Human Anthro War Part 4

Story by JamesRedtail on SoFurry

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#6 of War

the dream or vision

'Shade! Shade! You must find Terra, your wife, she is in danger. You must find her before it is too late.' The voice said. Shade was standing on a green hill in a forest. He was overlooking a vast valley with a castle at the end of the valley. "I thought the humans didn't have castles anymore." Shade said to himself. He continued to look over the valley and saw a huge human army marching towards him. 'Is this a dream? or is this a vision?' he thought to himself. He couldn't believe his eyes but the voices told him his wife was in danger. What was she in danger against? Was something attacking her? Was she going to be captured? He didn't know how to answer these questions but he knew who to go to. The All-Knowing Hare knew all answers to any question you asked him, but you had to pay a price to get your question answered. That is what Shade and his squad needed to do next. The room started to go dark and heard the voices again, 'Sir get up! We are being attacked. Help sir, HELP!'

Shade awoke with a startle. Private Birdeye was shaking him. "We are being attacked sir!"