Mommy's Little Dragon

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Mommy's Little Dragon

by Von Krieger

Lyella lay softly in her bed, her baby snuggled up against hir, snoring softly. Well, Ramie wasn't hir baby technically. The little dragon scooted closer to his adoptive mother, wrapping the snake morph with his two pair of feathered wings. Lyella churred softly at the gentle caresses. Shi curled her tail around his purple scaled tummy.

Hir maleness throbbed, needing attention. Ramie had a sixth sense about his mommy's arousal, or at least it seemed that way to her. Of course he might, after all he was the reason shi was a herm after all. Big, beautiful green eyes opened, peering at her, a smile coming to his muzzle. "Good morning, Mommy." the dragon purred, hugging the snake with all six paws.

"Is my baby hungry?" Lyella cooed, though 'baby' was a relative term, as Ramie was as large as Lyella was and about twice as heavy. "Mmmhmmm" the dragon murred, shifting in the bed. Unlike most dragons he had a rather short neck and blunt snout, somewhat like a cat. He also had a mane of soft navy blue hair. Ramie was covered, aside from the underbelly, with short black fur. His wings had black feathers which faded through purple to become blue at the tips. His long horse-like ears also had the same coloration, save for the soft pink interiors. A pair of short white horns jutted from his temples.

Ramie flicked out his long, forked tongue, curling it around his mother's maleness and began to suck. Lyella knew hir baby loved to suck, since he nursed on just about everything. Shi thought back to what had lead to the discovery of hir lovely dragonlet and the changes to hir body that came with him.

Shi, then entirely female, had become separated from the remains of her unit after a battle. There was almost no one left. They had fled into the swamp, where the wolphen were reluctant to tread, saying something about evil spirits. The only evil Lyella had found were the wolphen males. The better equipped and trained wolphen had slain all the males in her unit, and all those females they couldn't subdue.

She had been held down by two of the female wolphen as the biggest male ripped her armor off with his powerful claws and mated her violently. Bleeding and terrified, Lyella had managed to make a break for it, slipping into the waters of the swamp. The wolves pursued her, howling with glee at the hunt.

The little dragon had saved her life. A strange cry had rung out and the wolphen had become panicky; they suddenly looked afraid. They then turned and began to flee. Lyella had swum towards the noise, more afraid of the wolphen then anything the swamp could put against her. Anything in the swamp would just eat her.

Instead of a fearsome beast she'd found a the little dragon inside a small cave, not much larger then a newborn kitten. The dragonlet had been late born, Lyella had found it's two siblings dead just outside the nest. The little creature had trotted towards her, raising up onto it's back legs, waving four paws in the air, peering up at her longingly.

It had jumped on her, and began to lick her wounds. To Lyella's surprise they began to heal. Her cuts, scrapes, and claw-inflicted gashes faded quickly under the little dragon's tongue. Then it began to lick her where it hurt the most, where the alpha had violated her. The pain ceased, and was slowly replaced with a nice feeling.

Despite the pain having faded, the little dragon continued to lick her, nibbling her clit gently. All Lyella could do was lay back and moan as the dragon continued to 'nurse' on her clitty, she was worn out from her flight from the wolphen. The feelings from the dragon's suckling began to grow and change, before Lyella knew it, she had a six inch cock protruding from hir legs, with the the entire length buried in the dragon's throat.

Shi could barely gasp as shi came for the first time, sending hir seed into the dragonlet's awaiting tummy. The snake lay there panting, blue and black scales covered with sweat from hir first loving sexual experience. Then the tiny dragon began to slip his head into hir femsex. Still too tired to resist, Lyella just gasped softly, bucking hir hips as the dragon proceeded to crawl inside hir womb.

The kitten sized dragon made only a tiny swelling in Lyella's belly with his presence. Shi curled hir tail around herself, both paws holding hir tummy as shi slept peacefully, a soft tingling drifting all over hir body.

Shi awoke the next morning to find that hir tiny bumps of breasts had grown tremendously, heavy and filled with milk, and not only that, but shi had another pair of them as well. She felt well rested, not like shi'd been in a battle and spent an entire night fleeing for hir life.

