New Opportunities

Story by Brunvindr on SoFurry

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A request for FireDrake85

Crickets chirped slowly as a silver Honda Fit rolled to a stop in the gravel parking lot. It was a cool evening - uncharacteristic for early August. Of course, nobody was complaining. The entire town was thankful for being freed of the summer heat which had previously showed no signs of relenting, and out of all of the town's residents, none could have been more thankful than Brun.

Clad in a pair of jeans and a simple green t-shirt, the young drake stepped out of the car and walked around to the passenger side door, which he opened in an elegant manner as if he were a limousine chauffer. This was an extra step which he had only just recently added to his routine of exiting vehicles. He wasn't accustomed to having passengers in his car. In fact, he usually only used it to drive to and from work, and the passenger seat might has well have been non-existent. Tonight, however, was different. Tonight, he had a date.

The lucky girl was a dragoness with scales of pale purple and nervous green eyes. Her name was Dezski. Brun had met her at a neighborhood cook-out a couple of weeks earlier, where Nova, the sister of his friend Flame, had introduced them to each other. Dezki had just undergone a break-up with a lover a few days prior, and the event had left her emotionally devastated. She had spent most of her time at the cook-out sitting by herself and acting skittish around people, but her meek demeanor changed within minutes of meeting Brun. The red drake sat and talked with her for a long time and tried his best to cheer her up, even after most of the other party guests had departed. Dezki warmed up to him very quickly. By the time the cook-out was over, she had started to come out of her shell. Not wanting their time together to end so quickly, Brun had proposed to take her out on a date. Although she initially showed hesitation, she accepted.

The date had been somewhat of a comedy of errors, with factors such as rain, faulty directions, and car trouble plaguing it from the start. However, in spite of the evening's many setbacks, both dragons enjoyed their time together. There could be little doubt that a second date was in order. Before dropping Dezki off at her apartment, the two had already chosen a time and a place. Now the time was here, and they had just arrived at the place - literally.

"The Place" was a restaurant in Brun's hometown which had gradually risen to fame over the past couple years. It had started off as a simple pizza restaurant, but it had grown into something much more. After moving from its previous location in the basement of a building which also housed a liquor store and a hair salon, an entire new world of possibilities had arisen. It seemed appropriate for Brun to treat his new lady friend to a meal at such a place.

The building, which was shaped like an old barn, was dazzled with flashing lights. Soft music could be heard from within. It certainly had an inviting ambience. "Well," said Brun. "Shall we head inside?"

Dezki smiled gingerly and grabbed his hand. "O-Of course." she replied. With that, the two began to traverse the parking lot, arms interlocked as if they were about to stroll down The Yellow Brick Road.

They entered through the front door and found themselves a table for two without much difficulty. It was relatively early on a Tuesday night, and there were few other visitors. Once they were comfortably seated, a waitress - a cute lioness with a purple stripe running through her otherwise blonde hair - appeared to take their order. Brun instantly knew what he wanted: The King Ranch Burger. This was the meal he always ordered. It was a heap of medium-rare beef topped off with bacon, cheese, onion rings, and barbeque sauce.

Understandably, Dezki did not immediately know what to order. She quickly skimmed through the menu, her index finger hovering above several different options before Brun came to her rescue and leaned in close to her ear. "Try the pickle chips," he whispered. The dragoness shot him a confused look. "I know it sounds odd, but trust me. They're to die for."

Upon that recommendation, the dragoness made her order and the waitress disappeared, leaving the two to take in the atmosphere of the restaurant. Brun sat in silence for a while, admiring the scenery. There were old photographs and album covers plastered on the walls, but none of that interested him at the moment. Try though he might, he simply couldn't stop staring at Dezki. She was captivating in so many ways. He loved the nervous twinkle in her eyes, and her feathered wings...

The dragon must have slipped into a trance, because Dezki suddenly waved her hand in front of his face. "Hey," she said. "You alright?"

Brun nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. "I was just..." His voice trailed off as he searched for the right thing to say.

Dezki tilted her head to the side, wondering why he had suddenly lost his voice. "'Just' what?"

"Oh, I was just... admiring how stunning you look tonight," Brun replied, sincerely.

Dezki blushed slightly and looked away. "Oh, stop it." she said, attempting to suppress a giggle by covering her mouth with her hand.

