Dope Donkey Party

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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#9 of Adult Story One Shots

An anonymous commission.

Brad's birthday is coming up, but the entertainment for the party turns out to be a bit more than the young adult was expecting...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! =D

Brad scratched his face, a thin layer of fuzz growing on his face. He was sitting in class, ignoring his teacher as he flicked his thumb against his pencil. He could tell that his classmates were annoyed at the sound, they were all shooting his dirty looks as the teacher described something about physics. The young man was a lackluster student, all of his teachers said so with no hesitation.

Having disrupted many classes with his stupid antics, Brad had become a public icon of the school of being a class clown. Brad glanced around the room, much to his misfortune, Brad had been placed in a class with classmates who actually cared about the subject. Turning his gaze towards the front once more, Brad could tell his teacher was getting annoyed from the sound of his thumb clicking against the pencil.

"That concludes our lesson today, thank you all for coming today." The teacher said with a false smile on his face, he wanted to throw something sharp and heavy at Brad, but there was the whole issue of getting fired for doing something like that. Instead, mister Jensen had another idea in mind. "Brad, please come over here." He beckoned the student towards him, Brad looked at the teacher with one of skepticism.

"Yes mister Jensen?" Brad asked, putting on an innocent face.

Mister Jensen's eyes were locked onto Brad's, they weren't happy, not by any account. "Your grades have been dropping, dangerously so. You're dancing on the edge of an F, I hope you know this."

Brad smiled a sly smile, "Yeah, I'm on the edge. But I'm not at an F, so I can still graduate." Mister Jensen puffed in annoyance, Brad always pulled this bullshit.

"Well Brad, I've called your father and told him of my concerns." Brad's eyes widened in horror, Mister Jensen's own smile grew, "Oh yes, your birthday is this weekend. Isn't it? I've heard from some of your pals that you were all planning on having a big party to celebrate your eighteenth birthday; I hope that your father doesn't ground you because of your poor grades..." But his smile said otherwise.

Brad's eyes flashed in anger, but his face still carried that damn irritating smile. "Well I sure hope so too Mister Jensen, now is that all? I have to get back to my friends." Mister Jensen said nothing, his eyes studying the young man's handsome features.

"I know you're intelligent Brad, so why are you pulling this crap?" But Brad said nothing, he continued to look at the teacher with that stupid smile. Mister Jensen sighed in disgust, "Yeah, you're excused. Get out of here." He turned around in annoyance, picking up an eraser to wipe away the words he had written up on the board.

Turning away, Brad's smile turned to an enraged frown. "Asshole..." He spat, walking out of the room the young man slung his backpack over his shoulder and found his group of friends pushing around a nerd. The six of them were laughing slowly as they pushed out a poor nerd who seemed to have had the misfortune of wearing a rainbow tie dye shirt, they all grinned as they saw their friend walking out of class.

"Yo Brad! Look at the fag we netted!" Jeremy, Brad's tallest friend chuckled holding up the nerd for Brad to see.

Laughing, Brad poked the nerd in the chest. The nerd was scrawny, easily held aloft by Jeremy. "Wow, looks like you caught a rainbow trout Jeremy." He sniggered, "Oh, my mistake. It's just Tod."

If looks could kill, Brad would be a smoldering corpse. Tod's face was twisted in anger, "Fuck you Brad! Get this ox to let go of me!" He gestured towards Jeremy.

Brad chuckled and gestured down, "Jeremy, let go of the rainbow. You don't want to get skittles all over your hand."

Tod grunted as his feet connected with the ground once more, he brushed himself off and glared at Brad. "You know Brad, if you were gay then you would understand how it feels."

This seemed to be an attempt at a scathing remark, but it didn't impress Brad. "Yeah, you're the one who left your gay porn mag in your locker. I just... liberated it." His smile was cruel. He had revealed Tod's sexuality in front of the school by reading out of the nerd's journal before showing off the mag, it hadn't been pretty.

Brushing invisible wrinkles out of his rainbow shirt, Tod spat on Brad's shoe. "Go fuck yourself Brad."

