The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eight

Story by Dante, Erebosian Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of The Furry Rebellion

A horrible sickness has affected Narr, what is there to do to stop the horrible things going on inside him?


Main Character: Markus: (Transformed, human ? Arctic wolf)- white furred, bright azure eyes,

Characters: Arron: (Grey, Dire Wolf Anthro, winged)- grey furred, grey wings, pale grey eyes, grey tail, male.

[Personality: Collected, Reserved, Calm, Brave, Knowing, Leader, Powerful, Experienced, Smart, Quick witted, ]

[Disposition: Leader, magik user]

[Relationships: Friend of all, intermediate magik]

Riskar: (Raccoon Anthro)- normal raccoon patterns, slightly rougher fur, ringed tail, thieves mask, ebony eyes, male.

[Personality: Calm, Reserved, Quiet, Nimble Fingered, Intelligent, Sneaky, Secretive, Helpful, Thief, Rascal, Brave]

[Disposition: Guys on the inside, arranger, thief, spy, retriever, little magik]

[Relationships: Best friends with Narr]

Narr: (Fox Anthro, two tailed) Two tailed, soft fur, Normal fox patterns, white belly and end of tail, orange furred, scar on left eye, one eye is blue, scarred eye is green, sort of the youngest of the group male.

[Personality: Well-humored, Intelligent, Witty, Brave, Kind, Sneaky, Thief]

[Disposition: Thief, intermediate magik]

[Relationships: Best friends with Riskar]

Farinay: (Black panther Anthro, winged) Black wings, soft fur, black fur, feline features, male.

[Personality]: Proud, High nosed, neat freak, fan of fashion and looks, well groomed, powerful, intelligent, slightly foolish.

[Disposition: Skilled at magic and combat, major fight. Uniform look provider]

[Relationships: is often teased by Riskar and Narr for being like a girl, is in a relationship with one.

Chapter Eight

Dante, Erebosian Wolf

"What beats four aces? A gun."

--Canada Bill Johns

What met Markus's eyes was Narr, convulsing on the ground, some sort of green liquid was oozing out of his wide open muzzle, his eyes colored a rich purple with little green dots beginning to grow on the irises. He thrashed back and forth, tails failing and claws outstretched, having some sort of seizure on the ground.

Riskar was desperately trying to calm him down, Arron sprang into action in aiding him while Farinay sprinted back into the kitchen yelling something about grabbing some calming herbs.

This left Markus standing there alone, feeling useless and horrified, as Narr continued to flail about, a sickening whining growl escaping his muzzle. Riskar finally managed to grab his legs and held them together tightly with his arms, wincing with strain, as the younger fox put up quite a fight. With a yelp, Arron recoiled and stumbled backwards, green ooze from Narr's saliva coating a long gash where Narr had cut him with a claw.

Arron cursed under his breath and ripped a bit of his shirt off before quickly wrapping it around the wound. Narr now seemed to be getting weaker, but nonetheless his wild flailing movements still had power within them.

At that moment, Farinay ran back in, and instead of medicine, in his paws he clutched rope, quickly maneuvering his way past Markus and Riskar, he nimbly wound the rope around Narr until the fox was completely immobilized, Arron came over and helped lift the poor fox back onto the bed, before Arron slumped over on the wall as stood there, panting,"What in the name of hell itself is wrong with him?!" he exclaimed through his panting breathes.

Farinay shook his head, mystified,"I don't know... When we were fighting, some of their shots seemed to be quieter than usual for some odd reason, they were-" he cut himself off as he looked down, picking up a small capsule, with a needle at one end, he cursed,"They must have shot some sort of infectious disease into him." turning the capsule over, he saw that small fox icon was painted on the back of it, on the fox's head, Markus realized, was a radioactive sign.

Farinay looked from the capsule to the still foaming Narr, he looked up at Arron gravely,"These darts were specially designed for us, I think that's why you haven't been affected by that scratch, but we've got a problem... We need to find a radioactive filter, and fast, otherwise, his DNA will literally melt, fusing with itself, in a way that there'll be nothing left of him but a pool of water."

Arron looked down, deep in thought as to what to do,"How long does he have..."

At this, Riskar spoke up, finally managing to get out of the state of shock that he was in earlier,"At this rate, after 24 hours he'll be incurable."

They all turned now to look at Narr, who's eyes stared with a feral anger back at them, as he continued to struggle against his bonds. ?Arron threw his paws up into the air in a fit of rage,"Where in the hell will we find a radioactive filter that isn't in communist possession!"

At this, a small, half smile spread across Riskar's muzzle,"I think... I may just have a plan, that if it works out, we'll be able to rescue Narr without a problem. But, it will be dangerous."

Everyone turned now, to looked expectantly at Riskar, who looked up with a broad, mischievous smile,"Now then, where to begin?"

to be continued...