"No, I mean it," Brun insisted. "You are one of a kind, and don't you listen to anyone who tells you otherwise."

Slowly, Dezki's eyes met Brun's once again, and a small close-lipped smile formed on her snout. "T-thanks, Brun," she stuttered. "That really means a lot."

The waitress reappeared a few moments later with drinks. Brun had ordered a Coke to keep him awake on the ride home, while Dezki had ordered water. The drake thanked the waitress, who disappeared once again. Brun gripped his glass firmly and held it out in front of him. "I propose a toast," he said.

Dezki once again tilted her head. "To what?" she asked.

"Oh... how about 'to new opportunities'?" Brun suggested.

Dezki smiled once again, only this time it wasn't a closed-lipped smile. This time it was a wide, toothy smile - a kind of smile that expressed confidence. "I'll drink to that."

It was still relatively early when the pair of dragons left the restaurant - 7:30, to be exact. Dinner had been excellent, but as the drake pulled out of the parking lot, he couldn't shake the feeling that the evening had been somewhat unfulfilling. Somehow, it felt too... ordinary.

Apparently, Dezki shared his sentiments. As the car rolled down the highway, she reached across from the passenger seat and placed a hand on the red dragon's lap. Brun acknowledged the gesture by patting her hand, but he did not take his eyes off the road.

"Brun..." the dragoness whispered in her usual shy tone.

This got the drake's attention instantly. "Yes, Dezki?" he replied. "What is it?"

"I don't want to go home." she said.

Brun raised an eyeridge, curiously. "Alright," he said. "Where would you rather go?"

There was a brief moment of silence as Dezki worked up enough courage to propose her idea. "I want to go to your place."

Brun briefly took his eyes off the road to look her directly in the eye. "You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Nothing else needed to be said. Brun pulled off the highway at the next exit and turned the car around, heading home. "Alright then," he said, excitement creeping into his voice. "Just sit tight. We'll be there before you know it."

The roads steadily grew more narrow and curvy. The busy intersections and shopping plazas gradually gave way to houses, which, in turn, gave way to trees. Dezki was almost speechless. Brun had told her that he lived in the middle of nowhere, but she somehow hadn't believed him until now. Of course, the dragoness did not view this as a bad thing. It meant that the rest of the evening would pass by with minimal interruptions.

Eventually, the car pulled into a long driveway shrouded by overgrown rhododendron bushes. "We're here," said Brun. He brought the car to a halt inside his garage, took the key out of the ignition, and stepped out into the cool night air, waiting for Dezki to follow.

Brun's house stood two-stories tall. It was wide, and the exterior was covered with concrete panels painted to look like wood. All lights on the inside were off.

They entered through the front door. Brun switched on the lights, revealing a small dining area and a kitchen. The grandfather clock in the corner chimed eight. Dezki yawned involuntarily, covering her mouth. Brun walked over to the fridge. "Stop that," he teased. "Can't have you falling asleep while the night's still young." He placed his hand on the fridge door. "Can I get you anything? We have sodas in here."

Dezki shook her head. "No soda for me, thanks." she said. "A cup of coffee would be preferable."

Brun smiled. "Coffee it is, then."

A few minutes later Dezki sat at the kitchen table, cup in hand. Brun sat opposite from her. "How is it?" he asked.

"It's quite good. Thank you, Brun." she replied.

"Anything else I can get you?"

Dezki thought for a while. This was a nearly perfect moment, but it seemed to be missing one thing... "Do you have any music?"

"I sure do. Any preference?"

"Classical would be nice."


Brun walked away from the table and began rummaging around in some drawers on the other side of the room. He pulled out an old CD. It had no label, but if he remembered correctly, it contained famous works from composers such as Mozart and Bach. The drake placed the disc into a stereo atop the counter, and pressed play. Sure enough, sweet piano music began to flood the room.

"How's that?" Brun asked.

Dezki smiled. "Wonderful. Thank you, again."

"My pleasure," said Brun. He returned to sit by her side as she sipped her coffee. His gaze drifted out towards the open window, and he watched the tree branches sway in the wind, illuminated by the light of the moon. "Nice evening, huh?"

Dezki nodded. "It is indeed..." she replied. The dragoness rested her head on the male's shoulder, feeling jittery. Thanks to her caffeinated beverage, she was now wide awake and full of nervous energy which she needed to expend. Additionally, the soothing notes emanating from the radio were really putting her in the mood. She placed her hand on the dragon's knee. "Brun, I have something I want to ask you..." she said.