No longer amused, Brad glared at his scrawny classmate. "Well, if I don't, then you might try." He then looked to Jeremy, "Have at him boys, I have to get home. My dad wanted me to come home early so we could plan my party." He flashed a false smile at Tod, "Have fun Tod, I hope you enjoy a hooked wedgie. I heard they're just to die for, well for your sperm at the very least." He turned around and walked away, whistling cheerfully as his friends pulled out a hook from Jeremy's bag, he knew the teachers would be finding the nerd hanging from the roof screaming his ass off.

Brad walked out of the building, pulling a key from his pocket. He loved being able to drive, it beat walking by a longshot. He unlocked the door of his truck and clambered in, turning on some loud rock before driving out of the school parking lot.

Driving by the football field on the way out, Brad looked at the field to see the football team practising. He had thought about trying out for the football team once, but he had decided it was for the braindead. "Heh, I guess that's why Jeremy joined..." He sniggered, his car sped up as he got onto the main road.


Parking in his house's driveway, Brad hopped out and looked at his house. His house was by no means small, his father ran a technology business, developing programs to be used by engineering companies. Because of the demand of the program, Brad's father had been able to push the prices to an exponential price, and earned an enormous profit. The man treated money like it was no object, buying ridiculously expensive items for their house.

Damien Rudur had lost his wife in a plane crash, she had been a spokesman for his company. Brad had been supposed to go with, but he had come down with a horrible cold at the last minute and it was too late for them to push the meeting back. The plane had taken off and within an hour of flying, the plane's electronics failed and the ship had careened to the earth.

Needless to say, Damien had treated his son as a prince from that day on. Excusing anything that his son did, even so his father sometimes got angry, but it was more at the faculty than his son. Brad had watched his father fly into a rage at the school for hours at a time, often getting Brad himself suspended for Damien's actions.

Walking into the house, Brad slipped off his backpack and whistled to himself as he walked into the kitchen. Knowing Damien, he would likely be upstairs working on another engineering program. But as a shock to Brad, he found his father on the phone in the kitchen shouting at the phone. "You fire that teacher right now! My son is a perfect student and that teacher doesn't know jack shit, and if I find out that he's still on staff when my son goes to school monday, I'm taking you assholes to court!" The adult slammed the phone onto the charging dock before turning and grinning at his son, "Brad! Welcome home, sorry about that." He pointed to the phone, "I was having a little discussion with your school about your teacher."

Brad scratched at his head, he found the whole situation really funny, but he kept it to himself. He was thinking about only one thing, "So, do you have everything planned for my party dad?"

Damien was quickly able to change tact at a moment's notice, he walked over to the other side of the large kitchen and picked up a clipboard. He quickly flipped through it, "Cake, check. Pizza, check. Ice cream, check."

Brad brushed his hand over his chin, "Alright, everything sounds good. Thanks dad!" Damien hugged his son tight, he may of been a businessman, but he loved his son dearly and would do anything for him. Brad felt a bit embarrassed, but he hugged back and after a minute they broke the hug. "Oh, did you get good beer dad?"

A grin spread across Damien's face, "Only the best son, don't worry. You and your friends will be well taken care of."

Pumping his arm in excitement, Brad felt his mind buzzing in anticipation for tomorrow. "Tomorrow is going to be awesome! Oh, I almost forgot." He looked to his father again, "The others said they want to take me out to lunch before the party, so I'll be gone until the party."

Damien grinned, "Alright, that'll give me plenty of time to set up the final pieces of the party."

After their talk of the party, the pair cooked up a delicious chicken for dinner and dug in. The pair ate the food happily, they had made a promise to one another after Brad's mother's death that they would eat together every night. She had asked them the day prior if they wanted to eat together as a family and the two had been too busy in their own lives to do so, it had been such a painful moment that they never wanted to eat without one another just in case to make sure that it was their last together.

Damien looked at his son when Brad wasn't looking, the young man was a smaller version of himself. Dusty brown hair, a bit shaggy, but not to make it hang low enough for a ponytail. Brad's face was hard, his jaw strong, the rounding of his chin masculine. Brad's eyes though... they were his mother's eyes, and Damien always felt both a sense of pain and pride when he saw the brown eyes, "Is something wrong dad?"

Noticing his father's stare, Brad had stopped eating. Damien coughed in embarrassment, "Sorry Brad, just got caught up in my thoughts."

Brad flashed his father a smile, "It's okay dad, I'm excited about tomorrow."

His father grinned back, "Yeah, I am too."


