The Human Anthro War Part 5

Story by JamesRedtail on SoFurry

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#8 of War

The Fight

The camp was in chaos. Fire was burning the tents and the ground around them, gun shots were being fired off, and the screams of battle echoed through the forest. "Private, what is going on here? How did they start attacking?" Shade asked Birdeye.

"Well sir, I was ummm....busy then an hour later we heard a loud bang sound. Next that we know a mortar was shooting at us. We have lost no one in the squad but some of the other squads have been slain down. Your squad is up behind cover trying to hold back the humans." The Private yelled over the sounds.

"How many humans are there?" Shade asked next.

"Well I figure about two hundred or more."

"Two hundred eh? Well go with the men. I'm promoting you to Private First Class."

Birdeye saluted Shade and ran off towards his squad mates. Shade quickly grabbed his weapon and took cover behind a tree. 'Now I can either flank around the humans or join the rest of the squad?' He thought to himself. He finally made a decision and headed through the forest. He needed to recon ahead to find out where they had their motor squad. Shade turned the corner and quickly found the spot. There were only two of them so he decided to take his shot. BANG! BANG! Shade shot and hit both humans in the head.

PFC Birdeye made it to the other squad members and sat behind cover.

"Where is Shade?" One if the privates asked.

"I think he has a plan!" Birdeye explained. The explosions stopped. "Well I think we know what he was doing! Alright you guys, lets push these humans away!" The other men nodded and all flew out of cover and made perfect shots into the enemy. Moments later, the humans were retreating. "We did it! But where is Shade?" Foxhound cheered.

A few yards away, a figure strutted out of the big dust cloud. It was Shade but he was covered in blood and dust. He had just been in a killing rage and that put fear into the humans.