The Digimon Diaper Sauna

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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I'm truly astonished that I haven't thrown this combination together yet, but here it is, Digimon in corruptive diapers!

Veemon and his friends go to a sauna to relax, but the sauna has secrets that may change their perspectives...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^.^

Agumon and Guilmon yanked at Veemon, the blue digimon whining as his friends dragged him towards a large log building. "Come on Veemon!" Agumon said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, it'll be great in there!" Guilmon said, they had been excited for their trip to the sauna for over two weeks while their friend Veemon had been resisting the whole time. Guilmon looked at his friend's annoyed expression, "Don't you look annoyed, we're here to have fun! I've gotten messages from some of my other friends that this place is so great, after they came out of the sauna they said that they were completely different Digimon!"

The blue digimon rolled his eyes, "Yeah, sure. And I'm going to come out digivolved." Veemon had never really liked the idea of digievolution, he liked staying as himself. He didn't want anything or anybody changing him, "Guys, we're already here. Do you really need to drag me these last few steps?"

The pair grinned, "Yes." They said simultaneously as they reached the door of the sauna, small digimon characters carved into the wood describing their saunas. "Life changing." One said, "The Digimon who worked he made me into a whole new digimon, I can't wait to come again!" Another said.

Veemon read them, his eyes showing how he wasn't impressed. "Sounds like they just paid some digimon to advertise..." His friend's weren't listening to his cynical remarks though, they smiled as a Gabumon poked his head out of the door.

"Welcome! You're the party of three for the next few days?" The Gabumon's face was good natured.

Guilmon nodded, his face also happy. "Yep, Guilmon, Agumon, and Veemon here to enjoy your sauna!" Veemon gave one last fruitless tug, but he knew that even if he pulled free that the nearest city was two days travel away.

Gabumon nodded, "Alright, come on in! I'll show you to your rooms and then get your food ready, follow me!" The trio walked in behind the Gabumon, the first thing the trio noticed was what the Gabumon was wearing. Over his legs were a pair of pants, and he wore a pink vest that complimented the digimon's blue fur nicely. Next they saw that the entrance to the sauna was surprisingly empty. Though it was gorgeous, around it were pictures of gorgeous hot springs, beautiful mountains, and amazing looking massages.

Looking at the pictures, Agumon and Guilmon finally let go of their friend, the blue digimon rubbing his wrists to let blood back in. The trio looked at pictures of different digimon doing different activities, rock climbing, hiking, swimming, you name it. The sauna was a place of relaxation and vacation, sports all of kinds allowed.

Though there was one thing that set all three on edge, "Hey Gabumon, why are we the only four out right now?" Guilmon inquired, his clawed hand set to his face curiously.

Gabumon chuckled, "Oh that? The other digimon are currently out on a hike, we usually have everyone in the staff and the digimon go, but today I stayed behind so I can greet you!"

The three digimon looked embarrassed, "We're sorry if we took you away from the hike." Agumon muttered sheepishly, the yellow dragon digimon looked down in shame along with his other two friends.

But Gabumon just laughed and waved their worries away, "Don't you three worry, I'm more than happy to come and help you adjust. The others won't be back until early tomorrow, plenty of time for you three to adjust before we get into the really fun stuff!" The ice digimon grinned back at them, and all of them, even Veemon smiled back. Something about the digimon was magnetic, they couldn't help but be happy around him.

Gabumon led them around the sauna, "Here are the climbing walls, we have many fun tournaments with different digimon climbing them." He smiled back at the trio who gawked at the tall walls, "Of course, no digimon is allowed to just fly to the top."

Next on the list was a huge swimming pool, at one end the bottom not even visible, "This is where we have our water sports. Water polo, water volleyball, oh and water dancing. That's a fun one for the water digimon, they use their natural abilities to dance through and on the water!" He grinned at them, the three imagining water spectacles.

They all peered out the window next, looking upon the tall mountains with trails cut through the woods, "This is obviously the mountain. Up here we have trails that can either last just an hour or two, or as the others went on, they can go for a day or sometimes two depending on the digimon." Veemon felt himself warming up to the sauna, all of the activities sounded fun.

