Bonnie's and Clyde's Last Strike - Draft

Story by xxMandaPanda on SoFurry

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#2 of Play Writing

Draft of a 10 minute play for Play Writing class.


Jasmine Notte Ladro (Means Night Theif in Italian) : Early 30s, Master Thief/Cat burglar: Posing as secretary: Wife of Jemoth, caring and sensitive, but sly and cunning given the situation. Excellent liar. Arthur knows her as Clara Johnson.

Jemoth Notte Ladro: Mid 30s, Master Thief/Cat burglar: Husband of Jasmine. Tough and strong, but is a mush when it comes to Jasmine.

Arthur Skarii: Early 50s, CEO of Skarii Libraries (a company that specializes in giving archeologists a kick start in their adventures); dresses smartly/crazy professor like. Very light hearted and forgiving man

Worker: Upper 30s, no lines

Scene 1 opens: Jasmine and Jemoth are looking over blueprints for an office building as a bunch of pictures of a golden axe are pinned to a bulletin board on the wall behind them. They look mildly confused as they stand over the circular table. Lights dim to give the feeling of underground lair.


I thought we were done with the business, and why do they even want the axe? There are plenty other things we could nab in the place than that that are worth just as much... and more easily ta' boot.


I don't know, but they asked specifically for the axe AND for US... and they're paying us a pretty penny. We could finally retire how we want to.


(Jasmine sits down at one of the chairs at the table.) I wanted to be done the last time you said we were done. We have enough money. I want a family Jemoth. I want us to be normal. I want a dog, and a kid, and a small job to keep me busy while they're at school... or a garden to tend. (She places her head in her hands and sighs.)


_(Jemoth goes behind her and hugs her tightly around the shoulders with a kiss to the top of the head)_I know honey. I know, but this job will make sure we can give that child a future with a college education if they want. I promise. Just this one last job. You have my word.


(Jasmine nods after a small pause and looks up at the board of pictures. Getting up, she examines the pictures closer before turning back to Jemoth.) Ok. What do I need to do?

Lights fade to black: wait a 10 count: Up on office to simulate day.

Scene 2 opens: A few scattered people are moving around. There is low chatter. Arthur walks and turns around before almost laughing towards the door. Jasmine enters shortly after nearly stumbling through the door looking very nervous and slightly disheveled in her white button up tucked into her dress pants.


There's no need to look so nervous my dear. Being my secretary is nothing more difficult than taking my calls and keeping my wife's mind at ease that I'm actually working and not out with my colleagues at a bar. Which, that's easier than you'd think. She's a wonderful woman, but she's a bit slow and gullible if you know what I mean_._ You also have to catalog all the artifacts and such that come in, but a baby could do it. (chuckles softly)


(Shyly) Heh.. I'm sorry sir. I've just never worked for someone in such a high position before.


(Chuckles heartily)_Skarii Libraries prides itself on a friendly atmosphere for all the scholarly adventurers and archeologists that come to its doors. The most you'll have to worry about it the occasional haunted artifacts, but those are rare and very far between. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to knock on my door and ask. _(He turns to leave to his office.)


(Tentatively) Uhm... Sir?


(Turns to look at her) Yes, Miss Clara?


_(Still tentative)_What time should I lock up the office after you leave, and uhm.. how would one open the window for air?


(Chuckles lightly) Windows are easy enough. There is a latch on either side that need to be undone so the top part can swing out, and I lock my personal office when I leave. The main office gets locked up after all your work for the day is done. Just make sure the windows are all shut again before you go. The time is up to you, but I would assume staying here much longer after everyone else is gone would get lonely. Better work fast. (He gives her a reassuring smile before turning back to his office doors. Opening them, he steps in and shuts them behind his back, but not before Jasmine spots the golden Mayan hand axe on the bookcase behind his desk.)