Lyella had returned to hir village, getting hir dismissal from the military when shi appeared with a bulge in hir gut. Being the only survivor from hir unit, those who weren't dead were wolphen slaves, which was just as bad. Lyella had been granted some meaningless medals, and a modest monthly pension.

The money was more then enough for hir to take care of hirself, and hir little dragon. A few months after he crawled in, the little dragon wriggled back out, twice the size he'd been. The little dragon had saved hir life, shi would care for him in return.

The snake morph had named him, and raised him as best shi could. He was kind, gentle, and shy around strangers. But Ramie loved hir very much, and shi loved him as well. Even at his current size, and the age of three, the dragon still enjoyed suckling at his mother's breasts, their milk flow only increasing over time.

Other things had also increased over time. Hir member was huge, nearly eighteen inches long and three thick, but Ramie still took it into his mouth easily. He nursed on hir cock, relishing hir seed just as much, if not more then hir milk. He had become hir mate as well, filling hir with his own member from time to time, though he wasn't quite as big as his mommy.

He would even ask hir to mate his tailhole from time to time, though truth be told he seemed to enjoy it more then shi did. Lyella preferred the soft, smooth forked tongue curled around hir big lavender shaft.

Ramie slid his paws beneath hir, cupping hir buttocks and pulling hir cock deeper into his mouth. Lyella lay back, hir paws wrapped around his ears, stroking them as he sucked hir off. He was very good at this, and he could keep hir on the edge of climax for as long as he wanted, drawing out his mother's pleasure.

Sadly they could no longer partake in one of their favorite things. A year ago Ramie had finally grown too big to be able to slip inside Lyella's femsex, and into hir womb. Shi missed the delicious weight inside hir as shi slept. It felt strange to curl up to hir baby, and have him be the same size as hirself.

The dragon snuck a clawtip into his mother's pussy, teasing and stroking hir. Ramie slid an entire finger in, then two, and then his entire paw. The act caused Lyella to moan loudly, hir juices spilling out onto hir tail. He pulled his paw from hir gushing snatch, slipping one finger into hir cunt, and the other into hir tailhole, causing Lyella to howl. He knew shi couldn't take that for long.

And shi couldn't. Within a few seconds shi arched hir back, climaxing violently from hir dual sexes, a feast of juices for hir baby to lap up, which he did in quick order. Ramie picked hir up, laying his mother on his belly, wrapping her with his wings, hugging hir to his chest. "Oh goddess! That was incredible, Ramie!" Lyella gasped.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mama." he cooed softly, hugging hir with all four forepaws as well. "I have a surprise for you, Mama." the dragon said with a smile. "A surprise? What kind of surprise?" Lyella asks.

"I'll show you." he purred, rolling hir onto the bed and sliding off, standing on his hind legs. "I've found out what these are for." he said quietly, indicating several patches of shiny scales on his belly, chest, and tail. There were also spots of them all over his front forelegs, his hips, and down above his sheath.

"Well what are they for?" Lyella asked, curious. "Roll onto your belly and face away from me." Ramie asked, his mother grinning and following his request amusedly. "Well, ok, but what are you going to do?" "Just watch!" Ramie says happily.

Lyella felt a sudden warmth on the tip of hir tail, and found Ramie's paws gripping hir body. The warm feeling began moving quickly up hir tail. She looked back to see Ramie pulling hir... into himself? He stood on his hind legs, lifting Lyella into the air, then letting hir go.

The snake morph suddenly found most of hir body inside hir dragon, everything below the neck inside of him, hir head poking out of his chest just above the breastbone. Shi could feel hir tail down inside his own, and hir legs bunched up inside his. "Now, slip your arms straight out to the sides." the dragon said, amused. Lyella did so, and found hir arms and paws inside Ramie's central legs.

"Do you like it, Mama?" the dragon asked, looking down at the blue and black reptile. "It feels nice and warm, like an all-over hug. "But I, uh... I can't move." Lyella wriggled, trying to get free, but to no avail. "You're not supposed to be able to." Ramie purred, laying down on the bed.

He placed his paws behind Lyella's head, tilting hir gaze downward. Shi gasped, able to see hir own scales through the wet looking patches of transparent scale. Ramie stroked his mother's light lavender hair gently. "Don't be scared, it's just like my being inside of you: soft, warm, wet, unable to do much more then wiggle."