But Veemon wouldn't admit that to either of his friends, they would rub it in his face. Guilmon glanced around, "This place is awesome! Though, I was wondering. Where are the hot springs?"

Gabumon gestured towards the back, "Come on, let me show you!" He started off, and for some reason, the trio thought they heard crinkling as he walked but none of them were brave enough to mention it. Following behind, they passed by some other facitilies, a gym, a kitchen, and even a salon.

Veemon leaned in close to Agumon, "You know, for a sauna. This place has a lot of amenities that seems like it'd be somewhere where you live forever."

The dragon nodded, "I was thinking the same thing, but I guess it's just for the longer staying patrons." Veemon nodded, though he was still doubtful.

Gabumon soon stopped in front of a door, "Here we are!" He called over his shoulder before throwing open the door and letting in a draft of hot air blow over them all, Veemon blinked a few times. He couldn't believe his eyes, the hot springs were even larger than the pool. It consisted of multiple hot springs, some shallower and some far far deeper.

All three digimon blinking in shock, Guilmon grinned, "Last one in is a rotten digiegg!" The other two sprinted behind him, Veemon tripping over his own feet and grunting as he hit the ground and the other two jumped in. They high fived as Veemon stood up and glared at them.

"Cheaters..." He muttered before sticking his tongue out jokingly, "Digiball!" He screamed as he launching himself into the air and curled up into a ball before splashing down, his friends sputtered and laughed as the horned digimon resurfaced. Gabumon smiled at the trio.

"I'll be back later to guide you back to your rooms, enjoy yourselves!" He said happily before skipping back inside the main building.

The trio enjoyed themselves, the heat glorious to the trio. While inside, Gabumon smiled mischievously, "Tonight." He said simply, someone in the shadows nodding in acknowledgement before slipping away.


Veemon said goodnight to his friends, Gabumon having led him to his room for the night. The digimon smiled, he had indeed enjoyed the day, now it was time for the blue lizard to rest. Walking to his bed, Veemon muttered in happiness as he hopped onto the bed it was so soft. Lying his head down, the digimon was completely relaxed. "Hi Veemon."

Jumping out of bed, Veemon glanced around in shock. "W... who?!"

From the shadows of the room, a familiar face approached the blue lizard. It was... "Gomamon?!" Veemon asked in shock, it was his friend, but something was off about the white water digimon. Usually his eyes were full of large emerald eyes that gleamed with life, but now they were filled with odd spirals. "Gomamon, is there something wrong?! And also, what are you doing here?!"

Gomamon chuckled, as he approached Veemon the blue lizard heard odd crinkling noises. "I came here a few months back Vee, and at first I didn't want to be here just like you. But Hawkmon brought me here, and he was just as excited as the others were..." Veemon knew that Hawkmon could be excitable, the crinkling was really loud, Veemon started to fear as Gomamon was almost right by the bed.

Veemon wanted to run, but something about the swirling eyes of his friend was keeping him pinned down. The swirling eyes were green and blue, Veemon felt fear clinging onto him hard. "G... Gomamon, something's wrong..."

Gomamon was finally in the full light, and Veemon saw that he was wearing a diaper. Veemon flinched, but Gomamon just giggled. "This is what the sauna has given me, and its given me a new lease on life! Just like Hawkmon."

From right behind Veemon, another familiar voice sounded. "Yes, it's the best Veemon! I'm so glad that we've been chosen to induct you." Veemon knew the voice, Hawkmon.

Veemon found himself still locked in place, suddenly something was slipped between his legs and was being taped on the sides. The blue digimon's face started to turn red, both in embarrassment and rage, "What is this?! Hawkmon, Gomamon, something is wrong with you two!"

But Gomamon and Hawkmon only giggled, the childlike sound putting Veemon on edge. "Not at all Veemon, you won't see it like that when your new diaper sees to your change!"

Suddenly, Veemon yipped as he felt the diaper spark against his skin. Above his head, an updater bar appeared, "Update?" A voice asked, Veemon tried to say no but Hawkmon and Gomamon said yes cheerfully.

Veemon gasped, it wasn't one of pain it was one of... glee. A horrible feeling of cheerfulness suddenly filled the digimon up, it was as if someone had thrown a switch in Veemon's head, a begrudging smile spread across Veemon's face as his eyes slid down. "W... what's... happening?"

