Burdens - Chapter 62: Unclean

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#62 of Burdens

Keep scrubbing, it will never be clean.

Chapter 62: Unclean

Roger laid himself back upon his bed. He did not have any plans for the day, aside from helping the wolf study. Part of him did not want to get out of bed, however.

He wondered where the wolf had been before he had waken. He thought for a moment before remembering that on Sundays, the wolf usually did a bit of exercise in the morning.

He checked his watch. It was still fairly early.

He took one last look at the wolf yearningly, and then put his clothes on. He faced away as he did, and was thankful that the wolf was not awake, for if he was he might have seen something that the fox had nearly forgotten to hide.

One leg a time, he thought to himself. Everything was going on procedurally. If he just kept moving forward, then everything would fall into place, for better or for worse.

The wolf stirred and woke with a sharp inhale. He looked around, seemingly confused for a moment, but gathered himself. He said, "Sorry, kind of fell asleep."

Roger shrugged. "It's okay, but uh... your towel is falling a bit." He indicated in the general area with a wave of his paw, but did not look.

Hunter quickly fixed his towel and seemed embarrassed judging by his reaction. He got up and went to his bag, rummaging through his clothes.

Roger finished dressing himself and began to plan in his mind what they would do. They had already spent some time in the mall, recently, and it would be a little overkill to head that way again, with the exception of staying at the pet shop. He felt excited thinking about heading there, though, but reminded himself that it was closed on Sundays.

He figured that perhaps they could return to the park. Yesterday they had spent some time there and had seemingly wanted to stay, and now they had some time to do so.

He suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, and surprised, he yipped and jumped forward a little, but did not actually get anywhere. Hunter laughed and put his head on Roger's shoulder, having to lean down a bit.

The fox blushed and reached back with his paws to pat the wolf on the side. He had clothes on now, to the fox's disappointment and relief.

"So what are we going to do?" the wolf asked him.

Roger squirmed out of the wolf's embrace. "Well, I figure we could go back to the park today, maybe explore a bit. Bring our bookbags there, see if we can get some studying done, if that's alright."

The wolf acquiesced and they took their leave of the house.

It was a short, quiet walk there. There were a couple families there, apparently having a birthday party and barbeque while their children had the day off. They headed off to the pond area.

They walked around the pond a few times. The ducks harassed them temporarily, though most of them avoided the wolf and went for Roger.

They headed off to the desert area. A couple of the kids were there, making different mounds and buildings with the sand. Roger thought to himself that it was nice to see that at least someone was using the park finally, though he did not mind having it to himself and the wolf.

And there was the wooded area again. They stepped in it and out of the daylight. It felt as if it had turned to night in such a short time. The fox imagined a line leading to the center and followed it, followed by the wolf. He explained that he wanted to see what was in the middle of it.

After a moment, what seemed longer than necessary to reach anything, they arrived at a clearing. It was not a large clearing, about the size of a small room, but it was enough to have a couple tents and sleep for the night if they wanted to simulate camping. It seemed to Roger that that was exactly what was its use, as he noticed some trash here and there, and a small part where others had laid on the ground.

He was slightly disappointed, but not surprised. Of course others would use the park for its intended purpose, but he had hoped he could have found a spot that was special to the two of them.

Roger felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and the wolf was looking down, an arm pointing at an object a few feet away. In his paw, though, was a plastic bag. Apparently he had been picking up the trash around them. "What is that?" he asked.

The fox looked to see what he was pointing act. When he identified the object, he blushed a little, and felt a little disgusted, and said, "That's... that's a uh, used condom."

Hunter shrugged. "A what?"

Roger looked at him, confused. "A condom. You know, the uh... thing you use if you don't want kids."

The expression on the wolf's changed subtly, and Roger recognized it. It was the same face he made whenever he did not know something.

"Did you take health yet?" he asked the wolf.

Hunter shook his head. Roger thought for a moment, then said, "Well, it's to put over your, uh... well, simply, to put on your... penis, so that when the guy, during sex...." He stopped.

The words were being heard, but the wolf was not making any acknowledgment as if he understood them. Roger attempted a different approach, though he knew it would be a bit more awkward. "You know sometimes when you, uh... rub your you-know-what," he said, waving his paw in the general direction of the wolf's waist. However, it was just a confused look that was acquired.

The fox said incredulously, "Wait, so you've never... like... jerked off?"

The wolf folded his ears and shook his head, ashamed. "I'm sorry, I don't... I don't know what that is."

Roger blushed. The situation was unanticipated, surely. He gulped and thought to say a corny line like, "Let me show you, then," but refrained. He merely said, "Well, I'll uh... I'll explain that to you another time. It's alright that you don't know."

The wolf nodded, but he still looked as if he had disappointed the fox and was about to be scrutinized. Roger patted him on the shoulder, took the bag from the wolf, and grabbed the used item, tossing it in the bag with a slight bit of disgust.

They left the clearing. It felt to Roger a bit unclean.