Brad left early in the morning, driving off towards the restaurant he had agreed on with his friends. Damien closed the front door behind him, glancing at his watch, the entertainment store should be open by now. The man climbed into his ferrari, "Damn I love having money." Brad chuckled as some of the neighbors gawked at the car, having only bought the car the day prior, he was damn proud of it.

The sleek red car shined under the glow of the sun, he could see other drivers nearby slowing down to look at his car. Damien chuckled, it didn't take him long to reach the entertainment story. Pulling into the driveway of the entertainment shop, Damien grinned as he looked at the shop. It had been one of the most expensive shops he had found in the city, he had been willing to go anywhere to buy good entertainment for his son. Pushing open the door to the place, he glanced around, it wasn't exactly what he had been expecting.

First of all, the building stank to high hell, next off the place was full of mounds of... something. The room was too dark for Damien to really see what was lying in the darkness, the door shut with a tinkle of the bell behind him. The smell was unbearable for Damien, he felt his stomach twisting in knots as he felt when he was about to throw up, "Shit..." He turned around and tried to yank the door open, but it wouldn't open.

Damien frowned, he tried to pull the door a few more times but it was locked tight. He cussed under his breath and turned around, "Hello?" He asked, his fingers clenched over his nose to cut out the smell. The room was dark, save for looked to be a office in the back lit by a small light.

Walking into the back, the light started to illuminate the space around Damien and the man's heart dropped like a rock. He was surrounded by mounds of shit, Damien turned aside and nearly threw up, it was becoming all too much. "Where the hell am I...?" He choked out before contuning into the office to find himself in front of what appeared to be a donkey. "Wha... what in the... holy shit!" Damien screamed, slamming into the wall beside him.

The donkey brayed in amusement, "I was wondering when you were going to get here, damn, you are a cute one..." He stood, the light shining off of his nude body. Damien could clearly see that the donkey creature was sporting a long and very hard cock, Damien kept telling himself that it was a costume, and it did seem to be the case in some form. The donkey's body seemed to be made of lycra, like wrestlers wore, if anything Damien would say that it looked as if the donkey were a living plushie.

"What in the hell are you?!" Damien shouted in fear, he started to head towards the door but then there was a sound and he was suddenly assaulted by a horribly powerful smell. He retched, but other than that he had stopped moving, he was able to slowly turn his head to see that the donkey's ass had been turned in his direction. "Y... you farted on me...?" He asked, but his mind was slowing, thoughts started to slip away and he found himself becoming very docile...

The donkey grinned, "Perfect, all is going according to plan..." He lowered his tail over his swollen rubber pucker, "Not only that, but this man is one of the hottest I've ever seen..." His dick was throbbing hard, and as he started towards Damien once more a pile of shit fell from his ass and splatted against the ground.

Nearing Damien, the donkey knickered lightly as he rubbed his hand over the human's face. Like Brad, Damien had a light fuzz on his face, "You are a sexy sexy man..." He looked into the human's eyes, "Before we get any more... intimate. I feel like I should tell you my name, make it a bit more... personal." He whispered, "My name is Shale."

But Damien made no sign that he heard, his face was blank, his eyes glazed over and his mouth agape. Shale chuckled, "Alright then, so your son will be having a party in just a few hours..." He slowly pulled up the man's shirt revealing well developed abs, "That'll give us plenty of time to get to know each other..."

Shale's soft plush skin touched Damien's own, his cock was standing at full attention, a tan color it was truly a remarkable piece. After pushing Damien into a chair, his pants, underwear, and shoes off, his body was revealed in all of its splendor. Shale rubbed his hand over the man's limp cock, "So small..." The frown changed into a smile though, the donkey's eyes uplifting in pleasure. "But not for long."

And then, as if a button had been pressed, Shale's cock exploded in an orgasm letting out a large squirt of a light brown cum. The spunk coated Damien's body, at first nothing happened, but the spunk absorbed into the man's body and the skin on the surface started to change. It was an odd change, Damien's skin shifted from its solid form to a plush lycra, brown and pliable.

Shale grinned, "We're not done yet my darling hunk." His tail lifted again, another pile of shit escaping, but it didn't put him off. His cock exploded once more, spunk arcing and splattering all over damien. The sheer amount of cum coming out of Shale was inhuman, but he wasn't human by any means. The spunk got everywhere, Damien's nipples became brown and hard as they shifted into the new lycra form. Upon his chest and stomach, a tan color appeared while everywhere else a dark brown appeared as it would open a normal donkey.

