In the Limelight- Chapter 3

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well Chapter 3 is finally done everyone, this is leading up to the big payoff. ;) Hope everyone enjoys my work and as always comments are welcome. Chapter 4 will be the final installment.

David could feel dozens of eyes focused on himself and his opponent, their hunger for conflict escalating as they longed to behold violence. Clubs tended to bring out the most primal desires in everyone, for better or worse. He could hear the fox yelling something at him but it just sounded like distant echoes, his mind focused solely on how to settle this confrontation peacefully. He took in a deep breath and took stock of the chameleon, studying his posture and body language. He could see leg muscles tightening as the chameleon raised the heels of his feet slightly. David's eyes widened as he knew what would come next. Suddenly the reptile was hurtling towards him, poised to strike at his gut. The orca knew that he could not dodge the blow in time, tightening up his stomach muscles to absorb the worst of the impact. As soon as he anticipated the blow he felt it, a sudden thud of pain that hammered into his gut. He spat saliva as he coughed for air, knowing he would have been doubled over now if not for his last second defense. He regained his strength quickly, grabbing the chameleon's shoulders and ramming his knee into his midriff with precise force. His blow had the exact effect he had predicted, his opponent hunched over and clutching at the struck area. Without giving the reptile any chance to recover, David brought his elbow down on the back of the chameleon's skull, driving him to the ground. He sucked in a fresh breath and winced at the lingering pain in his stomach, just hoping that his encounter was over. As if responding to his very thoughts the reptile rose to his feet in a disturbingly graceful fashion. He merely rubbed the back of his head and smiled, though David could see the unrestrained malice in his eyes.
"Leave now and I won't break your arms," spoke the reptile plainly. David could easily deduce that he planned to make good on his threat. He knew he could just walk, just stroll out the front doors, but he had no intention of forfeiting to this monster. David wondered where the security was and why they hadn't shown up yet. Maybe fights here were so common that most of them were just resolved by the participants. He knew he couldn't afford to stand his ground and lose focus, though he did wonder where that fox had gone. He liked him, more than he probably should have for a new acquaintance. He put his fists up and shook his head adamantly. "Good, I love a bloody fight!" exclaimed his aggressor, flexing his fingers and balling them into large fists. The reptile's friends had given him a wide berth and seemed loath to talk him down from his rage. None of the bystanders looked interested in stepping in, content to gander from the sidelines as if they were viewing a sporting game. A small crowd had gathered around them and David could no longer even see the bar anymore, sealing them both in with one another. He caught a flash of movement and realized his opponent was attempting a close quarters charge, predicting where his momentum would carry him. At such a short range he had little hope of dodging the chameleon, but he already had another idea that would be more effective. The big bastard smashed into him fully, pushing David back but unable to topple him. The blow had nearly knocked him senseless, but his reluctance to yield and sheer force of will kept him upright. He wrapped an arm around the chameleon's waist, holding on with a crushing grip. His opponent realized then what he was doing, slamming a fist between his shoulder blades in a desperate attempt to loosen him. David smiled and knew that he now had his opponent right where he wanted him. With a grunt and flex of his muscles he hauled the unfortunate fellow off his feet, an action which drew gasps and murmurs of surprise from those around them. With all of his remaining strength the orca slammed his baggage down against the hard tile floor, the chameleon crying out as the air was driven from his lungs. David stumbled backwards and reached towards a nearby chair, steadying himself until he could regain his equilibrium. He flexed his right arm, pain flaring through his bicep and shoulder. He figured he had just lifted about 300 pounds of scaly wrath with one arm, knowing that he would pay for that in the days to come. He gazed over to his fallen assailant, groaning and writhing on the floor as he futilely attempted to rise. He very well may have fractured his spinal column, but David didn't care. This asshole had picked a fight over something so trivial as a drink, all the better that he should have a lasting reminder of his arrogance and hot-blooded temper. The wall of patrons began to disperse as someone pushed forcefully through them, the orca looking up to meet the startled gaze of the shark he had met earlier. He narrowed his gaze at David, no doubt deciding if he was the cause of this commotion. He walked over and held his hand out, offering to help up the injured orca. David gladly accepted the support and used his uninjured arm to haul himself onto his feet.
"What happened here? I honestly hope you haven't gone and caused trouble after you've just gotten here. I'd hate for them to kick you out, you seem nice enough."

"Relax man, that douche-bag over there refused to pay for his drink and started hitting on the bartender. I stepped in and told him to have some manners, at which point he completely lost his shit and came at me," explained David, rubbing the back of his head uncomfortably. He hated having all these unknown people staring at him, their eyes anticipating more conflict. The shark looked over to the crumpled reptile and chuckled.