(To herself) Easy access... Jemoth will be happy. (Smiles softly before sitting behind her desk still talking quietly to self) The blueprints were dead on. The only thing I need to figure out now is the security system and where to let him in. It shouldn't be too hard though considering there aren't any cameras. (Turning about in her chair a bit, she nonchalantly looks about the windows and vents occasionally making a hmm noise before getting up. Walking towards the window, she inspects the latches before opening turning them to open the window.)_It's not an ideal size, but it's big enough. _(Sitting back down at her desk, she pulls her phone out of her pocket and calls Jemoth) Babe? Oh good... It's not that much different at all. The vents are off a bit, but other than that it's nearly spot on. (small pause) Of course I brought them with me. You'd be silly to think I woul... Dark is probably a safe bet... I'm not sure when he gets off... Windows are smaller than we'd like, but they're manageable. It's almost too good to be true. (She laughs lightly as she notices a co-worker staring at her.) I love you darling. I'll see you when I get home. Bye-bye. (Hangs up the phone and puts it back in her pocket before turning back to the co-worker) My husband and I are looking at houses. Windows are never quite big enough you see. He's so picky. Trying to figure out when our realtor gets off. (Jasmine gives the worker a smile before they smile back softly and go back about their business. Jasmine sighs a bit and turns her attention to the stack of paper on the desk.) Might as well make it look like I've done something today.

Lights fade to black. Brought back up to simulate night, Jasmine's desk lamp is on and she is flipping through some papers looking a bit puzzled as she chews absent mindedly on the end of a steel cased pen. Arthur comes out of his office yawning a bit as he walks over to Jasmine's


I see you still have a stack there. Willing to give a first good late night?


_(Looking up, she nods a bit before cracking a small tired looking smile as she sets her pen down.)_Indeed sir. I don't like leaving unfinished work on my desk.


(Takes note of the pen and its engraving as he stares at it a bit) Such a lovely pen. Bonnie? Who's Bonnie?


(Feigning flattery, she blushes before giggling a bit.) Bonnie. As in Bonnie and Clyde. I have a Clyde as well. He writes in purple. The set was a wedding gift from my husband, because I loved their story so much. I never sign anything with any other pens. They're my good luck charms.


Ah well, (he chuckles loud) let's hope that their luck rubs off on the company as well, aye? I trust you'll stay safe on your way home tonight. I'll see you in the morning. Have a good night Clara. (He turns and walks towards the door to leave.)


Goodnight sir. (Arthur exits door. Jasmine stands and turns to the window.) He's gone. (Jemoth crawls himself in the window from above dressed in all black, complete with ski mask and smiles at his wife before crossing to give her a tight hug.)


Let's hope they give us luck tonight as well. Where's the axe? (He lets go of her and looks about the room before turning back and giving his wife a confused look.) You said it was an easy nab.


It is. (Taking out Clyde from her pocket, she opens up both pens to reveal a set of lock picks before moving to Arthur's office door and stooping in front of it. She pokes both picks into the hole before working at it.) He just has it sitting on a shelf in his office. No case. No pressure plate that I could see. There was nothing. I almost giggled in joy seeing it. (A click is heard before Jasmine turned the handle of the door and pushed it slowly open. Sitting on the shelves behind the desk is the golden axe. Jemoth's eyes light up as he smiles and steps into the room.)


It really is too good to be true. The old bloke doesn't know what he has on that shelf there. He really doesn't. Now lemme jus.. (Jemoth reaches his hand for the axe as a click from the main office can be heard. Jasmine dives behind a tall plant in the corner as she grabs a heavy statuette from the desk to hide as Jemoth turns around and stares petrified as he sees Arthur staring back at him in horror.)


I come back to get my car keys, and I get a surprise instead. (Arthur walks angrily in a swift pace into his office and towards Jemoth.) This room was locked! How'd you get in?! (Pissed as all can be, Arthur takes a swing at Jemoth, but before he makes contact, Jasmine wacks him over the head with the statuette causing him to fall to the ground. Jasmine bends over to make sure Arthur was breathing before grabbing Jemoth and the axe. Making a beeline for the door, the pair closes it behind them before heading for the window.)


Where would you like to go tomorrow? I was thinking Hawaii just to get away. Perhaps a second honeymoon?(He smiles lovingly towards Jasmine. She returns the smile before grabbing the window frame.)


No more running around? No more gigs?


(Jemoth nods with a warm smile before kissing Jasmine on the cheek.) No more. I promised. How about we get a German Shepard when we get back from the island?


That isn't too normal of a dog for you? (She puts one leg out the window before giggling a bit.)


Nothing can be too normal now. Not as long as we're together.

Fade to black.