I think this solves are dessert problem," she said, her hand stroking up over his face and gently breaking off one of his horns. The chocolate split easily, a bit of caramel dripping out of the hole. She took the piece and started lapping at it, a smile on her face.

Strangely it didn't feel bad to have a part of himself broken off, in fact he felt pretty great, a new wave of pleasure rushing through his semi-solid body and making him want to moan. The caramel was warm inside of him, and it dripped out of the broken horn to melt the chocolate around it. The soft chocolate dripped slightly and then suddenly pulled back, the missing horn reforming on his head, as good as new.

The vixen took a step back and smiled as she looked at the chocolate statue. "Oh my! Screw the party, I'm going to keep this dessert for myself!" she said, gripping his hard candy cock and giving it a long stroke.

If Daniel was still flesh his heart would have been racing, but also wouldn't object. Sometimes it was good to be a sweet treat for a hot woman like her. Though he did hope she would share him some time before the spell wore off... if it ever did.


This story was written and copyright 2013 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. The character "Daniel" is owned by his creator, and is used with permission. Violators will be melted.