Damien started to become aware of his surroundings once more, but he didn't freak out as he saw his body changing. He looked down to see his body shifting into one like that of Shale, he looked up and looked at the donkey whose cock orgasmed once more catching him full in the face. The man licked up the cum, shivering as an odd taste escaped into his mouth. Quickly, his face started to morph into that of a donkey's, his teeth growing in his mouth as it did.

It wasn't painful, in fact it was one of the most erotic feelings that Damien had ever felt in his life, sex with his wife had felt nothing like this. The human's cock formed into a similar tan but it appeared to be made of latex, Damien's piece was quickly covered up by Damien's new sheath though. Shale watched as the other man's face became that of a handsome donkey's, Damien's ears faded and upon his head two donkey ears launched up.

Damien's hair stayed, but it extended down the back of his head a bit wildly as if it were a donkey's. Shale took the man's changed hand in his own, the soft lycra feeling odd but at the same time welcome to Damien. He was then turned around, slightly woozy from his changing body. His feet became cloven as a real donkey's as cum covered his feet.

As his back was covered with donkey spunk, Damien's perceptions changed, why had he liked women in the first place? Damn, his stomach felt like it needed to empty itself right then, but he couldn't seem to force himself to empty it just yet... Damien's ass expanded, his asshole becoming puckered and rubberlike as if awaiting something to enter or exit it. A long rubber tail expanded down and flicked as it came to life, Damien moaned, the feeling of the cum on his body felt heavenly.

The man changed donkey swayed as if he were drunk, his mind felt fuzzy still, his mind swinging from its normal human to the new gay donkey and back. Suddenly he felt Shale's hand reached under his tail and playing with his large rubber pucker, he moaned, he felt his body started to focus all of his shit down into his ass. "Mmm... no..." He moaned, a slight wall of resistance rising up, but the feeling of the masculine donkey rubbing his asshole was making his ability to contain the shit hard.

Suddenly Shale shoved his middle finger up Damien's ass for just a moment, but it was enough, Damien felt all control of his bowels fade and he started to lay out a huge pile of shit. He grunted and moaned as an inhuman amount of feces escaped his ass, and for some reason... it was making him feel really hot. It was so sexy, the new donkey's sheath pulled away from the latex cock letting it extend to full length. "God damn..." He moaned, it felt so good and sexy to shit, especially in front of Shale...

Damien basked in the glory of relieving himself in front of the stud, his cock throbbing hard at the manly smell and the feeling. As the man shit himself, Shale started to shiver in anticipation, that large rubber pucker looked extremely fuckable. He started to pant in arousal, soon it became too much, the donkey jumped behind Damien and even though the donkey was shitting he shoved his cock far up the other donkey's ass.

A loud braying noise came from Damien's muzzle, it was painful at first but it was so damn hot and sexy. Shale grinded and pumped into his new mate, his actions started to cause himself to shit as well, their tails were both held aloft allowing their puckers to shit. Shale grunted, "God damn honey! You're so fucking hot!"

Damien panted in pleasure, it was overwhelming at how good it was to have a throbbing cock up his large ass. "You're hotter babe!"

As they pumped and grinded, at one point Shale pushed Damien onto his desk and slammed his cock in as hard as he could causing Damien to orgasm violently but quickly grew aroused again, Shale realized that he didn't know his new mate's name, when they had originally called Damien hadn't given his name. "W... what's your name... hun?"

The other donkey started to answer but Shale quieted him, "Actually, I don't think your human name will do justice to the sexy beast you are now..."

The now nameless donkey agreed, Damien was a name for a straight human who only gave a fuck about money and himself. Shale nibbled on the other donkey's ear in thought causing his mate to nearly cum again, "How about Pierce?"

The donkey came as his mate struck his sweet spot, "Oh god yes honey!"

Shale grinned, "Pierce it is!" As he came into Pierce's ass, his cock surrounded by the shit that was still pouring out of Pierce's ass. His own also exuding the scat, after an hour of unrelenting sex, the pair were lying on the floor kissing one another passionately.

Shale withdrew his tongue from his mate's mouth, "Pierce, I think your son's birthday pary will be the best ever. I have some great party surprises for him..."