Ramie rubbed a claw over the patch of scales where Lyella's breasts appeared, their size distorting the dragon's underbelly a bit. The snake shivered, as it was like shi could feel through the scales. "I... felt that. Like I was a part of you." Lyella says, astonished.

The dragon chuckled, the shaking jiggling Lyella around a little. "That's because you will be soon." he says, petting Lyella gently. The snake herm wriggled, trying to pull free, but found shi couldn't. "Let me go! C'mon, this is no time for jokes, this isn't funny!" shi howled.

He just nuzzled hir head gently with his snout. "It's a part of my life cycle, to take a female like this. We'll become one body, male and female. It's the only way to reproduce without a dragoness."

Ramie continued to nuzzle and pet hir. "It won't hurt, I'd never hurt, you, Mama. You fed me, took care of me, kept me warm and safe inside you. Now I'm going to do the same for you." The dragon licked hir softly.

"But I don't WANT to be a part of you!" shi pleaded, beginning to cry. "Ssssh, sssh, sssh. Don't be frightened, it's not going to hurt at all. It'll feel wonderful. Haven't you ever dreamed of being a big, strong dragon? Haven't you ever wanted to feel what it's truly like to fly, not just ride? Our belly is going to feel so wonderful filled with eggs. Won't it feel great to have tiny dragon suckling from you again, wriggling sweetly inside you? Hmm?" he cooed in hir ear, placing a paw on the patch of scales above hir crotch.

Lyella closed hir eyes. He was right. Shi did think it would be wonderful to have a belly full of hatchlings, having tiny dragons nursing from hir. "What, are you giving up, Mama? You still get to be with me, we still get to mate and play with each other. I'll always love you, Mama." he purrs.

The snake herm yelped as something warm and wet pressed against hir tailhole. "Sssh, this is the first part of our joining. Just let me in, Mama, it'll be ok. " he said, running his tongue over hir cheek. She gave a little bit of resistance out of instinct, but relaxed, letting the probing tentacle like part of Ramie inside.

Shi could feel a sweet tingling inside hir body, causing her to moan softly. "What's happening?" shi asked in curiosity. "I'm absorbing nearly all of your organs, you won't need them. I breath for you, I eat for you, my heart pumps enough blood for both of us. But you can still breathe, and you can still eat, you're just linked to me. The parts of your body that are no longer needed will vanish, used as fuel for our fusion."

Lyella shivered, Ramie was basically eating most of hir alive. Feeling hir anxiety he attempted to calm hir. "You'll be ok, you don't feel any pain, do you?" "No." Lyella admits. "Just relax, this is going to feel kind of tingly at first..."

Dragon and serpent gasped as their nervous systems linked. Lyella could feel Ramie's powerful body, his paws, his wings, his tail. The delicious full feeling of hir presence inside him. Hir own arms, legs and tail fusing with his own, adding their muscle mass to his own. The transparent patches of scales dissolving as hir own skin replaced them.

Shi could feel a strange feeling spread across places of hir... their body. "Wh-what is that?" shi asked, more curious then frightened now. "The last of our changes, one I'm sure you'll enjoy."

"What's thAAAAAAH!" shi gasps, feeling hirself filled with dragoncock. "Prehensile, large cock." Ramie said, smiling. "Mmmm, so that's what it feels like for a female." the dragon purred. Lyella could only gasp, feeling cock and cunt simultaneously. "Oh Ramie, this feels so... so... mmmm!"

"Yes, Mama, it feels wonderful." he said, bringing all four forepaws up to stroke their breasts. Ramie began to growl softly, Lyella could only gasp at the overwhelming sensations of their body. Dragon and serpent howled as they climaxed, Lyella's body filling with seed, femcum gushing from around the serpentine shaft, and even more seed spilling onto their belly from Lyella's cock.

"Can you feel it, Mama?" Ramie purred, petting hir softly. "The tiny dragon lives beginning to grow inside of us?" "I can!" exclaimed Lyella. "It feels soooo good. Thank you, Ramie!" The dragon's central legs wrapped around their body. "You're learning so fast, Mama, thank you for the hug." he purred, his tongue stroking Lyella's final change, a pair of short white horns jutting from hir temples.