Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#6 of Hockey Hunk Season 5

Hockey Hunk Season 5 Launch Primer!


Well, Gruffy, here we are again, old chap!

Indeed we are, Gruffy, so nice to be back in this winged armchair, sitting with you, talking, smiling...heheh!

It is a pleasure!

Why, thank you! This is most flattering!

And it's about time too! 'harrumph'

Oh, I know, I know. It's taken quite some time since the season finale now, but I do hope that people have had the patience to wait for just a little bit longer this time, I think. Life has been such a rush for me, working, studying, family concerns, it simply hasn't been practical to commit myself to yet another large time - and energy-consuming pursuit. And the Hockey Hunk certainly counts as one, that's for sure. 'chuckle'

I think we can all understand that.

Yes, I do want writing the story to be fun, a leisure activity, fun as much as it is a pursuit for storytelling, and that's why I had to take this somewhat longer hiatus between seasons to ensure that everyone will get the most out of this story. It seemed like the fairest thing to do.

It's been a bit of a long wait, but the story goes on now!

And I've had the pleasure of seeing several people going through the 160+ chapters in the meanwhile, which is great! I do hope that those new faces will join up and mingle with the other regular readers once we come back soon.

I can't wait to see what you've been writing!

Awww, even thought you've seen my notes... 'pout'

Notes are never perfect.

Well that's true, of course. A lot of my best writing happens in the flow, after all, deep in the middle of the heated typing that takes places whenever I want to get a chapter done. I can literally look back to stuff I've written and wonder..."where did that come from?" It's fascinating how writing works when it really works. Almost makes me believe those people who claim that they channel dead authors through their subconscious mind and act as mediums for the likes of Dickens. 'chuckle' Almost, of course. I'm not silly.

Whatever the source, we like to read it!

Heheh, thank you again!

Has planning for this season been difficult compared to the previous ones?

Well, it has been a long process, certainly. A lot has already been set up - season 4 had a long run, and it progressed the plot on a number of fronts, certainly. Colin made a kind of a comeback, and Marge's secret became public knowledge, not to mention the drama surrounding Haakon and Mason...


Hahahah, you even did the voice, that's adorable!


Yes, yes 'pats and scratches', yes, of course that is another delicious aspect of season 5. We're going to be seeing a whole lot more into that plotline as well. I don't throw them around or just make them disappear. Sometimes it just takes some time to get back to them, due to the episodic nature of the story. And maybe the glacial pace of storytelling...'chuckle'

But we are going to see more of Cobb making out with dudes, right?

Who ever said anything about making out? 'snicker' I think what was mentioned was a kiss...

So was Cobb into it, then?

Well, we'll have to hear that from the Dobie when the time comes!

Aww poo...

Well, now...

So it looks like Tate has the hots for Cobb now, huh? Does Marker know that his roommate is gay?

It seems that the Holdens turn heads wherever they go. 'chuckle' Tate has known Victor and Cobb for a long time, obviously, so I think it'll be interesting to hear just what kind of feelings he harbors for the Dobie bro. Maybe a flashback would be in order? Hmm, I don't know. I did have great time writing the Victor flashback during season 4, so I think that writing one here...heh...who knows?


It'll be very interesting to hear the wolf's thoughts on the matter, too, whenever we get to do that, of course.

Can't say I can blame Tate for having the hots for Cobb, considering how attractive the Dobie seems to be, despite his social shortcomings.

We've barely scratched the surface of Cobb yet, I think. 'smiles'

Does that mean we'll be seeing him more during season 5? Pretty please?

He's an important character, and I intend not to let him loose just yet, heh.


So for all those Cobb-lovers out there, yes, we'll get more Cobb!

And More Maakon, right? RIGHT?

Oh, I think this is the season where all Maakon-Haakson fans are going to be sitting on the edge of their seats : )

Reeeeally noow?

'sips coffee from a Royal Doulton cup' Would I lie to you, sweetie?

You're kinda evil, though, and sneaky, so you never know when dealing with Gruffy...'harrumph'

Would you care for some coffee? It is freshly brewed according to the Finnish way of preparing coffee, and there's also biscuits and cream.

'licks lips'

'slurp' So, I think all Haakson fans shall be having their share. As well as other potential pairings on the story.

Oh don't call it that...'grumble'

You'll have to read the new season to find out more, of course. 'grin'

You are truly evil...

Not really, no, I just like to keep the tension up for as long as I can. I don't want to torture the readers, but a certain level of expectation is always good. The page-turning effect, I hope. Or this time, wanting to come over to read a new chapter every day.

How many chapters can we expect for this season?

I haven't set that in stone, by any means, but I imagine that season 5 will run through Christmas, with a small break for the holidays, and carry on next year until I feel like we're in a good spot, and then we'll keep a small break and go for season 6, I hope.

So there will be a season 6?

Unless something utterly extraordinary happens, I'd say that we have a lot more stories to tell here. Unless it turns stale, of course, or I'd simply lose interest or inspiration. But even then I'd rather just take an extended break, rather than ax the story. I've gone into such interesting places during the two plus years I've worked on this story that I do want to see what there is to be done yet.

You've never been shy to tackle strong topics on the story.

Why should I? This story is a dramatic presentation. Sometimes it deals with subjects that are difficult to write. There's death and violence and sadness, and loneliness there, as much as there is happiness, smiles, and romance. It's all life, after all.

Is there some particular topic you intend to address during season 5?

I can think of a couple of themes that will become prominent during the season, something I haven't looked at as much before, but I think I'll have to be hush hush about them for now. I do promise that it's going to be rocking the world of several of our regular characters in the story. 'smiles' But that's all I can say, yet, I think. I don't want to spoil anything.

Ohhh come on...just a little hint?


Oh dear...

You'll enjoy the WHAT? reaction when that comes, I promise. And it will come. And if it doesn't, I shall go and sulk.

Well we don't' want that to happen...

Neither do I. So I will do my best to produce a story as good as I can for everyone to read and enjoy!

You do put a lot of effort into the story, and to answering everyone's comments, too!

We're talking about a pastime that takes several hours every week, but I do think it is definitely worth it. It's given me so much. if it's given some people something, too, then it has done its deed. A little bit more happiness in this world.

That sounds deep.

Perhaps a little. I don't want to exaggerate things. It's a small story, written for a small audience, but that doesn't mean that it isn't important. It is certainly a fixture my own life at the moment, and it's grown a lot alongside myself.

Is there something particular you look forward to writing about during season 5?

There are a few things, certainly. I look forward to exploring Tate's back story a little more, for example. I can't wait to see the Glieses' reaction to Victor, all right and proper, after the initial shock wears out. 'chuckle'

Or Cobb's reaction after the initial shock wears out...come on...we wanna see his bedroom...

So perhaps I'll promise to show Cobb in the bedroom?

You wouldn't!

I could...I'm Gruffy!

But I'm Gruffy!

Oh yes you are, indeed!

So...story on tomorrow?

Story will be on tomorrow at 4 pm GMT : ) Hope everyone will stay up late enough or wake up early enough to catch it fresh! I'll be stalking the site for your fresh comments!

I just can't wait!

Me neither! 'smiles'