Pierce grinned, his cock throbbing still. "I can't wait, Brad will love this gift!"


Pierce giggled as his mate stroked his ass, "Give me a minute sweetheart, I'm just finishing up these last touches." He set up the last box of beer as he let out a loud fart, the air completely corrupted by the smelly farts of the two donkeys.

Groping his mate, Shale kissed the donkey on the lips. "I can't wait for them to get here, it's going to be amazing!"

Pierce smiled back, "Yeah, and just imagine all of those young men coming here..." As the pair grinded against one another, they heard the loud booming of Brad's stereo system. "They're here!" Pierce hissed, Shale smiled.

"Show time."


Brad got to his house first, his friends due to arrive about ten minutes after him. He climbed out of his car and walked up to his house, he was really excited about the party. Unlocking his front door, he heard music booming downstairs, "Alright, the musics all prepped." He grinned, walking into his kitchen he saw a paper on the counter along with a birthday card.

The teenager walked over and picked up the note glancing it over, "Brad, I'll be back in a bit. I went to go grab the entertainment, you guys have fun until I get there." Brad chuckled, "Don't you worry dad, we will have fun." The air up in the kitchen was slightly tainted with the smell of food, "Wow, dad must've been cooking all day. I can still smell that food."

Then Brad's doorbell rang, "Alright, time for the party to start." He chuckled, walking over the door and opening to reveal all of his friends.

"Hey guys, ready for a party?!" He shouted, all of the hungry teenagers roared their agreement.

Brad and his dad had agreed on setting up the food and stuff downstairs where their home theatre was, they all ran downstairs with hungry grins on their faces. The air was laced with the smell of food, drink and... something else that Brad couldn't quite place. The teenagers saw the giant table off to the side of the large theatre room, it was piled high with burgers, pizza, ice cream, and... "Beer?" Jeremy asked in confusion.

Brad blinked in surprise, his dad would never get them beer... would he? "Are you sure it isn't just root beer?" He asked his friend.

But when his large friend took a swig, it was obvious from the minor flinch of his friend that it was beer. "Should we... drink it?" One of Brad's other friends asked, looking nervous.

They glanced at the bottles nervously, Jeremy took another swig of the beer and grinned. "Come on guys! Try some, this stuff isn't so bad!" This was all the encouragement they needed, they all grabbed a bottle of beer and started to swig it down, all flinching at the new taste.

Terry, Brad's shortest friend looked uncomfortable. "I dunno Brad... it looks a bit.. nasty... And what if your dad catches us drinking beer?"

Brad laughed out loud, "Terry, what my dad doesn't know won't kill him. Come on, take one! You only live once bud!" He then gulped down some of the beer, the room starting to sway slightly, he felt a lot of his usual rationale fading with the alcohol. One thing he noticed though even in his growing stupor, was that the odd smell from earlier seemed to be getting stronger...

"Hey Brad! Look at this cake!" Brad and the others turned to see an enormous cake with a small card balanced on one of its layers. Brad grabbed it, written in his father's handwriting was, "Sexy surprise inside."

Brad laughed, "A sexy surprise? Maybe we should open this sucker up now!" But the others told him to wait until they ate, they all wanted to take part in the opening of the cake.

As they all ate, they all honestly felt a bit awkward. Something about the fact of there possibly being a hot chick in the cake got them all nervous, they all had claimed many victories over women, but the horrifying truth was all but Jeremy was a virgin, and even he was pretty pure still. They continued to eat, talk, play games on the theatre system, and drink beer.

The smell grew so powerful, but for some reason it made all of the boys feeling really horny. They wanted for Damien to get home so they could see this stripper as fast as they can, then the music changed. Brad looked up in confusion, they all looked at the cake to see it splitting into four segments as they all moved away to reveal a donkey rubbing his dick while lying on a mound of shit, "Hi boys." He said with a lewd smile as his hand wrapped tightly around his dick.

Under normal circumstances, the boys would've freaked out and attacked the nude creature, but under the influence of the beer and the donkey gas they had been unwittingly smelling, they all actually cheered. "Hey man!" Brad said, slightly tottering on his feet as he walked towards the donkey, "Nice of yaaa to come."