Gomamon and Hawkmon stood in front of him, Gomamon's eyes the green and blue while Hawkmon's were brown and red, "You're joining us!" They said happily, they were both wearing extremely comfy looking diapers.

Veemon winced, why had he thought them as looking comfortable? The digimon's eyes were already being changed as the update bar filled up, they shifted from the normal color to stripes of green and red swirling in his eyes. Veemon moaned, he didn't want to give in, but the diaper felt so good! He rubbed the diaper, giggling as it crinkled.

The other two could see that he was giving in to the new urges, "Come on Vee! Just a little more and you'll be another member of the sauna!" That sounded good to Veemon, if he just gave in he'd be just like the others, and he could wear the diaper everywhere!

The update bar pinged and the diaper glowed as the tape on the sides disappeared, the diaper was now a permanent part of the digimon. Veemon grinned happily, he was now one of them, a Diaper Digimon! "Thank you guys so much!" He said as he jumped off of his bed, diaper crinkling as he smiled as his new brethren. "Guilmon and Agumon are missing out though, we need to induct them too!"

His friends giggled, "Believe us, we already have some others on that job!"


Guilmon yawned, he hadn't been able to sleep so he decided that he wanted to go see how Agumon was faring. He knocked on the digimon's door, "Agumon, can I come in?"

For a moment, there was no answer, Guilmon assumed that his friend was asleep but then his friend answered. "Yeah Guilmon!"

The red lizard sighed in relief, his ears twitching in relief as he opened the door, the room was really dark. Closing the door behind him, Guilmon squinted his eyes, "Agumon? It's really dark in here, you're not trying to surprise me, are you?"

There was no answer this time, he wandered into the middle of the room and looked around, he looked upon the bed but his yellow dragon friend wasn't there. "Agumon?" Suddenly the silence was broken by Agumon's voice.

"Pepper blast!" A fireball hit Guilmon knocking him down, it wasn't Agumon's strongest attack, it actually felt like it was an extremely weak attack from him.

"Why did you attack me Agumon?!" Guilmon asked in fear, he was hurt as he had been attacked by such a close friend.

Then another voice shocked him, Veemon's. "Because Guil, we needed to help you!" Guilmon's eyes widened in shock as he found something being shoved between his legs and heard the sound of tape being applied.

"What in the digiworld?!" The darkness of the room lessened a bit as Agumon turned on some lights, within the digimon's eyes were yellow and black swirls and he was wearing a thick diaper as well. "Agumon, Veemon, what are you two wearing?!"

Veemon giggled, "The same thing you're wearing silly!" Guilmon looked down and saw a thick diaper on him, "Get this off of me!" But before he could try to pull it off, a update bar appeared above his head.

"Update?" Veemon and Agumon practically sang yes, Guilmon lurched over, it felt as if something were corrupting his programming.

Guilmon panted, his coding was being rewritten by the diaper, and to be honest... he didn't mind it. In fact he was feeling really happy, even though he didn't want to. Within the digimon's eyes red and black swirls appeared, a smile started to spread across his muzzle. "This feels good..."

His friends nodded, "Let it in Guilmon!" For a moment he resisted, thinking of home and getting out. But then he gasped as the diaper became a part of him, the update meter completing. He grinned at his brothers, they all hugged, their diapers crinkling.

The door swung open and Gabumon peered in on them, "I'm glad that you guys have become our brothers! Come on out, we have to make it official!"


Gabumon grinned at the assembly of diapered digimon, each giggling as their diaper crinkling, all of them with childish personalities. "Please help me welcome our new brothers everyone! Agu, Guil, and Vee!" Gabumon had discarded his pants in favor for his crinkly thick diaper, though he continued to wear the pink vest.

The trio smiled as they came to the front of the stage in their thick diapers, and they couldn't imagine ever leaving their new home. The diapers had completely made the trio happy with their new lot in life, as the other digimon welcomed them they all giggled, they were happy. All thoughts of leaving were gone, the diapered digimon were now permanent residents, and they couldn't be happier. Now to write to their friends and tell them how good it was to come to the sauna...