"Well it looks like you handled yourself nicely. The names Ray by the way, sorry I never told you earlier." Ray helped support David's weight, draping the orca's arm around his neck and shoulder, edging him over to a chair. David plopped down with a relieved sigh, arching back his neck and groaning from various sore areas on his body. He had not involved himself in a fight for quite some time, and it felt oddly cathartic being part of one again after so long. Though it was great stress relief it was not something he planned on doing again anytime soon. After making sure his new friend was comfortable, Ray set about dispersing the various people whom had gathered around the scene. As if on some unheard cue he saw the cute wolf he met earlier make his way over to his partner, the shark updating him on situation that had unfolded. He gasped in surprise as a pair of slender, feminine arms wrapped around his neck from behind. He immediately recognized who it was from the painted claws.

"You are either incredibly stupid or just admirably brave, maybe both. Whatever you are, thank you." The fox held the embrace, causing David to blush visibly. He stroked the soft fur of the fox's arms, watching as bystanders began walking away, no doubt satisfied by the event's conclusion. The fox drew his arms back and walked around the chair, sitting down onto the orca's lap gently. "You still owe me that backstory sugar." David smiled, intrigued by the bartender's persistence.

"Can I get a name first?" inquired David, placing a hand on the fox's hip. He giggled and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Fine then, you've earned it. My name is Laeus, and our mutual sea-going friend over there says your name is David?" The fox traced a claw over his chest as he nodded. David had to admit that the physical contact was turning him on immensely; just being so close to such an attractive foxy was making his heart race.

"So, want me to spill my guts in this exact spot?" The fox shook his head and laughed, pushing off of the orca and back onto his feet.

"Nah, I have a better place in mind. First I need to see if they'll let me leave a little early. If you'll give me a few minutes I'll meet you in the lobby darlin'."

Word had spread around the club about a buff orca who beat the hell out of an unruly chameleon. Though there were several other orcas in the club that night, none had quite the same impressive physique as David. As he sat in the lobby he knew he was being watched by others, their eyes filled with either lust or jealousy. Apparently an extensive display of strength made him enviable here, or maybe it was the fact he stood up for someone else in the face of a reptilian giant. Whatever the cause for the extra attention was David was starting to enjoy it. He had a few barely noticeable bruises from the quarrel but those would heal quickly. He remembered the satisfaction he felt in watching the chameleon getting carried forcefully out of the club by several bouncers, how it must have damaged his colossal pride. Shortly after that the feline and dragon he met earlier stopped by to chat with him. They had expressed their displeasure with their associate's actions and apologized for the trouble he caused. They were allowed to return to the club after the incident, as they did not instigate nor take part in the altercation. David had told them to find a new friend, which they agreed with before making their leave. It had only been little more than twelve minutes before Laeus, Ray, and the unnamed wolf strolled into the lobby, coming to a stop in front of him. David looked up and smiled, rising to his feet to greet his new friends.

"So we had a chat with the owners and they've decided to award you with four nights of free drinks, whatever you want with a limit of eight drinks per night. They were very grateful that you stepped in and stood up for Laeus before things got even nastier," announced the wolf, running a hand through his long gray hair. Before David could object to the special treatment the slender fox pressed against his side and poked his aching stomach.

"Just take it, it would mean a lot to us. You did a good thing out there." The orca sighed and nodded, grateful for the company and the lovely fox at his side.

"You are welcome back here anytime you want," added the shark, "I'm just glad to know we still have chivalrous patrons left. We get enough of the selfish pretty-boys with daddy issues and too much of their parents' cash to spend here."

"That seems to be the most common club-goer these days unfortunately," said David, wrapping his arm around the fox's slim waist. Laeus sighed and rested his head on David's shoulder, enjoying the warmth.

"Come on," spoke the fox, "let's go back to your place. I could use a change of scenery." David was taken aback by his statement, he figured that the fox would want to go back to his own place rather than a stranger's pad. But David also wondered if he was even a stranger anymore to Laues, after all he did take a few bruises standing up for him. He then thought about the state of his own apartment, skeptical of its cleanliness even though he had already tidied up that morning. As if sensing his apprehension, Laeus placed his hand over the orca's and clutching it tightly. "Hey, don't worry, I'm not there to judge your living room or anything."

"Yeah, guess I just have a habit of worrying about nothing," said David as he chuckled, looking back at the shark and wolf who were smiling at them intently.

"Well don't you both look rather adorable together?" giggled the twinkish wolf, kissing his boyfriend on the neck. Ray shuddered visibly and laughed, nodding as he gripped the wolf's hip in response. Laeus stuck his tongue out at them playfully.

"Careful guys, if he blushes it shows up quite clearly." The orca rolled his eyes and tugged on Laeus' shirt.

"I assume we're taking your car?" inquired David. "This place is close to where I live so I just walked here." The fox smiled and reached into a pocket, retrieving his keys.

"Well that works out rather perfectly I'd say. I'll see you guys later, try and keep this place contained for me while I'm gone!" David and his new friends exchanged their due farewells and departed with a few drinks in his system and a hot fox by his side. This night seemed to be improving steadily, he only hoped that divulging his innermost fears and phobias wouldn't scare off this attractive newcomer who had taken a keen interest in him.