Shale chuckled, the boys were far too intoxicated for them to realize what lay in front of them. "Since you're the birthday boy, he's my birthday present to you!" He came hard and it arced and hit Brad square in the face with his cum and the rest of the boys got splattered. Well, all except for a boy who was cowering in the corner. Terry knew as soon as he had entered the something was wrong, it was good that unlike his friends, he hadn't partaken of an enormous amount of beer.

Instead of being freaked out, all of the boys laughed, "Whoa dude, what was that?" Jeremy asked, his pants wet with the donkey's cum.

Winking slyly, Shale sang. "I'm not telling~"

The boys laughed, "You're evil." Brad said cheerfully, not noticing that his face was starting to turn brown.

Shale didn't respond though, he only continued to finger himself, watching as the boys walked back to the table and grabbed some more food and beer. The donkey ripped another one, a green gas hanging in the air. The boys didn't find it disgusting actually, it smelt kinda good, "Whoops!" Jeremy laughed aloud as his pants ripped to reveal a large latex cock, throbbing and dripping some pre. "Looks like I had a bit tooooo much." He giggled, not realizing what was attached to him.

"Dude!" Jordan laughed hard as a pair of donkey ears grew on Gary's head, the blond teenager's hair parting to let the tall attachments grow. "Looks like you can hear any of our secrets now!" His laughing made him double over and as he did so there was a ripping noise as a donkey tail ripped through his pants.

Each of the teenagers were enjoying themselves, Jeremy grinning as he talked to Jordan, his cock throbbing hard and occasionally shooting a squirt of cum onto the other teenager's shoes. Everyone heard Jordan's shoes rip apart as his feet became cloven, but no one paid it much mind. At some point in the party, Shale pulled out a box of what looked like pot and had put it on the table nonchalantly. Trevor meanwhile had attempted to get out of the basement but the door was locked tight, so instead he tried hiding inside a closet near the corner of the room in hopes that he wouldn't be found.

Upstairs, Pierce was locking up all of the doors and was sealing them as to let the gas hang in the air nice and thick. He farted and grinned in delight as the smell entered his nose, "Damn, that's so fucking hot." He said in adoration of his own smell. He started fingering his dripping ass, "God, I can't wait for the boys to be all done..." Around the donkey, the floor was already becoming covered in shit, and Pierce wouldn't have it any other way.

Shale broke into Jeremy and Jordan's conversation, pulling Jordan aside as the boy giggled intoxicated. In his hand was one of the pieces of pot he had brought out, he held it out to Jordan. "Hey stud, why don't you take a drag of this? I promise it'll make you feel better." Jordan was so high on the gas and drunk that he didn't give a shit, he watched as Shale lit up an end and he started to puff on the pot. As he did, the donkey pulled his clothes off to reveal his chubby form.

As he did so, Shale started to orgasm onto the boy. Jordan moaned, he felt so good... His skin morphed into the familiar donkey skin, his hand rubbing over his chubby belly as it changed. He felt so soft... Jordan's eyes locked onto the other stud's large cock, it looked so big...

His ears already grown, Jordan's face was the only part of his head that needed to change, it pushed out into a donkey's muzzle and he let out a light bray as he felt the pot affecting his mind. Unbeknownst to the eighteen year old, he was smoking a wrapped piece of Shale's shit, and the boy couldn't be happier.

Suddenly under his newly formed tail, Shale's finger found his asshole. It didn't take much prodding for Jordan to bray in pleasure as any heterosexuality leaked out of him with his shit, damn he felt good now that he didn't have any of that needless human skin. And shitting... it felt so good... so masculine... so gay. Jordan's cock got extremely hard, "Fuck yeah!" He brayed before orgasming over himself and Shale who licked the cum from his lips.

"You're a good little faggot aren't you? Now I saw one of your friends go into the closet over there, I think you should... let him out." Shale winked, letting the new donkey walk over to the closet with a sway in his hips. His new rubber puckered ass dripping shit.

Terry whispered prayers to himself, praying that he would be able to get out with his spirit still pure. But any hope of that disappeared as Jordan threw open the door, his cock dripping pre. A wide smile was on the donkey's face, "Terry, I think you'll be feeling better when you've got my dick in your ass..." He grinned gayly, Terry had no time to scream as the door shut behind the donkey.