"What is it, Dez?" Brun inquired.

Dezki began to blush as she once again struggled to find the right words. "Well..." she began. "You've been very kind to me tonight, and I was wondering i-if I c-could..."

Brun raised an eyebrow, eager to hear the rest of her sentence. "Let it out, Dez." he said.

"I was wondering if I could... repay you." Dezki finished. She finished her sentence with a heavy sigh of relief, glad to have finally gotten the suggestion off her chest. She meant every word of what she said. It had been far too long since she had shared any intimate contact with a member of her own kind. She needed him. Badly.

Brun smiled. "Well, of course you can!" he laughed. "Was there something in particular you had in mind?" He had a fair idea of what she had in mind already, but he wanted to hear her say it.

Dezki's blush intensified. "Well, I was hoping that we could... you know... have some 'fun'."

"Are you not having fun already?" Brun teased, smile growing wider.

"No, that's not what I meant!" Dezki giggled, coyly. "What I meant w-was... I want to mate with you." With the completion of that last sentence, the dragoness felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest. The die was now cast.

Brun smirked once again, and leaned in to plant a kiss firmly on Dezki's lips. She had been very brave to put such a proposition forward, and he was glad that she had done it. This was an offer he simply could not (and would not) refuse. "Dezki..." he purred. "It would be an honor to mate with you."

Upon hearing these words, the coyness in Dezki's eyes became replaced with a gaze of lust. Her shy exterior melted away almost instantaneously. "When can we start?"

Mere minutes later, the pair had relocated to the upper level, where Brun's room was located. The dragoness sat upright on the side of the bed, her shirt slightly unbuttoned. Brun stood across from her, leaning up against the wall. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked.

Dezki nodded. "Yes, I'm sure," she purred. "More than anything, I'm sure of this."

Brun smiled. This was exactly what he wanted to hear. "Then let us begin..."

As the dragon sat beside her on the bed, Dezki immediately locked lips with him. He pulled her into a sweet embrace, and the two of them fell sideways onto the mattress, where they tussled and laughed for several minutes. Brun then returned to a standing position at the foot of the bed, and started to work on undoing the last few buttons on her shirt while Dezki fondled his crotch and started to work on undoing his belt.

One by one, garments fell into obscurity at the foot of the bed. Dezki's shirt slid from her shoulders, and Brun was pleasantly surprised to discover that she was bare-chested underneath. Slowly but surely, her hidden treasures were being revealed. He wasted no time in uncovering the rest of her body. Spreading her legs, he undid her pants and slid them down to her ankles, planting small kisses along every inch of exposed scale as he did so. When at last he had fully disrobed her, he paused for a moment to admire her hourglass form, her perky breasts, and the parted lips of her dark purple labia - already moist. "God, Dez..." he said. "You are truly beautiful." He meant it.

Dezki murred, sat upright on the bed, placed her hands around his waist, and dropped his pants - a surprisingly bold move for her. Brun's erection stood proudly between his legs, mere inches from her face. "Ooh," she purred. "You're not so bad yourself, big boy."

Brun grinned as he eyed his own endowment, enjoying this previously unseen mischievous side of the dragoness. "Impressed?" he teased.

"Oh, yes," Dezki chortled. "Yes, indeed."

"Good," murred the dragon. "Now, lie on your back." He instructed.

Dezki obeyed happily, sprawling herself out on the mattress once again with her legs spread far apart. She eyed her soon-to-be mate intently, awaiting his next move with palpable anticipation.

The dragon leaned forward, placing his arms on her sides as he locked lips with her once again. He cupped her breasts in his hands, squeezing them gently as he rubbed his thumbs of her nipples, feeling them harden. He kissed around each of the nubs, and then placed one kiss on both of them directly, spurred on by her delicate squeaks of delight.

The drake then proceed to plant small kisses along her navel, stopping just shy of her most intimate region - her vent. Up close, it looked twice as gorgeous. Brun's tongue slid out of his maw and snaked across her clit, eliciting a sharp gasp of sheer bliss from the dragoness. "Oh, fuck, Brun..." Dezki moaned.

Brun grinned. This was the first time he had ever heard her swear. "So naughty..." he thought. He must have been doing something very right. "You like that?"

"Oh, God, yes!"