The exchange was lost on the other boys, they were too busy dancing, their dicks hard against their pants, even though they didn't know why. Jeremy's cock was dripping cum everywhere, anything the cum touched quickly changed.

Suddenly the door to the room opened to reveal Pierce screaming gayly, "Hi all~" He grinned as he saw Brad, "Oh son! There you are, I was hoping to find you!"

For some reason, the fact that his father was a donkey didn't click with Brad. He just giggled and let himself be pulled over to a shit covered couch that they hadn't noticed before, when he sat down the chair squelched. Pierce smiled sincerely at his son, "I have some big news son!"

Brad looked at his father curiously, "What is that dad?" His donkey face almost an exact copy of his father's.

Pierce held up his finger to reveal a wedding ring, "I got married!" Brad gasped in shock and excitement.

"That's great dad! Who?"

Suddenly a hand touched Brad's other shoulder as the seat beside him sank down, Brad looked over to see Shale smiling at him. "Hi Brad, I'm Pierce's husband Shale. Your new father!"

Brad felt like something was wrong, but he couldn't place it, it felt natural... Pierce started to speak again, "And to celebrate your birthday, your father and I decided that we wanted to help you along in your transformation ourselves!"

Brad found his fathers pulling off his clothes, showing off his strong body. Shale whistled, "We have a hotty of a son." Brad for a moment felt self conscious, himself never having shown off his body like this to another person.

His two studs of fathers started to orgasm all over him, Brad feeling the cum changing his skin into the lycra skin just like his handsome fathers. Not only was the cum changing him, but the very presence of the gay donkeys on the side of him was corrupting him faster.

Out on the dance floor, Brad's friends were losing their clothes and their heterosexuality, and they couldn't be happy. What had started out as an innocent dance, slowly turned into bumping and grinding, soon Jeremy was shoving his new donkey muzzle into one of his friend's asses, letting him fart long and hard in his face. His tail lifted as someone shoved their finger in the large pucker, quickly allowing the large Jeremy to shit out the rest of his disgusting human self.

Soon the floor was littered with their old clothes, and shit, the smell of the room was causing all of the donkeys to become hornier. Soon it came down to one of the donkeys pushing another cover so he was on his hands and started to hump into him, soon all of them had taken it up and were loving it.

Brad moaned in delight, his fathers were so hot, and he was becoming hot too, his cock had become as long as his fathers' though it was still in its sheath and his asshole was quivering as it became rubbery and puckered. His hair was damp with cum, but it had a cute twirl in it now, suddenly he felt two fingers prodding as his asshole. "Come on son, shit it all out, feel like a real man." Pierce whispered.

"Son, once you shit, you'll be a real man." Shale whispered in his other ear, and Brad brayed loudly as shit escaped through his asscheeks and his cock became fully erect. Brad's body arched as he orgasmed across the dance floor, all of the donkeys braying in happiness as they felt their fellow donkey's cum splatter against them.

As the new donkey reveled in his afterglow, his fathers spoke over him. "I think Brad should have a new name, to consummate our new life together as a family." Pierce said as he lightly pinched his son's nipple causing the young donkey to haw in pleasure.

Shale giggled, "Good idea, I think we should name him..." He stroked his new son's stomach, "Gare."

The donkey once known as Brad hawed his approval, nuzzling his fathers as more shit leaked out of his ass onto the chair. "Gare it is then." Pierce said, pulling his husband and son in tight as they watched the party goers go at it.

A few minutes later, the closet door flew open letting a pair donkeys doing a sixty-nine position fall out. They both hawed in pleasure, the one who had been Terry shouted. "I love being gay!" All of the other donkeys brayed their approval as they all came.


Midnight came around, donkey boys dancing to a slow song while occasionally kissing sweetly. Jordan and Terry had announced to the others that not only had they changed their names to Marx and Den, they were officially boyfriends. The others had congratulated the two, letting the pair slip away to a bedroom upstairs for a bout of private sex. But the sounds easily got to the others making them all hornier.

Gare laid out on the coach, Pierce behind him slowly grinding into his son's ass with his long cock, and Shale in front of him kissing his son gently and running his hand down his son's side. Shit leaked out of the trio's asses, Gare brayed in pleasure as Pierce came in his ass. "So, how was your birthday Gare?" Pierce asked, rubbing his hand over his son's nice ass.

Gare smiled at his dads, "Best birthday ever!"