That was all the encouragement he needed. The dragon got back to work with no further ado, licking and kissing around her clit a few more times before parting her folds with the tip of his tongue.

Dezki squealed with joy, raising her legs up above her head to give him more room to operate. Her fingers curled, twisting the sheets on the bed as she panted lightly. "God, that feels good..."

Brun thrust his tongue deeper and deeper into her, seeking out and finding all of her sensitive spots. His flexible organ undulated within her slick passage, curling against the upper wall of her vagina as he applied his fingers to her clit, rubbing it vigorously.

The dragoness cried out, urging him not to stop as her legs began to quiver. Brun placed his entire mouth around her vent, wriggling his tongue around and sampling her sweet fluids as her inner walls clamped down on him, growing wetter by the moment. She was going to come.

Brun sucked gently on her lips, his tongue thrashing wildly within her as he sensed that she was near her peak. Dezki squeaked and moaned as he thrust in and out, her body nearing her peak. Finally, she came. Hard. Her body jerked, and her vent quivered and spasmed, sending a rush of fluids over his tongue and into his mouth.

When Dezki's climax finally subsided, and the dragon had lapped up everything that her passage had to offer, he pulled his snout out from between her legs - a strand of spittle connecting his tongue to her wet lips. The look of fiery lust in her eyes told him that she still wasn't done, which was fine by him. Between his legs, Brun's erection throbbed. It couldn't afford to be ignored for much longer.

Keeping the female's legs raised above her, the dragon wordlessly leaned forward and aligned the tip of his shaft with her vent and held it there for a moment, building tension for both of them. The dragoness shuddered beneath him, heart still racing from her recent orgasm. She spread her lips wide, eager to receive every inch of his love. "Do it," she hissed. "Put it in."

With a toothy grin, Brun pushed forward ever so slightly, just enough to sink the first inch of his shaft between her silky purple netherlips. Both dragons let out simultaneous shuddering gasps. Dezki arched her back, tail thumping against the bed frame.

The dragon continued, pushing his cock in inch by glorious inch and not stopping until he was hilted. The ridges of his shaft felt wonderful against her the tight walls of her vent. He leaned forward a little more, and once again put his tongue to good use. He licked across her body, teasing and salivating over her breasts and nipples as he thrust in an out, gradually gaining speed and momentum. His balls slapped against her tailbase with each thrust.

The bedframe creaked, accompanied by the sound of moans and scales slamming against scales. Dezki wrapped her legs around the drake's waist, pulling him closer to her as they fucked.

Brun pulled back, withdrew himself completely, rubbed his tip against her slick entrance, and slid back in again. Each inward thrust intensified in speed and ferocity.

Entwined on the bed, the two dragons moaned and panted heavily. With each passing minute, their breathing grew harder. Brun's thrusts grew faster and faster. Then, gradually, they started to slow. Her walls massaged his cock, urging him to give her all he had. The male's eye became half-lidded, and his movements became more urgent as he felt his climax nearing. She was so wet... so tight. It was all too much for him. "Oh, God, Dez..." he groaned.

Brun's breath hitched, and with a sudden a grunt and one final, forceful thrust, he released his seed into her. Thick ropes of hot, sticky cum exploded from the head of his pulsing organ, filling Dezki to the brim. His pent up seed ran down the underside of his cock and trickled from her vent, making a mess of her tailbase and the sheets below.

He collapsed on top of her, feeling her chest rise and fall rapidly as she gasped for air, struggling to find words appropriate enough to describe her exhilaration.

Dezki smiled. Brun had certainly shown her one hell of a ride. She kissed him on the cheek, laughing as the pulses of cum finally subsided and the male withdrew from her.

"Well... how was that?" Brun asked.

"Wonderful." Dezki purred. She sat up on her elbows and gazed down at her gaping vent, which was now leaking profusely with cum. "Wow..." she giggled. "We made a bit of mess, didn't we?"

The dragon chuckled nervously. "Heh, yeah..." he said. "Looks like I was a little pent up. Sorry 'bout that."

Dezki giggled again. "Well, I guess it's nothing a nice, hot shower won't fix..."

Brun smiled widely and kissed her one last time. "I love the way you think, Dez."

As he stood up and made his way over to the master bathroom to get the shower running, the drake couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He had just opened an entire new world of opportunities, and it was a world he couldn't wait to explore.

-The End